Office - Speech & Debate, 475 Main Street, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Email -; Website -;
Twitter @asnider
(802) 656-0097 office; (802) 238-8345 mobile
B.A., Brown University, Providence, RI, 1972
Major: Asian Civilization, Minor: Communication.
M.S., Emerson College, Boston, MA, thesis defended 1976
Rhetoric and Public Address, Thesis: A Rhetorical Perspective of George
McGovern's 1972 Campaign for the Presidency, Vito Silvestri, Chair.
Ph.D. The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, dissertation defended 1982
Communication Studies, Personal and Social Influence, Dissertation: Gaming as
a Paradigm for Academic Debate, Donn Parson, Chair.
Edwin W. Lawrence Professor of Forensics, 2004-Present
Guest Faculty, Beihang University, Beijing, China, April 2013
Visiting Faculty, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational
Sciences, June 2012
Visiting Faculty, Kyushu University, Japan, January 2010
Visiting Faculty, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational
Sciences, Summer, 2007
Visiting Faculty, University of Primorska, Slovenia, 2006-2007
Associate Professor of Forensics, University of Vermont, 1988-2004
Assistant Professor, University of Vermont 1982-1988
Lecturer, Wayne State University 1980-82
Assistant Instructor, The University of Kansas 1977-80
Lecturer, Boston College 1976
Lecturer, Northeastern University 1975-77
Director, Lawrence Debate Union, University of Vermont, 1982Director, World Debate Institute, 1984National Coach, Team USA, World Schools Debate Championship 2013Coach, Slovenia National World Schools Debate Team, 2010-2013
Assistant Director of Forensics, Wayne State Univ. 1980-82
Debate Coach, The University of Kansas 1977-80
Director of Debate, Boston College 1974-76
Director of Forensics, Seton Hall University, 1972-74
Debating the World: World Schools Debate for Everyone, 2016, National
Speech and Debate Association, accepted for publication with some
editing to be done.
“From resolutions to motions: Moving in a different direction,” 2015,
Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, editing completed, accepted
for publication.
“Debating as a force for broad social change,” 2015, Hear Hear, annual
magazine, North South University, Bangladesh. Accepted for publication.
Sparking the Debate: How to Create a Debate Program, 2014, iDebate
Press: New York.
“New Horizons: Embracing Global Debating,” Rostrum, Summer, 2013.
Volume 88, Issue 1. Journal of the National Forensic League,
Director, Nepal Debate Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal, January 2016. One
week training program for 80+ Nepalese students. Sponsored by Debate
Network Nepal.
Invited Lecture, “Why Would They Say That: Understanding American
Presidential Primaries,” Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
December 22 2015.
Director, Morocco Training of Debate Trainers, Rabat, Morocco 11-13
December 2015. Sponsored by US Department of State and Great
Debaters of Morocco Network. 75+ trainers attending.
Invited lecture, “Get Real: How the Desire of America Voters for
Authenticity is Giving Them Fallacy,” Faculty of Administration, University
of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27 November 2015. 150+ attending. Newspaper
full-page story at
Curriculum Director, 13th International Debate Academy Slovenia, 21-29
November 2015. 100+ from 14 countries.
“US Department of State, Palestine Debate Outreach, December 20142016. Training teachers and students in Palestine to expand debating into
15 high schools.
Lead Instructor, debate training for international students, University of
Vermont Global Gateway Program, Fall 2015. Using debate training to
improve integration of international students into the UVM community.
Chief Adjudicator, US Air Force Academy Debates, Colorado, 26-27
September, 52 teams.
Coach, USA National High School Debate Team, World Schools Debate
Championship, Singapore, 28 July-5 August 2015. Sponsored by National
Speech and Debate Association. 54 countries.
Director of Instruction, Third Beihang World Debate Academy, 14-22 June
2015, Beijing, China. Sponsored by World Debate Institute and Beihang
University. 120+ students.
Director of Instruction, World Schools Debate Academy, 27 June-4 July
2015, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. 170+ students from 23 countries.
Operations Director, US World Schools Invitational Debate Tournament,
15-18 June 2015, Dallas, TX. Sponsored by National Speech & Debate
Association. 118 teams and 75 judges.
Lead Instructor, Debate Workshop for Students & Teachers, College des
Freres, Bethlehem, Palestine, 6-12 June 2015. Sponsored by USA
Consulate and World Debate Institute. 45 students and 20 teachers.
Lead Instructor, Debate Workshop for Students & Teachers, College des
Freres, Bethlehem, Palestine, 23-28 February 2015. Sponsored by USA
Consulate and World Debate Institute. 45 students and 20 teachers.
Chief Adjudicator, Pan American Universities Debate Championship, 2325 January 2015, University of Miami.
“Using Debate to teach English,” lecture for teachers at Faculty of
Administration, University if Ljubljana, Slovenia. 11 December 2014.
Sponsored by Slovenian Society of English Instructors.
“Deception, Lying & Persuasion,” lecture at Faculty of Arts, University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia. 10 December 2014.
Lead Instructor, Debate Workshop for Students & Teachers, College des
Freres, Bethlehem, Palestine, 1-8 December 2014. Sponsored by USA
Consulate and World Debate Institute. 45 students and 20 teachers.
Chair, Panel Discussion, “Language, Persuasion & Modern Politics,” with
scholars from Philippines, USA, Hungary & Venezuela, 28 November
2014, Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Curriculum Director, International Debate Academy, 22-30 November
2014, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Sponsored by Za in Proti Slovenia and
World Debate Institute. Attended by over 100 people from 20 countries.
Online Lecture, “Note taking for debate speakers,” 28 October 2014, with
university debaters from Kabul, Afghanistan. Sponsored by Afghans for
Lead Instructor, Jamaica Debate Academy, 1-5 September 2014,
University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica.
Lecture, “Using principle to persuade in debate,” 29 July 2014,
Kazakhstan Debate Academy, Nazarbayev University, Astana,
Kazakhstan. Delivered by videolink.
Curriculum Director, Beihang World Debate Academy, Beihang University,
Beijing, China, 18-25 July 2014. Over 150 students.
Co-Host, All China Debate Round Robin, Beihang University, Beijing,
China, 16-17 July 2014. Inviting top trams from throughout Chins to
debate competition in English & Chinese languages.
Director, USA World Schools Debate Invitational, 16-19 June 2014.
International debate tournament hosted by the USA National Speech &
Debate Organization, Overland Park, KS.
Director of Instruction, World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia, 28 June-5 July 2014. Over 150 students from 15+ countries.
Lecture, “Principle & Persuasion,” 2 July 2014, World Schools Debate
Academy, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
Lecture, “Defining the Motion,” delivered to Afghans for Progress debate
club, Kabul, Afghanistan, 3 February 2014. Delivered via Skype enhanced
Flashpoint 491, “Russia, the West & Syria,”
Flashpoint 490, “Black Lives Matter,”
Flashpoint 489, “Kanye for President,”
Flashpoint 488, “Planned Parenthood,”
Flashpoint 487, “Wikileaks Debates Part 1,”
Flashpoint 486, “Wikileaks Debate Part 1,”
Flashpoint 485, “Republicans for President,”
Flashpoint 484, “Democrats for President,”
Flashpoint 483, “Investigating Privilege,”
Flashpoint 482, “Education for All,”
Flashpoint 481, “Holding Each Other Accountable,”
Flashpoint 480, “To Vaccinate or Not?”
Flashpoint 479, “Sex Education,”
Flashpoint 478, “Islamophobia,”
Flashpoint 477, “Human Trafficking,”
Flashpoint 476, “Pope Francis,’
Flashpoint 475, “Boko Haram,”
Flashpoint 474, “#Hashtag Activism,’
“Lying: the sin we all commit,” lecture at Faculty of Arts, University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia. 10 December 2014.
Chair, Panel Discussion, “Language, Persuasion & Modern Politics,” with
scholars from Philippines, USA, Hungary & Venezuela, 28 November
2014, Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Flashpoint 473, “Theater of Fear,”
Flashpoint 472, “Reproductive Rights Rollback,”
Lecture, “Structuring and Ordering Messages,” SPCH 51, 3 October 2014,
World Schools Podcast, weekly program, sponsored by National Speech and
Debate Association and the World Debate Institute. Website at
 6: Palestine Debate Outreach, Snapshot of Netherlands Debate.
 5: Aaron Timmons on World Schools Learning, Winter Holidays Open in
 4: Arguing about Choice, University of Vermont Prison Debate Outreach
 3: Framing a World Schools Debate, with guest Sharmila Parmanand,
former coach of Philippines and Palestine national teams.
 2: World Schools Speech by Speech, with guest Tiana Menon, Top
Speaker at US World Schools Debate Invitational 2015, now a student at
 1: Introduction to the World Schools Format, with guests J. Scott Wunn of
National Speech and Debate Association, Cindi Timmons of USA Debate,
Nik Angelopoulos USA Debate team member, Steve Llano of St. john’s
University NY.
Debate Central
World Debate Institute
Lawrence Debate Union
Global Debate Blog
Debate Academies
Flashpoint Television
Debate Video Blog
Debate Motion Central
Persuasion Class
Advanced Debate Class
Rhetoric of Ivan Illich Class
Argumentation Class
African American Rhetoric Class
Presidential Campaign Rhetoric Class
Rhetoric of Reggae Music Class
Debating the World: World Schools Debate for Everyone, 2016, National Speech
and Debate Association, accepted for publication with some editing to be done.
“From resolutions to motions: Moving in a different direction,” 2015,
Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, editing completed, accepted for
“Debating as a force for broad social change,” 2015, Hear Hear, annual
magazine, North South University, Bangladesh. Accepted for publication.
Sparking the Debate: How to Create Debate Activities Where You Are, 2014,
iDebate Press: New York.
Editor, Thinking and Speaking a Better World: Essays from The Frontline, to be
published in 2014. iDebate Press: New York.
“New Horizons: Embracing Global Debating,” Rostrum, Summer, 2013. Volume
88, Issue 1. Journal of the National Forensic League,
“Everyday life – Where debaters really win,” Clash Points Magazine, Bangladesh,
“Cultural Differences and Debating,” Teaching Citizenship, Summer 2012.
United Kingdom.
“Decade of evolution: National Forensic League Nationals and me,” Rostrum
(Journal of the National Forensic League), May, 2012.
“Debate: Key to better educational achievement,” Voice of Dream, Vol. Five,
East-West University; Bangladesh, November 2011.
“Debating into the future,” Hear Hear, Vol. Three, North-South University Debate,
Bangladesh, December 2011.
“Debate: Critical Method for the 21st Century,” in Argomentare le Proprie Ragioni
organizzare, condurre e valutare un dibattito, Adelino Cattani, editor, Loffredo
Editore University Press: Padua, Italy 2011.
“Short guide to competitive debate formats,” June 2011. Offered to help new
debaters select appropriate instructional manuals.
“If the people do not lead, democracy is a ruse,” New Asia Republic, 20 May
“New models for debating: the USA learns from the world,” in Navigating
Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century, edited by Allan Louden,
published by iDebate Press: New York, Fall 2010.
Many Sides: Debate Across the Curriculum, translation into Ukrainian (iDebate
Press: New York) 2009.
Glasovi Na Nebu: Radijske Debate, translation into Slovenian of Voices in the
Sky: Radio Debating, 2005 (Za in Proti: Ljubljana, Slovenia), Winter 2008.
Editor, Frontiers of the 21st Century: Argument, Debate and the Struggle for a
Civil Society, (IDEBATE Press: New York), Spring 2008.
Code of the Debater: Introduction to Policy Debate (IDEBATE Press: New York),
second edition, Spring 2008.
“Bickel & Brewer / NYU National Public Policy Forum Announces Winners, Plans
for Another Record-breaking Year,” The Rostrum, September 2007.
“Internet debating: technical solutions for the early 21st Century,” Contemporary
Argumentation and Debate, 2007.
Many Sides: Debate Across the Curriculum (IDEBATE Press: New York), second
edition 2006. With Maxwell Schnurer.
Voices in the Sky: Radio Debating (Central European University Press: New
York), 2005.
Influencing through Argument (Central European University Press: New York),
new edition 2006. Update on original text by Robert Huber.
“Debates and panel discussions,” The New Book of Knowledge, encyclopedia
(Scholastic Library Publishing: Danbury, CT), 2005.
“Debate across the curriculum: active learning for Slovenian schools,” translated
into Slovenian, published by National Institute for Education, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
in Drzavljanska vzgoja in etika, Fall, 2004.
“Gamemaster: it is you,” Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, 2003 Vol. 24,
commemorating the 20th anniversary of the publication of the article by Snider,
"Games without Frontiers,” published in Journal of the American Forensic
Association, Winter, 1984. This issue includes responding essays by four
scholars reflecting on the gaming paradigm as applied to debate, with a response
to each written by myself. Responses are, “The hunter gets captured by the
game: reply to David Frank,” “Paris nocturne: reply to Maxwell Schnurer,
“Judgment day: reply to Steve Woods,” and “Small Axe: reply to Ede Warner.”
Muchas postura: debate a traves del curriculum, (Central European University
Press: New York), December 2003. Co-authored with Maxwell Schnurer.
Spanish translation and adaptation of Many Sides: debate across the curriculum.
“The role of debating in 21st century education,” with Maxwell Schnurer, in
Spanish, VERSUS: revista de creacion y debate, Winter, 2003.
“Debate, competition, and democracy: a gaming perspective,” Controversia: An
International Journal of Debate and Democratic Renewal, 2003. Also published
in Russian.
Many Sides: Debate Across the Curriculum (Central European University Press:
New York), May 2002. Co-authored with Maxwell Schnurer. Publisher has asked
for a second edition and permission to translate the text for a Russian edition.
Now also being translated into Russian, Mongolian and Czech languages.
"A new forensic resource: Rostrum individual events library online," The
Rostrum, March 2002.
"The plan is to win: the use of specific plans in international debating," iDebate,
February 2002, journal of the International Debate Education Association.
"Checklist for managing and hosting a debate tournament," The Rostrum,
January 2001.
National Urban Debate League College Clearinghouse 2001, December 2000
(Open Society Institute: NYC). Creation of guidebook for debaters applying to
college and data on colleges with debate programs, designed for use by students
in the 12-city Urban Debate League program sponsored by the Open Society
"The art of political debate: an important societal tool," The Times Union (Albany,
NY), November 19, 2000, Pg. B8
"Internet Debating: A New Age Dawns," The Rostrum, June 2000.
"Forensic Email Listservs: the opportunity and challenge of email
communication," The Rostrum, June 2000.
"The Forensic Internet: beginners welcome," The Rostrum, June 2000.
Code of the Debater: Introduction to the Way of Reason, (Open Society Institute:
NYC) 1999. Available as a web document until 2008 at
Urban Debate League Basic Instructional Series, (Open Society Institute: NYC),
1999. 13 VHS tape series of basic instruction for debaters and coaches in
national 12 city Urban Debate League program.
“Speech Communication Skills and Success: an Update,” The Rostrum, April
1998 (Journal of the National Forensic League).
“Ideafest II: The Urban Debate Movement Comes of Age,” Contemporary
Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 19, 1998.
"Ethics and debate tournament administration," Southern Forensic Journal,
summer, 1996.
"Netiquette for debaters," The Speaker (Journal of Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa
Alpha Forensic Honorary Society), Spring, 1996.
System Operator of Debate Central, the Internet's largest and most complete
web site for those involved in competitive academic debating. Since 1994.
Non-policy Debating (University Press of America: NY, 1994) co-authored with
David M. Berube.
“Curing misconceptions and creating common ground: CEDA outreach to
America’s high schools,” The Forensic Educator, Vol. 9, 1994/95.
"Critique of the 1993 Cross Examination Debate Association final round,"
Championship Debates and Speeches, 1993 (University of Alabama, P.
Jablonski, Editor).
"Speech Communication must be emphasized in America's High Schools: a
survey of empirical findings," The Rostrum (Journal of the National Forensic
League), January 1993.
"Attacking the affirmative case," in Non-Policy Debate Reader (1992,
Starmakers, Inc.: Columbia, SC), Berube, Editor.
"Ambush on a Straw Man: answering critics of gaming," with David M. Berube,
in Proceedings of the 1991 National Cross Examination Debate Association
Development Conference, David Thomas, Editor.
"Debating the Big Picture," in Non-Policy Debate Reader (1991, Starmakers,
Inc.: Columbia, SC), Berube, Editor.
"Playing the Same Game: Gaming as a Paradigm for Educational Debating," in
Advanced Debate (National Textbook Corp.: Skokie, IL) Thomas and Hart,
Editors. Summer, 1991.
"Ethics in Educational Debating," in Advanced Debate (see above).
"Tabla Saxa: What's Wrong with Most Judging Philosophies," Starmakers
Debate Handbook, spring, 1990, David Berube, Editor.
"Fantasy and Reality Revisited: Katsulas, Herbeck, Panetta, Gaming, and
Utopian Fiat,” Journal of the American Forensic Association, 1988.
"Ethics in Academic Debate: A Gaming Perspective," National Forensic Journal,
Fall, 1984.
"Space Utilization as a Subject of Academic Debates," in N.A.S.A. volume,
Social Sciences and Space Exploration, November 1984.
"Guidelines for Using Debate as an In-Class Tool," In N.A.S.A. Volume, Social
Sciences and Space Exploration, November 1984.
Republished by NASA, at
"Games Without Frontiers: Opportunities for Communication Scholars," Journal
of the American Forensic Association, Winter, 1984.
"The Use of Paradigms in Academic Debate," Jayhawk Debate Handbook
(Dept. of Communication Studies: Lawrence, KS), 1980.
"Fiat Power and International Organizations," Issues, January, 1976, and
reprinted in Advanced Debate (National Textbook Corp.: Skokie, Ill.) David
Thomas, Editor, first edition 1979, and second edition, 1983.
"Push-Pull/Clique-Clique: the Los Angeles Science Fiction Community," Science
Fiction Review, January 1969.
Director, Nepal Debate Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal, January 2016. One week
training program for 80+ Nepalese students. Sponsored by Debate Network
Invited Lecture, “Why Would They Say That: Understanding American
Presidential Primaries,” Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
December 22 2015.
Director, Morocco Training of Debate Trainers, Rabat, Morocco 11-13 December
2015. Sponsored by US Department of State and Great Debaters of Morocco
Network. 75+ trainers attending.
Curriculum Director, 13th International Debate Academy Slovenia, 21-29
November 2015. 100+ from 14 countries.
Invited lecture, “Get Real: How the Desire of America Voters for Authenticity is
Giving Them Fallacy,” Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
27 November 2015. 150+ attending. Newspaper full-page story at
Lead Instructor, debate training for international students, University of Vermont
Global Gateway Program, Fall 2015. Using debate training to improve integration
of international students into the UVM community.
Coach, USA National High School Debate Team, World Schools Debate
Championship, Singapore, 28 July-5 August 2015. Sponsored by National
Speech and Debate Association. 54 countries.
Director of Instruction, Third Beihang World Debate Academy, 14-22 June 2015,
Beijing, China. Sponsored by World Debate Institute and Beihang University.
120+ students.
Director of Instruction, World Schools Debate Academy, 27 June-4 July 2015,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. 170+ students from 23 countries.
Operations Director, US World Schools Invitational Debate Tournament, 15-18
June 2015, Dallas, TX. Sponsored by National Speech & Debate Association.
118 teams and 75 judges.
Lead Instructor, Debate Workshop for Students & Teachers, College des Freres,
Bethlehem, Palestine, 6-12 June 2015. Sponsored by USA Consulate and World
Debate Institute. 45 students and 20 teachers.
Lead Instructor, Debate Workshop for Students & Teachers, College des Freres,
Bethlehem, Palestine, 23-28 February 2015. Sponsored by USA Consulate and
World Debate Institute. 45 students and 20 teachers.
Chief Adjudicator, Pan American Universities Debate Championship, 23-25
January 2015, University of Miami.
“Using Debate to teach English,” lecture for teachers at Faculty of Administration,
University if Ljubljana, Slovenia. 11 December 2014. Sponsored by Slovenian
Society of English Instructors.
“Lying: the sin we all commit,” lecture at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia. 10 December 2014.
Lead Instructor, Debate Workshop for Students & Teachers, College des Freres,
Bethlehem, Palestine, 1-8 December 2014. Sponsored by USA Consulate and
World Debate Institute. 45 students and 20 teachers.
Chair, Panel Discussion, “Language, Persuasion & Modern Politics,” with
scholars from Philippines, USA, Hungary & Venezuela, 28 November 2014,
Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Curriculum Director, International Debate Academy, 22-30 November 2014,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Sponsored by Za in Proti Slovenia and World Debate
Institute. Attended by over 100 people from 20 countries.
Online Lecture, “Note taking for debate speakers,” 28 October 2014, with
university debaters from Kabul, Afghanistan. Sponsored by Afghans for
Lead Instructor, Jamaica Debate Academy, 1-5 September 2014, University of
the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica.
Lecture, “Using principle to persuade in debate,” 29 July 2014, Kazakhstan
Debate Academy, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan. Delivered by
Curriculum Director, Beihang World Debate Academy, Beihang University,
Beijing, China, 18-25 July 2014. Over 150 students.
Co-Host, All China Debate Round Robin, Beihang University, Beijing, China, 1617 July 2014. Inviting top trams from throughout Chins to debate competition in
English & Chinese languages.
Director of Instruction, World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia, 28 June-5 July 2014. Over 150 students from 15+ countries.
Lecture, “Principle & Persuasion,” 2 July 2014, World Schools Debate Academy,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
Director, USA World Schools Debate Invitational, 16-19 June 2014. International
debate tournament hosted by the USA National Speech & Debate Organization,
Overland Park, KS.
Lecture, “Defining the Motion,” delivered to Afghans for Progress debate club,
Kabul, Afghanistan, 3 February 2014. Delivered via Skype enhanced
Chief Adjudicator, Pan American Universities Debate Championship, Miami,
Florida, 24-26 January 2014.
Program Coordinator, “Debate and Democracy,” Tsaghkador, Armenia, 11-19
January 2014, hosted by Socio-Club & US Embassy.
Curriculum Director, Asia Debate Academy, 16-24 December 2013, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, hosted by United International University, Cambrian Colleges and
United Group. 300+ university students
Guest Lecture, “Using modern persuasion theory for professional presentations,”
CONVINCE, JCI Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20 December 2013.
Curriculum Director, 11th International Debate Academy, 23 November-1
December 2014, Kranjska Gora & Ljubljana, Slovenia. 125 university students
from over 20 countries.
Lecture, “Six Major Changes in American Elections from 2012,” Faculty of
Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, 21 November 2013. 120+ attending.
Workshop, “Keys to Success in World Schools Debating,” 15 November 2013,
Houston Urban Debate League, Houston, TX. 120 students.
Presentation, “Value of Debate & Around the World with Debate,” 15 November
2013, Houston Urban Debate League, Houston, TX. 450 students.
Instruction Coordinator & Chief Adjudicator, Great Lakes Open, 13-15
September, 2013, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
Guest, West Coast Radio, 10 September 2013, The Gambia, Africa.
Program Coordinator, Southern Debate Institute, 29 August-1 September 20013,
University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS.
Curriculum Director, Beihang World Debate Academy, 9-16 August, Beihang
University, Beijing, China.
“Introduction to debating in the world format,” Cameroon Debate Academy, 21
July 2013, Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda, Cameroon. 21 July 2013.
“Making your point – Points of information as a strategic tool in a debate,”
Cameroon Debate Academy, Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda,
Cameroon. 24 July 2013.
“The World of Debating and Africa,” Cameroon Debate Academy, Catholic
University of Cameroon, Bamenda, Cameroon. 21 July 2013.
“Points of information in World Schools debating,” World Schools Debate
Academy, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, July 2013.
”Basic Argumentation,” World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia, July 2013.
“Training programs for your debaters,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, July 2013.
“Ecophilosophies in debating,” World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia, July 2013.
“Recruiting and retaining debaters,” World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska
Gora, Slovenia, July 2013.
“Note taking for World Schools debaters,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, July 2013.
Debater, “Extradite Snowden,” Public Debate, World Schools Debate Academy,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, July 2013,
“Web resources for WSDC debating,” National Forensic League National Speech
and Debate Championship, Birmingham, Alabama, 19 June 2013.
Director, World Schools International Round Robin Tournament, National
Forensic League Speech & Debate National Championship, Birmingham, AL,
June 19-21 2013.. Teams brought from Singapore, Slovenia, Mexico, Canada,
USA & Houston, to demonstrate this debate format for 6000+ attending the
Moderator, “Economists Debate Economic Growth & Ecology,” Public Debate,
UVM, 24 April 2013.
“Strategic, Critical Communication and Persuasion,” Breakthrough Leaders
Program for Sustainable Food Systems, University of Vermont, 26 June 2013.
“Discovering Knowledge and the World through Rhetoric,” Department of
Rhetoric & Communication, School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University,
Beijing, China, 18 April 2013.
“Public Speaking as 21st Century Success Skill,” Department of Rhetoric &
Communication, School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University, Beijing,
China, 19 April 2013.
Debating Workshop, Department of Rhetoric & Communication, School of
Foreign Languages, Beihang University, Beijing, China, 20-21 April 2013.
“Thrive – Choices for Young People,” Youth in Action Thailand, March, 2013.
“Debate and Argumentation as English Language Teaching Tools,” Conference
on Debate in English Language Teaching, Bangkok, Thailand, 30 March 2013.
Sponsored by Chulalongkorn University, EU Youth in Action Program and
Rajapruek Institute Foundation.
Panel Discussion, “Integrating Debate into English Language Teaching,”
Conference on Debate in English Language Teaching, Bangkok, Thailand, 30
March 2013. Sponsored by Chulalongkorn University, EU Youth in Action
Program and Rajapruek Institute Foundation.
Invited Lecture, “Debating – Providing 21st Century Success Skills,” AustroHungarian Debate Week, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, 3-6 March
Chief Adjudicator, Budapest Open, Budapest, Hungary, 1-3 March 2013. 52
teams from 35 countries in attendance. Creating motions for debates, setting
panels, supervising competition.
Program Director, Thinking and Speaking a Better World: 4th International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, 11-13 January 2013, Doha, Qatar. Over 150 scholars from
around the world. Sponsored by Qatar Foundation, International Society for the
Study of Argumentation, International Center for the Advancement of Political
Communication & Argumentation, and the World Debate Institute.
Workshop, “Ecological Philosophies,” Environment: Discuss, Understand,
Change, 8-10 December 2012, Slovenia. Program for China, Lithuania, Thailand
and Slovenia students and teachers.
Workshop, “Debate training in Club & Classroom,” Environment: Discuss,
Understand, Change, 8-10 December 2012, Slovenia. Program for China,
Lithuania, Thailand and Slovenia students and teachers.
Academic Director, International Debate Academy, tenth annual program,
Kranjska Gora & Ljubljana, Slovenia. 140+ university students from 28 countries.
Co-sponsored by ZIP & World Debate Institute.
Workshop, “Debate in Classroom & Life,” Clapton Girls Academy, London, UK,
13-14 November 2012. Sponsored by London Debate Challenge.
Workshop, Upper Midwest Debate Academy, Marquette University, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 14-16 September 2012.
Workshop, Houston Debates the World, Houston Urban Debate League,
Houston, Texas 8-9 September 2012. Introducing international debating in
Houston. 300+ students.
Director, North America Debate Academy, University of Vermont, Burlington,
Vermont 19-24 August 2012. Students from all over USA & other countries.
Chief Adjudicator, ARGO Open, World Schools Debating Tournament, Ploiesti,
Romania, 24-29 July 2012. Over 100 students from 8 countries.
Director, Cameroon Debate Academy, Catholic University of Cameroon,
Bamenda, Cameroon 14-22 July 2012. 100 students, 20 teachers.
Senior Faculty, World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, 29
June-7 July 2012. Over 120 students from 18 countries.
Faculty, Advocating for the Environment, Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, June 18-22 2012.
Invited Lecture, “Giving Sermons that Change People,” Saperstein Student
Sermon Contest, Cornell University, 29 April 2012.
Invited Paper with David Register, “Using Debate to Teach Public Speaking:
empirical findings,” World Debate Forum, Manila, Philippines, 6 January 2012.
Lecture, “Debate as 21st Century Success Skill,” open public lecture, Faculty of
Law, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, 21 December 2011.
Lecture, “American Presidents and Argument Fallacies,” open public lecture,
Faculty of the Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20 December
Lecture, “Debate as 21st Century Success Skill,” open public lecture, Faculty of
Mathematics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20 December 2011.
Lecture, “American Presidents and Argument Fallacies,” open public lecture,
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19
December 2011.
Debating Workshop, Slovenia National Schools Team, held in Ljubljana, 17-18
December 2011; preparation for World Schools Debating Championship,
Capetown, South Africa 2012.
Lecture, “Finding the Rhetoric in Reggae Music,” open public lecture, Faculty of
the Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 December 2011.
Workshop, “Exercise your mind,” Faculty of Mathematics, University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1 September 2011.
Director of Instruction, Ninth International Debate Academy Slovenia, 18-27
November 2011. 140 university students from 31 countries attended this intense
instructional program.
Presiding Judge, Mock Trial, online with high schools students from Iran,
Guatemala, Texas and New Jersey, 1 November 2011.
Guest Faculty, “Critical Debating Skills,” sponsored workshop at Piedmont
College, Georgia, 14-16 October 2011.
Director, East Debate Institute, University of Vermont, 21-26 August 2011.
Attended by university students from USA and four countries.
Keynote Speaker, Former Yugoslavia Debate Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
July 10-13 2011. Exploration of potential for multiethnic debating explored.
Attended by students and teachers from all former Yugoslavia countries.
Sponsored by European Union.
Director of Instruction, World Schools Debate Academy, July 1-9 2011, Kranjska
Gora, Slovenia. Attended by 130+ students from more nineteen countries.
Convener, United States Universities Debating Championship, University of
Vermont, 1-2-3 April 2011. National debating championship of USA, attended by
over 200 teams.
Online Lecture, “Introduction to Internet Debating,” delivered for participants in
European Union grant “Youth in Action: Listen to Us,” 17 March 2011.
“Training Regimens and Models for Intensive Debate Training,” World Debate
Forum, Gaborone, Botswana, 6 January 2011. Sponsored by World Universities
Debating Championship and Open Society Fund.
“Using empirical persuasion findings in improving public speaking effectiveness,”
lecture and exercises, International School Bezigrad, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16
December 2010. Sponsored by ZIP Slovenia.
“Improving argument quality,” lecture and exercises, Faculty of Law, University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14 December 2010. Sponsored by Faculty of Law and ZIP
Director of Instruction, 8th International Debate Academy, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia, November 20-28 2010. Attended by 150 people from over 24 countries.
Sponsored by University of Vermont World Debate Institute, ZIP National Debate
Program of Slovenia and Bickel & Brewer LLC.
“Debate: Critical method for the 21st Century,” speech at University of Padua,
Italy at conference entitled “Argomentare le proprie ragioni: organizzare,
condurre e valutare un dibattito,” 18 November 2010.
“Training model: Debate Academy,” Third International Conference on
Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, Maribor,
Slovenia, 22-24 October 2010.
“Debate as a praxis for global citizenship,” with Anja Šerc, Third International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, Maribor, Slovenia, 22-24 October 2010.
“Power pairing at the World Schools Debating Championships,” Third
International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy
of Empowerment, Maribor, Slovenia, 22-24 October 2010.
Chair, Panel discussion, Cultural Variation and Debate, Third International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, Maribor, Slovenia, 22-24 October 2010. Panelists included: Abdul
Gabbar Al – Sharif (Oman), Abdel Latiff Selami (Morocco), Debbie Newman
(UK), Arlan A. Narvaez R. (Venezuela), Masako Suzuki Takahashi (Japan),
David Williams (USA).
Workshop, “Debating in an International Context,” September 26-27 2010,
Tampere, Finland. Sponsored by LAAKEA (Finland Language Centers Quality
Project). For university students.
Workshop, “Debate as a method of English language instruction,” September 2225 2010, Tampere, Finland. Sponsored by LAAKEA (Finland Language Centers
Quality Project). For language center teachers from throughout Finland.
Lead Instructor, East Debate Institute, University of Vermont, Burlington,
Vermont 22-27 August 2010. Open workshop for university students.
Lead Instructor, Debating Workshop, US-Sino Pathways Program, University of
Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 16-19 August 2010. For 28 incoming
undergraduate students from China.
Guest Faculty Program, US State Department, Faculty of Law and Faculty of
Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia, 8-14 August 2010. Lead
Instructor at Serbia Debate Camp sponsored by Organization for Security &
Cooperation in Europe. 70 university students, 10 faculty members.
Consultant, Vermont Gubernatorial Debates, WCAX-TV, July, 2010. Design
debate format for broadcast.
Director of Instruction, World Schools Debating Academy, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia, 5-11 July 2010. 80 students from 10 countries. Sponsored by USA
Embassy, Za in Proti Slovenia and World Debate Institute University of Vermont.
Guest Speaker, Former Yugoslavia Debate Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2-4
July 2010. Exploration of potential for multiethnic debating explored. Attended by
students and teachers from six countries. Sponsored by European Union.
Invited Participant, Arabic Language Debate Initiative Planning Sessions, Doha,
Qatar, 12-13 March 2010. Sponsored by QatarDebate, brought eight
international experts together to plan for new program.
Invited Guest Judge, World Schools Debating Championship, 8-19 February
2010, Doha, Qatar. Trip sponsored by QatarDebate and Qatar Foundation.
Guest Faculty, “Academic Debate,” 22-25 January 2010, Fukuoka University,
Kyushu, Japan. Sponsored by Faculty of Languages and Cultures.
Workshop, “The Art of Rebuttal,” World Universities Debating Championship, 28
December 2009, Antalya, Turkey. Sponsored by Vehbi Koc Foundation.
Attended by 120.
Director of Instruction, Iraq Debate Academy, 12-18 December 2009. One-week
debating workshop for over 80 attendees from all parts of Iraq. Held in Duhok,
Iraq at Duhok University. Sponsored by Iraq Debate, Governor of Duhok and
World Debate Institute at the University of Vermont.
Lecture, “Public speaking: key to success,” at Faculty of Public Administration,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 30 November 2009. Attended by 50
Workshop, “Debating in the University Classroom,” 30 November 2009.
Sponsored by Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Slovenia. Attended by 24 university professors.
Director of Instruction, 7th International Debate Academy, Ormoz, Slovenia,
November 20-27 2009. Attended by 120 people from over 28 countries.
Sponsored by University of Vermont World Debate Institute, ZIP National Debate
Program of Slovenia and Bickel & Brewer LLC.
Lecture, “Debate across the curriculum,” Ormoz, Slovenia, 19 November 2009,
workshop for Slovenia schoolteachers. Sponsored by ZIP National Debate
Program of Slovenia.
Director of Instruction, Qatar Debate Academy, 29 October-8 November 2009.
One-week debating workshop for 240 attendees from fourteen countries.
Sponsored by QatarDebate and Qatar Foundation. Held in Doha, Qatar. Program
is designed to spark debating in Southwest Asian nations.
Director of Instruction, East Debate Institute, August 2009. One-week workshop
in the WUDC debate format held at the University of Vermont.
Invited Speaker, “Virtual debate: using new media to promote debating,” invited
speaker, National Federation of High Schools annual meeting, August 6 2009,
Grand Island, New York. Invited by the chairs of the fifty state committees to
make this presentation.
Director of Instruction, Serbia Summer Debate Camp, July 15-22 2009,
Divcibare, Serbia. Attended by 70 debaters, sponsored by USA Embassy and
Open Communication Serbia.
Guest Faculty Program, US State Department, Faculty of Law and Faculty of
Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia, July 2009.
Director of Instruction, World Schools Debate Academy, Zrece, Slovenia, WSDC
format, July 5-12 2009.
Director of Instruction, Slovenia Debate Summer School, Rogla, Slovenia, WSDC
format. June 28-July 4 2009.
Director of Instruction, Summer Debate Camp, Piedmont College, Demorest,
Georgia, June 23-27 2009.
Webcast, National Forensic League National Speech and Debate Tournament,
June, 2009, Birmingham, Alabama. Webcast of final rounds and 2009 awards
Webcast, National Public Policy Forum Finals, New York University, 18 April
2009. Webcast of national finals.
Advanced University Debater Workshop, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
29 January 2009.
Student Debater Workshop, Commissioner of Higher Education, Thailand, 27
January 2009. Bangkok, Thailand.
Teacher Workshop, Debating in the English Classroom, Commissioner of Higher
Education, Thailand, 27 January 2009.
Workshop, Slovenia World Schools Debate Team, 24-25 December 2008,
Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sponsored by ZIP, national debate organization of Slovenia.
Exhibition Debate, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, 22
December 2008.
Workshop, International Debate Academy, Ormoz & Maribor, Slovenia, 23-30
November 2008. Director of Instruction for 70 students from 15 countries.
Workshop, “Advanced skill set for debaters,” Vina del Mar, Chile, 24 October
2008. Sponsored by Universidad Andres Bello. Attended by 110+ teachers and
Workshop, “Advanced skill set for debaters,” Concepcion, Chile, 23 October
2008. Sponsored by Universidad Andres Bello. Attended by 280+ teachers and
Workshop, Debating across the curriculum,” Concepcion, Chile, 22 October
2008. Sponsored by Universidad Andres Bello. Attended by 220 teachers and
Chair, Grand Final Debate, Chilean Interscholastic Debating Championship,
Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile, 21 October 2008. Conclusion of a
competition involving 145+ schools.
Presentation, “Advanced skill set for debaters,” Santiago, Chile, 20 October
2008. Sponsored by Universidad Andres Bello. Attended by 200+ debaters and
debate trainers.
Presentation, “Venezuela in the global debating community,” Caracas,
Venezuela, 19 October 2008. Sponsored by Instituto Venezolano de Debates.
Speech at conclusion of the first university-debating tournament in Venezuela.
Workshop, Debate as a classroom method, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas,
Venezuela, 16 October 2008. Attended by 80+ teachers.
Presentation, From Soundbites to Substance: Presidential Campaign Rhetoric,
University of Vermont, 3 October 2008.
Director of Tabulation, All Asians Debating Championship, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
7-13 May 2008
Workshop, “International debate manner,” for high school students, North South
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 13 May 2008.
Workshops, “Judge Training,” All Asians Debating Championship, North South
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 3-4 and 5-6 May 2008.
Presentation, “Global Debate: the story of a debate blog,” Second International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-13 April 2008.
Presentation, “Middle Age Debate Transition: how one coach changed horses in
mid career,” Second International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric,
Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-13 April
Presentation, “Teaching teachers how to use debate in the classroom,” Second
International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy
of Empowerment, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-13 April 2008.
Workshop, “Tabulating a debate tournament using TRPC,” Second International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-13 April 2008.
Presentation, “NPPF: Combining writing with oral debate,” Second International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-13 April 2008.
Workshop, “Critical thinking and negotiation in conversation,” all-day workshop
for Continuing Education, University of Vermont, 11 February 2008.
Workshop, “Debate for school students: advanced training,” Sponsored by CIMB
Bank, Malaysia, 15 December 2007. Assisted by Iqbal Hafiedz, Malaysia national
debate trainer. 70 students.
Director of Training, Fifth International Debate Academy, Slovenia, 17-25
November 2007. Attended by university students from 19 different countries.
Workshop, “Variety in debate formats: variables and selection,” Piedmont
College, Georgia, 12-13 October 2007. Part of a consulting arrangement with
Piedmont College.
Instructor, Persuasion Theory, Summer School of Business Communication,
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2-6
July 2007.
Instructor, Debating, Summer Course, Za in Proti – Institute for a Culture of
Dialogue, Tollmin, Slovenia, June 24-30 2007.
Public Speaking Workshop, Methodist Girls School, Singapore, 20 March 2007.
200 students participated.
Exhibition Debate, “Ban cosmetic surgery,” Temasek Secondary School, 20
March 2007. I debated against students and with colleagues from Society for
Associated Intertertiary Debaters (Singapore).
Exhibition Debate, “Negotiating with terrorists,” Raffles Institute, Singapore, 21
March 2007 . I debated against the Singapore National Team and with
colleagues from Society for Associated Intertertiary Debaters (Singapore).
Exhibition Debate, “Single gender schools,” Chestnut Drive School, Singapore,
21 March 2007. I debated against students and with colleagues from Society for
Associated Intertertiary Debaters (Singapore).
Evening Workshop, “Debate and the under-tens,” 21 March 2007, sponsored by
Society for Associated Intertertiary Debaters (Singapore).
Head Trainer, Debate across the curriculum teacher workshop, Singapore, 12-13
March 2007. Two-day workshop organized by the Singapore Ministry of
Education and the Society of Associated Intertertiary Debaters. Teachers from 70
schools attended.
Workshop, Debate across the curriculum, for teachers and administrators,
Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas school systems, 2-3 February
2007. Sponsored by DEBATE-Kansas City and both school systems.
Host, Robert Huber Debates, tournament held at University of Vermont for
colleges and universities throughout New England, 27-28 January 2007. 100+
Public Lecture, “Debate across the curriculum,” at Cafe DaSein, Athens, Greece,
9 January 2007. Attended by teachers, debate trainers and community action
Debate Workshop, Debating and education for the 21st Century, Moraitis School
Athens, Greece, January 8-9, 2007. Attended by over 180 students.
Lecture, “Motivational factors in persuasion,” Faculty of Humanistic Studies,
University of Primorska, Slovenia, 3 January 2007. Attended by 20 people.
Workshop, Competitive University Debating in the British Format, Faculty of
Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, 22-24 December 2006. 30 students.
Lecture, “Subliminal persuasion in media messages,” Media & Society Seminar,
Faculty of Humanistic Studies, University of Primorska, Slovenia, 12 December
Teacher Workshop, Debate in the Tournament and the Classroom, Lessing
Gymnazium, Winnenden, Germany, 2 December 2006. 60 students.
Workshop, Argumentation and debate strategy, Lessing Gymnazium,
Winnenden, Germany, 2 December 2006. 60 students.
Teacher Workshop, Getting debaters from “interested to debating” to actually
debating. Karls Gymnazium, Stuttgart, Germany, 1 December 2006. 13 teachers.
Chair, Final Round, European Open Schools Debate Championship, Canada vs.
Germany, Stuttgart, Germany, 1 December 2006. 13 countries attending.
Keynote Speech, Debate Across the Curriculum: the next phase, International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, November 24-26 2006, Koper, Slovenia.
Presentation, Videoblog Debating: the next phase, International Conference on
Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, November
24-26 2006, Koper, Slovenia.
Director of Instruction, International Debate Academy, Ormoz, Slovenia,
November 2006. Seven-day program for university students. Sponsored by
World Debate Institute, Za in Proti, USA Embassy Slovenia and Council of
Europe. 60 students from 16 countries.
Workshop, Second teams in British Parliamentary Debating, Faculty of Social
Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 November 2006.
Workshop, Communication theory and practice for scientists, Institut Jozef
Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 November 2006. Workshop for twenty scholars at
the national science research center.
Workshop, Public Communication and Debate, International University Bremen,
Germany, 3-5 November 2006. Three three-hour workshops on public speaking,
points of information, argumentation, and strategy. Attended by 65 people from
10 German universities.
Workshop, British Parliamentary Debating, Stockholm School of Economics
Riga, Latvia, October 31-November 1 2006. Two four-hour workshops covering
public speaking, case construction, refutation and points of information.
Workshop, Judging and Tournament Administration, Gimnazija Bezigrad,
Ljubljana, Slovenia October 24 2006.
Workshop, British Parliamentary Debate - the first two teams, Faculty of Social
Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia October 23 2006.
Workshop, Argumentation basics, Gimnazija Ledina, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23
October 2006.
Workshop, Argument Building, Slovenia’s World Schools Debating Team,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22 October 2006.
Pairing and Tabulation, Gimnazija Vic, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 135 students and 40
judges, 21 October 2006.
Moderator, Serbia vs. Slovenia Debate, Faculty of Law, Ljubljana, Slovenia 20
October 2006.
Workshop, Critical Argument Theory, Gimnazija Bezigrad, Ljubljana, Slovenia 19
October 2006.
Pairing and Tabulation, International Schools Debate Tournament, Ljutomer,
Slovenia, six countries (Slovenia, USA, Croatia, Hungary, Germany and
Rumania) competed, 13-14 October 2006.
Workshop, Points of Information & Public Speaking, Ljutomer, Slovenia, 12-13
October 2006.
Workshop, Challenges of public advocacy, Gimnazija Vic, 10 October 2006.
Workshop, Public Speaking, Gimnazija Ledina, Ljubljana, Slovenia 9 October
Workshop, Debate and Citizen Skills, Gimnazija Piran, Slovenia 5 October 2006.
100 students.
Teacher Workshop, Starting and Growing Debate Programs, Budva,
Montenegro, attended by 18 teachers, 29-31 September 2006. Sponsored by
LOGOS Montenegro.
Teacher Workshop, Debate and the Curriculum, Gimnazija Novo Mesto, Novo
Mesto, Slovenia, attended by 20 teachers, 22-24 September 2006.
Workshop, Public Speaking, Gimnazija Bezigrad, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19
September 2006.
Workshop, Communication Skills for the Non-Profit Sector, Metelkova, Ljubljana,
Slovenia 14-16 September 2006. Sponsored by Ljubljana Office of Youth.
Faculty, World Debate Institute-Asia, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of
Korea, August 14-27 2006.
Curriculum Design, Citizen Debating Workshop. Caracas, Venezuela, February
27-March 3 2006. Sponsored by Konrad Adenauer Institute, Germany.
Director of Instruction, International Debate Academy, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia,
November 19-27, 2005. Seventy-five university students from twenty countries.
Sponsored by World Debate Institute, Za in Proti, USA Embassy and Council of
Program Coordinator, International Debate Education Association Conference,
Tallinn, Estonia, November 6-8. 2005. Responsible for creating the program,
adjudicating the papers and sessions submitted, and publishing the results.
Attendees from over thirty-five countries.
Workshop for Teachers, Asian Debate Institute, Kyung Hee University, Seoul,
Republic of Korea, August 14-27, 2005.
Workshop, “Debating as a Curricular Tool,” three day workshop for subject area
experts in Slovenia, April 2005. Sponsored by the National Institute of Education
of the Republic of Slovenia.
Director of Instruction, International Debate Academy, Ormoz, Slovenia,
November 19-27, 2004. Sixty-five university students from thirteen countries.
Sponsored by World Debate Institute, Za in Proti, USA Embassy and Council of
“Debate across the curriculum: whole class formats,” invited lecture in Ljutomer,
Slovenia, t0 25 teachers who use debate across the curriculum, 24 November
2004. Sponsored by the National Institute of Education of the Republic of
“Flashpoint: revenge on empty television,” International Debate Education
Association Conference, Debate and Argumentation: Opening Minds, Borders,
and Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, 7 November 2004.
“Debate as a way of teaching empathy,” International Debate Education
Association Conference, Debate and Argumentation: Opening Minds, Borders,
and Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, 7 November 2004.
“Comparing debate formats,” respondent to panel, International Debate
Education Association Conference, Debate and Argumentation: Opening Minds,
Borders, and Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, 7 November 2004.
“Bringing debate back to Vermont schools,” workshop at Vermont National
Education Association Conference, October 21, 2004.
“Debate across the curriculum: active learning for Slovenian schools,” lecture
presented by invitation at the National Institute for Education of the Republic of
Slovenia, Ljubljana, July 5 2004. They have asked to translate and publish this
Director of Instruction, Slovenian National Debate Camp, Slovenia, June 26-July
5, 2004.
Guest Lecturer, Claremont Colleges National Debate Institute, June 20-23, 2004.
Chair, National Urban Debate League Ideafest, Chicago, June 3-5, 2003.
National conference of the Urban Debate Leagues sponsored by the Open
Society Institute.
“Folk tales for academics,” Literary Orations, sponsored by UVM Gold Key Honor
Society, Fleming Museum, March 1, 2004.
“Debate as a curricular option: many paths,” Sino-American Seminar on
Educational Leadership, Hohhot, China, April 2004.
Director, World Debate Institute - Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia. November 21December 1 2003. Sponsored by Za in Proti NGO and Europe 2020 think tank.
One-week intensive debate workshop for 55 university students.
Respondent, “Argumentation and advocacy in contemporary politics” panel
(panelists are scholars from Japan, Hungary, Kazakhstan and Moldova),
International Debate Education Association Conference, Debate and
Argumentation: Opening Minds, Borders, and Societies, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18
October 2003.
Director of Instruction, university student section, Slovenian National Debate
Camp, Areh, Slovenia, June 25-July 7, 2003.
Chair, Ideafest, National Association of Urban Debate Leagues annual meeting.
June 1-3, 2003, Open Society Institute, New York City.
“Debate in the Classroom,” lecture web cast to Eastern European teachers,
March 19, 2003.
“Debate across the curriculum,” workshop for University of Vermont faculty,
Center for Teaching and Learning, March 5, 2003. Also web cast globally as a
streaming video.
“Proposition analysis and debate strategy,” Workshop for high school debaters,
Ljutomer, Slovenia, January 18, 2003. Sponsored by Slovenia National Debate
Program and Za in Proti (NGO).
“Debate across the curriculum,” Workshop for teachers, Ljutomer, Slovenia,
January 17, 2003. Sponsored by Slovenia National Debate Program and Za in
Proti (NGO).
“Plan debate – both sides now,” Workshop for university debaters, University of
Maribor, Slovenia, January 17, 2003. Sponsored by Slovenia National Debate
Program and Za in Proti (NGO).
“The American mind in the age of terrorism,” Lecture, University of Maribor,
Slovenia, January 16, 2003. Sponsored by Slovenia National Debate Program
and Za in Proti (NGO).
“Debate opportunities in the information age,” Workshop for high school
debaters, Prva Gimnazija Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, January 16, 2003.
Sponsored by Slovenia National Debate Program and Za in Proti (NGO).
“Civil liberties and freedom of expression in the era of terrorism,” Lecture to
philosophy department, University of Maribor, Slovenia, January 16, 2003.
Sponsored by Slovenia National Debate Program and Za in Proti (NGO).
“Proposition analysis and debate strategy,” Workshop for high school debaters,
Gimnazija Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, and in Trbovelje, Slovenia, January 15,
2003. Sponsored by Slovenia National Debate Program and Za in Proti (NGO).
“Argument capture and comparison,” Workshop for university debaters,
Belgrade, Serbia, January 14, 2003. Sponsored by the Faculty of Law and the
Yugoslav University Debate Network.
“Mastery: lessons for experienced debaters,” Workshop for university debaters,
Instituto Chileano Norteamericano Cultural, Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2002.
Sponsored by Corporacion Cultural de lo Barnechea, Chile.
“Adjudication of competitive academic debates,” Workshop for citizen debate
judges, Instituto Chileano Norteamericano Cultural, Santiago, Chile, November
27, 2002. Sponsored by Corporacion Cultural de lo Barnechea, Chile.
“Debate across the curriculum,” Workshop for secondary school teachers,
Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, November 26, 2002. Sponsored by
Universidad Diego Portales.
“Moving from a debate topic to an actual debate,” Workshop for secondary
school students, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, November 26,
2002. Sponsored by Universidad Diego Portales.
“Debate across the curriculum,” Workshop for Vermont secondary school
teachers, Montpelier High School, October 23, 2002. Sponsored by Vermont
Debate and Forensic League.
“Debate across the curriculum: model of a workshop for teachers,” International
Debate Education Association Conference, Debate and Argumentation: Opening
Minds, Borders, and Societies, Krakow, Poland, October 6, 2002.
“Editorial policies and prospects of the journal Controversia,” International
Debate Education Association Conference, Debate and Argumentation: Opening
Minds, Borders, and Societies, Krakow, Poland, October 5, 2002.
“Consortium for a debating planet,” Global Debate Leadership Summit,
sponsored by the International Debate Education Association, Krakow, Poland,
October 4, 2002.
“Debate’s new emphasis on empowerment,” Keynote speech, Pan-American
Debate Championship awards banquet, New York City, September 27, 2002.
Interviewed by Lesley Stahl of CBS News for a 60 Minutes story on the urban
debate league movement, New York City, NY. September 27, 2002.
“The Stone that the Builder refused: the unique Jamaican voice,” lecture at
Fleming Museum to open their exhibit Soon Come: The Art of Contemporary
Jamaica, September 26, 2002.
Chair, National Urban Debate League Ideafest, New York City, May 21-23, 2002.
National conference of the Urban Debate Leagues sponsored by the Open
Society Institute.
“Urban Debates Leagues and other Organizations,” solicited white paper at
National Urban Debate League Ideafest, New York City, May, 2002.
“El Debate y su Formato: Consejo para Equipos de Debate Internacional,”
lecture in Spanish, Segundo Torneo Hispanoamericano de Debate, Universidad
Interamericana de Puerto Rico, May 8, 2002.
“Debate and PC Speech,” Free Speech in a PC World, panel discussion,
University of Vermont, April 29, 2002.
Debate Coaching Workshop, for teachers in the Providence (RI) Urban Debate
League, Providence, RI, sponsored by Brown University, March 9, 2002.
“Using debate to teach about China in Vermont schools,” workshop for high
school teachers, Brattleboro, sponsored by UVM Asian Studies Outreach
Program, March 6, 2002.
“Debate has gone global,” January 25, 2002, welcoming speech, Barkley Forum
for High Schools, Emory University, Atlanta, high school debate tournament
attended by over 1800 students.
Workshop on Debating for Elementary School Students, including 32 students
participating in debates about Single Faith Schools, Sir William Burrough School,
UK, October 18, 2001. Lecture tour sponsored by the English Speaking Union,
"New Debaters: the urban debate experience in America," Dartmouth House,
English Speaking Union, London, UK, October 17, 2001. Lecture tour sponsored
by the English Speaking Union, London.
Workshop on Public Speaking for New Debaters, Cambridge Debating Union,
Cambridge University, UK, October 15, 2001. Lecture tour sponsored by the
English Speaking Union, London.
Advanced Debate Workshop, Oxford Debate Union, Oxford University, UK,
October 14, 2001. Lecture tour sponsored by the English Speaking Union,
"Debate and Tolerance," Chair of Panel, International Debate Education
Association Conference, Debate and Argumentation: Opening Minds, Borders,
and Societies, Prague, Czech Republic, October 14, 2001.
"Essential paradox: grounds for debate," International Debate Education
Association Conference, Debate and Argumentation: Opening Minds, Borders,
and Societies, Prague, Czech Republic, October 13, 2001.
"Debate should be required in the secondary school curriculum," Public Debate,
International Debate Education Association Conference, Debate and
Argumentation: Opening Minds, Borders, and Societies, Prague, Czech
Republic, October 12, 2001.
Chair, Ideafest 2001: National Planning Conference of the Urban Debate
Leagues, Open Society Institute, June 3-5, 2001, New York City.
“Public debating: empowerment for the future,” lecture at Ideafest 2001: National
Planning Conference of the Urban Debate Leagues, Open Society Institute, June
3-5, 2001, New York City.
“Debate as educational method in a variety of secondary school courses,” lecture
at Ideafest 2001: National Planning Conference of the Urban Debate Leagues,
Open Society Institute, June 3-5, 2001, New York City.
"Debate, democracy, and tolerance," keynote speech at Primer Torneo
Hispanoamericano de Debate: La Tolerancia, May 7, 2001, Universidad Diego
Portales, Sociedad de Debate, Santiago, Chile. Sponsored by American Express
and Government of Chile.
"Introducing students to debate activities," lecture to high school teachers, May 8,
2001, Universidad Diego Portales, Sociedad de Debate, Santiago, Chile.
Sponsored by American Express and Government of Chile.
“Judge training workshop," at Primer Torneo Hispanoamericano de Debate
Competitivo: La Tolerancia, May 9, 2001, Universidad Diego Portales, Sociedad
de Debate, Santiago, Chile. Sponsored by American Express and Government of
"Bringing debate into your classroom and your career," lecture at the National
Urban Debate League Conference, April 28, 2001, Emory University, Atlanta,
GA. Sponsored by the Open Society Institute.
"Debating the 2001-2002 national high school topic – weapons of mass
destruction," lecture at the National Urban Debate League Conference, April 28,
2001, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Sponsored by the Open Society Institute.
"Debating and learning: using debate activities to accelerate educational
achievement," April, 2001, lecture at Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot,
People's Republic of China. Sponsored by School of Education and School of
Foreign Languages.
"Debate as a tool for critical thinking and creativity," lecture at Sino-American
Seminar on Educational Leadership, April 2001, Qufu Teachers' University, Qufu,
People's Republic of China.
"Say it, play it: debate as a critical skill for success," lecture to students and
teachers, March 31, 2001, Weissman Center for Leadership, Mount Holyoke
College, MA. Keynote speech for beginning of DEAL (Debate, Empowerment
and Leadership) Program, a partnership between Weissman Center, Mt. Holyoke
College and Springfield, MA schools.
"Strategic debate coaching," lecture to debate coaches at Brown University,
Providence Urban Debate League Leadership Workshop, January 27, 2001.
"Developing, researching, and producing affirmative cases for debate," lecture to
students at Brown University, Providence Urban Debate League Leadership
Workshop, January 27, 2001.
"Creating a debate culture," Lecture, Prime Minister's Office, Republic of Korea,
December 21, 2000.
"Debate in the global information age," Keynote Speech, First Korean National
Collegiate Debate Championship, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of
Korea, December 19, 2000.
"Debate in Asia: past and future," Guest Lecture, College of Journalism and
Communication Studies, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea,
December 18, 2000.
Chair and Respondent, "Tyranny of Secondary Sources," panel at International
Debate Education Association Conference 2000 (Debate and Argumentation:
Opening Minds, Borders, and Societies), Budapest Hungary, October 6-8, 2000.
"Internet Debating: the USA Perspective," at International Debate Education
Association Conference 2000 (Debate and Argumentation: Opening Minds,
Borders, and Societies), Budapest Hungary, October 6-8, 2000.
Web cast, Final round events from National Forensic League national
tournament, Portland, OR, June 2000, via UVM's streaming video capability.
Chair, National Urban Debate Ideafest, sponsored by Open Society Institute and
Soros Foundation, May, 2000, NYC. Over 50 educators from all over America
came to NYC to discuss the future of OSI's major initiative to promote Urban
Debate Leagues in cities nationally.
World's first international distance debate, UVM vs. English-Speaking Union
(London, UK), March 14, 2000. Viewed by over 8000 computers globally via
UVM's streaming video capability and cooperation with in Europe.
Sponsored by Andersen Consulting, Burson-Marsteller, Apple, and Article in CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, March
31, 2000, p. A51.
World's first web cast of a competitive tournament debate, Final Round (Michigan
State vs. West Georgia), Cross Examination Debate Association national
tournament, March 2000, from Overland Park, KS, via UVM's streaming video
Web cast, Final Round (Emory vs. Michigan State), National Debate
Tournament, March 2000, from Kansas City, MO, via UVM's streaming video
World's first Internet distance debate, UVM vs. Cornell University, December 23,
1999. Viewed by people globally via UVM's streaming video capability.
Visiting Faculty and lecturer, Emory University National Debate Institute, JuneJuly, 1999, Atlanta, GA.
Lecture Series, Urban Debate League Workshop, Manhattan Community
College, NYC, August 1999. Topics included: "Strategic Coaching," and
"Education Reform in America: Historical and Current."
Chair, "The College Debate Experience," panel at National Urban Debate
League Development Conference, University of Missouri at Kansas City, March,
Chair, National Urban Debate Ideafest, sponsored by Open Society Institute and
Soros Foundation, May, 1999, NYC. Over 50 educators from all over America
came to NYC to discuss the future of OSI's major initiative to promote Urban
Debate Leagues in cities nationally.
Urban Debate League Basic Instructional Series, (Open Society Institute: NYC),
1999. 13 VHS tape series of basic instruction for debaters and coaches in
national 13 city Urban Debate League program.
Tournament Director, CEDA National Tournament (150+ teams), University of
Rochester, March 1998.
Commentator, National Public Radio, “The World,” April & December 1998.
Utilized for expertise in reggae music.
Faculty, Emory National Debate Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, JuneJuly, 1998.
Chair, National Urban Debate Ideafest, Open Society Institute and Soros
Foundation, May 13, 1998, New York, NY. Fifty educators from all over America
attended to plan expansion of OSI’s multi-million dollar urban debate initiative.
Visiting Lecturer, Rhetoric Program, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade,
former Yugoslavia, April-May, 1998. Lectures included, “New Models for
Persuasion in the Global Village,” “Argumentation Between World Views,” and
“Creating a ‘Debating Culture’ in Higher Education.”
“Debate Partnerships with the former Yugoslavia,” paper at National
Communication Association convention, Chicago, IL, November 1997.
Guest Faculty, Soros Foundation Yugoslavia Summer Debate Camp, Jabuka,
Yugoslavia, June 1997.
Chair, “Critique as a New Argument Form,” panel at National Communication
Association convention, Chicago, IL, November 1997.
Faculty, Emory National Debate Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, JuneJuly, 1997.
Conference Chair & Organizer, “Making the Vision Real,” Cross Examination
Debate Association Development Conference, Chicago, IL, June 1997.
“Creating Supportive Environments for New Debaters,” First Diversity
Recruitment and Retention in Debate Ideafest, Emory University, Atlanta GA,
June 10, 1997. Proceedings edited by Gordon Mitchell.
"Tales of the electronic watering hole: Debate Central on the Internet," Speech
Communication Association national convention, November 1996.
"Gaming as a uniting paradigm for different debate formats," paper presented at
Speech Communication Association national convention (San Antonio, Texas),
November 1995.
"A thousand flowers blooming: format merger in contemporary academic
debate," paper presented at Speech Communication Association national
convention (San Antonio, Texas), November 1995.
Respondent, "Argument burdens in the frame game," panel at Speech
Communication Association national convention (San Antonio, Texas),
November 1995.
“Debate Central on the Internet,” National Town Hall Meeting, Speech
Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, November 1994.
“Making powerful tools more convivial: debate tournament team pairing
practices and the TRM program,” Speech Communication Association
Convention, New Orleans, November 1994.
“Curing misconceptions and creating common ground: CEDA outreach to
America’s high schools,” Speech Communication Association Convention, New
Orleans, November 1994.
"Expanding rural high school debate: a New England perspective," National
Forensic League's Future of Forensics Conference, Denver, August 14, 1992.
"Encounter Groups in the 1980s," Speech Communication Association National
Convention, Chicago, 1984.
"Fantasy as Reality: Fiat Power in Academic Debate," Central States Speech
Association Convention, Milwaukee, 1982.
"Gaming as a Form of Human Communication," World Future Society World
Assembly, Washington, D.C., 1982.
"Science Fiction Readership," Western Science Fiction Association Convention,
Long Beach, CA, 1969.
Program Director, Thinking and Speaking a Better World: 4th International
Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of
Empowerment, 11-13 January 2013, Doha, Qatar. Over 150 scholars from
around the world. Sponsored by Qatar Foundation, International Society for the
Study of Argumentation, International Center for the Advancement of Political
Communication & Argumentation, and the World Debate Institute.
Editor, World Schools Debating Championship 2008 Scrapbook, Washington, DC
September 2008. Available at .
Program Coordinator and Organizer, Third International Conference on
Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, Maribor,
Slovenia, 22-24 October 2010. Over 85 academic papers presented. Sponsored
by Slovenia Institute of Education, World Debate Institute UVM and Za in Proti.
Program Coordinator and Organizer, Second International Conference on
Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 11-13 April 2008. Over 90 academic papers presented. Sponsored by
Slovenia Institute of Education, World Debate Institute UVM and Za in Proti.
Editor, Frontiers of the 21st Century: Argument, Debate and the Struggle for a
Civil Society, (IDEBATE Press: New York), Spring 2007.
Program Coordinator for debate section, International Conference on
Argumentation, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, University of
Primorska, Slovenia, 24-26 November 2006. Over 80 academic papers
presented. Sponsored by University of Primorska, Educational Research Institute
Slovenia, Slovenia Institute of Education, World Debate Institute UVM and Za in
Proti. 120 attendees, 83 papers.
Program Coordinator, International Debate Education Association Conference,
Tallinn, Estonia, November 6-8. 2005. Responsible for creating the program,
adjudicating the papers and sessions submitted, and publishing the results.
Attendees from over thirty-five countries.
Program Coordinator, International Debate Education Association Conference,
Istanbul, Turkey, November 5-7. 2004. Responsible for creating the program,
adjudicating the papers and sessions submitted, and publishing the results.
Attendees from over thirty-five countries.
Editor, UN-Peace: Debating United Nations Peacekeeping, argument and
evidence handbook on the 2004-05 national high school debate topic (Debate
Publications, UVM), August, 2004. Also available as a CD-ROM.
Editor, Critical Advocacy, thirteen part lecture series on debate for citizens
(Debate Publications, UVM), August 2003. With John Meany, David Berube, and
Marc Whitmore (lecturers). Available as VHS, DVD, and CD-ROM.
Editor, Parliamentary Debate Instruction Series (Debate Publications, UVM).
Available as VHS tapes and CD-ROMs.
Editor, Water Planet: debating ocean policy, argument and evidence handbook
on the 2003-04 national high school debate topic (Debate Publications, UVM),
August, 2003. Also available as a CD-ROM.
Editor, Advanced Policy Debate Training Series (Debate Publications, UVM).
CD-ROMs and VHS tapes. August 2002.
Editor, Mental Help, argument and evidence handbook on the 2002-03 national
high school debate topic (Debate Publications, UVM), August, 2002. Also
available as a multimedia CD-ROM.
Editor, Digital Debate Coach, for teachers of debate (Debate Publications, UVM).
August 2002. CD-ROM.
Editor, Policy Debate 2002, (UVM/LDU), August 2001. Comprehensive
multimedia CD-ROM on 2001-2002 national high school debate topic.
Editor, Weapons of Mass Destruction, (UVM/LDU: Burlington, VT), June 2001.
Argument and evidence handbook on the 2001-2002 national high school debate
Guest Editor, The Rostrum, two issues in 2001-2002 academic year. Journal of
the National Forensic League.
Guest Editor, The Rostrum, January 2001. Special issue on coaching. Journal of
the National Forensic League.
Editorial Board, Controversia: An International Journal of Debate and Democratic
Renewal, December 2000.
Guest Editor, The Rostrum, December 2000. Journal of the National Forensic
Editor, Advanced Debating, (UVM/LDU), September 2000. Comprehensive
multimedia CD-ROM for advanced policy debaters.
Editor, The Parliamentary Speaker, (UVM/LDU), September 2000.
Comprehensive multimedia CD-ROM for use by parliamentary debaters
Editor, Digital Debate Coach, (UVM/LDU), September 2000. Comprehensive
multimedia CD-ROM for debate coaches to train new and intermediate debaters.
Editor, Policy Debate 2001, (UVM/LDU), August 2000. Comprehensive
multimedia CD-ROM on 2000-2001 national high school debate topic.
Editor, Public or Private? (UVM/LDU: Burlington, VT), June 2000. Argument and
evidence handbook on the 2000-2001 national high school debate topic.
Robert Huber, Influencing Through Argument, 1964 argumentation text updated
and edited for sexist language, and available as a web document at
Editor, Policy Debate 2000, (UVM/LDU: Burlington, VT), 1999. Comprehensive
CD-ROM on policy debate training and the 1999-2000 national high school
debate topic.
Editor, Debating Education, (UVM/LDU: Burlington, VT), 1999. Argument and
evidence handbook on the 1999-2000 national high school debate topic.
Editor, Russia Awakens, (LDU/UVM: Burlington, VT), June 1997. Argument and
issues text on the national high school debate resolution.
Editor, New Energy, (LDU/UVM: Burlington, VT), June 1997. Argument and
issues text on the national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Engaging China, (LDU/UVM: Burlington, VT) 1995. Argument and issues
text on the national high school debate resolution.
Editor, To Breathe Free: American Immigration Policy, (LDU/UVM: Burlington,
VT) 1994. Argument and issues text on the national high school debate
Editor, Healing America: national health insurance, (Lawrence Debate Union:
Burlington, VT). Summer, 1993. Argument and issues text on the national high
school debate resolution.
Editor, Eastern Debate, (quarterly journal of Eastern Cross Examination Debate
Association), 1992-1996.
Editor, World or Wastebin? The Challenge of Global Pollution (Lawrence Debate
Union: Burlington, VT). Summer, 1992. Argument and issues text on the
national high school debate resolution.
Editor, No Place Like Home: Homelessness, Social Services, and the Future of
America (Lawrence Debate Union: Burlington, VT). Summer, 1991. Argument
and issues text on the national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Way Out There: Space Exploration and the Human Predicament
(Lawrence Debate Union: Burlington, VT). Summer, 1990. Argument and issues
text on the national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Prison Overcrowding (Lawrence Debate Union: Burlington, VT).
Summer, 1989. Argument and issues text on the national high school debate
Editor, Debating Age: Arranging for Retirement Security (Lawrence Debate
Union: Burlington, VT). Summer, 1988. Argument and issues text on the
national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Latin America; Revolution or Stability? (Lawrence Debate Union:
Burlington, VT). Summer, 1987. Argument and issues text on the national high
school debate resolution.
Editor, Food for Talk, (Lawrence Debate Union: Burlington, VT). Summer, 1986.
Argument and issues text on the national high school debate resolution.
Editor,...And Not a Drop to Drink: Water Pollution in America, (Lawrence Debate
Union: Burlington, VT). Summer, 1985. Argument and issues text on the
national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Employ and Destroy: Guaranteed Employment, (Lawrence Debate
Union: Burlington, VT). Summer, 1984. Argument and issues text on the
national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Uniform Criminal Court Procedures, (Lawrence Debate Union:
Burlington, VT). Summer, 1983. Argument and issues text on the national high
school debate resolution.
Editor, Arms Control and World Security, (Eastern Evidence: Detroit, MI).
Summer, 1982. Argument and issues text on the national high school debate
Editor, American Education at the Crossroads, (Eastern Evidence: Detroit, MI)
Editor. Summer, 1981. Argument and issues text on the national high school
debate resolution.
Editor, Consumer Safety and Protection, (Eastern Evidence: Detroit, MI).
Summer, 1980. Argument and issues text on the national high school debate
Editor, Consumer Protection, National Forensic League Debate Handbook,
(National Forensic League: Ripon, WI), Editor, 1980.
Editor, Journal of Human Interaction, scholarly journal from University of
Kansas, 1978-1980.
Editor, On the Brink: Scarce World Resources, (Eastern Evidence: Lawrence,
KS). Summer, 1979. Argument and issues text on the national high school
debate resolution.
Editor, Scarce World Resources, National Forensic League Debate Handbook,
(National Forensic League: Ripon, WI), 1979. Argument and issues text on the
national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Energy Crisis in America, (Eastern Evidence: Boston, MA). Summer,
1978. Argument and issues text on the national high school debate resolution.
Editor, Reforming Medical Care, (Eastern Evidence: Boston, MA). Summer,
1977. Argument and issues text on the national high school debate resolution.
The regular television program “Flashpoint” discusses current issues using
Lawrence Debate Union students and staff as panelists. It now has well over 480
Blog and archive:
These programs currently are currently viewed online about 1000 times a day.
Recent Programs
 Flashpoint 491, “Russia, the West & Syria,”
 Flashpoint 490, “Black Lives Matter,”
 Flashpoint 489, “Kanye for President,”
 Flashpoint 488, “Planned Parenthood,”
 Flashpoint 487, “Wikileaks Debates Part 1,”
 Flashpoint 486, “Wikileaks Debate Part 1,”
 Flashpoint 485, “Republicans for President,”
 Flashpoint 484, “Democrats for President,”
 Flashpoint 483, “Investigating Privilege,”
 Flashpoint 482, “Education for All,”
 Flashpoint 481, “Holding Each Other Accountable,”
 Flashpoint 480, “To Vaccinate or Not?”
 Flashpoint 479, “Sex Education,”
 Flashpoint 478, “Islamophobia,”
 Flashpoint 477, “Human Trafficking,”
 Flashpoint 476, “Pope Francis,’
 Flashpoint 475, “Boko Haram,”
 Flashpoint 474, “#Hashtag Activism,’
 Flashpoint 473, “Theater of Fear,”
 Flashpoint 472, “Reproductive Rights Rollback,”
 Flashpoint 471, “Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution,”
 Flashpoint 470, “Police Brutality,”
 Flashpoint 469, “Islamic State,”
 Flashpoint 468, “International Debating,”
 Flashpoint 467, “Visiting Debate Scholars,”
 Flashpoint 466, “Keystone/XL Pipeline,”
 Flashpoint 465, “Limits of Religious Freedom,”
 Flashpoint 462, “Debating in Japan,”
Flashpoint 461, “Marijuana legalization,”
Flashpoint 460, “Gentrification,”
Flashpoint 459, “Ukraine Crisis,
Flashpoint 458, “Gender Roles.”
Flashpoint 457, “21st Century Slavery.”
Flashpoint 456, “Sochi Olympics.”
Flashpoint 455, “Immigration and Vermont,”
Flashpoint 454, “Guns and the Media,”
Flashpoint 453, “Global Debate Trainers at Vermont,”
Flashpoint 452, ‘Guns – Bang Bang,”
Flashpoint 451, “Our Bodies, Ourselves,”
Flashpoint 450, “Rape Culture,”
Flashpoint 449, “Obamacare Explained,”
Flashpoint 448, “First Peoples (2013),
Flashpoint 447, “The Gun Show (2013),
Flashpoint 446, “Marijuana 2012,”
Flashpoint 445, “New Republican Party,”
Flashpoint 444, “University Training for Professional Success,”
Flashpoint 443, “Election Summary 2012,”
Flashpoint 442, “Nutrition Fascism,”
Flashpoint 441, “Death by Robot,”
Flashpoint 440, “Syria conundrum.”
Flashpoint 439, “Genetic modification of your food.”
Flashpoint 438, “Race and the Media.”
Flashpoint 437, “Slacktivism.”
Flashpoint 436, “Super PACs.”
Flashpoint 435, “Contraception Controversy.”
Flashpoint 434, “Sports Sickness.”
Flashpoint 433, “Arab Spring One Year On.”
Flashpoint 432, “National Data Systems.”
Flashpoint 431, “Bigotry in Politics.”
Flashpoint 430, “The N-Word Debate, Part 2,”
Flashpoint 429, “The N-Word Debate, Part 1”
Flashpoint 428, “Education Reform through Debate,”
Flashpoint 427, “Debate Education,”
Flashpoint 426, “Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the USA,”
Flashpoint 425, “Homelessness,”
Flashpoint 424, “Syria Uprising,”
Flashpoint 423, “Slutwalk,”
Flashpoint 422, “Education Reforms,”
Flashpoint 421, “Nudge Theory,”
Flashpoint 420, “Gender and Influence,”
Flashpoint 419, “Misogyny in Music,”
Flashpoint 418, “Adversarial Politics,”
Flashpoint 417, “Pet Ownership,”
Flashpoint 416, “Libyan Civil War,”
Flashpoint 415, “Burlington Telecom,”
Flashpoint 414, “Madison Madcap,”
Flashpoint 413, “Kill the Internet?”
Flashpoint 412, “Arab Unrest,”
Flashpoint 411, “States of Bankruptcy,”
Flashpoint 410, “Guns and Words,”
Flashpoint 409, “One Child Policy,”
Flashpoint 408, “Airport Security 2010,”
Flashpoint 407, “Leaks and Liberty,”
Flashpoint 406, “Infant Euthanasia,”
Flashpoint 405, “Sports Hosting Horror,”
Flashpoint 404, “California Marijuana Initiative,”
Flashpoint 403, “Tea Party 2010,”
Flashpoint 402, “Mexico Bloodbath,”
Flashpoint 401, “Elections 2010,”
Flashpoint 400, “400 At Last!”
Flashpoint 399, “Not Quite 400,”
Flashpoint 398, “Social Networking Nightmare,”
Flashpoint 397, “Nukes R Us + Russia,”
Flashpoint 396, “Are Animals People Too?”
Flashpoint 395, “Greek Fiscal Tragedy,”
Flashpoint 394, “WUDC Debate at UVM,”
Flashpoint 393, “Policy Debate at UVM,”
Flashpoint 392, “China, Taiwan and Weapons,”
Flashpoint 391, “Campaign Finance Frenzy,”
Flashpoint 390, “Armenia and Turkey,”
Flashpoint 389, “New Era for Japan,”
World Schools Podcast, weekly program, sponsored by National Speech and
Debate Association and the World Debate Institute. Website at
 6: Palestine Debate Outreach, Snapshot of Netherlands Debate.
 5: Aaron Timmons on World Schools Learning, Winter Holidays Open in
 4: Arguing about Choice, University of Vermont Prison Debate Outreach
 3: Framing a World Schools Debate, with guest Sharmila Parmanand,
former coach of Philippines and Palestine national teams.
 2: World Schools Speech by Speech, with guest Tiana Menon, Top
Speaker at US World Schools Debate Invitational 2015, now a student at
 1: Introduction to the World Schools Format, with guests J. Scott Wunn of
National Speech and Debate Association, Cindi Timmons of USA Debate,
Nik Angelopoulos USA Debate team member, Steve Llano of St. john’s
University NY.
Presentations around the world and at UVM. Over 3 million viewers since 2009.
Over 600,000 viewers in 2014.
This list does not include 470+ episodes of Flashpoint television, found at
“Lying: the sin we all commit,” lecture at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia. 10 December 2014.
Chair, Panel Discussion, “Language, Persuasion & Modern Politics,” with
scholars from Philippines, USA, Hungary & Venezuela, 28 November 2014,
Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Lecture, “Structuring and Ordering Messages,” SPCH 51, 3 October 2014,
Lecture, “Cognitive Elements & Persuasion,” SPCH 51, 5 September 2014.
Lecture, “Principle & Persuasion,” 2 July 2014, World Schools Debate Academy,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
“Introduction to Ivan Illich,” SPCH 184, January 2014.
Lecture, “Six Major Changes in American Elections from 2012,” Faculty of
Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, 21 November 2013. 120+ attending.
“Introduction to debating in the world format,” Cameroon Debate Academy, 21
July 2013.
“Ecophilosophies in debating,” World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia, July 2013,
“Recruiting and retaining debaters,” World Schools Debate Academy, Kranjska
Gora, Slovenia, July 2013,
“Note taking for World Schools debaters,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, July 2013,
Debater, “Extradite Snowden,” Public Debate, World Schools Debate Academy,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, July 2013,
“Web resources for WSDC debating,” National Forensic League National Speech
and Debate Championship, Birmingham, Alabama, 19 June 2013,
Moderator, “Economists Debate Economic Growth & Ecology,” Public Debate,
UVM, 24 April 2013,
“Media Theory and Political Advertising,” Presidential Campaign Rhetoric, March
“Thrive – Choices for Young People,” Youth in Action – Thailand, March, 2013
“Why Debate?” Central European University video, 2 March 2013.!
Debate, teamed with UVM Alumni, “Should we ever imprison non-violent
offenders?” Masters Competition, World Universities Debating Championship,
December-January 2012-13. Awarded the victory.
Debate, teamed with UVM Alumni, “Should parents raise children without
gender?” Masters Competition, World Universities Debating Championship,
December-January 2012-13. Awarded the victory.
“What makes a good argument,” panel discussion, Huffington Post, 3 October
“The Art of argument: winning political debates,” Vermont Edition, Vermont Public
Radio, 12 September 2012.
“Ideas about Training Debaters,” International Debate Academy, Slovenia,
November 2012.
“Argumentation Types,” International Debate Academy, Slovenia, November,
“Structure, Reality and Boldness in Debating,” panel discussion, North America
Debate Academy, August 2012, University of Vermont.
“Points of Information – Like a Boss,” North America Debate Academy, August,
2012, University of Vermont.
“Second Team Strategies in WUDC Debating,” North America Debate Academy,
August, 2012, University of Vermont.
“Providing support for your arguments,” Cameroon Debate Academy, Cameroon.
July 2012.
“Giving your arguments impact,” Cameroon Debate Academy, Bamenda,
Cameroon, July 2012.
“Types and tests of argument,” Cameroon Debate Academy, Bamenda,
Cameroon, July 2012.
“Public speaking in the debate context,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Slovenia, June, 2012.
“Fallacies of argument and US Presidents,” Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 11 December 2011.
“Finding the rhetoric in Reggae music, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana,
15 December 2011.
“Drills and exercises for university debate training,” International Debate
Academy, Slovenia, November, 2011.
“General and applied argumentation theory for debaters,” International Debate
Academy Slovenia, November, 2011. Part One: ;
Part Two:
Debater, “This House would make voting a use it or lose it right,” International
Debate Academy Slovenia, November, 2011.
“History of Policy Debate in America,” Lecture for Fundamentals of Debate class,
University of Vermont, September, 2011.
“Advice for Points of Information,” East Debate Institute, University of Vermont,
August 2011.
“What persuasion research tells us about debating,” World Schools Debate
Academy, Slovenia, July 2011.
“Points of information in the WSDC format,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Slovenia, July 2011.
“Debating issues in ecology,” World Schools Debate Academy, Slovenia, July
“Introduction to argumentation for debaters,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Slovenia, July 2011.
“Reggae, women, Rastafari and social change,” for class Rhetoric of Reggae
Music, University of Vermont, Spring 2011.
“The Rhetoric of Peter Tosh,” for class Rhetoric of Reggae Music, University of
Vermont, Spring 2011.
“The Rhetoric of Bob Marley,” for class Rhetoric of Reggae Music, University of
Vermont, Spring 2011.
“Western Rhetorical theory and Reggae music,” for class Rhetoric of Reggae
Music, University of Vermont, Spring 2011.
“Reggae and Rastafarianism,” for class Rhetoric of Reggae Music, University of
Vermont, Spring 2011. Part one:; Part two:
“Origins of Reggae,” for class Rhetoric of Reggae Music, University of Vermont,
Spring 2011.
“African Rhetorical theory and Reggae music,” for class Rhetoric of Reggae
Music, University of Vermont, Spring 2011.
“Persuasion and deception,” for class Persuasion and Influence, University of
Vermont, Fall 2010.
Video interview with April Simpson,” for Christian Science Monitor article,
December 2010.
“Debate persuasion by the studies,” International Debate Academy, Slovenia,
November 2010.
“Understanding ecological philosophies,” International Debate Academy,
Slovenia, November 2010.
“Recruiting and retaining debaters,” Teacher Workshop, International Debate
Academy, Slovenia, November 2010.
“Building thicker arguments,” International Debate Academy, Slovenia,
November 2010.
“Debate – critical method for the 21st century,” keynote speech, Conference on
Argument and Debate, University of Padua, Italy, November 2010.
“Use of power pairing at World Schools Debating Championships,” 3rd Thinking
and Speaking a Better World Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, October 2010.
“Debate academy model of debater education and training,” with Bojana Skrt, 3 rd
Thinking and Speaking a Better World conference, Maribor, Slovenia, October
“Eight sequential persuasion strategies,” for class Persuasion and Influence,
University of Vermont, October 2010.
“Don’t debate like an ugly Americans,” with Bojana Skrt, East Debate Institute,
University of Vermont, August 2010.
“Introduction to debating,” Serbia Debate Academy, Kopaonik, Serbia, July 2010.
“Debate training exercise list,” World Schools Debate Academy, Slovenia, July
2010. Part one:; Part two:
“Note taking in the WSDC format,” World Schools Debate Academy, Slovenia,
July 2010.
“Avoiding and identifying argument fallacies,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Slovenia, July 2010.
“Debating against economic development,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Slovenia, July 2010.
“Training debaters in argumentation, Teacher Workshop, World Schools Debate
Academy, Slovenia, July 2010.
“Applying African rhetorical theories to African American rhetoric,” for class
African American Rhetoric, University of Vermont, Spring 2010.
“What is debate all about?” Kyushu University, Japan, January 2010.
“Common issues in debating,” Kyushu University, Japan, January 2010.
“The art of rebuttal,” World Universities Debating Championship, Antalya, Turkey,
December 2009.
“Debating international relations,” International Debate Academy, Slovenia,
November 2009.
“How to host a debate tournament,” Qatar Debate Academy, Doha, Qatar,
October 2009. Part one:; Part two:
“Argumentation for World Schools debating,” World Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, July 2009,
“Chaim Perelman and the universal audience,” for class Argument and Decision,
University of Vermont, Fall 2009.
“Henry Johnstone and ad hominem arguments,” for class Argument and
Decision, University of Vermont, Fall 2009.
“History of presidential campaigns in the USA,” for class Presidential Campaign
Rhetoric, University of Vermont, Spring 2009.
“Using your fifteen minutes of preparation time wisely,” East Debate Institute,
University of Vermont, August 2009.
“How debaters can keep up with the news,” East Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, August 2009.
“Researching for prepared motions ion the WSDC format,” World Debate
Institute, University of Vermont, July 2009.
“Public speaking in the WSDC format,” World Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, July 2009.
“Argumentation in the WSDC format,” World Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, July 2009.
“Distance debate: using new media for debate,” keynote speaker, National
Federation of High Schools Annual Meeting, Buffalo, New York, August 2009.
“Making your arguments more important,” Serbia Debate Academy, Divcibare,
Serbia, July 2009.
“Understanding ecological philosophies,” Serbia Debate Academy, Divcibare,
Serbia, July 2009.
“How debaters can train themselves,” with Bojana Skrt, Serbia Debate Academy,
Divcibare, Serbia, July 2009.
“Understanding and using international relations theories in debates,” Serbia
Debate Academy, Divcibare, Serbia, July 2009.
“Opposition strategies in the WSDC format,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Slovenia, July 2009.
“Points of information in the WSDC format,” World Schools Debate Academy,
Slovenia, July 2009.
“Motion interpretation in the WSDC format,” Slovenia Debate Summer School,
Slovenia, June 2009. Part one:; Part two:
“Experto en Debate Dicta Charla en la UNAB,” promotional video for speaking
tour of Chile, October 2008.
“Understanding the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion,” for class
Persuasion and Influence, University of Vermont, Fall, 2008.
“Tips for effective refutation,” World Debate Institute, University of Vermont, July
“Types of arguments and how to use them,” World Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, July 2008.
“Debating about nuclear energy,” World Debate Institute, University of Vermont,
July 2008.
“My debate story,” World Debate Institute, University of Vermont, July 2007.
“Persuasion theory and debating,” World Debate Institute Asia, Seoul, Korea,
“Debate in across the curriculum: the next phase,” keynote, 1st Thinking and
Speaking a Better World Conference, Koper, Slovenia, November 2006.
“Dynamic public speaking,” World Debate Institute, University of Vermont,
Summer 2003.
“Making an argument,” global webcast sponsored by World Debate Institute,
February 2003.
“Opposing the use of irony in debates,” World Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, July 2001.
“Persuasion in international debating,” World Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, July 2001.
“Causation arguments in international debating,” World Debate Institute,
University of Vermont, July 2001.
“Dynamic speaking in high school debating,” World Debate Institute, University of
Vermont, July 2001.
“Should debate be a subject in all schools,” a debate staged by International
Debate Education Association, Prague, Czech Republic, 2001. I was opposition,
arguing against debate in schools.
“Training drills and exercises,” World Debate Institute, University of Vermont,
July 2000.
“Critical Advocacy: Introduction to Debates and Debating,” video series in
cooperation with English Speaking Union (UK), Claremont Colleges, University of
South Carolina and University of Vermont, 2000. I appear on ten of thirteen parts.
“Introduction to Policy Debating,” thirteen part series produced for Open Society
Institute, New York City, 1999.
Stories from Latin American Press, October 2008. Newspaper stories from Chile
during lecture trip there.
Susan Green, “Far from speechless: UVM debate team critiques the
performances of Bush and Kerry,” Burlington Free Press, 17 October 2004, p.
Kathy Resmer, “Hooked on Tuna,” Seven Days, August 25, 2004.
Interviewed by Lesley Stahl of CBS News for a 60 Minutes story on the Urban
Debate League movement, New York City, NY. September 27, 2002.
Jodi Wilgoren, "World of debating grows, and Vermont is its lab," New York
Times, August 9, 2001, p. A12.
Persuasion and Influence
Argument and Decision
Rhetoric of Ivan Illich
Rhetoric of Television Evangelism
Rhetoric of Reggae Music
African American Rhetoric
Presidential Campaign Rhetoric
Fundamentals of Debate
Effective Speaking
Advanced Debate
Seminar: Rhetoric of Impeachment
Readings and research in Speech & Debate
Persuasion, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade,
Summer, 2007
Persuasion, University of Primorska, Slovenia, October-January 2006-2007
US Department of State, Palestine Debate Outreach, December 2014-2016.
Training teachers and students in Palestine to expand debating into 15 high
US Department of State, Guest Speaker Program, funded to go to Serbia in
August 2010. Plane fare and $3000 sponsorship.
US Department of State, US Embassy Slovenia, sponsor of speakers from
USA, World Schools Debate Academy, July 5-11 2010, Kranjska Gora,
Slovenia. 90 people from 10 countries, 4 UVM representatives as faculty.
US Department of State, Guest Speaker Program, funded to go to Serbia in
July 2009. Plane fare and $3000 sponsorship.
Lawrence Debate Union, $5000 grant to host the US Universities Debating
Championship at UVM, from Open Society Institute, April 2009.
Lawrence Debate Union, $2500 grant to host the US Universities Debating
Championship at UVM, from QatarDebate, April 2009.
Lawrence Debate Union. $3100 grant from the United Nations Foundation in
exchange for holding public events (two statewide speech contests and six
television programs) on public policy in October and November, 2006.
World Debate Institute, 2006. $23,000 grant from IMPACT Coalition, NYC, for
NYC students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2006. $15,000 grant from Jersey Urban Debate
League and Focus Hispanic Center for Community Development, Newark, for
Newark area students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2005. $23,000 grant from IMPACT Coalition, NYC, for
NYC students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2005. $15,000 grant from Jersey Urban Debate
League and Focus Hispanic Center for Community Development, Newark, for
Newark area students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2004. $23,000 grant from IMPACT Coalition, NYC, for
NYC students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2004. $15,000 grant from Jersey Urban Debate
League and Focus Hispanic Center for Community Development, Newark, for
Newark area students to attend WDI.
Lawrence Debate Union. $2250 grant from the United Nations Foundation in
exchange for holding five public events on public policy in October, 2004.
World Debate Institute, 2003. $30,000 grant from IMPACT Coalition, NYC, for
NYC students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2003. $23,000 grant from Swearer Center at Brown
University for Providence, RI students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2003. $24,000 grants from the Newark School system
and the Open Society Institute for New Jersey students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2003. $11,000 grant from Towson Foundation for
Baltimore Urban Debate League students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2002. $30,000 grant from Swearer Center at Brown
University for Providence, RI students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2002. $30,000 grant from IMPACT Coalition, NYC, for
NYC students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2001. $35,000 grant from Swearer Center at Brown
University for Providence, RI students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2001, $25,000 grant from IMPACT Coalition, NYC, for
NYC students to attend WDI.
World Debate Institute, 2000. $76,000 grant from Open Society Institute for
Providence, Rhode Island and New York City students to attend WDI., March 2000, $8000 donation to sponsor Internet debate
Continuing Education, UVM. $2000 grant to design an online course for
CyberSummer, 2000.
World Debate Institute, 1999. $130,000 grant from Open Society Institute for
NYC students to attend WDI.
Editorial Board, Eris: Journal of Argument & Debate Theory & Practice,
Padua, Italy. 2013Chief Adjudicator, US Universities Debate Championship, Willamette
University, April 2012. Attended by over 500 debaters and coaches.
Director of Tabulation, CMUDE/World Debating championships in Spanish,
Caracas, Venezuela, July 2011.
Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Dallas, Texas, June,
2011. Coordinate competitions involving over 5,500 people.
Convener, United States Universities Debating Championships, held at
UVM, April 1-2-3 2011. 200 teams.
Advisory Committee, World Debate Forum, conference held in Gaborone,
Botswana, January 2011. Sponsored by World Universities Debating
Championship and Open Society Foundation.
Curriculum consultant, National Institute of Education, Republic of Slovenia,
2004President, World Debate Organization, 2000-2010
Member, National Debate Coaches Association, 2002Member, International Debate Education Association, 2002Member, Cross Examination Debate Association, 1988Associate Editor, Controversia: An International Journal of Debate and
Democratic Renewal, 2000Board of Directors, Association for Creative Communication & Debate
[Serbia], 1998Advisory Board, International Public Policy Forum, Bickel & Brewer
Foundation, 2004Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Kansas City, Missouri,
June, 2010. Coordinate competitions involving 5,500 people.
Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Birmingham,
Alabama, June, 2009. Coordinate competitions involving 5,500 people.
Convener, United States Universities Debating Championships, held at
UVM, April 3-5 2009. Over 120 teams attended.
Director of Tournament Operations, World Schools Debating
Championships, Washington, DC. September 2008. Attended by teams from
39 countries.
Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Las Vegas, Nevada,
June, 2008. Coordinate competitions involving 5,500 people.
Core Adjudication Team, World Universities Peace Invitational Debates,
December 16-19 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sponsored by CIMB Group.
Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Wichita, KS, June,
2007. Coordinate competitions involving 5,000 people.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation and Results, Bilingual High School Lendava,
Lendava, Slovenia, 9 December 2006. Over 280 people attending.
Director of Pairing, Tabulations and Results, Ljutomer International Schools
Tournament, Ljutomer, Slovenia, 13-14 October 2007. 40 teams from 5
nations competing.
Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Dallas, TX, June,
2006. Coordinate competitions involving 5,000 people.
Director of Tournament Pairing and Tabulation, American Forensic
Association District 8 Qualifier Tournament, top teams earn bids to the 2006
National Debate Tournament. Western Connecticut State University,
February 25-26 2006.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, National Invitational Debate
Tournament, University of Texas at Dallas, January, 2006.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, National Invitational Debate
Tournament, University of North Texas, January, 2006
Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Philadelphia, PA,
June, 2005. Coordinate competitions involving 5,000 people.
Director of Tournament Operations, National Forensic League, national high
school speech and debate championship tournament, Salt Lake City, Utah,
June, 2004. Coordinated competitions involving 5,000 people.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, Brad Smith Debates, University
of Rochester, October, 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, Buffalo Debates, SUNY Buffalo,
October, 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, East Region Debate
Championships, Marist College, February, 2004
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, National Invitational Debate
Tournament, University of Texas at Dallas, January, 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, National Invitational Debate
Tournament, University of North Texas, January, 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, Brad Smith Debates, University
of Rochester, September, 2003.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, Joe Jackson Debates,
University of Central Oklahoma, November 2003.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, DeMougeot Debates, University
of North Texas, January 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, Debate Tournament, University
of Texas at Dallas January 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, Russell Martin Debates, Cornell
University, February 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, 16th Annual Forensic festival,
Binghamton University, February 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, East Regional Debate
Championships, Marist College February 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, Vermont High School Debate
Championship, University of Vermont, March 2004.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, National Forensic League,
national high school speech and debate championship tournament, Atlanta,
GA, June 10-20 2003.
Director of Pairing, Tabulation, and Results, National Forensic League,
national high school speech and debate championship tournament,
Charlotte, NC, June 11-21 2002.
Consultant, Open Society Institute, NY, to assist in promoting national Urban
Debate League projects. 1997-2002
Tournament Committee, Segundo Torneo Hispanoamericano de Debate,
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, May 2002.
Executive Committee, Cross Examination Debate Association, 1993-99
President, Cross Examination Debate Association, 1997-98
First Vice President, Cross Examination Debate Association, 1996-97
Chair, Topic Committee, Cross Examination Debate Association, 1996-97
Second Vice President, Cross Examination Debate Association, 1995-96
Championship Trophy permanently named “Alfred Snider World Schools
Championship,” National Speech and Debate Association, June 2013.
Breaking Judge, recognized as one of the world’s best debate judges, World
Universities Debating Championship, 2013, Berlin, Germany.
Chief Adjudicator, US Universities Debating Championship, April 2012.
Willamette University, Salem, Oregon.
Breaking Judge, recognized as one of the world’s best debate judges, World
Universities Debating Championship, 2012, Gaborone, Botswana.
Vermont Director of the Year, award presented in November 2008 by
Vermont Community Access Media for the Flashpoint television program.
Humanitarian Award, National Forensic League, presented at National
Tournament, June 2008, Cox Center, Las Vegas, Nevada.
John A Jacobsohn Award for Service to Debate, presented at West Virginia
University, March, 2006.
Special Service Award, National Forensic League, presented in Salt Lake
City, UT, June 18, 2004.
George Ziegelmueller Career Coaching Award, presented by American
Forensic Association, National Debate Tournament, Atlanta, GA, April, 2003.
Don Brownlee Award for Service to Debate, Cross Examination Debate
Association, National Tournament, Fullerton, CA., April 2002.
Mark Douglas Award for Dedication to Debate, New York Urban Debate
League, presented at annual banquet, June 3, 2001.
Lifetime Achievement Award, Cross Examination Debate Association,
presented at National Tournament, Tennessee, March 26, 2001
Paul Slappey Award for Promoting Diversity in Debate, Barkley Forum for
High Schools, Emory University, February, 2001
Friend of Forensics, Emory University, February, 2001
Service Award, Binghamton University, November, 2000
National Service Award, National Forensic League, presented at National
Tournament, Portland, OR, June, 2000
Honorary Membership, Gold Key Honor Society, UVM, 2000
National Service Award, National Forensic League, June, 1998
Distinguished Coaching Award, University of Utah, 1997
Honorary Membership, Carolina Debate, 1997
Eastern United States Debate Coach of the Year, 1995-96
Pelham National Debate Coach of the Year, 1993-94
Lead Instructor, debate training for international students, University of
Vermont Global Gateway Program, Fall 2015. Using debate training to
improve integration of international students into the UVM community.
“Strategic, Critical Communication and Persuasion,” Breakthrough Leaders
Program for Sustainable Food Systems, University of Vermont, 26 June 2013.
Judge, Sigma Phi Society, UVM Campus Oratory Contest, 19 April 2011.
Advisory Board, World Debate Forum, Gaborone, Botswana, 4-7 January
2011. Global meeting following the World Universities Debating
Moderator, Student Government Association Presidential Debate, March
Workshop, “Professional Conversations,” Division of Continuing Education,
University of Vermont, 11 February 2008.
Speaker, UVM Admissions Communication Workshop, August 26, 2003
Host, Vermont Community Access Media (Channel 15) annual meeting
television broadcast, two hours, April 28, 2003.
Member, UVM Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, 2002Host, Vermont Community Access Media (Channel 15) Open House, 60minute television broadcast, February 2002.
Speaker, UVM Admissions Communication Workshop, August, 2001
Speaker, UVM Admissions Communication Workshop, April, 2000
Host, Flashpoint (over 435 regular television shows), 1993Faculty Advisor, WRUV-FM Radio, 1986-2000
Master of Ceremonies, Vermont Reggae Festival, 1986-2002
Vice President, Vermont Reggae Festival, Inc., 1995-96
Treasurer, Vermont Reggae Festival, Inc. 1992-93
President, Vermont Reggae Festival, Inc. 1992