Owner/ Guardian name(s): Mailing address: Telephone:( ) Alternate Telephone:( Emergency Contact: ) Email: Contact Telephone:( ) CANINE INFORMATION Name: Spayed/Neutered Y Breed: N Age: Weight: Sex: M F Color: Canine’s primary veterinary clinic(s) Clinic Veterinarian Address Telephone Other current canine healthcare providers: chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, reiki, massage therapy, cranial sacral, etc. Clinic/ Provider Type of Treatment Contact Information Frequency of Visit Were you referred by a healthcare provider? Yes/ No - If yes, by whom and for what reason? Canine Health History Has your pet recently suffered from an injury? If so, when? Has this injury been addressed by a veterinarian? If so, when? Has your pet recently undergone surgery? If yes, type of surgery and date. Current Medications? Medication Reason How often Does your pet suffer from any of the following: arthritis, obesity, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, seizures, diabetes, cancer: Does your pet receive any dietary supplements? Does your dog suffer from: Allergies (Food/Medication) Y / N Skin disorders: Y / N Incontinence: Y / N Epilepsy: Y / N Does your dog receive any topical medications? Please describe any other pertinent medical conditions: General Is your pet here primarily for therapy or recreation? How would you rate your dog’s swimming skills? How does your dog respond to water? Does he/ she swim often? What is your pet’s comfort level with a man made pool? Does your dog enjoy: Retrieving? Toys? What kinds? Treats? Permission to administer them? Level of training: none simple commands agility obedience service therapy hunting What type of exercise does your dog participate in most frequently? Temperament How does your pet respond to being handled by strangers? Circle all that apply. Shy playful fearful submissive unpredictable stubborn friendly nervous indifferent skiddish aggressive flighty excited affectionate How well-socialized is your pet with humans and other canines? Briefly describe your dog’s strongest personality traits: Does your pet have a history of: Fear or aggression toward people? Y N Fear or aggression toward other dogs? Y Finally… N Are there any special circumstances, or any emotional/ behavioral issues to be aware of in order to ensure proper handling, and allow your pet more comfort & confidence in this environment? What are your goals for your pet?