The e-up! - Volkswagen

The e-up!
Environmental Commendation –
Background Report
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
The Life Cycle Assessment of the e-up! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1. The models assessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1. Objective and target group of the assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2. Function and functional unit of the vehicle systems assessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3. Scope of assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4. Environmental impact assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.5. Basis of data and data quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6. Sensitivity analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2. Model assumptions and definitions for the Life Cycle Assessment . . . . . . . . . 16
3. Results of the Life Cycle Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1. Results of the Life Cycle Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2. Comparison of the Life Cycle Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5. Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6. Environmental impact categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Bibliography and list of sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
The Life Cycle Assessment of the e-up!
The Environmental Goals of Technical Development at Volkswagen include the
continuous improvement of Volkswagen products and plants with respect to
environmental compatibility. Under the heading of “Think Blue. Engineering.”,
it is the objective of Volkswagen to develop its vehicles and components in such a
way that, in their entirety, they each present better environmental properties than
their predecessors or the relevant reference models. 1
Ever since 1996, Volkswagen has been using Life Cycle Inventories and/or Life Cycle
Assessments to document the environmental performance of its vehicles and
technologies. Through these Environmental Commendations Volkswagen provides
its customers, shareholders and other stakeholders inside and outside the company
with detailed information about how it is making its products and production
processes more environmentally compatible and what has been achieved in this
respect. The Environmental Commendations are based on detailed Life Cycle
Assessments (LCA) in accordance with ISO 14040/44, which are verified by independent experts, such as TÜV NORD. As part of an integrated product policy, in this way
Volkswagen considers not only individual environmental aspects such as the driving
emissions, but the entire product life cycle – from production and use right through to
disposal – in other words “from cradle to grave”.
In this particular Environmental Commendation, Volkswagen presents the results
of one such complete Life Cycle Assessment. Volkswagen has compared the new
electrically powered e-up! (PSM, 60 kW) both with a conventionally powered model
variant 3 and with the especially economical conventional model with BlueMotion
Technology (BMT) 4. In addition, the Environmental Commendation also considers
the impact of the source of the electricity used to power for the e-up! For this
purpose, a conventional power mix (EU-27) is compared with an eco-power product
(“BluePower”) offered by Volkswagen’s cooperation partner LichtBlick. The main
focus of the comparisons is on five environmental impact categories.
1 Environmental Goals of Technical Development:
2 11.7 kWh/100 km (combined), 0 g CO2/km (combined).
3 5.6/3.9/4.5 l/100km (urban/highway/combined), 105 g CO2/km (combined).
4 5.0/3.6/4.1 l/100 km (urban/highway/combined), 95 g CO2/km (combined).
5 Data for the EU-27 power mix are from 2012; data for “Blue Power” are from the first quarter of 2013.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
1. The models assessed
Volkswagen’s Environmental Commendation for the e-up! describes and analyses
the environmental impacts of selected up! models. When it was introduced, the up!
represented an entirely new vehicle concept within the Volkswagen brand model
range. For this reason, it is not possible to compare it with its direct predecessor,
which is the normal practice for Environmental Commendations. Volkswagen has
therefore compared the e-up! with the conventional reference models up! and up!
with BMT. These models have comparable utilisation characteristics (see Table 1) and
are offered on the European market as conventional petrol-engined models in parallel
to the e-up! from the date of its market launch.
The results are based on Life Cycle Assessments drawn up in accordance with the
standards DIN EN ISO 14040 [ISO 2009] and 14044. All the definitions and descriptions
required for preparing these Life Cycle Assessments were drawn up in accordance
with the standards mentioned above and are explained below.
1.1. Objective and target group of the assessment
Volkswagen has been conducting Life Cycle Assessments for over ten years to provide
detailed information on the environmental impacts of vehicles and components for
its customers, shareholders and other interested parties within and outside the
The aim of this particular Life Cycle Assessment is to describe the environmental
profiles of the e-up! and compare it with a reference model. For this purpose, the up!
1.0 MPI (44 kW) in its basic version and in a version with Blue Motion Technology were
compared with the e-up! PSM (60 kW).
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
1.2. Function and functional unit of the vehicle systems assessed
The “functional unit” for the assessment was defined as the transportation of
passengers in a small vehicle over a total distance of 150,000 kilometres in the
New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) with comparable utilisation characteristics
such as performance (see technical data in Table 1).
Table 1: Technical data of vehicles assessed
up! 1.0 MPI
up! 1.0 MPI
Engine capacity
Output [kW]
5-speed manual
5-speed manual
petrol (Super)
petrol (Super)
Emission standard
Euro 5
Euro 5
Maximum speed
0–100 km/h [s]
80–120 km/h [s]
Maximum torque
Unladen weight [kg] 6
Luggage space [l]
Fuel tank volume [l]
18.7/50 kWh/A
6 Unladen vehicle weight with driver 68 kg, 7 kg luggage and fuel tank 90 % full, determined in accordance
with Directive 92/21/EEC [EU 1992] as amended (04/2009).
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
1.3. Scope of assessment
The scope of the assessment was defined in such a way that all relevant processes
and substances are considered and traced back to the furthest possible extent by
modelling them at the level of elementary flows in accordance with ISO 14040. This
means that only substances and energy flows taken directly from the environment
or released into the environment without prior or subsequent treatment exceed the
scope of the assessment. The only exceptions to this rule are the material fractions
formed at the recycling stage.
The vehicle manufacturing phase was modelled including all manufacturing and
processing stages for all vehicle parts and components. The model includes all steps
from the extraction of raw materials and the manufacture of semifinished products
through to assembly.
For the lithium-ion batteries, an in-house model was developed in cooperation with
suppliers on the basis of the current state of the art. It is assumed that the service life
of the battery will correspond to that of the vehicle.
As regards the use phase of the vehicle, the model includes all relevant processes from
fuel production and delivery through to the actual driving. The analysis of the fuel
supply process includes shipment from the oilfield to the refinery, the refining process
and transportation from the refinery to the filling station. The analysis of electric
power supply includes power generation, network losses and provision at the
charging point. Vehicle maintenance is not included in the assessment as previous
studies demonstrated that maintenance does not cause any significant environmental
impacts [Schweimer and Roßberg 2001].
The recycling phase has been modelled in accordance with the Volkswagen SiCon
process. In contrast to conventional recycling approaches, this process allows
non-metallic shredder residue to also be recycled and used as a substitute for primary
raw materials. Using this process, approximately 95 percent of a car by weight can be
recycled. [Krinke et al. 2005a]. As regards the recycling of the lithium-ion battery, the
dismantling of the components was taken as the system limit and no further credit
was awarded for recycling.
In this Life Cycle Assessment, no environmental credits were awarded for the
secondary raw material obtained from the recycling process. Only the environmental
impacts of the recycling processes required were included. This corresponds to a
worst case assumption 7, since in reality secondary raw material from vehicle recycling
is generally returned to the production cycle. This recycling and substitution of
primary raw materials avoids the environmental impact of primary raw material
Here the worst case is the set of least favourable model parameters of the recycling phase.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram indicating the scope of the Life Cycle Assessment.
Europe was chosen as the reference area for all processes in the manufacture, use
and recycling phases.
Production of raw material
Production of materials
Production of components
Production > pipeline
Transport > refinery
Transport > filling station
Energy supply
Recovery of energy
and raw materials
Fig. 1: Scope of the Life Cycle Assessment
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
1.4. Environmental impact assessment
The impact assessment is based on the latest version (November 2010) of a method
developed at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands (CML methodology 8)
[Guinée and Lindeijer 2002]. The assessment of environmental impact potentials in
accordance with this method is based on recognised scientific models. A total of five
environmental impact categories were identified as relevant and were then assessed
in this study 9 :
• eutrophication potential (EP)
• ozone depletion potential (ODP)
• photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP)
• global warming potential for a reference period of 100 years (GWP)
• acidification potential (AP)
The above environmental impact categories were chosen on the basis of recognised
scientific publications with a view to taking into consideration the priorities of the
Sixth Environmental Action Programme of the European Community for 2002–2012
[EP 2002]. These categories are particularly important for the automotive sector and
are also regularly used in other automotive-related Life Cycle Assessments [Schmidt
et al. 2004; Krinke et al. 2005b].
The environmental impacts determined in the Life Cycle Assessments are measured
in different units. For instance, global warming potential is measured in CO2 equivalents and acidification potential in SO2 equivalents (each in kilograms). In order to
make them comparable, a “normalisation” process is also necessary. In this Life Cycle
Assessment the results were normalised with reference to the average annual
environmental impact caused by the European Union (EU-25) 10 (see Table 2).
This normalisation allows statements to be made regarding the contribution of a
product to total environmental impacts in Western Europe. The results can then be
presented on a graph using the same scale. This approach also makes the results
more comprehensible and allows environmental impacts to be compared.
Information on this method can be found at
9 A detailed description of the environmental impact categories applied can be found in Chapter 6:
“Environmental impact categories” and on the internet at
10 EU-25 describes the economic area covered by the European Union up to 2007. Data records for the
normalisation of all 27 European Union states or Europe as a geographical reference area were not
available at the time the Life Cycle Assessment was drawn up.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Table 2: EU-25 “normalisation” factors in line with CML 2001–11/2010
(in thousand tonnes) [PE International 2003]
Environmental category
Eutrophication potential
PO4 equivalents
Ozone depletion potential
R11 equivalents
Photochemical ozone creation
ethene equivalents
Gobal warming potential
CO2 equivalents
Acidification potential
SO2 equivalents
Table 2 shows the normalisation factors laid down in the CML methodology for the
individual impact categories. In this context it must be pointed out that normalisation
does not give any indication of the ecological relevance of a particular environmental
impact, i.e. it does not imply any judgement on the significance of individual
environmental impacts.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
1.5. Basis of data and data quality
The data used for preparing the Life Cycle Assessment can be subdivided into product
data and process data. “Product data” describes the product itself, and among other
things includes:
• Information on parts, quantities, weights and materials
• Information on fuel consumption and emissions during utilisation
• Information on recycling volumes and processes
“Process data” includes information on manufacturing and processing steps such as
the provision of electricity, the production of materials and semifinished goods,
fabrication and the production of fuel and consumables. This information is either
obtained from commercial databases (GaBi 6 databases) or in specific cases compiled
by Volkswagen (e.g. paintshop, final assembly, hot-stamped steel) or by suppliers
(tyres). 11 The process data for the production of the lithium-ion battery are based on
information collected by Volkswagen in cooperation with suppliers and the resulting
Life Cycle Assessment model. 12
This means that the data represent the materials, production and other processes as
accurately as possible from a technological, temporal and geographical point of view.
For the most part, published industrial data are used that are as current as possible
and relate to Europe 13. Where European data are not available, German data are used
(e.g. for polyamide). For the different vehicles considered, the same data were used on
upstream supply chains for energy sources and materials. This means that differences
between the petrol-engined and electric models are entirely due to changes in component weights, material compositions, manufacturing processes at Volkswagen and
driving emissions, and not to changes in the raw material, energy and component
supply industries.
The Life Cycle Assessment model for vehicle production was developed using
Volkswagen’s slim LCI methodology 14 [Koffler et al. 2007]. Vehicle parts lists were used
as data sources for product data, and the weight and materials of each product were
taken from the Volkswagen material information system (MISS). This information was
then linked to the corresponding process data in the Life Cycle Assessment software
Material inputs, processing procedures and the selection of data in GaBi 6 are
standardised to the greatest possible extent, ensuring that the information provided
by slim LCI is consistent and transparent. The slim LCI methodology ensures not only
highly detailed modelling but also a high quality standard for LCA models.
14 10
Reference year for data: final assembly (2005), paintshop (2012), hot-stamped steel (2011), tyres (2011).
Reference year for data: production of lithium-ion battery (2012).
The data used are sourced from the GaBi 6 database.
Further information on the slim LCI methodology and on the preparation of Life Cycle Assessments at Volkswagen
can be found on the internet at
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
In practice, the occurrence of deviations is minimised by an additional manual check
of the component weights indicated in the parts list. Consequently, the slim LCI
method is considered stable, as previous studies have already shown [Koffler 2007].
For the modelling of the vehicle’s use phase, representative data for upstream fuel
supply chains are taken from the GaBi database. It is assumed that fuels used in
Europe are transported over an average distance of 200 kilometres. For electric power
provision, network and transformation losses from the power station onwards are
assumed. 15 For the regulated emissions CO2, NOx and HC/NMHC, direct driving
emissions for the vehicles assessed are modelled individually in line with the Euro 5
emission standards (see Table 3 and Table 4).
Table 3: Emission limits in accordance with Euro 5
Regulated emissions
Euro 5
Carbon monoxide emissions (CO)
Nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx)
Hydrocarbon emissions (HC)
of which NMHC emissions
15 Average network losses: 6.3 %.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
This model too represents a worst case assumption, since actual emissions are in
some cases far below the applicable legal limits (see Table 4). This means that the
regulated use-phase emissions indicated in the graphs are higher than those that
actually occur.
Table 4: Consumption and emissions of vehicles assessed
up! 1.0 MPI
(44 kW)
up! 1.0 MPI
(44 kW)
petrol (Super)
petrol (Super)
Fuel consumption
combined) [l/100 km] *
11.7 kWh/
100 km
Emission standard
Euro 5
Euro 5
Euro 5
Carbon dioxide emissions
(combined) [g/km]
CO [g/km]
NOx [g/km]
HC [g/km]
NMHC [g/km]
* Total average consumption (NEDC)
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
The fuel or energy consumption of the vehicles is also shown in Table 4. All consumption figures and emissions were determined on the basis of EU Directives 80/268/EEC
and 70/220/EEC [EU 2001; EU 2004] and regulation 692/2008 [EU 2008] for type
ap­­proval. They therefore correspond to the values presented to the German Federal
Motor Transport Authority (Kraftfahrtbundesamt) for type approval. A sulphur content
of 10 ppm 16 was assumed for petrol. For the e-up! two scenarios with different origins
for the power consumed were assumed: a generic representative European power
mix (EU 27) and BluePower, an eco-power product from our cooperation partner
Vehicle recycling was modelled on the basis of data from the Volkswagen SiCon
process 17 and using representative data from the GaBi database. For the recycling of
the lithium-ion batteries 18, the dismantling of the components was defined as a
system limit and no further credit was awarded.
In sum, all information relevant to the aims of this study was collected and modelled
with a sufficient degree of completeness. 19 The modelling of vehicle systems on the
basis of vehicle parts lists ensures that the model is complete, especially with respect
to the manufacturing phase. As the work processes required are automated to a great
extent, any differences in the results are due solely to changes in product data and not
to deviations in the modelling system.
In line with the provisions of the EU Fuel Quality Directive [EU 2009]. Even if the sulphur content were higher,
the contribution of sulphur emissions during the use phase of the vehicle would still remain negligible.
Reference year for data: Volkswagen SiCon process (2006).
Reference year for data: battery recycling (2012).
Completeness, as defined by ISO 14040, must always be considered with reference to the objective of the
investigation. In this case, completeness means that the main materials and processes have been mapped.
Any remaining gaps in the data are unavoidable and apply equally to all the vehicles compared.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
1.6. Sensitivity analysis
Further investigation of the methods applied was based on error estimation and
sensitivity analysis for representative components. Various components (angular
contact ball bearing and LTGS radio) of the e-up! were examined. The weights of
various materials used in the components were changed. Depending on the parameters revised, this led to a weight increase of the respective component by a factor of
1.5 to 3. In terms of global warming potential, this change in the component parameters resulted in a mean deviation of 0.06 % per component for the manufacturing
stage. Over the full life cycle, this equates to a deviation of 0.058 % per component.
For error estimation purposes, the calculated deviation was magnified by 100. If an
error of this magnitude were to be assumed in the data record used and carried over
into the LCA model, it would result in a 2.1 % deviation in the total Life Cycle Assessment.
In line with expectations, changes to the battery system have a more significant
leverage effect on the assessment for the manufacturing stage of the e-up! On average
over all impact categories, an increase in the number of battery modules from 17 to
18 results in a change of 2.32 %. A change in the energy content from 18.7/50 kWh/A to
19/50 kWh/A results in a deviation of 0.65 %. However, if the number of battery
modules were increased, for example by adding 10 further modules, this would still
only have an impact of 22 % on the overall Life Cycle Assessment on average.
In general terms, the assessment therefore remains stable over the entire vehicle life
cycle. However, major deviations with respect to the manufacturing phase could
occur if the data of key components with a strong leverage effect were determined on
an incorrect technical basis.
Table 5 shows the deviation in the LCA over the entire life cycle if type approval data
are used for the petrol-engined models instead of the EU limits.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Table 5: Comparison of the EU limits and type approval values for the use phase
and effect on Life Cycle Assessment
up! 1.0 MPI
(44 kW)
up! BMT 1.0 MPI
(44 kW)
e-up! with
EU-27 power mix
e-up! with
BluePower eco-power
Impact category
Total (life cycle)
with EU limit
Total (life cycle)
with type approval
GWP [t]
POCP [kg]
AP [kg]
ODP [g]
EP [kg]
GWP [t]
POCP [kg]
AP [kg]
ODP [g]
EP [kg]
GWP [t]
POCP [kg]
AP [kg]
ODP [g]
EP [kg]
GWP [t]
POCP [kg]
AP [kg]
ODP [g]
EP [kg]
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
2. 2. Model assumptions and definitions
for the Life Cycle Assessment
All the framework conditions and assumptions defined for the Life Cycle Assessment
are outlined below.
Table 6: Assumptions and definitions for the Life Cycle Assessment
Aim of the Life Cycle Assessment
• Comparison of the environmental profiles of the electric e-up! and the
conventional petrol-engined models up! and up! BMT
Scope of assessment
Function of systems
• Transport of passengers
Functional unit
• Transport of passengers over a total distance of 150,000 kilometres
in the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), with comparable utilisation
characteristics (e.g. performance)
• Comparable performance figures
• Cars with standard equipment and fittings
System limits
• The system limits include the entire life cycle of the cars
(manufacture, use phase and recycling phase)
• Assumption that the lithium-ion batteries will be produced in Japan
(Japanese power mix)
• Battery service life corresponding to the utilization phase of 150,000 km
• Battery recycling ends with dismantling
Cut-off criteria
• Cut-off criteria applied in GaBi data records, as described in the software
documentation (
• The assessment does not include vehicle maintenance or repairs
• No environmental impact credits are awarded for secondary raw materials
• Explicit cut-off criteria, such as weight or relevance limits, are not applied,
as these are not required in view of the structure of the model
• Allocations used in GaBi data records, as described in the software
documentation (
• No further allocations are used as they are not required
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Data basis
• Volkswagen vehicle parts lists
• Material and weight information from the Volkswagen Material
Information System (MISS)
• Technical data sheets
• Technical drawings
• Emission limits (for regulated emissions) laid down in current EU legislation
• The data used comes from the GaBi database or was collected in cooperation
with Volkswagen plants, suppliers or industrial partners
Life Cycle Inventory results
• Life Cycle Inventory results include emissions of CO2, CO, SO2, NOx,
NMVOC, CH4, as well as consumption of energy resources
• The impact assessment includes the environmental impact categories
eutrophication potential, ozone depletion potential, photochemical ozone
creation potential, global warming potential for a reference period of
100 years and acidification potential
• Normalisation of the results
• Life Cycle Assessment software GaBi 6, and GaBi DfX Tool and
slim LCI interface as support tools (Service Pack 22)
• Evaluation of Life Cycle Inventory and impact assessment results,
subdivided into life cycle phases and individual processes
• Comparisons of impact assessment results of the vehicles compared
• Interpretation of results
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
3. Results of the Life Cycle Assessment
3.1. Results of the Life Cycle Inventory
The information in the Life Cycle Inventories is divided into the three life cycle
phases: manufacturing, use phase and recycling. The use phase is subdivided into
the environmental impact caused by the upstream fuel or electric power supply
chain and direct driving emissions. The contribution shown for recycling only
indicates the impacts of recycling processes but does not include any environmental
impact credits for secondary raw materials produced.
The Life Cycle Inventory results for the two reference models are presented in Fig. 2
and Fig. 3. Fig. 2 clearly shows that the emissions of the up!, such as carbon dioxide
(CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), are mainly generated during the use phase of the
car. In contrast, both methane (CH4) emissions and primary energy demand are
dominated by the fuel supply phase – from well to pump. Emissions of nitrogen
oxides (NOx) are distributed between manufacturing, the fuel supply chain and the
use phase. As a result of the low sulphur content assumed for the fuel used,
the manufacturing phase accounts for a substantial part of the overall sulphur
dioxide (SO2) emissions. CO2 emissions over the entire life cycle of the up! 1.0 MPI
reach approximately 22.6 tonnes. The total energy demand amounts to 329.5 GJ.
Thanks to the use of consumption reduction measures on the model with BlueMotion
Technology, almost all the relevant values are reduced compared with the 1.0 MPI (see
Fig. 3). Only carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are slightly higher for the BlueMotion
Technology model than for the basic version of the up! This increase results from the
production phase, i.e. the production of the additional components for the model
with BlueMotion Technology.
Life Cycle Inventory
up! 1.0 MPI [44 kW]
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
22.6 t
Carbon monoxide (CO)
173.3 kg
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
26.1 kg
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
23.0 kg
Hydrocarbons (NMVOC)
18.8 kg
Methane (CH4)
35.1 kg
Primary energy demand
329.5 GJ
20 %
Fuel supply
40 %
60 %
Driving emissions
Fig. 2: Life Cycle Inventory data for the up! 1.0 MPI [44 kW] (petrol engine – rounded values)
80 %
100 %
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Life Cycle Inventory
up! 1.0 MPI BMT [44 kW]
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
20.9 t
Carbon monoxide (CO)
174.2 kg
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
25.4 kg
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
22.4 kg
Hydrocarbons (NMVOC)
18.2 kg
Methane (CH4)
33.6 kg
Primary energy demand
307.1 GJ
Fuel supply
20 %
40 %
60 %
Driving emissions
Fig. 3: Life Cycle Inventory data for the up! 1.0 MPI [44 kW] BlueMotion Technology (rounded values)
80 %
100 %
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
The values of the e-up! (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) for carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
are lower than those of the up! models with conventional petrol engines, while the
figures for sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are higher. This increase is mainly a
result of the manufacture and energy supply phase. The impact of the energy supply
phase on sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions can be clearly seen by comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 5. If BluePower eco-power is used for charging the vehicle
battery there is a further reduction in emissions, but even so, at 34.5 kg (e-up!,
BluePower) sulphur dioxide emissions, are still above those of a conventional up!,
at 25.4 kg (up! BMT). This higher sulphur dioxide value is the result of the lithium-ion
batteries installed on the e-up!
Life Cycle Inventory
e-up! PSM [60 kW]
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
15.3 t
Carbon monoxide (CO)
30.6 kg
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
63.2 kg
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
27.1 kg
Hydrocarbons (NMVOC)
3.9 kg
Methane (CH4)
33.3 kg
Primary energy demand
296.0 GJ
20 %
Energy supply
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
Fig. 4: Life Cycle Inventory data for the e-up! PSM [60 kW] (EU-27 power mix, rounded values)
Life Cycle Inventory
e-up! PSM [60 kW]
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
6.6 t
Carbon monoxide (CO)
25.0 kg
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
34.5 kg
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
12.1 kg
Hydrocarbons (NMVOC)
2.3 kg
Methane (CH4)
16.1 kg
Primary energy demand
192.2 GJ
Energy supply
20 %
40 %
60 %
Fig. 5: Life Cycle Inventory data for the e-up! PSM [60 kW] (BluePower eco-power, rounded values)
80 %
100 %
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
3.2. Comparison of Life Cycle Impacts
On the basis of the Life Cycle Inventory data, Life Cycle Impact Assessments are
drawn up for all the environmental impact categories described. The methods and
categories applied cover the interactions of all the emissions recorded, so that
potential environmental impacts can be determined based on scientific models. 20
Application of the CML methodology is handled by the GaBi 6 software.
Fig. 6 clearly shows that the e-up! achieves improvements over the petrol-engined up!
models with respect to several environmental impact categories in both the scenarios
considered. In general, with reference to overall environmental impacts in the
European Union, it can be seen that the vehicles considered here make their largest
contributions in the categories of global warming, acidification and photochemical
ozone creation potential. Contributions to the categories eutrophication and ozone
depletion potential are smaller. The ozone depletion potential in particular is so low
that it can hardly be represented on the chart. Also, eutrophication potential is a less
important indicator for the automobile industry, being of real significance for the
agricultural sector and the chemical industry. Consequently, the notes below focus
on the findings for the first three environmental impact categories.
20 Information on the environmental impact categories used here can be found in Chapter 6
“Environmental impact categories” and on the internet at
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Comparative Life Cycle Impacts (normalised)
Global warming
CO2 equivalents [t]
Photochemical ozone
creation potential
C2H4 equivalents [kg]
SO2 equivalents [kg]
Ozone depletion
potential *
R11 equivalents [g]
PO4 equivalents [kg]
12.9 12.7
44.1 43.1 43,1
up! BMT
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
e-up! (EU-27 power mix)
e-up! (BluePower)
Fig. 6: Comparison of the environmental impacts of the up! (petrol-engined) and the e-up!
* Presentation of the normalised values on the graph is not possible because of the very low levels involved
4.4 4.2 4.5
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Fig. 7 shows the normalised environmental impacts of the models considered,
together with the percentage increases and reductions for the e-up! in each case.
The reduction of 28 % or 67 % of global warming potential in the case of the e-up!
with the two power-mix variants corresponds to savings of 4.8 to 14.0 tonnes of CO2
equivalents compared to the values of the better petrol-engined up! (up! BMT).
An equally pronounced effect is visible in the case of photochemical ozone creation
potential. Depending on the energy supply scenario, an improvement of 6.7 to 9.3 kg
of ethene equivalents is indicated. This contrasts with an increase in the acidification
potential. As already explained in Chapter 3.1, this is mainly the result of the production
and assembly of the high-voltage battery system. In addition, the energy supply chain
leads to higher acidification potential in the utilization phase if an EU-27 power mix
is used. If this effect is largely eliminated by using renewable energy sources, acidification potential can be reduced and works out at 5.4 kg higher than with the basic
version of the up! and 6.4 kg higher than with the up! BMT.
Fig. 7 also indicates the reason for these changes by allocating the normalised environmental impacts to the individual life cycle phases. As already shown by the Life
Cycle Inventories, the most relevant changes occur during the use phase of the vehicle
and as a result of the associated fuel production or electric power supply process.
Most of the improvements compared with the basic version of the up! therefore result
from the lower driving emissions (especially global warming potential and photochemical ozone creation potential) that result from the lower fuel consumption of the
up! BMT or from zero local emissions in the case of the e-up! With the e-up! there is a
significant increase in acidification potential caused by the production of the
lithium-ion battery modules. The production process alone results in emissions of
sulphur dioxide equivalents equal to those emitted during the entire life cycle of a
petrol-engined model. In addition, with the EU-27 power mix, the use phase accounts
for a further similar volume of sulphur dioxide equivalent emissions. This disadvantage of the e-up! can largely be eliminated by the use of renewable power sources
(see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5).
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Comparative Life Cycle Impacts in detail (normalised)
Global warming
Photochemical ozone
creation potential
CO2 equivalents [t]
C2H4 equivalents [kg]
SO2 equivalents [kg]
–7 %
+113 %
–28 %
–53 %
+13 %
–2 %
–2 %
– 67 %
–73 %
Recycling *
up! BMT
e-up! (EU-27 power mix)
e-up! (BluePower)
Fig. 7: Environmental impacts of the up! and the e-up! (relative)
* Presentation of the recycling phase on the graph is not possible because of the very low levels involved
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Fig. 8 shows the environmental impacts described in relation to each other and over
the entire life cycle of the vehicles. The relations between manufacture, use phase
and recycling with regard to the individual environmental impacts are clearly visible.
The diagram shows that the manufacture of the e-up! causes higher environmental
impacts in all the categories considered than the manufacture of the reference model.
The use phase of the vehicle mainly impacts on global warming potential and
acidification potential (greatest increase during vehicle use). Photochemical
ozone creation potential, by contrast, is distributed more evenly over all the
phases of the life cycle. In the case of the e-up! with the BluePower scenario, the
manufacturing phase predominates in all three environmental impact categories.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Comparison of environmental impacts over the full life cycle (normalised)
Use phase [150,000 km]
e-up! (EU-27 power mix)
up! BMT
e-up! (BluePower)
Use phase [150,000 km]
e-up! (EU-27 power mix)
up! BMT
e-up! (BluePower)
Use phase [150,000 km]
e-up! (EU-27 power mix)
up! BMT
e-up! (BluePower)
Fig. 8: Comparison of global warming potential, photochemical ozone creation potential
and acidification potential over the full life cycle
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
4. Conclusion
Over the entire vehicle life cycle, from production through to recycling, the
e-up! achieves improvements in three of the five environmental impact categories
considered (global warming, photochemical ozone creation and ozone depletion
potential) compared with the conventional petrol-engined up! The greatest improvements are achieved in the areas with the most relevant environmental impacts in
volume terms, i.e. global warming potential and photochemical ozone creation
potential. In terms of eutrophication and ozone depletion, the models assessed here
have very little impact although here too, with both power supply scenarios, the
e-up! achieves an improvement in ozone depletion potential, and the environmental
impact remains unchanged in the case of eutrophication potential. However, the use
of lithium-ion batteries results in negative effects and greater acidification potential.
This effect can be largely eliminated by using BluePower eco-power to charge the
battery modules, in which case acidification potential is only slightly higher than for
the petrol-engined models.
The improvements are largely a result of the fact that the electric model does not
produce any local driving emissions and that environmental impacts are avoided in
the fuel production or energy supply process. However, the electric power mix does
have a significant impact on acidification potential.
Over its entire life cycle, the e-up! presents a better balance sheet for global warming
potential and photochemical ozone creation potential than the up! Depending on the
power mix used, the e-up! causes emissions of 16.7 or 7.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide
equivalents, corresponding to a reduction of 28 % with an EU-27 power mix and 67 %
with BluePower compared with the basic model of the up! (1.0 MPI, 44 kW).
In sum, therefore, Volkswagen has achieved its aim of making technical progress in its
vehicles and at the same time making them more environmentally compatible.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
5. Certification
The statements made for the e-up! Environmental Commendation are supported
by the Life Cycle Assessment of the e-up! The certificate of validity confirms that the
Life Cycle Assessment is based on reliable data and that the method used to compile
it complies with the requirements of ISO standards 14040 and 14044.
Platzhalter TÜV-Bericht
The detailed report of TÜV NORD can be found in the appendix.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
6. Environmental impact categories
Eutrophication potential
describes excessive input of nutrients into
Air pollutants
water (or soil), which can lead to an undesirable
change in the composition of flora and fauna.
A secondary effect of the over-fertilisation of
water is oxygen consumption and therefore
oxygen deficiency. The reference substance
for eutrophication is phosphate (PO4), and all
other substances that impact on this process
(for instance NOx, NH3) are measured in
Eutrophication potential
phosphate equivalents.
Ozone depletion potential
describes the ability of trace gases to rise
into the stratosphere and deplete ozone there in
UV radiation
a catalytic process. Halogenated hydrocarbons
in particular are involved in this depletion
process, which diminishes or destroys the
protective function of the natural ozone layer.
The ozone layer provides protection against
excessive UV radiation and therefore against
(15–50 km)
genetic damage or impairment of photosynthesis in plants. The reference substance
for ozone depletion potential is R11, and all
other substances that impact on this process
(for instance CFC, N2O) are measured in R11
Ozone depletion potential
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Photochemical ozone creation
Dry warm weather
Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides
describes the formation of photooxidants, such
as ozone, PAN, etc., which can be formed from
hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide (CO) and
nitrogen oxides (NOx), in conjunction with
sunlight. Photooxidants can impair human
health and the functioning of ecosystems and
Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides
damage plants. The reference substance for the
formation of photochemical ozone is ethene,
and all other substances that impact on this
process (for instance VOC, NOx and CO) are
measured in ethene equivalents.
Photochemical ozone creation potential
Global warming potential
describes the emissions of greenhouse gases,
which increase the absorption of heat from
solar radiation in the atmosphere and therefore
increase the average global temperature.
UV radiation
The reference substance for global warming
potential is CO2, and all other substances that
impact on this process (for instance CH4, N2O,
SF6 and VOC) are measured in carbon dioxide
Global warming potential
Acidification potential
describes the emission of acidifying substances
such as SO2 and NOx, etc., which have diverse
impacts on soil, water, ecosystems, biological
organisms and material (e.g. buildings).
Forest dieback and fish mortality in lakes
are examples of such negative effects. The
Acid rain
reference substance for acidification potential
is SO2, and all other substances that impact
on this process (for instance NOx and NH3)
are measured in sulphur dioxide equivalents.
Acidification potential
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
Bibliography and list of sources
[EU 1992] 92/21/EEC European Union: Council Directive on the masses and dimensions of motor
vehicles of category M1.
[EU 2001] 80/1268/EEC European Union: Council Directive relating to the fuel consumption of
motor vehicles. Brussels: European Union.
[EU 2004] 70/220/EEC European Union: Council Directive relating to measures to be taken
against air pollution by gases from positive-ignition engines of motor vehicles. Brussels: European
[EU 2008] COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 implementing
and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council
on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial
vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information.
of 23 April 2009 amending Directive 98/70/EC as regards the specification of petrol, diesel
and gas-oil and introducing a mechanism to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
amending Council Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the specification of fuel used by inland
waterway vessels and repealing Directive 93/12/EEC.
[Guinée und Lindeijer 2002] Guinée, J. B.; Lindeijer, E.: Handbook on Life Cycle Assessment:
Operational guide to the ISO standards. Dordrecht [u.a.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[ISO 2009] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 14040: Environmental
Management – Life Cycle Assessment – Principles and Framework. 2nd edition. Geneva:
International Organization for Standardization.
[Koffler 2007] Koffler, C.: Automobile Produkt-Ökobilanzierung. Wolfsburg/Darmstadt:
Volkswagen AG, Technische Universität Darmstadt. Dissertation.
[Koffler et al. 2007] Koffler, C.; Krinke, S.; Schebek, L.; Buchgeister, J.: Volkswagen slimLCI –
a procedure for streamlined inventory modelling within Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of vehicles.
In: International Journal of Vehicle Design (Special Issue on Sustainable Mobility, Vehicle Design
and Development). Olney: Inderscience Publishers.
[Krinke et al. 2005a] Krinke, S.; Bossdorf-Zimmer, B.; Goldmann, D.: Ökobilanz Altfahrzeugrecycling – Vergleich des VW-SiCon-Verfahrens und der Demontage von Kunststoffbauteilen
mit nachfolgender werkstofflicher Verwertung. Wolfsburg: Volkswagen AG. On the internet at
[Krinke et al. 2005b] Krinke, S.; Nannen, H.; Degen, W.; Hoffmann, R.; Rudloff, M.; Baitz, M.:
SunDiesel – a new promising biofuel for sustainable mobility. Presentation at the 2nd Life-Cycle
Management Conference Barcelona. On the internet at
[PE International 2012] PE International GmbH: GaBi 5.0 database documentation. LeinfeldenEchterdingen: PE International GmbH.
[Schmidt et al. 2004] Schmidt, W. P.; Dahlquist, E.; Finkbeiner, M.; Krinke, S.; Lazzari, S.; Oschmann,
D.; Pichon, S.; Thiel, C.: Life Cycle Assessment of Lightweight and End-Of-Life Scenarios for Generic
Compact Class Vehicles. In: International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (6), pp. 405-416.
[Schweimer et al. 1999] Schweimer, G. W.; Bambl, T.; Wolfram, H.: Sachbilanz des SEAT Ibiza.
Wolfsburg: Volkswagen AG.
[Schweimer und Roßberg 2001] Schweimer, G. W.; Roßberg, A.: Sachbilanz des SEAT Leon.
Wolfsburg: Volkswagen AG.
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
List of abbreviations
Acidification potential
BlueMotion Technology
Centrum voor Milieukunde Leiden (Centre for Environmental Sciences, Netherlands)
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
Deutsche Industrienorm (German Industrial Standard)
European standard
Eutrophication potential
Global warming potential
Kraftfahrtbundesamt (Federal Motor Transport Authority)
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Inventory
Material Information System
Multi-port injection petrol engine
New European Driving Cycle
Newton metre
Non-methane volatile organic compounds (hydrocarbons without methane)
Nitrogen oxides
Umweltprofil VDA
Ozone depletion potential
Permanent magnet synchronous motor
Photochemical ozone creation potential
Parts per million
Polyvinyl chloride
Trichlorofluoromethane (CCl3F)
Sulphur dioxide
Umweltaspekte eines Produktes über dessen Lebenszyklus
Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (Association of the German Automotive Industry)
Volatile organic compounds
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
List of figures
Fig. 1
Scope of the Life Cycle Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Fig. 2
Life Cycle Inventory data for the up! 1.0 MPI [44 kW] (petrol engine) . . . . . . . . . . 18
Fig. 3
Life Cycle Inventory data for the up! 1.0 MPI [44 kW] BlueMotion Technology . . . 19
Fig. 4
Life Cycle Inventory data for the e-up! PSM [60 kW] (EU-27 power mix) . . . . . . . . 20
Fig. 5
Life Cycle Inventory data for the e-up! PSM [60 kW] (BluePower eco-power) . . . . 20
Fig. 6
Comparison of the environmental impacts of the up! (petrol-engined)
and the e-up! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Fig. 7
Environmental impacts of the up! and the e-up! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Fig. 8
Comparison of global warming potential, photochemical ozone creation
potential and acidification potential over the full life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
List of tables
Table 1 Technical data of vehicles assessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Table 2
EU-25 “normalisation” factors in line with CML 2001–11/2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Table 3
Emission limits in accordance with Euro 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Table 4
Consumption and emissions of vehicles assessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Table 5 Comparison of the EU limits and type approval values for the use phase
and effect on Life Cycle Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Table 6
Assumptions and definitions for the Life Cycle Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
Berlin, 05.09.2013
TNC Umweltgutachter
on the critical review of the life cycle
assessment study
VW “The e-up!”
Date of the VW Background Report: 04.09.2013
Report No.:
Volkswagen AG
38436 Wolfsburg
Life cycle assessment
drawn up by:
Volkswagen AG
Dennis Wessels, Dr. Jens Warsen,
Authorised Expert:
Dirk Holle (Environmental Auditor)
Number of pages:
TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
Langemarckstraße 20
45141 Essen
Tel.: 0201 825-0
Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
1 General
1.1 Subject and task
Volkswagen AG, K-EFUP Umwelt Produkt has drawn up a comparative life cycle assessment (Background Report of the life cycle assessment “The e-up!”, Issue 04.09.2013), which
compares the Volkswagen up! 1.0 MPI basic model with three other models of the VW up!
up! 1.0 MPI Blue Motion Technology (44 kW) with internal combustion engine and
e-up! PSM (60 kW) with electric motor and power generation EU-27 Electricity Mix
e-up! PSM (60 kW) with electric motor and green electricity from Lichtblick
(BluePower) 2013
Volkswagen AG, K-EFUP Umwelt Produkt, instructed TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter
GmbH as an independent external body to conduct a critical review of this life cycle assessment study in accordance with the standards DIN EN ISO 14040 and DIN EN ISO14044.
The review was conducted on the part of TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH by the
approved environmental assessor Dirk Holle as Authorised Expert.
According to the order that was placed, the aim of the critical review was to check the reliability, transparency, relevance and representative nature of the methods applied in the life
cycle assessment presented with respect to
• the goal and framework of the assessment
• the life cycle inventory
• the impact categories and impact assessment
• the analysis and evaluation of the assessment.
1.2 Procedure
Taking due account of the overarching quality criteria of TÜV NORD CERT (including transparency, reproducibility, quality of the computer programs and data used, disclosure of the
origin of the data), the critical review was performed in the following stages:
Review of the goal of the life cycle assessment and the assessment framework, especially the functioning and functional equivalence of the system boundaries / assessment framework (space, time, technology),
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Review of the allocation methods with the specific allocation/distribution arrangements selected and the selection of significant parameters and materials
Review of the life cycle inventory with particular regard to
the input/output analyses, the input/output data (I/O data) used, including its reliability, and the system used for the analysis, together with its completeness and plausibility.
Review of the sensitivity analysis and error estimation and the plausibility and integrity of the data processing programs: also review of the consideration of the upstream
process chains, by-products and secondary post-use effects
Review of the impact assessment, focusing on selection of impact categories (subject-oriented and problem-oriented) and the aggregation of the data with respect to
the impact categories
Review of the assessment and the comparative statements resulting from the impact
The review was conducted within the framework of an audit on 15.08.2013 and further discussions on 30.08.2013 and 04.09.2013 on a spot-check basis through examination, comparative calculation and comparative tracking of the system representations, files and other
representative documents, as well as in data acquisition and calculation operations with
partly controlled variation.
The Authorised Expert examined and plausibilised, on a spot-check basis, manufacturing
calculations of various subassemblies of the model e-up! and calculations for the use phase,
taking the different methods of electricity production for the battery power during use into
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TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
2 Course and result of the critical review
2.1 Goal of the study
The goals of the life cycle assessment study are defined. The scope, knowledge-related interest in the study, and the external and internal target groups of the study are also specified.
The Background Report on the life cycle assessment is intended to provide information in
order to assess the impact of the results of the life cycle inventory, taking account of the impact categories selected, and to provide the target group with an objective analysis.
2.2 Framework of the review
The function unit specified for the study was the manufacture, use and recycling of the following vehicles in the NEDC over 150,000 km:
a) VW up! 1.0 MPI (44 kW) with petrol engine
b) VW up! 1.0 MPI (44 kW) Blue Motion Technology with petrol engine
c) VW e-up! PSM (60 kW) with electric motor and power generation EU-27 Electricity Mix
d) VW e-up! PSM (60 kW) with electric motor and green electricity from Lichtblick
(BluePower) 2013
The comparison of the impact assessment according to DIN EN ISO 14040 and 14044 was
conducted for the selected impact categories between the four vehicle models.
The framework of the review, from resource extraction to recycling after the use phase, was
defined and delineated with respect to the functional unit, the comparability, the system
boundaries, the cut-off criteria, the allocation rules, the base data and the analysis and interpretation of the results. The framework is in accordance with the requirements of the comparative standards mentioned above.
The type of critical review needed is not laid down according to ISO 14044.
With regard to vehicles a) and b), the Authorised Expert draws attention to the Report No.
8000423023 of 14.08.2013 from TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH.
The techncial, geographical and time-related system boundaries comply with the standard in
relation to the selected function unit.
Within the life cycle assessment boundaries the resources, materials, components and
processes used for the functional unit were modelled in the subassemblies on the basis of
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TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
the data of the VW Material Information System and/or internal VW studies regarding the
lithium-ion battery system. The individual components of the subassemblies were recorded,
analysed, checked and amalgamated into three inventory modules for the life cycle inventory:
● manufacturing phase
● use phase
● recycling phase
The technical complexity of the components and processes encompassed by the modules
was recorded and calculated. Worst case scenarios were reckoned with, e.g. within the
transport chain of the battery cells from Japan and during recycling following the use phase.
The graphic representation of the individual modules within the life cycle assessment boundary supports the system used, the subsequent check and the transparency of the results of
the life cycle inventory.
The special cut-off criteria applied for this life cycle assessment were specified; the general
cut-off criteria can be consulted in the documentation of the software used, GaBi 6, Servicepack 22.
The subsequent use of the functional unit in the context of the recycling without taking into
account the life cycle assessment credits with reference to company-specific recycling systems for the vehicle and the battery system is described.
The approach used in the life cycle assessment of assuming that the period of use of the
battery system is identical with the period of use of the vehicle cannot be contradicted by the
Authorised Expert based on today’s state of science and technology.
The Authorised Expert must establish with regard to the goal of the assessment and the
framework chosen that the relevant influencing variables have been recorded within the
framework of the system boundary in accordance with the current state of life cycle assessment technology, and also that they have been taken into account and that the requirements
of standard DIN EN ISO 14044 No. 4.2 have been fulfilled.
2.3 Life cycle inventory
The input/output analysis and consideration of the components and subassemblies of the
functional unit of the systems for the life cycle inventory are modelled based on the main
modules of manufacture, use and recycling, by means of data processing, including among
others the VW material information system MISS, an internal VW database from the year
2012 regarding the lithium-ion battery system.
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TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
The calculation of the life cycle inventory and the life cycle assessment themselves was undertaken following the modelling with the computer software system GaBi 6, Servicepack 22
of PE International AG.
The details of fuel consumption according to the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and
vehicle emissions during the use phase are part of the documented review results according
to EU No. 371/2010 from the EU approval sheet regarding type approval.
The system boundaries laid down are in accordance with the requirements of DIN EN
ISO 14044.
The comparison of the functional units is in accordance with the minimum requirements of DIN EN ISO 14044.
The requirements of the standard DIN EN ISO 14044,, regarding the categorisation
and classification of the life cycle inventory data according to DIN EN ISO 14044,,
were plausibly fulfilled.
Within the context of the accuracy of the study, the Authorised Expert made reference to
exact representation of the calculated values in the Background Report. The life cycle inventory data were related to the process modules examined and the functional unit. The requirements of of the standard were fulfilled.
2.3.1 Data sources
The base data for the manufacture, use and recycling phase are named in the Background
Report and the Authorised Expert was able to trace them. The Authorised Expert conducted
a spot check of the subassemblies as represented in the MISS System, the subassembly
lists, the life cycle inventory calculation and the standardised life cycle inventory. No nonconformities were found.
The processes of the individual modules are realistically described. The modelling of the
manufacturing processes of the battery modules and their transport were for the first time
carried out based on investigations performed by VW in 2012 and were calculated with the
life cycle inventory software for the components of the battery system.
The base data according to the current life cycle inventory software GaBi 6 are comprehensive and internationally generally recognised. VW's internal data set of 2005 was used for
the final assembly at VW.
The requirements regarding data quality are in accordance with provisions and
5.3.1 b) of DIN EN ISO 14044.
Note: The internal data set for final assembly from the year 2005 is to be updated in the
near future or current data that is already available will be implemented if appropriate.
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TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
2.3.2 Plausibility and completeness check
The subprocesses of manufacture, use and recycling for the models of car to be compared
were represented systematically and transparently in the documentation of the calculation
It can be confirmed that the data quality and data symmetry are adequate. The base data is
formed from, among other things, VW's internal databases, into which the available information on the individual components and parts lists used are entered. This information is subject to a regular check by retrieving the manufacturer's details.
Spot checks and random calculations were conducted by the Authorised Expert for the subprocesses of manufacture and use phase. In doing this the Authorised Expert established
the correct nature of the life cycle assessments and the plausibility of the calculations and
results with reference to selected input and output parameters.
Credits for secondary raw materials arising from the recycling were not considered.
Data for the models up!, up BMT! und e-up! were examined, compared with the available
verification documents and plausibilised with respect to the emission values, the NEDC consumption and the assumed use phase of 150,000 km with different proofs of origin of the
electric current for the e-up!
Starting with the process planning, the inclusion of subprocesses and the base data, the
linking of the individual modules and the hierarchy of the data were also shown in the life
cycle inventory. To ensure traceability of data to original data both the calculations and the
documentation were spot checked in this respect.
These was clear and comprehensible to the Authorised Expert.
In the on-site review and the analysis of the Background Report, instructions by the Authorised Expert of 15.08.2013, 30.08.2013 and 04.09.2013 aimed at clarifying and supplementing the Background Report were taken up by the producers of the life cycle assessment and
taken into account by them.
At the conclusion of the project, all data were presented in the Background Report in a fashion which, in the view of the Authorised Expert, was clear and logical. All significant parameters are present, representative, systematically applied and assessed.
In the view of the Authorised Expert, the life cycle inventory, the standardising calculations
and the data collection and calculation procedures used are transparent and traceable.
It was not necessary to adjust the system boundary according to DIN EN ISO 14044.
2.3.3 Allocations
Allocations arise during vehicle manufacture. They are shown in the GaBi data sets.
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Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
No further allocations were applied.
2.3.4 Error estimations
Error estimations according to DIN EN ISO 14044 were taken into consideration in
the report.
2.3.5 Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity calculations according to DIN EN ISO 14044 were submitted to the
Authorised Expert for three subassemblies, including for the battery system. The results are
part of the Background Report. The sensitivities in the case of nonconformities regarding
material and quantity were calculated and analysed in the report. Their impact on manufacturing and on the overall life cycle inventory was verified by the Authorised Expert.
2.4. Impact assessment
The impact assessment is based on the data of the life cycle inventory and is an integral part
of the process plans.
In order that the data and information that had been determined in the life cycle inventory
could be interpreted for the purpose of an impact assessment, a to-standard classification of
the life cycle inventory results was undertaken, using internationally recognised environmental impact categories.
The classification of the items in the life cycle inventory into impact categories was undertaken by the GaBi 6 software and was spot-checked by the Authorised Expert. No deviations
were found.
Data was aggregated according to the relevant environmental impact and classification
rules. The aggregation was already specified in the computer program used based on the
scientifically justified dose-effect relationship.
In the view of the Authorised Expert, the impact category – impact indicator – impact end
points system chains were presented in a technically correct and adequate form in the report
and are internationally recognised.
The requirements according to 4.4.5 and 5.2. e) of DIN EN ISO 14044 have been fulfilled.
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Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
Taking account of the goals of the study, the environmental impacts, the functional unit selected and the technologies used in the life cycle assessment scope, the following impact
categories were initially selected in the study
● GWP – global warming potential 100 years
● ODP – ozone depletion potential in the stratosphere
● AP – acidification potential
● EP – eutrophication potential
● POCP – photochemical ozone creation potential.
Other impact categories, such as human toxicity and ecotoxicity, were not selected.
The selection of the impact categories is to standard in accordance with DIN EN ISO
The life cycle inventory results were standardised to the economic area EU25 (Issue
11/2010) and justified to the Authorised Expert. Reliable data for environmental pollution in
the standardisation area were applied.
2.5 Evaluation
In the course of the evaluation, the author of the life cycle assessment did not undertake
further interpretation of the impact categories eutrophication potential EP and ozone depletion potential ODP.
Reasons were given for this, and, in the view of the Authorised Expert, according to
DIN EN ISO 14044 it is permissible not to undertake further interpretation, but the Authorised
Expert believes such an approach is not useful with regard to the eutrophication potential.
The identification of the significant parameters on the basis of the results of the life cycle
inventory and impact assessment is in accordance with the requirements of 4.5.1 ISO
The evaluation presented for the results is in conformity with the goals defined for the life
cycle assessment study and the examination framework according to 4.5.4 DIN EN ISO
The Background Report does not contain any recommendations.
The conclusions given in the life cycle assessment were comprehensible and traceable for
the Authorised Expert and are in accordance with the results of the life cycle inventory, the
standardisation and the impact assessment, without applying any weighting.
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Environmental Commendation e-up! – Background Report
TÜV NORD CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH
3 Summary of the critical review
The critical review of the life cycle assessment " The e-up!", as conducted by TÜV NORD
CERT Umweltgutachter GmbH on the basis of the requirements of the standards DIN EN
ISO 14040:2009 and DIN EN ISO 14044:2006, Status: Background Report of 04.09.2013,
can be summarised as follows:
The methods applied in the execution of the life cycle assessment satisfy the requirements of the standards DIN EN ISO 14040:2009 / DIN EN ISO 14044:2006.
They are scientifically justified.
The data used is adequate, fit for purpose and qualified in relation to the goal of the
study. No nonconformities were established.
The evaluations take account of the goal of the study and the recognised restrictions.
In the view of the Authorised Expert, the report submitted concerning the life cycle
assessment was coherent and transparent.
The report on the critical review now becomes a part of the Background Report of the life
cycle assessment study “The e–up!” (dated 04.09.2013). The content and form of the environmental award for the e-up! were not verified by the Authorised Expert.
The Authorised Expert will recommend to the TÜV NORD CERT certification body that it
issue its approval. The validation statement will be formulated and released by the certification body following a veto review.
Environmental Auditor Dirk Holle
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Environment Affairs Product
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October 2013