MINUTES 8 May 2014

Meeting 5
8 May 2014, 10-12noon, Master’s Room (Hebdomadar’s block)
Daniel Farrell (SER Chair)
Marie-Noël Earley (Registry)
Nadège Minois (SER)
Elsie Johnstone (History)
Gillian Gardner (Admissions)
Lesley Thirkell (ELT)
Eric Gillespie (Finance)
Claire Doherty (SER)
Dean Drew (ITS)
Samantha Lister (Registry)
Beth Shotton (Admissions)
Debbie Smith (Divinity)
Chair’s Welcome
Lara Meischke, Bonnie Hacking. Student Services asked to attend only as
required by invitation.
Teddy Woodhouse (Student Representative).
Minutes of Meeting 4
The minutes were accepted.
Chair’s call for progress updates
a. Accommodation bursaries (MNE): The deadline for UG entrants to
accept their offer was yesterday. The PG deadline is 29 May and the
system will open in due course. The returning students system will be
used for PG entrant students. DD mentioned that 114 applications
were filled in for returners but not all applications were submitted and
there is a concern that some students do not submit their application
by mistake.
b. Paperless decision making (MNE): 15 JIRAs requested for September.
Most of them have been sized by KT and some are already completed.
It was felt that good progress is being made. A few tasks may be
bigger than first anticipated. The Totals Table split is the absolute
priority. The request from Modern Languages has been dropped from
the requests for the interim project. SPA meeting: From the given
presentations, it was felt that the processes at St Andrews are further
developed than at other providers. MNE thanked the developers for
this achievement.
c. Online course search tool (DD): The next step is to map the data into
the webpage. A meeting will take place tomorrow about it.
d. KIS module (DF): A consultancy day with TRIBAL is being organised.
e. UKVI audit (MNE): The audit report has been finalised. A consultancy
day will take place on 19 May. Main topics raised in the report: 1) the
4a: GK to
develop form
to make the
step clear to
the applicants.
GK to send email he sent
to Joyce about
this problem.
DF to touch
base with GD.
4b: MNE to
send DF the
list of
delegates and
presenters at
the SPA
4d: CD to
Amended minutes. Prepared by Nadège Minois
need for a unified repository document management system, 2) the
need to implement a reporting system for PGR, 3) the need to make
better use of the system for monitoring UG and PGT engagements. All
the issues raised have to be put in place by September.
f. Enhanced Record card (DD): 7 JIRAs in the system, 2 on-going. Beta
deadline: 30 May Live deadline: 14 June.
g. Direct application form (DD): A demonstrable PGT form is being
developed. A meeting was held on 25 April to discuss data mapping.
MNE and SL asked to attend the meeting and were informed that their
input was not required at this stage. The form will be shown to the
SER Operations Group and Advisory Board first.
Feedback following TRIBAL proposal (16/04/2014)
The proposal for the first 12 week period has been accepted and signed-off.
organise KIS
DF to present
a detailed plan
for the 12
weeks at next
SER programme support
6b: IT to put
a. Project management and support: Mark Robinson will head a new
calendar in
Change Unit, of which LEAN will be part. His unit will support SER.
the blog to
b. Communications: CD presented the SER blog, which was well received. input SER
c. Documentation: It was agreed that published and agreed documents
will be put on the blog. Working documents and ideas will have
restricted access and may need to be hosted on shared drive.
Common reporting
DF to prepare
A discussion took place during the second hour of the meeting about what
and circulate a
information should be included in reporting from system applications and
framework of
under which structure. DF presented the current HESA framework to start
Any other business
DF to coDD: TRIBAL asked for a purchase order.
ordinate with
Advising: The quaestor has sent an e-mail clarifying the situation of the
the Quaestor
Advising project.
about funding.
Date of next meeting
Thursday 22nd May, Holt Room, Old Union Building, 10-12 noon.
Amended minutes. Prepared by Nadège Minois