LEAPS Summer Fellows a summer funding opportunity for service-learning students 2015 Application Receive a stipend up to $1000 to expand a project you started with a community partner in Durham, or work on a thematically related project in a location of your choice— from your hometown to a destination abroad. The LEAPS team is happy to meet with you about your project and assist you along the way, but LEAPS fellows must take the lead in designing their own project, arranging their own housing and transportation, and handling other logistics. About Us LEAPS (Learning through Experience, Action, Partnership and Service) is a student group that serves as a consultant to the Service-Learning Program and an advocate for service-learning to students and faculty. We accomplish this mission in part through facilitating peer reflection sessions in service-learning courses. Further, we lead initiatives to highlight and promote quality service-learning, deepen our understanding of the outcomes of service-learning, and contribute to service and civic-engagement communities on campus. Eligibility All Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Duke undergraduate students in good standing who have taken at least one service-learning course in any department. Graduating seniors are not eligible. Students may receive funding from other sources in addition to this grant. Requirements ● Minimum duration of three consecutive weeks ● Must relate to a previously taken course designated as service-learning ● Regular reflection posts to a LEAPS Summer Fellows blog during project ● Following the fellowship in the 2015-2016 school year, students must complete a reflection project of their choice, approved by LEAPS— examples include an independent study course, organizing a campus event, instructing a house course, writing a policy report, or creative reflection piece involving multimedia (video, music, etc.) ● Fellows are also expected to attend one Service-Learning faculty and or departmental event in the fall semester Name: Unique ID: Year: Email Address: Phone number: Are you presently studying abroad, or do you intend to be abroad during the 2015-2016 academic year? Project Title: Project Location: 1. Define what service-learning means to you. (Suggested length: 100 words) 2.Which service-learning course(s) inspired your proposed project? What were your learning outcomes and greatest challenges? (Suggested length: 150 words) 3. Describe your proposed project, your approach, and potential outcomes. What course or life experiences have helped prepare you for this project? (Suggested length: 200 words) 4. Explain your proposed location and why your topic is relevant to that particular place. How does your proposed project represent a need, and how have you engaged your partner in defining the need? (Suggested length: 200 words) 5. Describe a time where you have had a leadership position, a job, or an independent project. How did you keep yourself organized and accountable? What were your proudest accomplishments? (Suggested length: 150 words) 6. Create a timetable of your proposed project and the goals you wish to accomplish each week. Week # 1 2 3 Description of Activity, Goals, etc. 4 5 7. What type of reflection project would you imagine completing during the 2015- 2016 academic year? (Applicants do NOT have to choose a definite reflection project at this time. Fellows can decide a reflection project of their choosing after completing their summer project.) 8. Please prepare an itemized budget of estimated living and project expenses. Examples can include and are not limited to food, housing, transportation, supplies, and other project necessities. Proposed Budget (Attach additional information if necessary). Item Total Cost Estimate 9. Have you applied/plan to apply to other funding sources? List here: 10. Amount of summer funding already received (if any): 11.Please list a community partner who has agreed to sponsor your application. Sponsorship means the community partner has reviewed your project and supports the feasibility of said project as well as your own personal ability to successfully implement your proposal. Final Deadline: April 10 at 5 P.M. Notification Date: April 17 Please email your completed application to sikariad@gmail.com. Put “LEAPS Summer Fellows [your name]” in the subject of the document. Contact Raj Sikaria at sikariad@gmail.com with any questions.