Patient Hospitalization Today’s Date_______________ Your Name _____________________________ Pet’s Name ________________________ We will need to be able to contact you or someone with permission to make medical and financial decisions. 1st phone ______________________ 2nd phone __________________ What is your primary concern today?____________________________________________ When did the issue start? __________ Has your pet had this problem before? Yes No If so, when?___________________ Change in Eating +/Weight Gain Change in Drinking +/- Itching/Scratching Bad Breath Difficulty Rising Excessive Sleeping Scooting Weight Loss Shaking Head _________________________ Car Sickness Vomiting Diarrhea Skin Masses/Lesions Urination Issues Behavioral Problem Seizure / Date of Last_______ Other____________________ ________________________ ________________________ I authorize Claus Paws Animal Hospital (CPAH) to perform the following procedures: Blood Test Urinalysis X-rays Sedation Vaccines, if due When did your pet last eat:_____________________________________________________________ Has your pet ever had an adverse reaction to any medication?_________________________________ If so, describe________________________________________________________________________ I understand that a hospitalization appointment is for my convenience, that there is a hospitalization charge of $11 for each day my pet is hospitalized and that my pet will be examined by the first available veterinarian. I also understand that emergencies do happen and that an emergency appointment may delay my pet’s appointment today. Please call me before treating if my fee will be over $ __________(if left blank, we will call if fee is over $300) X Signature 6700 NE 162nd Ave Suite 420 * Vancouver, WA 98682 * 360-896-7449