report on the results of the consultation

Report on the consultation on Linking the Continuing
Professional Education and Learning (CPEL)
Framework and Registration as a Social Worker
Sheila Lyons
Appendix 1
Overview of the consultation process and summary
of responses
Workforce Development Committee, February 2014 – members agreed the proposed
approach for linking the CPEL Framework and registration as a social worker and agreed the
plan to proceed with the consultation.
Standards and Regulation Committee will be discussing this report at its meeting on 14
January 2015.
This work is included in the Care Council’s Business Plan 2014/15 and in the three year plan
for the Social Work Development Programme Board.
Members are asked to:
Approve the actions proposed to respond to the results of the consultation (section 3 of
this report).
Approve publication of the results of the consultation and this Care Council response on
the website.
Report on the consultation on Linking the Continuing Professional Education
and Learning (CPEL) Framework and Registration as a Social Worker
Purpose of Report
This report provides a summary of the consultation on linking the CPEL
Framework and registration as a social worker and sets out a proposed
response to the consultation with actions.
The Care Council has developed a CPEL Framework for Social Workers
consisting of 4 programmes: the Consolidation Programme for Newly Qualified
Social Workers, the Experienced Practitioner Programme, the Senior
Practitioner Programme and the Consultant Social Worker Programme. All of
these programmes are now operating apart from the Consultant Social Worker
Programme which has its first intake in 2015. The Care Council is funding 100
CPEL programme places per annum and employers also fund places.
More information about the CPEL Framework is available in the leaflet CPEL –
What you Need to Know:
The results of the initial consultation1 on the CPEL Framework for social
workers showed that there was an appetite for making CPEL programmes
mandatory over-time through making a link to registration.
The main arguments identified for making programmes mandatory were as
To respond to policy, legislative and practice changes: social workers need
to be familiar with new interventions and models of service.
To support social workers to develop specialist and advanced social work
knowledge and skills.
To embed learning and evidence based practice across the profession.
To support implementation of the national career pathway for social
To support the regulatory move to fitness to practise.
To strengthen post registration training and learning.
To develop confidence in the social work profession, putting it on the same
level as other professions with strong investment in post qualifying
Issues and Analysis
Between June and September 2014, the Care Council consulted on specific
proposals for making CPEL programmes mandatory over-time. The
Continuing Professional Education and Learning: A Framework for Social Workers in Wales, Consultation
Document, June – September 2011, Care Council for Wales
consultation document emphasised a gradual and incremental approach to
change. Stakeholders were invited to comment on the priorities and
timescales for change to ensure that developments support good service
delivery, not hinder it.
A report on the consultation process and a summary of the responses
received is in Appendix 1. As can be seen, there was an excellent response to
the consultation and from a broad range of stakeholders. It is encouraging that
85% of responses came from the social work profession.
Care Council response to the consultation
Creating a link between the CPEL Framework and Registration
Over 67% of responses support the overall principle of making CPEL
Programmes mandatory over-time. The CPEL Framework is acknowledged as
an important way of further professionalising the social work profession.
However, there are many well-argued comments about how best to implement
proposals, and about reasonable timescales. Since publishing the
consultation, progress has been made on drafting the Regulation and
Inspection Bill and this also impacts on implementation. It may be more
appropriate to make mandatory requirements through regulations rather than
splitting the social work register. There are a number of possible routes to
consider: use of Care Council powers and / or Welsh government setting
requirements on employers.
Action proposed: Explore with Welsh Government the appropriate
mechanisms for making the Consolidation Programme, the Senior Practitioner
Programme and the Consultant Social Worker Programme mandatory for
relevant social workers over-time.
The Consolidation Programme for Newly Qualified Social Workers
There is strong support for making the Consolidation Programme mandatory
with over 76% of respondents supporting this move. Respondents helpfully
identify a number of implementation issues to be considered including a better
‘fit ‘with Making the Most of the First Year in Practice guidance, re-considering
the timescale and learning from evaluation. Legal advice is also being sought
on the need for greater standardisation across Consolidation Programmes.
Action proposed: Develop a specific implementation plan for making the
Consolidation Programme a mandatory requirement from either 2015 or 2016.
Final decisions about the timescale will be taken following consideration of
legal advice and discussions with ADSS Cymru.
3.3.3 The Experienced Practitioner Programme (EPP)
Experienced practitioners make up the largest group of social workers and
there are significant resource and practical implications of making the EPP
mandatory. There is support, however, for keeping the position under review,
with 60% of respondents agreeing.
Action proposed: The Care Council keeps the position in relation to
experienced social workers under review.
3.3.4 Entry requirements for the Senior Practitioner Programme
The Care Council consulted on specific proposals for making the 3 x 10 credit
core modules of the Experienced Practitioner Programme entry requirements
for the Senior Practitioner Programme (SPP). The proposal was intended to
create a firm base for social workers entering the role of senior practitioner,
rather than ‘jumping’ from the Consolidation Programme to the SPP. The
responses are generally supportive of the idea of introducing consistent entry /
selection requirements for the Senior Practitioner role. However, a significant
number of respondents had concerns about this specific proposal, including
that it is too rigid.
Action proposed: The Care Council to work with partners to identify
appropriate and flexible entry requirements for the SPP.
3.3.5 Senior Practitioner and Consultant Social Worker Programmes
There is support for making the Senior Practitioner Programme (SPP) and the
Consultant Social Worker Programme (CSWP) mandatory over-time (59% and
67% of respondents respectively support the proposals). There is concern
about timescales. There are specific concerns and issues raised in relation to
the voluntary sector. Also, the results of evaluation are needed to be confident
that the programmes are fit for purpose.
Action proposed: Develop an implementation plan for making the SPP and
CSWP programmes mandatory over-time. The plan will include discussions
with ADSS Cymru and other stakeholders about timescales. Also, there will be
specific discussions with the voluntary sector about their needs. The latter
discussions will include the title of academic awards to take account of the
range of roles across different sectors.
3.3.6 Other considerations
The other considerations listed in the consultation document were Transition
arrangements; Evaluation of programmes; implications of failing; Registrants
in non-social work roles and Workers from other parts of the UK or the world.
Respondents agree that these are important considerations and will need to
be included in actions plans. There is a strong message that the results of
evaluation must inform developments. Also, the impact on the workforce and
service delivery must be considered.
Action proposed: Undertake an Impact Assessment on all proposals for
making CPEL Programmes mandatory. The results of the assessment to
inform a project management approach to introducing changes.
Financial and Risk Considerations
Making programmes mandatory means that CPEL resources will increasingly
be targeted to support social workers to access the programmes they need for
their role.
Making programmes mandatory is dependent on sufficient places being
accessible to all relevant social workers in Wales, including in different
Human Resource Considerations
The proposed Impact Assessment for this project will include the impact on
the social work workforce as a whole.
The CPEL Framework continues to be a major Care Council project with
implications for a range of staff time and expertise.
Policy Link
‘Sustainable Social Services for Wales: a Framework for Action2’ includes
a commitment to clearer career pathways and on-going qualification
requirements for social workers, thereby enhancing professionalism.
CPEL Programmes are designed to support social workers to gain the
knowledge and skills they require to work in the Wales policy and legislative
Following on from the consultation, the Care Council will continue to engage
with stakeholders on the proposed actions set out in this report.
Language Implications
The requirements for all the CPEL programmes include equal treatment of
Welsh and English and equipping social workers to understand and take full
account of Welsh language need and culture in their work.
The CPEL Programmes have undertaken Equality Impact Assessments.
Quality assurance of the programmes includes equalities monitoring.
Sustainable Social Services: A Framework for Action, Welsh Government 2011
Members are asked to:
Approve the actions proposed to respond to the results of the consultation
(section 3 of this report).
Approve publication of the results of the consultation and this Care Council
response on the website.