I. Introduction In the field of fluid mechanics, it is often necessary to analyze or predict the characteristics and effects of a form that is interrupting a stream flow. A simplified (yet still fairly complex) case can be seen as a cylinder disrupting a cross flow. Examples of this could include a support beam that is encountering high winds or a similar submerged system, perhaps supporting an oil platform in the ocean. Important considerations in these cases include drag produced, the pressure distribution and the effect on the fluid velocity profile. For this experiment, both smooth and rough cylinders were examined while in a cross flow of air and water. The air experiment was analyzed quantitatively, with a few more objectives than the water experiment, in which a qualitative analysis of the streak lines produced by injected colored dye was performed. In the air experiment, a variety of data sets were taken, which as intended allowed the formation of a surface pressure distribution for analysis, as well as the generation of a wake velocity profile for both the smooth and rough cylinders. The next objective is to determine drag coefficients utilizing two methods: numerical surface pressure integration and control volume momentum analysis. Finally, the experimental data is to be compared with theoretical data. The theory behind this experiment takes heading from a few assumptions and the implications of such when applied to fundamental fluid equations. Because the airflow in the wind tunnel was fairly low, the assumption was made that the air could be considered incompressible. This allows a manipulation of the ideal gas law to present the density of the air as: π π = π ∗π (1) Where p is the free-stream pressure, T is the temperature in Kelvin and R is the ideal gas constant, 287 J/kg*k. Equation 2 now presents a method of calculating the dynamic viscosity: π = (3.15 ∗ 10−7 ) ∗ π .7147 (2) Together, these two quantities allow for the calculation of the Reynolds number, Re, as the product of ρ, the fluid velocity and the cylinder diameter divided by μ. The Reynolds number is important as it is responsible for the viscous flow pattern. For Re < 5, the cylinder flow is not separated, for 5 < Re < 40 flow separation occurs and two eddies form downstream of the cylinder. For a Reynolds number above 40, an unsteady wake flow occurs. In all occurrences, a boundary layer forms due to the no-slip boundary condition. This layer thins significantly as the Reynolds number increases above 1000 and shear stresses become very important. With regards to pressure, the maximum pressure occurs as a stagnation point at the front of the cylinder (facing oncoming flow). The pressure then decreases along the cylinder's surface, until it reaches what is known as the separation point, where it begins to increase. With separated flow, there is a resultant net force on the cylinder in the direction of the flow as a result of a high pressure zone at the front, and a low pressure zone in the trailing wake. At high Reynold's numbers, this pressure drag is the governing factor in the total drag, and the skin friction contribution (shear stress) is less significant. The dimensionless drag coefficient CD is introduced in equation (3) to quantify the drag force. πΆπ· = πΉπ· π∗π12 ∗πΏ∗π·⁄2 (3) With FD as the drag force, U1 the free stream velocity, L the cylinder length and D the diameter. In this experiment, two methods are used for the calculation of the drag force. First, surface pressure integration assumes the pressure distribution is symmetric about a horizontal axis and is used to calculate the drag as shown in equation (4). π πΉπ· = 2 ∗ πΏ ∗ π ∗ ∫0 [(ππ (π) − π1 )cosβ‘(π)]ππ (4) Where P1 is the static pressure and PS is the streamwise pressure as a function of π, measured about the center of the cylinder starting at the stagnation point. Combining eqn. (4) and (3) allows for the surface pressure coefficient to be calculated at a specific point: πΆπ = ππ (π)−π1 π∗π12 /2 (5) Which can be integrated for the drag coefficient, shown in (6). π πΆπ· = ∫0 πΆπ ∗ cos πππ (6) This method neglects the contributing viscous effects and is therefore more applicable in situations with a high Re. An alternate method observes a control volume and is governed by the momentum equation. Again assuming symmetric flow about the horizontal axis, this idea is presented in Figure 1. The control volume is set up such that U1=U2(H). The continuity equation can be solved for αΉ side assuming steady flow and that no mass flows through the bottom surface of the control volume (due to the inherent symmetry. π» αΉπ πππ = ∫0 π ∗ [π1 − π2 (π¦)] ∗ πΏ ∗ ππ¦ (7) Assuming the x component of velocity along the top surface of the control volume is constant, an equation for the drag coefficient which accounts for both pressure and viscous drag can be derived. π» [π01 −π02 (π¦)] − π01 −π1 πΆπ· = 2 ∗ ∫0 { 2 π02 (π¦)−π2 (π¦) 1/2 ) ] } ∗ ππ¦/π· π01 −π1 [1 − ( Also, the local fluid speed can be calculated using a Pitot tube, seen in equation (9). (8) π = √[ 2(π0 −π) ] π (9) Where P0 is the static pressure and P is the stagnation pressure. II. Methods The wind tunnel draws air through a flow straightener, contraction section and clear test section utilizing a centrifugal fan. Two cylinders with a small static pressure tap are inserted into the test section independently and are free to rotate about an axis through the center of the circular cross sections. One cylinder is smooth, and one is rough. The upstream and downstream static and stagnation pressures are measured using a Pitot-static tube. The downstream Pitot-static tube is adjustable along the vertical axis. Each of these is connected to a U-tube manometer. The temperature was recorded before and after each experiment. For both cylinders, vertical pressure profiles where acquired by adjusting the downstream Pitot tube and taking data at a constant height interval. An array of data points were also recorded from the cylinder's pressure tap, with respect to angular position. A digital photograph of the wind tunnel is included as Figure 2. The water tunnel apparatus circulates standard tap water through a honeycomb flow conditioner and a transparent test section. The test section has an opening which allows a selection of objects to be inserted for comparison. A small adjustable tube allows for colored dye to be injected upstream the object, such that streak lines can be easily observed. First, a wing shaped object is inserted and observed, followed by a smooth cylinder. A digital photograph of the wind tunnel is included as Figure 3. III. Experimental Results and Discussion The experimentally calculated surface pressure coefficient values are plotted with respect to the angle, theta in Figure 4. The theoretical equation of an inviscid fluid is also shown, for comparison. While the theoretical curve oscillates, with a maximum at both the front and rear of the cylinder, the actual data does not follow this trend. Instead, the CP seems to level out as it approaches the rear side of the cylinder. Starting from θ=0o and moving symmetrically outwards, the trend decrease, increases for a short while and then decreases again. It is at this second local maxima that the separation point can be seen, as discussed earlier. It is expected that with a more turbulent flow, the flow should remain attached to the object for a longer distance than a less turbulent flow, and that seems to be the case. Predictions were made that the smooth cylinder would produce a less turbulent flow than the rough cylinder, and the smooth cylinder flow separates close to θ=100o while the rough cylinder flow separates later on, within the range of 120o < θ < 135o. The data points from Figure 4 are now represented as Figure 5. Here, surface pressure coefficients are plotted with respect to the absolute value of their respective angles. This allows the verification of the assumption that the flow was symmetric about a horizontal axis through the center of the cylinder. While the data points do not line up perfectly, they are acceptably close. It would not be expected that two sets of experimental data points taken for the same angle sets would line up exactly, and as such exactly matching values were never expected. This is simply a qualification of the assumption. In Figure 6, the wake velocity data calculated from wake pressure measurements are shown for both the smooth and rough cylinders, with respect to y, a measurement in inches above the cylinders' vertical center. Included also is a straight line, U_1 which represents the incoming, constant upstream velocity profile. It is very interesting to note the inflection point of each of these trends. The trends transition from concave-up to concave-down just before the y = .4" = 10mm data point. This is a very nice qualification of the data sets, as the cylinder radii were 9.5mm. Another point important to note is the intersection between U_1 and the wake velocity profile trends at approximately y = 1". This is an important value as it is interpreted as the height of the control volume used in the control-volume momentum analysis. To qualify the assumption of symmetry about a horizontal axis through the cylinder's center in the downstream wake flow, Figure 7 shows the relationship between P01-P02 and the absolute value of the vertical position, where P01 and P02 are the upstream and downstream stagnation pressures, respectively and y=0 is taken as the vertical center of the cylinder. It may seem that the points do not coincide, but the smooth and rough trends actually should not mimic each other. All that is important is that the positive and negative data sets for each respective cylinder follow each other, which is apparent. As discussed previously, there are two methods by which the drag coefficient, Cd can be calculated. The results of each method are summarized in Table 1. From these values, the scope of each method of determining the drag coefficient is apparent. The Surface pressure integration method produces two significantly lower values than the control volume momentum equation analysis, for both the smooth and rough cylinder. This is due to the nature of each method, as each accounts for the pressure difference and resultant net force, only the control volume method considers the drag due to skin friction. As in Figure 4 each data set was compared to the theoretical, inviscid flow, it should be noted that a revisitation and similar integration of this curve would result in an essentially zero value drag coefficient. In this theoretical case, the flow would remain attached completely, there would be no separation point and subsequently no pressure difference across the sphere to produce any unbalanced force. The Reynolds number, Re, was calculated for each the smooth and rough cylinder flows. These values are presented as Table 2. Each value was approximately 55000, indicative of a very turbulent flow and resulting in a thin boundary layer for each cylinder, as mentioned in the introduction. In Figure 8, a digital photograph of a dye streakline in the water tunnel experiment is shown. The dye was injected through a small hole in the cylinder facing the oncoming flow. The streakline is attached to the cylinder for a short while, after which the separation point can be seen clearly. Because the flow is fairly turbulent, the dye soon becomes fairly dissipated, although 1 vortex can be seen clearly. IV. Conclusions and Recommendations The objectives of this experiment were successfully achieved, and assumptions made in doing so where shown to be accurate. Key flow features, including separation point and wake were identified both visually using dye in the water tunnel experiment, and analytically using various numerical methods with the wind tunnel portion of the experiment. To do this, surface pressure distributions were analyzed for both the smooth and rough cylinders, allowing the determination of the separation point for each case. Also, wake velocity profiles were generated for each cylinder, allowing for a control volume momentum analysis. Drag coefficients were calculated using both methods, and it was shown that while the skin friction drag may only account for a small percent of the total drag, it is still significant. These cases were also compared to the theoretical, inviscid case in which there is no separation point, and therefore no drag. While the data varied slightly, the assumption of a symmetrical flow was given merit. In the future it would be interesting to do a quantitative analysis of the water tunnel system similar to what was performed on the wind tunnel experiment to greater tie the connection between them rather than simply qualitatively viewing the flow. V. Figures and Tables αΉ side control volume (dashed) U 1, P 1 separation point boundary layer U2(y) P2(y) θ wake stagnation point Figure 1: flow characteristics and control volume intake Pitot tubes cylinder U-tube manometers Figure 2: Wind tunnel apparatus viewing section dye reservoir cylinder pump U-tube manometers Figure 3: Water tunnel apparatus Figure 4: Surface pressure coefficient as a function of Theta Figure 5: Surface pressure coefficient as a function of the absolute value of theta Figure 6: Wake velocity as a function of height Figure 7: stagnation pressure drop as a function of the absolute value of the vertical coordinate