RESOURCE PERSONS PATRONS Marc Goovaerts Head Librarian Bibliotheek Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium (Chief Guest) Shri Shahu Chhatrapati, Kolhapur President, AISSMS, Pune Shri Malojiraje Chhatrapati Honorary Secretary, AISSMS, Pune All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s College of Engineering, Pune – 1 In Association With Hasselt University, Belgium Organizes International Workshop on Modern Information Management for Research and Education Oriented Libraries (With Open Source Tools) 23 - 27 November 2015 Paul Nieuwenhuysen Professor, Virje Universiteit Belgium (Key Note) Brussels, Pieter Lernout Librarian, Bibliotheek Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium Dr ARD Prasad Professor and Head, Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Dr G K Manjunath Chief Librarian, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai Venue Central Library AISSMS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Kennedy Road, Pune-411001 Contact TEL:+91-20-26058587 FAX:+91-20-26058943 E-Mail : Website: Dr Sunita Barve Senior Technical Officer, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune =========================== ORGANIZING SECRETARY Mrs Vrushali Dandawate Librarian, AISSMS College of Engineering Phone -020-26058587 Ext-1902 Mob- 09689139765 OFFICE BEARERS: AISSMS PUNE Shri Sambhajiraje Chhatrapati Vice-President Shri Ratnakar Jitkar Honorary Joint Secretary Shri A U Patil Treasurer Shri V B Patil Chairman, Governing Council Shri Sahebrao Jadhav Chairman, Managing Committee ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr S P Danao Principal, AISSMSCOE, Pune Dr Satish Kanamadi Librarian, Tata Institute of Social Science Research, Mumbai ORGANISING COMMITTEE Mr Dnyaneshwar Jadhav Head Librarian, FLAMES University, Pune Mr Syed Raiyan Ghani Manager & Consultant- Knowledge Management, Pune Miss Jayashree Jagtap Librarian, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune Mr Ajay Khatri Librarian, SRT, Akola SOCIETY All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society (AISSMS), Pune was established in 1917 by Rajarshi Shahu Chhatrapati Maharaj of Kolhapur with the sole purpose of promoting the noble cause of education. Society runs 19 educational institutions, College of Engineering being one of them. INSTITUTION AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune was established in the year 1992. The College is affiliated to the University of Pune. It conducts undergraduate courses in various disciplines of engineering namely, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Mechanical Sandwich and Production Sandwich and post graduate courses in Chemical, Structure, Computer, Power Electronics and Drives, Microwave, Automotive and Design. College is located in the heart of the Pune city on a sprawling campus. THEME The workshop will focus on the different aspects of modern information management. It will discuss the challenges and practical solutions. There is a broad scale of information management tools available in open source software. Open source software are useful for librarians especially in developing countries like India. Training of this software will be helpful to librarians to automate their libraries and manage information resources OBJECTIVES This workshop aims at sensitizing librarians on FOSS possibilities in modernizing Indian libraries and facilitates information sharing. It will also strength Indian technical capacity in deploying FOSS tools. This workshop will provide opportunity to Indian librarians to learn from national and international experts, familiarize participants with the concepts and usage of modern information management, and will offer handson-practice and training on open source software’s for Information management and discovery. TARGET AUDIENCE The workshop Committee invites participants from India and worldwide, including practitioners, managers and researchers in library and information sciences and services, computer science, information science, web science, data science, data management, archives and archival science, museums, information technology, medicine, social sciences, education and humanities. YOUR ATTENDANCE All expenses, including registration fee, visas, travel and accommodation, are the responsibility of authors/presenters/participants. ACCOMMODATION Delegates have to arrange accommodation on their own. College will help them to book the accommodation in nearest hotel Fees For Indian ParticipantsRs - 3500/For International Participants $ 100 For Students Rs – 3000/- Registration Form 1.Name- ...................................... 2.Designation - .............................. 3.Name of the Institution..................... 4.Address for Communication …………………………………………………………………. ...................................................... .................................................................. ................................................................... 5. Telephone No-- ................................ 6 E-mail ID – ...................................... 7. Name of the Bank -----------------------------------------------------------------------------9. DD/ Cash --------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.Date:- ................................................. Signature Note: Please send the duly filled form with registration fee through Demand Draft in favor of “Principal, AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune-1” PROGRAMME SCHEDULEThe participants are invited to submit a short paper to present their library and library website. The four most interesting cases will be selected for presentation and discussion. The abstract for the short paper has to be send to before September 30, 2015 Day 1 23/11/2015 Morning Inauguration function (60’) Key note: P. Nieuwenhuysen - Information discovery systems for research and higher education (60’) •V. Dandawate& M. Goovaerts - Library: the balance between the own collection and world widely available e-information – An information management policy (30’) Afternoon Tutorial: •Dr G K Manjunath - Designing a website for an academic institute using HTML and CSS (2h30’) Conclusions of the day (15’) Day 2 24/11/2015 Morning Presentations: ARD Prasad - "Data Science and Big Data" (40’) SunitaBarve – "Open Source Software for managing ETDs" (40’) P. Lernout - Setting up a library website: Case of Hasselt University (40’) M. Goovaerts - Development of a repository - the role of the library: Case of Hasselt University (20’) Afternoon Tutorials: WordPress (Intro) – P. Lernout Blacklight (Intro) – M. Goovaerts Conclusions of the day (15’) Day 3 25/11/2015 Morning Tutorials: WordPress (Practice) - P. Lernout Blacklight - M. Goovaerts Afternoon Presentations: Syed Raiyan Ghani – E learning (40’) P. Nieuwenhuysen - Open access images on the WWW & information retrieval (40’) Library practice in India: 4 cases by participants (10’ each) The participants are invited to submit a short paper about their library and library website. Four cases will be selected for presentation and discussion. Conclusions of the day (15’) Day 4 26/11/2015 Morning Presentations: M. Goovaerts - Libraries and information management in a changing research and education environment (40’) P. Nieuwenhuysen - Information literacy didactics: challenges for libraries (40’) V Dandawate- Information literacy practices for Academic Libraries (40’) Afternoon Tutorials: VIVO (Intro) – M. Goovaerts Setting up an information literacy website - P. Lernout Conclusions of the day (15’) Day 5 27/11/2015 Morning Tutorials: VIVO or DSpace– M. Goovaerts Library website evaluation – P. Lernout Afternoon Closing session - Validatory Function: Comments by participants Comments on the workshop : By ARD Prasad and P. Nieuwenhuysen Day 6 28/11/2015 Social gathering