Vincent Blom FGS - The Geological Society

3 Cavendish Walk, Livingstone Park, Epsom, KT19 8AP - +44(0)7702 452338
Vincent Blom F.G.S.
University of St Andrews, MGeol (Hons) – 2:1 classification
Selected Modules: Advanced Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology, Geophysics, Advanced
Geological Mapping, Analytical and Statistical Methods, Petroleum Exploration and Seismic
Logging, Geomicrobiology, Quantatative Statistics&Calculas, Micro/Macro Economics
 Advanced experience with ArcGIS and MapInfo packages – completed work available
Masters Thesis: Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary of the Northern
Calcareous Alps of Southern Bavaria – (presented at EGU Conference 2014)
ACS Cobham International School – 435 UCAS tariff points
International Baccalaureate: English, Economics, Geography, German, Mathematics, Physics
Advanced Placement Scholar: European History, Geography, German
Relevant Experience
Jun-Dec 2014
Mawson Resources – Finland – Junior Geologist
(6 months)
2012 – 2014
Mapping, sections, core logging, prospecting and sampling at Rompas/ Palokas gold
exploration projects in Finnish Lapland.
Worked in team of 4 geologists, responsible for communicating field results to senior
Responsibilities include drill site maintenance and supervision during current drilling
program at Rajapalot prospect. Work with geo-software’s incl. Leapfrog and Mapinfo.
University of St Andrews Earth Science Dept., Research Lab Assistant
Assistant to Head of Analytical Lab – sample cutting, milling, micro-gram weighing, magnetic
separation and precise sample dilution
PhD lab assistant providing analytical data used for publication
Spring 2013
Hands on experience with ICP-MS, XRD, XRF and IRMS techniques
Ore and mineral analysis ranging from sample preparation for XRD and XRF, to elemental
calibration and phase quantification
Research Placement, University of St Andrews
(>400 hours)
Summer 2012
Petrological and chemical analysis of North Motzfeldt (Greenland) lamprophyres. Results
used for publication.
Xynteo Ltd. (London), Internship
Produced profiles for energy, mineral and utilities companies used by management for
potential partnerships. Produced detailed report on status of carbon capture & storage.
Field Work – Noted examples
Scottish Highlands – Mapping and ore geology of Carn Chuinneag pluton (14 days)
Bavarian Alps – Dissertation mapping, sedimentology, structural geology (21 days)
Swiss / Italian Alps – Evolution of Alpine Mountain Chain, ore geology (14 days)
Scottish Highlands and Islands – Mapping, structural geology (14 days)
Fife coastline - Mapping and sedimentology of Carboniferous formations (14 days)
Sierra Norte mountains of Central Spain – Mapping, structural geology (7 days)
Societies and Institutions
Fellow, Geological Society
Member of the Institute for Minerals, Materials and Mining
Society for Economic Geology in St Andrews
Geological Society of St Andrews
English (native), Dutch (native), German (fluent), Finnish/Swedish (Basics)
Treasurer 2013-2014
Treasurer 2013-2014
Further Work Experience
2007 - 2011
Burhill Golf Club, Sales assistant and driving range assistant
 Responsible for serving customer and guaranteeing customer satisfaction, as well as key
holder and required to cash-up and open/lock-up in the absence of senior staff
Positions of Responsibility
University of St Andrews Men’s Golf Club Committee
2013 – 2014
Elected Vice-Captain
 Required to organize club matches and golfing events
 Personally organized a Spring tour of 5 Surrey golf courses
Elected Treasurer
 Handled club accounts and oversaw a sponsorship agreement by the Eden Club of St
2011 – 2013
Additional Information
Short Courses
Ore geochemistry; wireline technologies; North Sea geological history; Leapfrog
Confident with a wide range of IT packages including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio,
Outlook, Adobe Illustrator.
Outdoor camping and survival skills developed during 1-month expedition in Namibia and further
geology fieldwork during studies and work.
First team (top 6) player for the University golf team (handicap 1), former county and Dutch
national player
Full British and European manual drivers license
Dr Nick Cook
Vice President Exploration
Mawson Resources Ltd
Lantontie 34, Lohijärvi
95680 Finland
Michael Hudson
President, CEO
Mawson Resources Ltd
Lantontie 34, Lohijärvi
95680 Finland
Dr Tony Prave
Reader in Earth Sciences
University of St Andrews
Dept. Earth Sciences
Irvine Building
St. Andrews, KY16 9AL