SL Fac Fellows Application

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Retreat at Pocosin Arts Riverside Lodge
November 14-16, 2014 | Columbia, NC
"Service-learning is a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that
address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection designed to
achieve desired learning outcomes” (Jacoby, 1996).
Dear ECU Faculty,
You are cordially invited to participate in ECU’s second annual Service-Learning Faculty Fellows
Retreat at Pocosin Arts Riverside Lodge. This retreat is an opportunity to learn about servicelearning pedagogy and integrate it into an appropriate course in the company of friends and
colleagues from a number of departments.
Research shows that high quality service-learning can deepen student learning and increase
overall engagement with course content (Furco, 1996). As such, developing strong servicelearning courses is a critically important task that can have lasting impacts on faculty, students,
and community partners. While ECU offers the well-regarded Engagement and Outreach
Scholars Academy for faculty interested in engaged scholarship, the university has offered limited,
personalized educational opportunities for faculty interested in enhancing their knowledge of
service-learning pedagogy. Therefore, this retreat and fellows program will introduce faculty to
service-learning theory, best practices, and assessment in a wonderfully creative environment.
The retreat will include presentations by faculty already successfully incorporating servicelearning into their curriculum and profiles of community partners. Participants will be
competitively selected based on nominations from deans, directors, and department chairs.
By participating in the retreat, Service-Learning Faculty Fellows will:
● learn how to integrate service-learning into scholarly work and Personnel Action Dossiers
● investigate the theories of learning behind service-learning;
● discover how others have successfully integrated service-learning into their own disciplines
at ECU and at other institutions;
● explore syllabi and principles of good practice by leaders in their academic disciplines;
● provide and receive creative feedback on course development in interactive small groups;
● engage in a comprehensive look at structured reflection and its role in integrating diverse
forms of learning;
● “virtually” meet community partners and explore reciprocal partnerships;
● inquire into methodologies of assessment and evaluation;
● earn continuing education units and receive a certificate of completion;
● review the ‘nuts and bolts’ of service-learning courses at ECU;
● learn about how service-learning fits under the umbrella category of engaged scholarship
and into ECU’s overall mission;
● integrate service-learning into one of their courses in accordance with ECU’s servicelearning definition (i.e., for successful designation as service-learning courses following the
Participant Expectations:
There will be approximately two pre-meetings before the retreat. After the retreat, each Fellow
will commit to: (a) integrating service-learning into one course; (b) successfully applying to have it
designated as a service-learning course through the Faculty Senate Service-Learning Committee;
and (c) serving as a departmental mentor and advocate for service-learning at ECU.
Following the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Retreat, participants will have the rest of the
academic year to work on service-learning Integration Projects. During a follow-up seminar
meeting in February 2015, Fellows will present their service-learning courses and syllabi to one
another and invite constructive review from colleagues. Then, Fellows will be expected to submit
their course for SL designation by the March 2015 designation deadline (as appropriate and
pending approval by department chairs).
Among other things, the Integration Project will require Fellows to understand basic criteria for
service-learning courses, select an appropriate course, develop learning objectives for servicelearning in the course, identify appropriate community partners, and integrate service-learning
into the syllabus.
VSLC staff, Faculty Fellows Planning Team members, and Service-Learning Committee
members are happy to assist Fellows in their efforts during the academic year.
Meal costs and travel expenses (if participants travel in university vehicles) will be covered by the
Volunteer and Service-Learning Center. Conference-style lodging is also provided for all
participants. The retreat will be limited to 20 participants. Fellows will receive complimentary
readings that will guide retreat conversations and individual inquiry.
Retreat Date: November 14-16, 2014 (Retreat schedule: TBA; retreat will begin on the evening of
November 14 and conclude by early afternoon on November 16)
Eligibility: All interested faculty are eligible to participate.
Registration/Application Process: If you are interested in participating in the 2014-2015 Faculty
Fellows program, please complete the accompanying registration form along with appropriate
signatures by September 22, 2014 and return it the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center in Old
Cafeteria 1605.
“My main goal was to come away from this experience with several tangible tools that I could use to better implement
service-learning not only into my courses, but also my own research and personal service.
This program more than met that goal.”
–Quote from 13-14 Service-Learning Faculty Fellow
2014-2015 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Retreat
Application Form
Rank or Title:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
At this time, I believe the following is the most likely course into which I will integrate servicelearning (I understand that I can substitute another course as I learn more about service-learning
during the retreat):
Course Number:
Course Title:
Anticipated Semester Course Will Be Taught:
Personal Statement: In one page, please tell us why you are interested in participating in the
Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Retreat. Also, on a separate page, please include a brief bio
describing your teaching and research interest areas.
I wish to participate in the 2014-2015 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program and will attend
all follow-up meetings. I agree to submit a completed service-learning course designation
application within the following academic year and teach this course as a designated servicelearning course at least once during the coming academic year.
Signature of Dept. Chair
Signature of Dean/Director
Registration Deadline: September 22, 2014
Please complete and return this form to the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center
Old Cafeteria Complex 1605