Red Howler Monkey – Akash 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Red howler monkeys are mammals. They live in the forests of South America. They make their homes in the forest canopy. Monkeys feed on bananas, leaves, small birds, reptiles, and mammals. Red howler monkeys have long tails that are very furry except for the ends, which are bare. That way the monkeys can grip branches. 6. They have long reddish fur and faces with no fur. 7. The male red howler monkey leads groups of other monkeys. 8. Their roars are said to be the loudest sounds made by a land animal. 9. The female monkeys give birth to one baby at a time. Babies ride on their mother’s back. 10. Large birds of prey eat howler monkeys, like the harpy eagle. 11. They are not endangered, but the destruction of the rainforest threatens them. 12. A group of red howler monkeys is called a troop. Penguins - Alyssa 1. Emperor penguins live on the pack ice and in the oceans of Antarctica. 2. They eat fish, shellfish, and squid. 3. The emperor penguin is the biggest penguin. 4. They have orange patches close to their ears. 5. They are really friendly. 6. They live in colonies of 500 – 20,000 penguins. 7. The emperor penguin is the deepest diving bird. 8. They can stay underwater for 18 minutes! 9. They lay eggs in inland areas called rookeries. 10. The boy penguin keeps the egg on his feet and covers it with his belly. He holds the egg for up to two months. Mom goes fishing during all this time. 11. The baby penguin is called a chick. 12. Leopard seals and killer whales eat emperor penguins. Przewalski’s Horse - Amelia 1. Przewalski’s horses are the only really wild horses left in the world. 2. They live in Mongolia. 3. They have a yellowish-brown coat, pale tummies and noses, and black tails and lower legs. 4. Their manes are black. 5. They live up to 25 years. 6. They eat grass and leaves from shrubby trees. 7. A group of horses is called a herd. 8. A boy horse is called a stallion, and a girl horse is called a mare. 9. Baby horses are called foals. 10. Horses are mammals. Lemurs – Anna 1. Most lemurs live on the island of Madagascar off the coast of Africa. They live in rain forests, scrubs, and rocky areas. 2. Lemurs are primates. They are mammals. 3. They love to soak up the sun. 4. A group of lemurs is called a troop. 5. A troop includes between 15 – 20 lemurs. 6. Female lemurs rule the troop. They always win arguments with male lemurs. 7. Lemurs are very territorial. 8. Lemurs are endangered because people keep destroying their habitat. 9. Fossa are the main predators of lemurs. 10. They groom themselves with their teeth that are like a comb. 11. They have greyish-brown fur and white ears, tummies, and toes. 12. They have bushy, black and white ringed tails. 13. Their eyes are big and yellow and ringed in black. 14. They eat fruit, leaves, flowers, insects, and tree gum. 15. A lemur weighs about 6 – 8 pounds. Its tail is longer than its body. Barn Owls – Ben 1. A barn owl is a great hunter. It is a bird of prey. 2. Barn owls eat rodents, bats, skunks, and other birds. They only eat bugs and frogs if they are starving. They eat their prey whole and spit out the bones and fur. 3. They are nocturnal. 4. They have amazing eyesight. 5. They look like they can turn their heads all the way around, but they can’t. They turn their heads 270 degrees and then flip it the other way. 6. A baby barn owl is called an owlet. 7. They make their homes in trees. 8. A group of owls is called a parliament. 9. They live in open areas like grassy fields. 10. Females are a little bigger than males. 11. They only have one mate. 12. A group of owls is called a brood. 13. They shriek, squeak, and tick. 14. The barn owl has a white, heart-shaped face. It is white from below and goldbrown from above with black specks all over. Pandas – Chase 1. Giant pandas are mammals. 2. They live in bamboo forests on steep mountain sides in China. 3. They eat bamboo leaves and shoots, berries, grass, small mammals, birds, eggs, and fish. 4. Its head and body is mostly white. Its ears, eye patches, nose, shoulders, arms and legs are black. 5. Giant pandas are endangered because we are destroying their habitats. 6. Pandas eat bamboo for 8 hours and nap for 4 hours, again and again. 7. They really need meat, but they are too slow to catch most prey. 8. Their forepaws have an extra thumb. 9. They are very good climbers. 10. The live alone for most of their lives and come together only to mate. 11. A baby panda is called a cub. It lives with its mother for 18 months. 12. Cubs are born blind. 13. They can move very quietly. 14. Girl pandas are called sows and boy pandas are called boars. Copperhead Snakes – Chip 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Copperhead snakes grow to 2 – 3 feet long. It lives in the eastern U.S. Lots of them are in South Carolina. They have hour-glass shaped, chestnut brown colored stripes. Their heads are copper-colored. Copperheads are responsible for most cases of venomous snake bites. They are reptiles. They eat small rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, amphibians, and insects. Their venom is the lest toxic of snakes. They like to live near waterways, in homes with lots of vines and plants. They freeze and stop moving when scared. They rely on camouflage as a defense against danger. They vibrate their tails when they get upset. A group of snakes is called a bed. A baby snake is called a snakelet. Tigers – Colin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A baby tiger is called a cub. Tigers live for about 20 -25 years. They live in the jungles and reedy swamps of Southern and Southeast Asia. They eat wild pig, deer, and buffalo. They are the largest wild cats out there. It is illegal to hunt a tiger. A single dead tiger is worth up to 50,000 dollars. Tiger poaching is a big problem in India, where tiger reservations are poorly protected. They live alone. They move around at night. A girl tiger is called a tigress. 11. 12. 13. 14. Tigers have black stripes and sharp teeth. A group of tigers is called an ambush or a streak. Tigers like to swim in rivers! Tigers are mammals. Florida Panthers – Conner 1. The Florida Panther are one of the most endangered mammals on earth. 2. The panther is tawny brown on the back and light grey on its underside. 3. They eat white-tailed deer, wild hogs, rabbits, raccoons, armadillos, and birds. 4. Only 100 – 160 panthers are alive today. Destruction of their habitat is the biggest reason they are endangered. 5. They live in southern Florida on prairies, in swamps, and in forests. 6. They hunt at night. 7. Panthers are quiet. When they speak, they chirp, peep, whistle, purr, moan, scream, growl, hiss, and caterwaul. 8. Baby panthers are called kittens or cubs. They are covered in black spots that fade away. 9. Kittens stay with their mothers for 2 years. 10. They can leap up to 20 feet. 11. A girl panther is called a she-panther. A boy panther is just called a panther. 12. A panther grows to about 7 to 8 feet long. It weighs between 200 -250 pounds. 13. Panthers have really good eyesight. Snow Leopards – Daniel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. The snow leopard is a champion long jumper! It can leap more than 50 feet! Snow leopards live in the mountains of northern India, Russia, and the Himalayas. They live above the tree line of forests, in caves in rocky cliffs. They live alone. The leopard’s coat is a soft ashy-brown color with black markings. It is about 4 – 5 feet long. Snow leopards can live up to 20 years. They eat wild sheep, goats, deer, boar, small mammals, and some birds. They have really long tails. The leopard is hunted for its beautiful fur. This is very sad as snow leopards are endangered animals. Baby leopards are called cubs. A group of leopards is called a prowl. A female leopard is called leopardess. Kangaroo – Donovan 1. The musky rat kangaroo’s body is rich brown, his head grey-brown, and his tail dark and covered with small scales. It is the smallest kangaroo, about the size of a small rabbit. It moves by scurrying on all four legs. Musky rat kangaroos live in the dampest areas of the Australian and New Guinea rainforests, near creeks and rivers. Their nests are made of dried leaves and fern. They are made on the ground. They carry nesting materials with their tails. They eat tree fruits such as the fruit of the King Palm. They also eat small invertebrates, like worms. The musky rat kangaroo is a solitary animal. A baby musky rat kangaroo is called a joey. They are the only kangaroos to give birth to twins. They are the prey of dingos, pythons, and owls. They use camouflage to protect themselves. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Komodo Dragon - Ethan G. 1. 2. 3. 4. Komodo dragons like to eat deer. They are reptiles. They live near the water. They think dead animals, water buffalo, pigs, and smaller Komodo dragons are tasty, too! 5. They are the biggest and heaviest lizards on Earth. They can be 10 feet and weigh more than 300 pounds. 6. Komodo dragons have been around for millions of years. 7. They have yellow tongues that flick back and forth constantly. 8. They have sharklike teeth, and their bites are so nasty that any animal that escapes them is going to get sick and die, so then the dragons find them and gobble them up. Ha! 9. A female Komodo dragon can lay up to 30 eggs. 10. They are endangered. 11. When they fight, dragons stand on their tails and hind feet and wrestle with their front legs! 12. They smell with the tips of their tongues! Ethan Reinhart – Great White Shark 1. 2. 3. Great White Sharks swim mostly in deep, cold seas. Their undersides are white and their backs are dark. They look like the sky from below and the sea from above. This is great camouflage! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. They like to eat large mammals, such as sea lions. Sharks have been around for 350,000,000 years. They have big, fat, oily livers that help them float. Great White Sharks are over 20 feet long! When Great White Sharks attack humans, they discover the mistake and leave the human behind after a bite or two. We aren’t tasty to the shark like sea lions are. Some of them can weigh over 4,500 pounds! They can swim up to 43 miles per hour. A baby great white shark is called a pup. They eat fish and rays as babies. A group of sharks is called a school. Boy sharks are called bulls. They have amazing hearing, eye sight, and sense of smell. They attack by surprising their prey. A great white shark will get beneath a sea lion and leap up to grab it in its jaws. This leap is called a breach. Chomp! The shark swallows chunks of the sea lion whole. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Cheetahs – Gabe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Cheetahs live in the grasslands and semi-desert regions of Africa. They live about 12 years. They eat antelopes, gazelles, baby zebras, impalas, hares, and birds. Cheetahs have long, thin bodies, powerful shoulders, long legs, and a small head. They have black tear-shaped stripes on their faces and black spots all over their bodies. Boy cheetahs are bigger than female cheetahs. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals and can sprint up to 70 miles per hour. Cheetahs are like dogs in a lot of ways. They don’t pull in their claws. Their paw pads are small and tough and grip the ground well. This helps the cheetah change directions when they run at high speeds. They sneak up very close to their prey before attacking. A hunt only lasts about 20 seconds tops. A cheetah can eat up to 30 pounds of meat at a time. Baby cheetahs are called cubs. A group of boy cheetahs is called a coalition. They are very territorial. Female cheetahs are more solitary than males. Dingo – Kate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dingoes live in Australia. They are wild dogs. They originated in Southeast Asia. They are golden or reddish-colored. They live alone and in packs of up to 10 dogs. They speak with wolf-like howls. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. They eat rabbits, rodents, birds, and lizards. Baby dingoes are called pups. Australians think dingoes are pests and built a big “dingo fence” to protect grazing lands. A lot of dingoes have babies with domesticated dogs. So there are a lot of half-dingo, half-dogs in Australia. They have big ears. European Wildcat – Macey 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. European wildcats live mostly in the forests of Europe. They like to eat rodents, rabbits, and birds. A baby wildcat is called a kitten. They are greyish brown with black stripes. They have bushy, blunt-ended tails with black tips. They hide among rocks. Male wildcats are bigger than female wildcats. They are around 2 feet long. They live to 12 years of age. Wildcats can purr, unlike other big cats. A group of wildcats is called a clutter. Boy wildcats are called tom cats and girl wildcats are called queens. Wildcat kittens are ferocious. Wildcats hunt at dusk and dawn. During the day, wildcats like to bask in the sun on tree branches or rocky ledges. Red Fox – Madelyn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Red foxes live in Europe, Asia, North Africa, and the U.S. They live in almost all habitats – woods, farmland, coasts, mountains, towns, and cities. They look dog-like with pointed muzzles and bushy, white tipped tails. Their coats are reddish-brown. Their lower legs and the backs of their ears are black. Male foxes are called dogs and female foxes are called vixens. They like to eat earthworms, rabbits, rodents, birds, insects, fruit, dead animals, human leftovers, and gulls’ eggs. They usually don’t live past 2 years of age in the wild. Baby foxes are called cubs, pups, or kits. A group of foxes is called a skulk. They live in family groups. They see well in the dark. They are typically nocturnal. They make dens for baby foxes. They don’t eat cats. 13. Foxes show up in cartoons a lot. They are usually stealing a chicken from a farmer, as in the Roald Dahl’s story, Mr. Fox. Parakeet – Maggie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Most parakeets are blue, yellow, or green. They build nests in holes found in trees. They can fly hundreds of miles in search of water. Parakeets eat fruit, seeds, leaves, grass, and fern. Girls are called hens and have pink on their beaks and boys are called cocks and have blue on their beaks. A baby parakeet is called a chick. A group of parakeets is called a flock. The word parakeet means “long tail.” They live from 10 – 15 years. They are very friendly with each other. They are prey for snakes and larger birds of prey. They nest in the trees of woodlands and grasslands near water. Big parakeets are called parrots. Blue Whale – RubyJane 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Blue Whales are the largest animals known to the planet. They don’t eat much yet grow to about 31 meters long. They have no teeth. They have rows of plates in their mouths called baleens. The baleens have bristles on the plates’ ends which catch the plankton. Then the whales lick it all up with their tongues. So their mouths are like giant sieves. They can weigh more than 125 tons! They stay mostly in the Arctic and Antarctic waters where there is a lot of plankton. When those waters freeze, then the whales go to tropical oceans and live off their own blubber. Krill is very yummy stuff if you are a blue whale. Baby whales are called calves. Boy whales are called bulls and female whales are called cows. A group of whales is called a herd or pod. Blue whales were hunted so they could be turned into oil. They are endangered, but not hunted anymore. Blue whales eat 2 tons of krill daily in the summer months. Black-footed Genet 1. 2. Black-footed genets live in the woodlands, forests, and savannahs of Africa. The boy genets prefer to live in trees and the girl genets prefer to live in thickets. They are very agile and really great climbers. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. They are nocturnal and mostly solitary. They have spotted coats, long, banded tails, small heads, and large ears. They have really long tails that help them keep their balance up in the trees. They eat rodents, shrews, bats, birds, bird eggs, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, and fruit. Baby genets are called kittens. They are 20 inches and long and weigh 4 pounds. They live about 8 years. They meow and purr like cats and groom themselves like cats. Sable - Seth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Sables have soft, thick, dark fur. Sables belong to the weasel family. A group of sables are a gang. Male sables are larger than female sables. Sables live in the forests, flatlands, and mountain ranges of Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, China, and Japan. Sables eat squirrels, rodents, birds, and fish. Sables build dens to live in on the forest floor. They have sharp teeth and fierce personalities. They live for about 8 years. They have bushy tails and sharp claws. A baby sable is called a kit. Sables are hunted for their fur. Lynx – Shadia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Lynx have short, stubby tails and long tufts of black hair on their ears. There are lynx in Canada and Alaska, Spain and Portugal, and Turkestan. They have really fluffly, thick fur. They live on the ground, but they can climb and swim when hunting. Lynx eat deer, reindeer, elk, small mammals, birds, and fish. They have excellent hearing and eyesight. They have big paws that help them balance. Baby lynx are called kittens. They are solitary animals. Male lynx are called toms and female lynx are called queens. Their big paws work like snowshoes. They hunt at night. They are expert climbers. Stingray – Sophia H. 1. Stingrays live in shallow, warm, coastal waters. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. They stay still a lot of the time, partly buried in sand. They are colored like the seafloor, which helps them protect themselves through camouflage. Sharks and larger rays eat them. They have pectoral fins and a long tail. They have sensors near their mouths that detect prey. They move their bodies in a wave-like motion to move. Stingrays are fish. Some stingrays have a venomous spine in their tails that is deadly to humans. They are made of cartilage, like sharks. They like to eat shrimps, crabs, oysters, clams, and mussels. Their strong jaws crush their food. The live for 15 – 25 years. Baby stingrays are called pups. A group of stingrays is called a fever. Elephant – Sophia R. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Elephants can be taught to paint. Elephants cry when they are sad. Groups of elephants are called herds. Elephants eat grasses, leaves, bamboo, bark, and fruit. An elephant can eat 300 – 400 pounds of food a day. Elephants live in Africa and Asia. Baby elephants are called calves. Elephants form tight families and are lead by a female elephant called the matriarch. Elephants are very smart and have amazing memories. They make sub-sonic rumbles to talk over great distances, noise that travels by ground to other elephants’ feet and trunks. Elephants can grasp things with their trunks. They drink and spray water with their trunks. Elephants are really good swimmers. They have thick grey skin and big tusks.