boarding client Forms and information Packet

Posh Paws Pet Spa & Resort
CHECK IN DATE__________ TIME_________ CHECK OUT DATE_________ TIME_______
Last Name____________________ First Name___________________ Spouse_______________
Home Address______________________________City________________State____Zip______
Cell #________________Emergency #_________________Alt. Contact #___________________
Veterinarian______________________________________ Vet Phone #___________________
Please check ALL that apply to your pet.
 Aggressive
 Biter
 Neutered/Spayed
 Lives with another pet
 Destructive
If taking Medications, please list doses and times administered:__________________________
I hereby certify that I am the owner of _______________________, the dog(s) which will participate in Doggy Day Care and/or boarding. I
understand that other dogs will attend Doggy Day Care and/or boarding and that during the course of participation, my dog may come into
direct contact with all other participating dogs. I hereby certify that the above named dog has been fully vaccinated for canine distemper,
canine parvo virus, canine hepatitis, canine parainfluenza and canine corona virus (DHPPC), as well as bordetella (kennel cough), and rabies.
The requirements to participate in Doggy Day Care and/or boarding are DHPPC within the last year, Bordetella within the last 6 months, and
rabies in accordance with local laws. I am aware that my dog may be exposed to those infectious diseases described above. However, since
Posh Paws has advised me that my dog must be fully vaccinated against those diseases before attending Doggy Day Care and/or boarding, I
alone assume responsibility for any such exposure. I also acknowledge that in addition to the diseases described above my dog may be exposed
to other infectious diseases. However, in order for my dog to participate in Doggy Day Care and/or boarding and /or boarding, I alone assume
the responsibility of such exposure to all other infectious canine diseases. I understand that in the event of injury or illness during his stay, my
dog will be taken to the Vet of your choice or if after hours, to the Small Animal Emergency Clinic, unless your personal veterinarian is available
at the time of the incident. Although Posh Paws associates diligently watch all dogs play, I am aware that given the sometimes-unpredictable
nature of dogs, an interaction could take place between animals at the day care or unforeseen events could occur. If such an event resulted in
injury to my dog, to other dogs, or to other people; I alone assume responsibility for any such injury. As to Posh Paws and its employees, I
hereby waive and release any actions, causes of actions, damages, rights, claims or lawsuits which I may have for: (a) any and all personal injury
or property damage which may be sustained arising out of any interaction between dogs participating in Doggy Day Care and/or boarding; and
(b) any and all injury, illness or disease sustained by my dog arising out of or stemming from its participation in Doggy Day Care and/or
boarding. I have read and understand this release form and I will honor and abide by the terms and conditions set forth above.
Date_____________ Printed Name of Dog Owner____________________________________
Dog’s Name______________________ Owner’s Signature______________________________
Posh Paws Pet Spa & Resort
Emergency Contact Information
Your emergency contact should be someone local and someone that, in the event of
emergency, has access to your home.
Emergency Contact Name ________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ Work Phone _________________________
Cell Phone _________________________
Vet Information and Release Form
Vet Clinic ____________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________ City ________________ State
_____ Zip _______
Phone _____________________________
I understand that in the event of an emergency, Posh Paws will make every attempt to
contact me. In the event that I cannot be reached, I authorize the following: In the event
of illness or injury, I authorize Posh Paws to seek appropriate medical treatment for my
pet. I understand that every effort will be made to take my pet to the vet clinic specified
on the emergency form if the situation permits however; Posh Paws has the authority to
seek treatment at any veterinary clinic. Furthermore, I agree to reimburse Posh Paws
within 14 days of incident for veterinary fees and all related costs including
transportation in any amount up to $_____________ (please specify dollar amount per
pet. Common amounts are $200, $1000, or unlimited).
This release does not expire and will remain valid for all future Posh Paws services.
Client Signature _____________________________________ Date _______________
Printed Name _______________________________________
Posh Paws Pet Spa & Resort
New Client Information Sheet
How did you hear about us?
Saw sign
Web Site
Referral? If so, who? _____________________________________________________________
Owner’s Last Name_______________________________ First Name_____________________________
Spouse’s Name______________________________
E-Mail Address_________________________________________________________________________
State_______ Zip Code________________
Cell Phone_____________________________ Home Phone____________________________________
Work Phone______________________________ Additional Phone ______________________________
Pet’s Name
I give Posh Paws Pet Spa permission to seek emergency medical attention for my pet if it is deemed
necessary. I assume all liability and financial responsibility for any and all costs involved for any medical
attention sought for my pet's well-being. Grooming: I am aware that if my pet is matted Posh Paws Pet
Spa may deem it necessary to "dematt" or even shave my pet. These procedures may have unpleasant
consequences such as clipper/brush burn or nicks or cuts. Posh Paws Pet Spa will take all necessary care
and precautions during ALL grooming services, but will not be held responsible for any side effects,
injuries or medical bills incurred. Boarding: I give permission for Posh Paws Pet Spa to board my pet over
night at a charge of $22.50 per day if I do not arrive by closing time to pick up my pet.
Sign Here __________________________________________ Date _______________________