SAT Vocabulary Sampler Vocabulary Cartoons with Corresponding Humorous, Memorable Sentences. Impugn He was almost impaled by impugning words. Debunk de- = off of; from bunk = nonsense He de-bunked his brother, after his brother debunked his lie to their mother about the broken window. B uttres S Having a buttress gives a building a rest. Predilection The mother predicted the baby’s predilections. pre- = before -tion = word is a noun Amenable The men were amenable to discussion and solved the problem together, AMEN! Ingenious When you’re ingenious, it’s like you have a little genius in you. Ornate Illicit Illicit actions can make you ill if you are caught. Vehemently Shouting vehemently is as intense and forceful as spewing venom. Incontrovertible The broken convertible became incontrovertible. Unsavory Saving food too long can make it unsavory. Irate On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate how irate I am an 11. Indignation He showed indignation when he felt his nation was judged unfairly at the Olympics. Resilient After crying when he fell down, he was resilient in bouncing back and was able to be re-silent himself. Nonchalant Staying nonchalant about challenges, instead letting your nerves take over, can lead to success.