Meeting Patient Participation Group Attendees: Date 22nd April 2013 Lee, Andre, Richard, Jane, Rick, Barry Item Minutes Jane Gray Details Action by 1. Welcome Jane welcomed all attendees and introduced Barry and Rick. Jane 2. Apologies Apologies were taken from Anthony, Andrew, David Jane 3. Minutes of Last meeting The minutes from 11th March 2013, were read and accepted. 4. Membership Barry introduced himself to the group as a Non-Executive Director of Inclusion Healthcare NED) and thanked the PPG for agreeing to him joining the group. He explained about his background and of his interest in homelessness issues. Jane Rick also introduced himself and explained that he had just completed his training as a doctor and had asked to spend 6 weeks with Inclusion healthcare to learn about homeless issues. 5. Homeless strategy – healthcare update 6. Homeless strategy – other issues 7. DNA and Appointment issues Following Jane’s request to try and identify some female members Andre confirmed that he is still waiting for Cherise to contact him to see if she is available to join the group. It was again noted though that anyone with children will be limited to attending alternate meetings at Charles Berry House as children cannot go into the Dawn Centre. Again the PPG discussed access to Inclusion Healthcare at the Dawn Centre and their need for a separate designated waiting area. Discussions are still in progress with Leicester City Council. Lee and Andre advised that some PPG members are now part of a new service user group called StreetLife and were unable to attend today. Andrew and David are currently involved in the sleep out this week and this is why they were unavailable for today’s meeting. Rick told the group he was currently undertaking a project looking into the amount of DNAs experienced by GPs and Nurses at the practice and looking for patterns. He was also reviewing appointment provision, times and other issues. A project meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 24th April this week and both Lee and Andre agreed to attend to represent patients. Dr Maxwell, Jane and Daksha from Administration (who has replaced Paul Andre Jane Lee and Andre Rick Houseman), would also be coming to the meeting 8. Feedback on On line appointment booking system Following Paul showing the group how to book an appointment online at the last meeting this had been fully tested by Lee who was very impressed with the system. He found the screen listing his medications especially useful but wondered why the medications repeats screen was disable. Jane thought this probably intentional as the system was just on testing, although wasn’t sure if it would be enabled for the future and would need to check with her team? Jane He has recommended that we now go live and roll this out to other patients. Jane will advise her team of his feedback and recommendation and enquire re enabling the repeat medications function. 8. Around the table comments & Any other business Jane asked the group on behalf of Donna, Liaison Nurse, if a card containing contact details for various organisations accessed by homeless people should be produced and if so what should be included? Lee and Andre suggested that the organisations should be restricted to health and could include GP services (venues and opening times, how to access the homeless mental health team, how to access drug and alcohol workers (in house and community services), and emergency services number. Lee suggested rather than a card we could consider keyrings or lanyards and was willing to design these. Lee requested a rubbish bin to be made available in the waiting areas at Charles Berry House as there is often litter around. Jane Jane advised that the questionnaires had arrived for the Responsiveness health study and the group members agreed that they were still willing to distribute these and support patients to fill these in if necessary. The questionnaires will be distributed over both sites over a 2 week period. Andre, Lee and the group discussed the need for Inclusion Healthcare to promote and advertise the range of services offered as many patients remain unclear of what services are available, and when and where they can be accessed. The usual main routes for doing this were identified as on the right hand side of prescriptions, posters, patient leaflets, word of mouth and the website. Jane agreed to discuss this with the team. 9. Date, Time, Venue for next meeting Monday 3rd June 2013, 12.00 – 14.00 pm, Conference Room, Charles Berry House. Jane to ask Daiva to send out minutes and request items for the agenda prior to the meeting. Daiva