United States History -Banas/Deschaine 1920s/1930s- Cultural Shifts Name: ___________________________________ Per: ____ Date: __________________ CAUSE AND EFFECT WEBQUEST How did Americans react to the social and cultural changes in the 1920s? Directions: Using your problem solving and technology skills, research the following social and cultural changes in the 1920s and also the reactions that many Americans had to these changes. Define each term and cut and paste an image in each box. At the end of the period, print this document out and be sure to answer the question on the last page in your own words. The vocab words are in bold. The Change (cause) Large numbers of immigrants coming into America in the 1900s-1920s The Reaction (effect) Emergency Quota Act of 1921 Red Scare and Palmer Raids Sacco and Vanzetti trial The Great Migration after WWI Rise of the KKK Harlem Renaissance Jazz music The Invention of the Automobile and Model T Ford Suburbanization Car culture in the 1920s Prohibition of alcohol- 18th amendment Bootlegging Rise of Organized Crime (mafia) Speakeasies New consumer appliances were invented in the 1920s Women had more leisure time Rise of Christian fundamentalism in the 1920s Theory of evolution taught in public schools---Scopes “monkey” trial The 19th amendment passes (women’s suffrage) Flappers New careers open for women in the 1920s Airplanes are developed during WWI Spirit of St. Louis and Charles Lindbergh Amelia Earnhardt Radio becomes important to communication Growth of advertisements Growth of American consumer culture in the 1920s Sports and leisure activities grow in popularity in the 1920s Americans focus on “heroes” (Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbergh, Clara Bow, etc) FINAL REFLECTION QUESTION Based on your research, do you think the 1920s was more a time of conservatism or liberalism? If you don’t know these terms, please look them up. Take a position and defend it using your research as evidence. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________