Honors Option Form - Honors & Scholars

Honors Program
Honors Options are additional assignments designed by professors, in conjunction with
Honors students, to give Honors students Honors academic credit and an enhanced
educational experience in conjunction with non-Honors classes.
Honors Options may consist of, but are not limited to, mini-research papers, literature
reviews, position papers, field research, service-learning projects, or creative works.
Students who successfully compete Honors Options should consult with the supervising
professor and/or the Honors Program director about the possibility of presenting their
Honors Option work at campus, state, regional, or, in the case of upperclassmen,
national, discipline-based conferences. Honors Options should be designed at the outset
with this possibility in mind.
1) Student initiates discussion with the professor about the possibility of an Honors
Option in the first week or two of class. Professor and student discuss the
specific Honors Option assignment.
2) Student writes a brief description of the Honors Option assignment on the
Honors Option approval form, obtains the supervising professor’s and
department chair’s signatures, and delivers the form to the Honors Program (215
Terrell Hall) by the Friday of the third full week of classes.
3) Honors Program sets up the corresponding HONS section of the course; e.g.,
HONS 1000: English Composition, I.
4) Honors Program distributes copies of the completed form to the student, the
supervising professor, and the Registrar.
5) Professor and student arrange to meet periodically throughout the semester to
discuss progress on the assignment.
6) Professor assigns the course grade (S/U) in the specially created HONS section.
The Honors Option work has no bearing on the A-F grade in the non-Honors
7) Assuming a satisfactory grade (S), it is recommended that the student contact
the supervising professor and/or the Honors Program director to discuss
conference presentation opportunities.
Honors Program
Deadline: Friday of the Third Full Week of the Semester
Student name and signature
GCID: __________________________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________
Course prefix/number: _____________________________________________________
Course title: _____________________________________________________________
Brief description of proposed Honors Option (attach a description if necessary):
Supervising professor name (ALL CAPS) and signature
Department chair name (ALL CAPS) and signature
Steven Elliott-Gower ______________________________________________________
Honors Program Director
Honors section: HONS _____________________________________________________
Copies of this completed form will be sent to the student, professor, and Registrar.