Heartland Community College Master Course Syllabus Division: Technology Course Prefix and Number: MFTG 205 Course Title: Statics and Strength of Materials DATE PREPARED: May 8, 1994 DATE REVISED: October 18, 2011 PCS/CIP/ID NO: 1.2-400801 IAI NO. (if available): EFFECTIVE DATE OF FIRST CLASS: January 9, 2012 CREDIT HOURS: CONTACT HOURS: LECTURE HOURS: LABORATORY HOURS: 4 5 3 2 CATALOG DESCRIPTION (Include specific prerequisites): Prerequisite: PHYS 161 or TPHY 103. The course serves as an introduction to the strength of materials, methods of determining the stresses and deflections of basic loadcarrying members. The laboratory is designed to supplement the classroom presentation and give the student a clearer understanding of the responses of components and structures to external loads. The concept of principle stress is emphasized. TEXTBOOKS: Groover, M. (2011). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. [Or a comparable text that addresses at a minimum the topics listed in the Course/Lab Outline and that provides students with the opportunity to achieve the Learning Outcomes for this course.] RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND TRANSFERABILITY: MFTG 205 was designed to meet the specific needs of an Associate of Applied Science degree. Please see an academic advisor for an explanation concerning transfer options. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Course Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of free body diagrams. 2. Analyze static force systems of moderate complexity. 3. Demonstrate understanding of the basic stresses and deflections imposed on structural members under various loading conditions. 4. Recognize the types of stresses imposed by various loading conditions. 5. Calculate stresses in simple shapes under various loading conditions. 6. Demonstrate understanding of the magnitude and direction of principle stress. General Education Outcomes: PS4, CT2 Program Outcomes: MFTG 01 Develop basic manufacturing and machining skills. MFTG 02 Develop basic skills for most manufacturing-and machining-related occupations. MFTG 03 Execute basic blueprint reading, CAD, machine tool, CNC manufacturing, tool-making, ferrous metallurgy, welding, technical writing and basic computer skills. MFTG 04 Evaluate the processes involved in mass production, planning quality control, material selection, tools and equipment. MFTG 05 Develop basic skills to inspect and handle parts, equipment and the finished product. Range of Assessment Methods: Written work, lab exercises and assignments/final project, and quizzes/tests COURSE/LAB OUTLINE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction and fundamental terms Resultant and equilibrant of forces Moments Noncurrent-coplanar forces Concurrent-noncoplanar forces Static and kinetic friction Simple stresses Properties of materials Riveted, butted, and welded joints and thin-walled pressure vessels Center of gravity, centroids, and moments of inertia Beams-shear forces and bending moments Beams-design Torsion, shafts, shaft coupling, and keys Combined stresses 15. Columns METHOD OF EVALUATION (Tests/Exams, Grading System): Course evaluations will be based on the following assessment methods (heavier evaluation emphasis will be placed on activities requiring hands-on use of software/equipment and more specific methods of evaluation will vary by instructor): % OF FINAL GRADE 0-10% 60-80% 20-35% 100% ASSESSMENT METHOD written work lab exercises and assignments/final project quizzes/tests TOTAL Course grades will be determined by the use of the following grading scale: A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F Below 60% REQUIRED WRITING AND READING: Written work may include completion of exercises, answers to questions, documentation of labs completed, projects as assigned and tests (or portions thereof). Reading assignments will consist of textbook (approximately 500 pages) and/or labs, articles or other course related materials (likely not to exceed 1000 pages total).