SOCRATES PROJECT Subproject COMENIUS EU PROJECT - GB CRISIS MANAGEMENT - catastrophe theory Aquatic / NATURAL WATER Natural disasters HYDROTERORIZMUS EU COUNTRIES Faculty of Agriculture University of South Bohemia in the Czech Budejovice Czech Republic 2011 P.T. The management of universities, colleges, secondary schools, etc. ______________________ ** Education provides fun, adventure and um, in case of flooding and safe ... Faculty of Agriculture University of South Bohemia in the Czech Budejovice The text contains only key messages and ideas (brainstorming). Has not undergone language editing. Subject: Important information about the project JČU ZF BW implement EU projects, to get its partners First PROJECT: Socrates / Comenius / CEP Second INTENTION: Involvement in the Comenius project, long-term creative / professional / educational cooperation in education, training, education, university / college / high school outside the EU's extension to the general public at the same place, also graduates of other / not involved university / etc., To promote e-learning, scientific and technological innovation in range of flood protection, ENVI, EVA, science and technology parks Third PROJECT TOPIC solved: • Theory of Disaster • Prevention and flood forecasting • Management of crisis situations • Disaster Logistics • Intergenerational communication of flood risk • Flood trails • Tsunami 2004 * Santa 4th Initiator plan / project promoters / Spiritus Rector 5th ANTICIPATED COOPERATION / PARTNERS: • FH JCU CB, GB • FH Wroclaw, PL • FH Kosice, SK • Ioan Slavica University, Timisoara, RO • Aj. University / college / high school CZ / EU 6th APPLICATION FRAMEWORK GRANTS: PHASE I (1) Mobility, tutorials, etc. (2) Preparatory work (3) A series of lectures on the project university / college / high school - CRISIS MANAGEMENT catastrophe theory (4) Purchase ©, photo / film / other * (5) Production of master (6) Translation (7) Info, marketing, PR, PR sector VVVO, NATO, UN, UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP, etc. (8) e-Distribution e-UP (9) The e-UP in educational practice (10) Analysis of the benefits of e-up, synthesis absentee info, as the country experiences a crisis, and their incorporation into the theme / media / media (11) Update e-UP (12) The use of ditto in the pedagogical practices of individual countries II. STAGE (1) Similarly as above, e-innovation cyclisation UP (2) Acquisition of other schools for collaboration across existing branch / university / college / high school spectrum, countries participating in the project 7th OUTPUT: Contemporary / multilingual teaching aid to the e-media, for i / e-presentation, e-book reader / NTB PPP, designed for e-learning, beyond meaning / use of continent 5th ANTICIPATED COOPERATION / PARTNERS: • FH JCU CB, GB • FH Wroclaw, PL • FH Kosice, SK • Ioan Slavica University, Timisoara, RO • Aj. University / college / high school CZ / EU 6th APPLICATION FRAMEWORK GRANTS: PHASE I (1) Mobility, tutorials, etc. (2) Preparatory work (3) A series of lectures on the project university / college / high school - CRISIS MANAGEMENT catastrophe theory (4) Purchase ©, photo / film / other * (5) Production of master (6) Translation (7) Info, marketing, PR, PR sector VVVO, NATO, UN, UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP, etc. (8) e-Distribution e-UP (9) The e-UP in educational practice (10) Analysis of the benefits of e-up, synthesis absentee info, as the country experiences a crisis, and their incorporation into the theme / media / media (11) Update e-UP (12) The use of ditto in the pedagogical practices of individual countries II. STAGE (1) Similarly as above, e-innovation cyclisation UP (2) Acquisition of other schools for collaboration across existing branch / university / college / high school spectrum, countries participating in the project 7th OUTPUT: Contemporary / multilingual teaching aid to the e-media, for i / e-presentation, e-book reader / NTB PPP, designed for e-learning, beyond meaning / use of continent 8th OBJECT OF THE PARTNERSHIP: • Analysis of current situation - reconnaissance shortcomings - synthesis of findings in the issue of natural disasters; conclusions, incorporation of the theme / scenario technical / literary, DS output in the countries involved - university / college / high school • Mutual exchange of students / teachers in the practices, exercises, seminars, excursions, etc., for the purpose of familiarization with the respective localities crisis / solutions / etc. / Etc., Country 9th Language / SEE DISTRIBUTION TERRITORIES: CZ / SK / GB / D / PL / RO / RU, and the corresponding state geographic territory 10th Staging PROJECT: According to project requirements / options partners 11th ANTICIPATED DURATION: 5 year + 12th CURRENT STATUS: The management of FH JCU CB discussed the possibility of involvement in the Comenius / EU /, in the management of crisis situations - flood hazard / event - hydroterorizmu, with the above sbj.; Their tacit disapproval 13th OBJECTIVE / PROJECT OUTPUT: (1) Professional, educational involvement / partnership linking educational entities in the field (2) Application of the latest scientific information / knowledge / needs in professional publications / PP presentation, then practice; use in countries / regions / EU close (3) Development of sample teaching materials for e-learning, respectful experience in the fight against flood hazards in individual states, see the local "flood" rivers, lakes, seas, "Lightning / Moth" sites vs. others. Human Settlements, then for use on pankontinentu (4) software solutions - the most modern technology with the possibility of reducing their versions for less developed countries, incl. respecting handicapped (5) licensing partner schools / countries to use e-UP/EU (6) The possibility of cyclical upgrading, technological / thematic / intellectual, economically inexpensive (e-) (7) Improving students / staff in the professional foreign language teachers see a sectoral basis, farmers, environmentalists, hydrologists, hydro meteorologs, water managers, fishermen, rescue, and other interested professions; see safety engineering, etc. (8) Dissemination of the EU's reputation, academic / teaching community participating countries, global scale, PR articles in periodicals UNESCO, UN, WMO, UNDP, UNEP, WWF, NATO (see Alliance problems of modern society) (9) Support hegemony friendship, education, understanding, support, cooperation, ideas planet without conflict / terrorism / wars 14th PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS: (1) Competitiveness with educational / info products: FEMA, WMO, UNESCO, NATO (2) Respect for the job, increase the practical use of e-learning in the languages of participating countries for the proper / combined, distance learning (3) Support the training of teachers , ie for the later interpretation of the teacher educators / trainers courses in the area of crisis management, then to the public, professional / amateur (4) Scientific and technological innovation in fields hydroekologie / flood control / anti-(hydro) terrorism, survival (5) Innovation in didactics, e-learning of the above disciplines; relatively complex package of necessary information - see LOGISTICS DISASTER; PC voice control for blind / visually impaired citizens, see also BP, contrast, zoom, bas-relief (6) Innovation in the spectrum of trace information / education towards the young generation in the home / family / else seniores now also here in the realization of the intergenerational COMMUNICATION flood hazard (UN) as a long-term beneficial universities on third age, sbj. lifelong learning at universities / elsewhere, and similar to them in various foreign-language territories Evidence / confirmation seniors unique role, his intellectual power / application of experience in modern society, with respect to the prolongation of age (WHO * 140 years), living contents / meaning of existence / safety (7) Finally, the provision of e-up as an object of humanitarian, intellectual, technical assistance to countries, so-called lay judges / close / observers of the EU (see Eritrea, Ethiopia, etc.), ie in which the EU has its philanthropic / scientific / educational / charitable / other interests such as: protection of wildlife, protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO, incl. nepotism biodiversity of the seas and oceans, as well as communicating their coasts and territorial waters to the global ocean, ie access the sea route for EU countries, see support / implementation of tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism / development aid / etc. in these countries (8) Furthermore, as the subject VVVO in education, environment, OP, agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, protection of water resources the planet, eco-tourism, agro tourism, cognitive / educational for students and seniors, seawatching, expo, etc., to help countries III. world. See, eg, project SMALL ISLANDS - UNESCO (similarly, implementation of public aquarium / oceanarium, see EAZA / WAZA, water parks (EDU), the undeveloped / etc. countries with the education compulsory; here as a source of income from tourism / main source, see "island empire" 15th Advantages PRODUCT IN THE FIELDS: (1) Natural medicine, popularization, U3A, etc.: The project outlines the region can lay alternative medicine / pharmacy crises and disasters, from the available natural and agricultural resources in the participating countries, ie mainly in the segment, Phytotherapy, agroterapy, (see Agroproducts with beneficial effects on human health), as economically appropriate / available outputs especially for less developed territories, as well as less solvent families, n people who prefer antiaging / WHO * 140/alternative medicine, otherwise free side of the health effects See the overall support / increase of activities / prestige selfmedicine, prevention / selfmedicine, diet, naturopathy, homeopathy, prolongation of age, healthy modern lifestyle, etc., in 21, ie preferences goods nature - materies See also used for: survival, firemen, military, etc., in disasters / wars, the health / economic distress (2) E-learning, see above (3) Lifelong learning: see above (4) University 3 age above (5) Intergenerational communication of flood risk - flood Nature trails, etc., as a nonviolent / needed enlightenment of the subject of eco-tourism, agro tourism, cognitive / educational, river watching students / teachers / seniors /, etc., see the financial income of the CR / EVA (6) WATER TEMPLE - DEPARTMENT Waters - Hope of humanity; Virtual Hall (elearning), AQUAALTA - aquatic natural disasters / solution; Google FP global e-UP (7) Effective targeted product applications / e-UP for economic / other assistance to less developed countries, as an object of assistance, including for the acquisition of local benefits, the school / academic, economic, political, others for the EU, see Support democracy as an ethical standard, as well as for EU Member States involved / university project (8) Advertising / PR / marketing of the participating universities / / college / high school, etc. in the project for the purpose of obtaining permanent students from EU countries, also from the assessors territories of EU accession, as a significant activities / way to increase the number of university students / college / high school, CZ / SK (9) e-Book TRIUMF WATER - a collection of documentary photographs of flood disasters in member countries, supplemented by social documentary photography (disabled element), at the time, creating illustration / portfolio information documenting the phenomenon of flooding in the paintings and the human society in space and time 21 16th OTHER: At the participating schools can be, depending on interest, accompanied by screenings, lectures and educational videos PPP - on CRISIS MANAGEMENT - catastrophe theory