2009 The First Regional/International Conference for Taiwan Group of Society for Psychotherapy Research (TW-SPR) Welcome to Taiwan Photo Source: http://www.socwall.com 2009 The First Regional/International Conference for Taiwan Group of Society for Psychotherapy Research (TW-SPR) Psychotherapy Research could be Fun! Building Bridges between Research and Practice The First Regional/International Conference for Taiwan Group of Society for Psychotherapy Research (TW-SPR) will be held at the National Chi Nan University (NCNU), Taiwan, in July 17-18, 2009. The NCNU is in Puli, the most center part of Taiwan. In the conference, you will have not only chances to discuss psychotherapy research with professional colleagues but also opportunities to experience different cultures (such as the Zou aboriginal culture) and beautiful scenes (such as Hehuan Mountain, Sun Moon Lake, Woshe and Huelsuen Farm)! Taiwan lies on the western edge of the Pacific. We have more than 200 mountains that soar above 3,000 meters in height, and our unique geology and topography have created countless arresting landscapes and alluring coastal scenes. Taiwan also offers a year-long series of exciting festivals and culture events. These events provide infinite chances for joyful participation and to learn about Taiwan’s religious observances and living practices. The theme of the TW-SPR conference is "Psychotherapy Research could be Fun! Building Bridges between Research and Practice." The Program Committee encourages proposals that give special attention to the interface between psychotherapy research and psychotherapy practice. For the development of psychotherapy research, psychotherapy researchers in Taiwan expect to share their research findings and eager to learn from one another in the conference. In the conference, two keynote addresses, a creative symposium, a panel discussion, posters, oral presentations, cultural exploration activities, and future collaborative opportunities are arranged. Many interesting topics such as “Psychotherapy Research Could Be Fun”, “Using Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Psychotherapy Research”, and “How to submit manuscripts into the Psychotherapy Research journal: Suggestions from hearts” will be discussed. The special banquet will be held in the “Paper Dome”, where is a treasure sightseeing spot in Puli. Winners of Excellent Awards for TW-SPR Poster Presentation will be selected from the poster session. Continuing education credits for Taiwan licensed counseling and clinical psychologists will be provided. And, most importantly, special rates for students and SPR members are offered in the conference. We welcome you to join our SPR-TW regional/international conference in July. Look forward to seeing you in Taiwan! Local Hosts Li-fei Wang, Ph.D. (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan) Meei-ju Lin, Ph.D. (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan) Wen Hsiao, Ph.D. (National Chi-Nan University, Taiwan) Graduate Institute of Guidance and Counseling, National Chi-Nan University, Taiwan The First Regional/International Conference for Taiwan Group of Society for Psychotherapy Research (TW-SPR) THEME Psychotherapy Research could be Fun! Building Bridges between Research and Practice WHEN July 17-18, 2009 WHERE National Chi Nan University, Puli, Taiwan LOCAL HOSTS Li-fei Wang, Ph.D. (National Taiwan Normal University) Meei-ju Lin, Ph.D. (National Dong Hwa University) Wen Hsiao, Ph.D. (National Chi-Nan University) Graduate Institute of Guidance and Counseling, National Chi-Nan University, Puli, Taiwan COSPONSOR Taiwan Association of Psychotherapy Taiwan Center for the Development of Psychoanalysis (Taiwan Psychoanalytical Society) Taiwan Clinical Psychology Association Taiwan Counseling Psychology Association Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association CONFERENCE INFORMATION http://coun.im.ncnu.edu.tw/spr/welcome_en.htm Preliminary program July 17, 2009 Time 10:30 ~ 10:45 10:45 ~ 11:00 11:00 ~ 12:00 12:00 ~ 13:30 13:30 ~ 15:30 15:30 ~ 17:30 17:30 ~ 19:00 19:00 ~ 20:30 July 18, 2009 Content Registration Open Ceremony: When SPR Comes to Taiwan Moderator: Dr. Wen Hsiao(Provost, National Chi-Nan University) Dr. Miao-Jung Lin(Assistant Professor, National Chi-Nan University) Dr. Meei-ju Lin(Professor, National Dong Hwa University) Dr. Li-fei Wang(Professor, National Taiwan Normal University) Online Special Guests: Dr. Louis Castonguay (President, Society for Psychotherapy Research) Dr. Jeffrey Hayes (Past President, NASPR) Keynote Speech 1: Psychotherapy Research Could Be Fun: My Research Experiences on the “Psychological Displacement” Moderator: Dr. Wen Hsiao(Provost, National Chi-Nan University) Keynote Speaker: Dr. Shuh-Ren Jin(Professor, University of Macau) Lunch Keynote Speech 2:Using practice-based evidence and theorybuilding case studies in psychotherapy research Moderator: Dr. Li-fei Wang(Professor, National Taiwan Normal University) Keynote Speaker: Dr. William B. Stiles(Professor, Miami University) Creative Symposium: Psychotherapy and Cultural Immersion Moderator: Dr. Siang- Hua Tey (Assistant Professor, National Chi-Nan University) Speaker: Dr. Miao-Jung Lin(Assistant Professor, National Chi-Nan University) Banquet in the Paper Dome Panel Discussion: How to submit manuscripts into the Psychotherapy Research journal? Suggestions from hearts Moderator: (Inviting) Speaker: Dr. William B. Stiles(Professor, Miami University; SPR Former Editor) Joint discussant: Dr. Meei-ju Lin(SPR reviewer, CJGC Editor, Professor, National Dong Hwa University) Time 8:30 ~ 9:10 9:10 ~ 10:10 10:10 ~ 10:30 10:30 ~ 12:00 12:00 ~ 13:30 13:30 ~ 15:00 15:00 ~ 16:00 Content Breakfast Time Poster Session Excellent Awards for TW-SPR Poster Presentation Tea Time Oral Presentations Field 1 Field 2 Moderator: (Inviting) Moderator: (Inviting) Discussant(Inviting) Discussant(Inviting) Presentation1 Presentation1 Presentation2 Presentation2 Presentation3 Presentation3 Presentation4 Presentation4 Lunch Business Meeting & Close Ceremony Moderators: Dr. Li-fei Wang(Professor, National Taiwan Normal University) Dr. Meei-ju Lin(Professor, National Dong Hwa University) Dr. Miao-Jung Lin(Assistant Professor, National Chi-Nan University) Dr. Wen Hsiao(Provost, National Chi-Nan University) Optional Activity: Future Collaboration and Development