Welsh Netball

Welsh Netball
High Performance HUB Players
Phase 1 Training Plan – October - November
Strength & Conditioning Coach for Welsh Netball
Rob Ahmun
07854 460025
Netball Training Plan Phase 1
Interval Session Guidelines:
Interval Session 1
Interval Session 2
Interval Session 3
Interval Session 4
Interval Session 5
Interval Session 6
Interval Session 7
Interval Session 8
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 2
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 3
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 3
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 4
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 5
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 5
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 6
3 minute warm up; 30s hard; 30s easy; 60s hard; 60s easy; 90s hard; 90s easy.
Repeat x 6
This session can be done on a bike, cross trainer or treadmill. The ‘hard’ periods should leave you
breathless and you should not be able to talk. The ‘easy’ periods are for recovery.
Optional Active Recovery Guidelines:
1. 30 min low intensity swimming, biking, jogging, cross trainer at heart rate zone 1.
2. Long hold (45s) static stretching and foam rolling
3. Core stability exercises
30 Minutes Cardio Guidelines:
30 minutes biking, running, rowing or cross trainer at heart rate zone 2. These levels are only guides.
Periodically check your heart rate during the session to make sure it is in the right zone. If your heart
rate is above the level, do not decrease the work-rate. You should see it decrease as your levels of
fitness improve.
Heart rate zone
Heart rate zone
Heart rate zone
15-20 years
21-25 years
26-30 years
31-35 years
30 Minutes Swim Guidelines:
Perform 30 minutes easy swimming. This session is more for recovery purposes although you will still
get a good cardio training effect from it without loading up your body too much!
Flexibility and Core Stability Exercise Guidelines:
The following stretches are to be performed before and after every session. Hold each stretch for 30s
and perform twice.
The following core exercises are to be performed 3 times per week for the duration of the training
Lying crunch
 Lying on back knees bent
 Tighten abdominals and curl trunk up toward knees with either A. arms in front,
B. arms behind ears, C. arms overhead
Repetitions: 25
Sets: 6-8
Side Plank
Side support position
Elbow under shoulder
Feet together
Body and legs straight
Duration: 30s
Sets: 3 each side
Double leg bridging
_Lie on back, knees bent
Lift bottom off ground
Hold for 3 seconds
Repetitions: 10
Sets: 3
Single Leg Calf Raises
Standing on tip toe on one leg
Hands on rail or bench in front
Slowly lower heel to floor
Quickly bounce back to tip toe
Repetitions: 15
Sets: 3
Tempo ___________________
Side lying
Both hips and knees bent
Lift top knee
Keep trunk still
Repetitions: 20
Sets: 3
Tempo ___________________
Sleeper Stretch
 Lying on side, back against the wall
 Bottom (throwing) arm out in front
Bend elbow
90° blade squeezes
 Use top hand to push bottom
forearm towards the floor
 Hold at end of range
Duration: 30s Each Arm
Sets: 3