NAU-YUMA BRANCH CAMPUS YUMA CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MINUTES September 12, 2012 2:15 PM – 4:15 PM AC 213 Voting Members Present: Charles “Charlie” Balch - Chair, Rosalicia “Rosie” Cordova - Business, Glenn Hookstra - Education, Marcie Delmotte - PAM, William “Bill” Pederson – Arts & Sciences Non-Voting Members Present: Russell Prust, Patrick Deegan, Alex Steenstra, Susan Johnstad, Elizabeth P. Morrison, Cecilia “Ceci” Torres, Ramona Mellott, Lisa Williams, Nicole Morrow, Zoe Hawk Members Absent: Rosa Corona (non-voting) Guests Present: Jack Ferrell, Amalia Garzon, Alison Brown, Laura Connor, Dora Donovan, Corrine Gordon, Jeannie Copley, Constance Brown, Paige Miller-Leister WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER Charlie Balch called the meeting to order at 2:15 PM and welcomed all members of the committee and guests present. INTRODUCTIONS (MEMBERS, LIAISONS AND GUESTS) All committee members, liaisons and guests introduced themselves. Amalia Garzon attended the meeting as a guest to explain the BBA Spanish proposal changes (BBA 307, BBA 308 & BBA 387). APPROVAL OF MINUTES Glenn Hookstra moved that the minutes of the April 18, 2012 YCC meeting be approved as amended. Bill Pederson seconded the motion. Motion carried without opposition. LIAISON REPORT Zoe Hawk had no report from the AWC Curriculum Committee meeting. Russ Prust reported that AWC is seeing updates to ACRES to make it more efficient and user-friendly. OLD BUSINESS None INFORMATION ITEMS (FAST-TRACK) None ACTION ITEMS Approve YCC By-Laws o Rosie Cordova moved to approve the proposed YCC By-Laws. Glenn seconded the motion. o Marcie Delmotte suggested that the word “and” be inserted into the first sentence under Statement of Policy. The sentence will now read “The NAU-Yuma Curriculum Committee (YCC) is responsible for review, assess and initial approval of YCC course changes.” o Russ Prust suggested changing the word “selected” to “elected” in the second bullet point under Appointment and Composition. The new sentence will read “YCC voting faculty members represent each instructional area and are elected at the all-day Fall startup and serve a three-year term”. This change will also apply to the first sentence in the third bullet point – “The YCC chair is elected on the last YCC meeting of the academic year”. o Nicole Morrow suggested that “highest-ranked NAU-Yuma staff member” will be changed to “highest-ranked NAU-Yuma administrator of faculty” throughout the document since the YCC is a faculty committee. o Marcie and Alex Steenstra suggested a change to the 5th bullet point under NAU Yuma Curriculum Committee Charges since assessment is not always the driving force behind a proposal. The bullet point will now read: ”Insuring that proposals include a component-addressing need including assessment data as appropriate”. o Jack Ferrell and Charlie discussed the 6th bullet point under NAU Yuma Curriculum Committee Charges. This bullet point will now read :”Other curricular duties as assigned by the highest-ranked NAU-Yuma administrator of faculty”. o Charlie, Nicole and Patrick Deegan led a discussion on Fast-Track Items under YCC Items. The third sentence will now read: “YCC Voting members may request a vote to convert Fast-Track Items to Action Items with notice to the YCC Chair at least twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled YCC meeting”. o Bill Pederson asked for clarification on the YCC voting members. Charlie told him that Glenn Hookstra, Marcie Delmotte, Rosie Cordova and Bill Pederson are voting members. As YCC Chair, Charlie Balch can also vote in case of a tie. o Rosie moved to accept the YCC By-Laws as amended subject to review at the next YCC meeting. Glenn seconded the motion. The motion carried without opposition. Approve ECCC Members as non-voting permanent guests o Bill motioned that YCC approve ECCC members as non-voting guests. Glenn seconded the motion. o Russ suggested that ECCC members be permanent non-voting guests. o Bill motioned to approve ECCC members as permanent, non-voting guests. Glenn seconded the motion. The motion carried without opposition. WEB 300: Patrick explained that the original course prefix “YUMA” was a placeholder until a permanent prefix was determined. Charlie suggested that the last two sentences be removed from the course description to eliminate the need for future review by YCC if the theme is changed from food and to keep the description under 60 words. Nicole confirmed the 60-word limit on course descriptions. Patrick & Alison Brown will work on the description and bring it back to the next YCC meeting for review. Bill moved to table WEB 300 until the next YCC meeting. Rosie seconded the motion. The motion carried without opposition. BBA Spanish Courses – BBA 307, BBA 308, BBA 347 o Glenn moved to accept all three BBA Spanish courses. Bill seconded the motion. o Amalia explained that BBA 308 was created due to student need. BBA 308 is a continuation of BBA 307 and provides students more opportunities to develop proficiency before moving to the intermediate Spanish course BBA 387. o Nicole suggested removing the word “beginning” from BBA 307 & BBA 308 since they are upper-level courses. She also suggested changing BBA 308 to BBA 309 due to an articulation problem at the 400 level. The new title for BBA 307 will be Spanish for Business I. The new title for BBA 309 will be Spanish for Business II. The syllabus for BBA 309 will reflect these changes. o The prerequisites for BBA 309 will change to BBA 307 or SPA 101 to match the syllabus. o In order to maintain this titling format, the title of BBA 387 will change to Spanish for Business III instead of Intermediate Spanish for Business. o Glenn moved to consider all three courses together as amended for approval. Bill seconded the motion. The motion carried without opposition. BBA Marketing Courses – BBA 313, BBA 315, BBA 413, BBA 417 o Marcie moved to accept all four BBA Marketing courses. Bill seconded the motion. o Paige Miller-Leister explained that the new BBA Marketing emphasis developed from student demand. This emphasis consists of 4 courses (three credits each): BBA 313, BBA 315, BBA 413 and BBA 417. The BBA department plans to offer the two 300-level courses in Spring 2013 and then to offer all four courses beginning Fall 2013. o Since there were no questions from the committee, Charlie called for a vote. The motion carried without opposition. BBA Marketing (Plan Change) o Glenn moved to accept the BBA Marketing Plan Change (Change of Emphasis). Bill seconded the motion. o Nicole mentioned that, under the UCC definition of emphasis, an emphasis requires 15 units of unique credits. This proposed emphasis only has 12 unique credits. Nicole said this change was approved by UCC in Fall 2010 and approved by YCC in Spring 2011. The UCC didn’t seek out current emphases to see if they complied with this change. If any plan change came forward to the UCC, the new plan/emphasis must be compliant with the current rules. Ceci Torres mentioned that the emphasis in Elementary Education from the College of Education has only 12 units. Alison said that the intent of the UCC was to make this change only if a new plan came forward and this change does not apply to a new emphasis. Nicole will research these comments. Charlie mentioned that the NAU Yuma BBA program just passed national accreditation. Alison suggested that the emphasis be changed to a specialization since that worked with the BIS/BAS program. Alex Steenstra is not comfortable with specialization. o Bill moved to approve the BBA Marketing Plan Change/New Emphasis subject to review and resolution of the question of emphasis definition. Rosie seconded the motion. The motion carried without opposition. NEW BUSINESS Marcie moved that a New Business section be included on all future YCC agendas. Glenn seconded the motion. Since there were no questions from the committee, Charlie called for a vote. The motion carried without opposition. Charlie requested that the committee approve to accept electronically distributed signed documents in lieu of mailing the originals. Once the documents are signed in Yuma, they will be electronically distributed (scan or fax) to the next signatory and the originals will be forwarded as appropriate. Glenn was concerned that someone up the line may require hard copies with all original signatures in the future. Glenn moved that YCC accept electronically distributed signed documents in lieu of mailing the originals. Bill seconded the motion. The motion carried without opposition. GOOD OF THE ORDER None NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on October 10, 2012 from 2:15-3:45 PM in AC 213. Glenn moved that the meeting be adjourned at 4:00 PM. Rosie seconded the motion. The motion carried without opposition.