OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Mass Intentions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH 8:00 a.m. (DM) Dennis McGrath – The Brintlinger Family 9:30 a.m. (JC) Izzy Gonzalez – Eddie Bresnik (Weasel) 12:00 noon (DM) Alan Capocciama – Mary McGraw Sir 15:15-20; 1 Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5:17-37 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH 8:30 a.m. (JC) Phil Chafin – Pat DeVoss Jas 1:1-11; Mk 8:11-13 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH 8:30 a.m. (DM) Jennie Nickoloff – Betty, Angelo Noesner & Family Jas 1:12-18; Mk 8:14-21 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH 8:30 a.m. (DM) Alan Capocciama – Bruce & Nina Binger Jas 1:19-27; Mk 8:22-26 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH 8:30 a.m. (JC) Bob Wentzel – Julie Conley Jas 2:1-9; Mk 8:27-33 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST 8:30 a.m. (DM) Alyssa Gallucci – The Gallucci Family Jas 2:14-24, 26; Mk 8:34—9:1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND – The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle 8:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19 5:00 p.m. (HB) Mary Louise Woytek – The Franco Family Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD 8:00 a.m. (JC) Ronald Peters – John & Cheryl Wachsmuth 9:30 a.m. (JC) Don Muth – James Dew 12:00 noon (JC) Mass for the People of the Parish Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48 Low-Gluten Hosts are available. Please check in with the celebrant in the sacristy prior to Mass if one is required. View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity GROVE CITY, OHIO Please remember in your prayers Donna Harbage, who died recently. May God grant her the peace of Heaven and consolation to her family. We also express our sympathy to Paul Thurn on the death of his brother, Robert Thurn. May he rest in the peace of the Lord. Ministers at Our Lady SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND 5:00 P.M. SERVERS: Z. Ritchie, C. Seckman, H. Seckman, C. Wolfe LECTORS: B. Litman, J. Stage USHERS: J. Heine, H. Lehan, T. Motsch, R. Neider, J. Palazzo, J. Ruth HOSPITALITY MINISTERS: B. & J. Garber, C. Hile, M., B., G., L. & R. Nommay EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: K. Dalicandro, J. Kline, C. McFarland, P. Niehaus, J. Ritchie, M. Spires, T. Stage, J. Stewart, G. Thacker, R. Thacker SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD 8:00 A.M. SERVERS: A. Lannutti, R. Lannutti LECTORS: M. Gundelfinger, A. Lutz USHERS: A. Badgeley, R. Krick, G. Lambert, J. Lannutti, W.Merriman, J. Moloci HOSPITALITY MINISTERS: A. Badgeley, J. & N. Matera, V. Rockhold EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: D. Boland, B. Brokamp, B. Brotherton, L. Burge, M. Geyer, F. Krick, E. Lutz, B. & K. Owens, J. Thomas, D. Walker SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD 9:30 A.M. SERVERS: K. Lutz, G. Phillips, E. Wahl, H. Wilson LECTORS: S. Bockus, K. Stammen USHERS: J. Beverly, K. Dickman, D. Lane, R. Latz, J. Sahr, C. Seipel HOSPITALITY MINISTERS: L. & S. Denner, R. & C. Karcewski, D. & S. Lewis EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: D. Conley, S. Denner, J. Hoffman, F. & J. Kam, M. Kilmurry, M. Ollam, B. & K. Ruth, G. Smith, K. Stammen SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD 12:00 NOON SERVERS: G. Budd, J. Myers, E. Rondot, J. Snyder LECTORS: G. Johnson, M Sullivan USHERS: R. Agostino, G. Crihfield, S. Hunter, M. Kelley, G. Look, M. Snyder HOSPITALITY MINISTERS: D. & T. Cooper, C. Hays, A. Voit EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: L. Barca, M. & P. Flavin, A. & A. Lee, D. McClure, T. Myers, M. Seipel, M. Selan, K. Snyder, A. Wasto SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel reading we hear Jesus reveal his attitude toward the Law. His mission is not to reject the Law, but to fulfill it, bring it to perfection. Jesus challenges his followers to live by an even higher standard than the Scribes and Pharisees; to be even more observant of the laws than even the strictest interpretation. Jesus says that if the Law condemns someone for murder, he wants the very roots of the anger, vengeance or insults which can lead to murder removed completely. He goes further to say that one cannot even offer prayer and worship to God if there is unresolved strife with another. One must leave the altar at once to go and reconcile the wrong. Do we trust Jesus enough to be able to conform our attitude to his? News from Our Lady School Monday, 2/17 – NO SCHOOL – President’s Day Tuesday, 2/18 - DARE – 5th grade, 9:30-11:00 am Wednesday, 2/19 – Interim reports sent home with students Thursday, 2/20 – Mass with Me First Grade Friday, 2/21 – President’s in the Round – 3rd grade – 9:30-11:00, school gym Saturday, 2/22 – Science Fair – 7th grade – 7:30amnoon, school gym FEBRUARY 16, 2014 2014-15 Tuition Assistance File your taxes early! FACTS applications for 2014-15 Diocesan Tuition Grants are now available. Our Lady also requires families, who wish to apply for 2014-15 Guardian Angel Tuition Assistance, to submit a FACTS application. Any Catholic or non-Catholic family, with students enrolled in Catholic schools, may apply to the diocese for financial assistance. Guardian Angel funds though are only available to active, registered members of Our Lady parish, with students enrolled in Our Lady School. Only one application needs to be completed and must be submitted online at www.factstuitionaid.com. There is a $30.00 application fee that must accompany the application. Application and supporting documents must be verified by March 15, 2014. Apply early to make sure your application is processed by the deadline! Questions? Contact Debbie dippoliti@olphsaints.org at 875-5411 or The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) We meet this Thursday, February 20th, 7-9 pm to continue our discussion about the commandments. All are welcome to attend! Lent is quickly approaching. Ash Wednesday is March 5 th. The Sunday after Ash Wednesday, March 9th, Our Lady will again be hosting the Diocesan Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion. Over 1600 visitors will be coming to Our Lady for the 3 pm and 6:30 pm ceremonies along with Bishop Campbell. We welcome them and pray that their visit will be very positive. To this end, assistance will be welcomed from Our Lady volunteers at both ceremonies to greet and direct our visitors who have any questions or needs. To help with this wonderful event, please let Camille know at ckopczewski@ourladyofperpetualhelp.net or call 8759345. Great thanks! First Reconciliation Retreat 1:00-4:00 pm Open House for Potential Parents and Students! Due to the inclement weather, the Open House that was planned on February 6 was cancelled. Please call the school office between the hours of 8:303:00 to receive registration information. Personal tours are also available at your convenience! We look forward to meeting with you! First Reconciliation Reminders First Reconciliation: Retreat will be NEXT Saturday, February 22nd, from 1-4 pm in the church. Family First Reconciliation: will be Tuesday, March 11th, at 6:30 pm in the church. Registration forms have been e-mailed or simply call 8759345 to get a copy. Any 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade student is welcome to attend. Parish School of Religion and Sunday Preschool There will be no session on Sunday, February 16th, in observance of President’s Day weekend. View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP GROVE CITY, OHIO Dear Parishioners, This weekend I want to offer you some reflections on faith. To begin with, I recommend to you Sister Mary Ann Fatula’s entry on faith in The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, published in 1993 by The Liturgical Press in Collegeville Minnesota. Noting that faith is pure gift, Sr. Mary Ann writes that “to have faith is to abandon ourselves without reserve into the arms of the God whose faithfulness to us is more sure than our own existence.” Faith involves an encounter, a relationship with a living God, to which we freely and completely give, or abandon, ourselves. Sister goes on to say that “not to have faith is to live our lives unchanged by God’s wonders of love for us; to trust in our own or some other’s power instead of on the rocksolid sureness of God’s love.” So faith, as well as involving an encounter with the living God, also brings change, conversion, transformation; in fact change is the fundamental human faith response to our encounter with the living God. To grow, to develop, is to change; to grow into maturity is to have changed often. As Christians, our encounter with the living God is an intimate knowing of the God whose creating love brought us into life, whose redeeming love saves us from ourselves, and whose sustaining love prompts our response. I offer, then, this portrait of a mature Christian faith: Faith is a way of seeing, a way of looking at the world with the surety, despite all evidence to the contrary, that love is the wide net spread beneath the most beautiful and most dangerous of our days. Faith sees the more than meets the eye and all our sense; it is the vision that grace upholds everything, that we are in good hands, that love girds the universe, that God will have the last word. Faith is a journey, both a walking away from and a walking toward. It is a process of turning away from the God who was supposed to be, in order to seek the God who is. Every experience in our lives offers both a lesson and a lure. Did God fail to come when I called? Then perhaps God is not a minion. So who is God? Did God fail to punish my adversary? Then perhaps God is not a policeman. Then who is God? Did God fail to make everything turn out alright? Then perhaps God is not a fixer. Then who is God? In this journey of a lifetime, over and over again, through our disappointments and delights, our hopes and despairs, we are drawn more deeply into the mystery of God’s being and doing. Every time God declines to meet our expectations, another of our idols is exposed, another curtain is drawn back, and we see what we have propped up in God’s place; we are confronted with the failure of our stingy imaginations, and we journey closer to the God who is greater than our imaginations, wiser than our wisdoms, more dazzling than the universe, as present as the air we breathe, and utterly beyond our control. Faith is a decision; not a one-time decision, but a daily and sometimes hourly choice to act in this world, to act in all our relationships, as if it were true that God is love, despite all evidence to the contrary. Sometimes it feels like pure make-believe, when we read the newspapers, full of stories about violence, addiction, corruption, disaster, and we wonder who we are kidding. Or our own life begins to spring leaks and we lie awake in the middle of the night faint with fear. We want a safer world. We want a more competent God. Then we remember that God’s power is not a controlling power, but a redeeming power – the power to raise the dead – and the red blood of faith begins to return to our veins. Faith is the decision to interpret my life and the life of the world in a different way. What appear to be death throes may be the strenuous pangs of birth. My grief may be the axe that breaks down the door of isolation. That bothersome person may be an angel of God sent to rouse me from my self-absorption. Every moment of our lives offers us a choice about how we will perceive it – as happenstance or revelation, as one more blind accident of time and space, or as the veiled disclosure of a present and compassionate God? Faith is assigning holy meaning to events that others call random. View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2014 Faith is a story, a story that is the Word of God told throughout history in the lives of our ancestors and written by God with our lives as well. Faith is the proclamation we make with our lives, the whole of our lives, that God’s kingdom, God’s reign, is both here and yet to come, that the life of heaven begins for us now. Through our faith, each of us is inserted into the very life and mystery of God. This means that faith recognizes the divine in self and other; that every human person images God, and is worthy of respect and reverence. Each of us, uniquely, has and is an important part of the story God is writing, and it truly is Good News. Though fickle and flawed, we are more than that because we believe in a God who believes in us. God looks at us and sees the best: sees beloved children, sees likely allies, sees able partners in the ongoing work of creation, the unfinished story of the universe. Faith is a binding, a force of love that binds us each to the other in community, in communion. Our sense of and commitment to community permeates everything we are and do. Faith acknowledges the truth that our incredibly imaginative God had in mind not billions of isolated humans scattered around a globe, basically independent each of every other. Rather, God had in mind a people, a human family, a community of persons, a Body, genuinely one. Faith, then, compels us to experience our connection with one another, knowing that what Paul said is truth: that if one suffers, all suffer; if one rejoices, all rejoice. We are bound to one another, we are responsible for one another; God cannot be known or loved any other way. Faith is a nourishment, the food that the people of God have been given to live on. It is not what most of us would have ordered. It is nothing we can grow all by ourselves, and no one may stockpile it for his or her own use. Day by day we are given to eat not what we want but what we need. Sometimes it is a feast and sometimes it is swept crumbs, but by faith it is enough to sustain us, if only because it comes from the hand of God. Reaching out our own hands to accept it, we learn that it is not our food alone, it is also food we are meant to share with the world, a hungry world that is nonetheless suspicious of our food, having been fed both junk and poison in the name of God. And faith is a challenge, because it is a changed and ever-changing perspective that on one hand is the most valuable power in the world, with the power to save souls and change lives, but on the other hand it is the most difficult to defend. There is no proof that it is true. On the contrary, life is full of evidence that it is not true, at least not to the naked eye. While fame and fortune deliver their instant rewards, faith sows its seeds much deeper down. Its roots may grow a long time in the dark before anything shows on the surface, and its leaves may be mistaken for crabgrass or thistle. When its fruit finally appears, there may not be much demand for it, since those who eat it do not become fat but thin, thin and somewhat daft by the standards of the world, a world that claims to have left us behind, along with dragons and maps of a flat earth. But faith knows that the human heart continues always to hunt its true home, while the Hound of Heaven continues always to lure us home. Meanwhile, faith is lived as a challenge, always refining, stretching, purifying, transforming, leading us to where we’d rather not go. Remember that it was not Daniel’s faith that saved him from the lions, it was his faith that got him into the den to begin with! Have a blessed week! Love, Fr. Dan View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP GROVE CITY, OHIO Only 3 weeks until the retreat! Have you registered yet? Pick up a form from the Life Teen bulletin board in the hallway and get signed up ASAP! Be Fearless! Sunday at 6:00- The Pursuit of Happiness: Come learn about discerning God's will in your life. Dominican Nuns and Lisa and Rob Wahl will be sharing their lives with us and how they allow God to point them towards happiness. For the Good of Others “Your light must shine before all so that they may see goodness in your acts.” (Matthew 5:16) We should view our giving in gratitude to God by considering how blessed we are – using our gifts and talents for the good of others. A gift in any amount given through estate will benefit future generations of the faithful. For more information, call Kim Owens, Parish Office, at 875-3322. Faith, Family, Future – Medicare Presentation We continue our “Faith, Family, Future” series with a one-hour educational presentation by Seniority Benefit Group focusing on what seniors need to know about Medicare enrollment when planning retirement in the coming year. This one-hour educational seminar allows individuals to learn the basics about Medicare and their options beyond Medicare A & B, including Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage, prescription drugs, time frames, and resources. The event is free and will be held in the Life Center, on Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Reservations are welcome at 875-3322. Found in Church….. A heart-shaped necklace. If this could be yours, please call the Parish Office, 875-3322. View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity 2788 London-Groveport Rd (Across from Meijer) Serving Breakfast and Lunch Daily 5% of purchase donated to OLPH School with Current week’s bulletin. Catholic Times Thank you to all new and returning readers of the Catholic Times. Contact the parish office if you missed the special collection and learn how to sign-up for the upcoming year for a minimum donation of only $17 (parish rate). As an evangelization tool, Bishop Campbell encourages all Catholic households in the diocese to receive and read our diocesan newspaper, the Catholic Times. Come enjoy “A journal of Catholic life in Ohio.” Congratulations to the family of Alexander Tea, who this Sunday was welcomed into our faith community through the Sacrament of Baptism. The next PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASS will be held Tuesday, March 11, at 7:00 p.m. in the Shepherd’s Room. Please call the Parish Office (875-3322) to register. SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2014 Parish Women’s Association The The next Parish Women's Association meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26th. This one ladies you won't want to miss!!! We will be hosting a "Night with the Knights!” Department is proud to announce its winter production, almost, maine by John Cariani. almost, maine will be The Knights of Columbus will be joining us for a night of fun, food and fellowship. Haven't you ever wondered what the Knights were all about??? What's up with all those different degrees??? And those beautiful uniforms....what do they mean...??? What do they really do.....?? Will they have to silence us if they tell???? Come and solve the mystique around our Knights. You will be surprised and amazed at their contributions to our parish and our community. The evening will begin at 6:45 with the Rosary. All women of the parish are invited and very welcome. We will be serving our Knights pizza, salad and dessert. It will truly be a "Knight" to remember. St. Charles Preparatory School Drama presented February 27, 28, & March 1 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 2 at 3:00 p.m. in the St. Charles Campus Theatre. Adult tickets are $10 each, and student tickets are $5 each. Reservations may be placed by calling the St. Charles main office at 614/252-6714 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. On a cold, clear, moonless night in the middle of winter, all is not quite what it seems in the remote, mythical town of Almost, Maine. As the northern lights hover in the star-filled sky above, Almost's residents find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected and often hilarious ways. Knees are bruised. Hearts are broken. But the bruises heal, and the hearts mend—almost—in this delightful midwinter night's dream. almost, maine: It's love. But not quite. View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Around the Diocese…………. West Deanery Parish News On Saturday, February 22, St. Mary Magdalene will offer a Guided Silent Retreat. The day will begin at 9 a.m., include a simple lunch and the retreat. The day is designed so that one can attend only the morning session (9 a.m. – 12 noon), the afternoon session (1 – 3 p.m.) or all day. To register, call the parish office, 274-1121, ext. 13. Bishop Ready Students Bring “Harvey” to Life… The Bishop Ready Theatre Department is staging the Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Harvey” on Friday, February 21, and Sunday, February 23, at 7 P.M., with a matinee performance at 2 P.M. on Saturday, February 22. Five parishioners who are students at Bishop Ready will have roles in the production: Ready senior Michael Osborn will play the lead of Elwood P. Dowd, with seniors Trianna Connolly as Veta Louise Simmons and Korey Kelly as Wilson, and junior Rylie Wahl as Ethel Chauvenet. Tickets are $10 for adults, $9 for those 65+, and $8 for students. For more information, call Bishop Ready at 614-276-5263. Bishop Ready Placement and Scholarship Exam Dates The Placement Exam for in-coming freshmen will be held on Saturday, March 1, from 8:45 A.M. to noon. The Scholarship Exam will be held on two Saturdays, March 8 and March 15, from 9 A.M. – 11 A.M. In-coming freshmen may choose either date to take the exam; current Ready students must take the exam on March 15. Both exams will be held at Bishop Ready HS. For more information, please call BRHS at 614-2765263. View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity GROVE CITY, OHIO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC MASS On Wednesday, February 26, 2014, we will be celebrating a Charismatic Mass at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, (located at 6077 Sharon Woods Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229). Praise and Worship at 6:00 p.m., the celebration of Mass will begin at 7:00 p.m. and Fellowship will be limited to coffee following Mass. Come and experience the enthusiasm of praise, worship and thanksgiving as we celebrate this Mass where the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit listed by St. Paul in Corinthians, chapter 12, flow freely. For more information, please call the Catholic Charismatic Center at 614-914-8556. Corpus Christi Center of Peace Located on Columbus’ South Side, Corpus Christi Center of Peace is a place of peace in the heart of the city. Groups and organizations may rent our space for meetings and retreats. Our building is the former rectory for Corpus Christi Parish and has been completely renovated and redecorated. Our spacious living room on the first floor can comfortably accommodate up to 25 people in a large circle. We also have two smaller conference rooms that each can accommodate a group of 10 around a rectangular table. WiFi is available throughout the building. There are full kitchen facilities, an accessible restroom and an accessible entrance ramp into the dining/living room area. You may arrange for your own food and drink to be brought in, or we can provide simple meals, refreshments and snacks for your event. Our dining room table will seat up to 12 and we have additional tables that can be set up in other rooms to accommodate larger groups. There are 3 bathrooms and 6 bedrooms on the second floor with beds for up to 10 people. Also on the second floor is a full kitchen, a common area and a prayer room. A chair lift to the second floor is available for those who have difficulty with stairs. Corpus Christi Center of Peace 1111 Stewart Avenue Columbus, OH 43206 614-512-3731 Email: corpuschristicenterofpeace@gmail.com www.cccenterofpeace.org SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Athletics 2014 Track & Field Sign-ups are here!! Sign-ups are now open for 4th through 8th grade Track and Field for the Diocesan Recreation season. This sport is open to all students of Our Lady School and PSR, St. Cecilia School and PSR, St. Mary Magdalene School and PSR, Trinity School and its affiliated parish PSR students that are in grades four through eight. PSR students that have a public school team may only participate for their school or Our Lady Athletics, not both. Students may also participate in the respective parish Baseball or Softball programs as well as the Our Lady Track program. Sign-ups are due Tuesday, February 25th. Forms are also available on the Our Lady Athletics website. Questions can be directed to Track Commissioners Rich Green (614-3651480 orrichard.c.green@jpmchase.com MARRIED COUPLES-SPECIAL ANNIVERSARIES If you are celebrating a special anniversary (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th (and every year thereafter) during March, and would like us to acknowledge this in the parish bulletin, please call the Parish Office (875-3322). These special anniversaries will be listed on the first weekend of each month. We will include the couple’s name and what special anniversary they are celebrating (we will not include dates). To be sure your anniversary is included, you should call the Parish Office prior to the last week of the month before your anniversary month. Spring Clean Up - St. Joseph, Resurrection, Holy Cross and Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemeteries will begin removing wintertime decorations beginning March 3. Families are advised to remove any personal keepsakes they wish to retain prior to March 3. The ST. JOHN LEARNING CENTER (located in the St. John Center, 640 South Ohio Avenue, at Holy Rosary/St. John Church) is currently looking for volunteers to assist with GED and computer classes. Most volunteer times would be in the evenings or on Saturday. Also needed are college interns who could assist with volunteer recruitment and management. For more information, please call (614) 252-3132. FEBRUARY 16, 2014 ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH 9:00 a.m. Disciples 4 Life – Life Teen Room 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Life Night – Parish Life Center 7:30 p.m. Premeditated Sobriety Group, AA Closed Discussion Group – OLPH Preschool Building MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH 7:00 p.m. Grief Support Group – Shepherd’s Room 7:00 p.m. Bible Study – Our Lady Center 7:00 p.m. Respect Life – Parish Life Center 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts - Basement TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH 7:15 p.m. Bingo WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH 9:00 a.m. MOMS Group – Basement 2:30 p.m. Girl Scouts – Parish Life Center 6:00 p.m. Girl Scout Service Unit – Parish Life Center 6:00 p.m. Bell Choir – Basement 7:00 p.m. Life Teen Core – Life Teen Room 7:00 p.m. Job Search Training Program – Our Lady Center 7:30 p.m. Choir – Church THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH 6:00 p.m. Parish Council – Conference Room 6:30 p.m. Young Ladies Fellowship – Life Teen Room 6:30 p.m. Fit Club – Our Lady Center 7:00 p.m. RCIA – Parish Life Center 7:00 p.m. Bell Ensemble – Basement 7:00 p.m. Landscape Committee – Shepherd’s Room FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST 7:15 p.m. Bingo SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND 10:00 a.m. Saintly Stitchers – Parish Life Center 1:00 p.m. First Reconciliation Retreat – Parish Life Center, Basement, Church OFFERTORY FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 2, 2014 Envelope Offerings 522 $17,169.00 Loose Check Offerings 32 805.00 Loose Offerings 530.00 $18,504.00 We thank you and God bless you abundantly for your generosity. MONEY COUNTERS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 16, 2014 - TEAM 2 View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity GROVE CITY, OHIO SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2014 Gather your friends, family and neighbors and th visit any central Ohio IHop on Tuesday, March 4 , to celebrate national Pancake Day and enjoy a FREE stack of pancakes! Donations to Pregnancy Decision Health Centers will be accepted. Support local women and families while treating yours to a delicious meal. It’s a win-win!! BINGO WORKERS CONCESSION WORKERS Tuesday, February 18TH SET UP: Theresa Furey Barb Kistner Arianne Siezemore Dan Stroud Tuesday, February 18TH SET UP: Charla Moscinski Judy Danch Alexis Fitzsimmons Michael Fitzsimmons Carrie Wolfe Friday, February 21ST SET UP: Chris Eichorn Joe Nlemchi Michelle Smetanko Friday, February 21ST SET UP: Karen Farkas Charlotte Harris Greg Thacker Kathleen Thacker Janet Yorman SPOTLIGHTED ADVERTISER BW Tire & Service View this bulletin online at www.OurLadyOfPerpetualHelp.net Like us at acebook.com/olphgrovecity