
Vocabulary words: Week of September 3rd
Confidence (noun): a sense of belief or trust in a person or a thing
 My coach has confidence in my ability to protect the goal during our soccer
 Because my parents have confidence in me they are letting me walk home
by myself after school.
Creativity (noun): having the ability to invent or produce imaginative, original
 It takes a great deal of creativity to come up with some of the amazing Lego
 The person who invented cotton candy must have had a lot of creativity
because it is such an imaginative food.
Ingenious (adjective): being very smart and clever in finding solutions to
 Henry Ford’s assembly line was an ingenious invention it made workers
more efficient and produced many cars quickly.
 I wish there were some ingenious people working on how to make school
lunches both healthy and tasty.)
Innovation (noun): introduction of something new; coming up with a new device,
a new idea, a new way to do something
 Juice boxes were a great innovation: it was the first non-breakable method
for transporting liquids to drink.
 Playgrounds have seen so much innovation over the past 50 years; swings
and sliding boards and seesaws have changed to make them safer and
more exciting for kids.
Curiosity (noun): wanting to know something; something that is very unusual
 The boy showed great curiosity about how the clock worked when he took
it all apart and then tried to put it back together.
 The expression, “curiosity killed the cat” means that sometimes you want
to know something or explore something so badly that you forget it might
be dangerous.
 When would you need more confidence – when you were giving a speech
before 500 people or when you were reading a book before you went to
bed? Why?
 Who would you want to be more creative – your plumber or your tattoo
artist? Why?
 When might curiosity get you in trouble – when you were figuring out a
new math problem or when you were listening to your older sister and her
boyfriend have a fight? Why?
 Which was more ingenious – the iPod or the iPad? Why?
 Where do you think we need a great deal of innovation – in cleaning up the
environment or in finding new ways to cut an apple?
Table Work
Brainstorm for a minute or so to come up with answers – they need to show an
understanding of the word:
In what situations have you felt a lot of confidence?
When might it help to have a great deal of creativity?
What jobs might require someone with a great deal of curiosity?
What devices do you think are really ingenious and why?
Can you think of a time when a family member or a friend showed a great
deal of innovation?
Write a Poem, Song, or Rap using the five vocabulary words
Mr. Chalfant’s Vocabulary Rap
Mr. Chalfant noticed how all the students were curious,
But the noise level was too loud and he became furious!
Then he thought of a great innovation,
And he knew when he was done he’d get a standing ovation!
He walked around with a great deal of confidence,
And he’d be able to prove it with a whole lot of evidence!
Whoever created that half cereal bowl was really ingenious,
That’s a weird word because the –in doesn’t mean not genius.
Carving the world map on an apple requires a lot of creativity,
Just like a rubber band, I have a whole lot of elasticity.