STADIUM HIGH SCHOOL BUSINESS AND MARKETING EDUCATION Teacher: Mrs. Muenz Phone Number: 253.571.3024 Email: Room Number: B10 Arrival Time: 7:05 am & Departure Time: 2:35 pm Planning: 3rd Period 9:33-10:31 Microsoft Office 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Microsoft IT Academy) Syllabus I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a one semester Microsoft Office course. Microsoft Office 1, 2, 3 & 4 teaches the Core concepts and techniques for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Sharepoint, Outlook, Word360 or Access. In addition to the core concepts and techniques, Microsoft Office 1, 2, 3 & 4 teaches the Expert concepts and techniques for Word and Excel. Students taking this course have an opportunity to acquire certification as a Microsoft Office Specialist, Expert or Master in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Sharepoint, Word360 or Access. Course pre-requisite: DigiTools. II. CERTIFICATION CATEGORIES: III. MICROSOFT OFFICE CERTIFICATION EMPHASIS PER CLASS: Microsoft Office 1 Microsoft Office 2 Certificate emphasis: Word Core PowerPoint Certificate emphasis: Excel Core, Sharepoint, Outlook Word 2013, Excel 2013 Microsoft Office 3 Microsoft Office 4 Certificate emphasis: Word Expert, Sharepoint, Outlook Excel Expert, Office 2013 Certificate emphasis: Office 2013 Sharepoint 1 IV. TEXTBOOKS: V. Microsoft Word 2010 Core Skills: Microsoft Office Specialist 2010 Series: Courseware 3240-1 Exam 77-881 Microsoft PowerPoint® 2010: Microsoft Office Specialist 2010 Series: Courseware 3246-1 Exam 77-883 Microsoft Word 2010: Comprehensive: Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft PowerPoint 2010: Comprehensive: Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft Excel 2010: Comprehensive: Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft Access 2010: Comprehensive: Shelly Cashman Series® INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Methods and activities for instruction are based on a Computer Lab environment with a project based learning style, plus online training tutorials. VI. GRADING: I Microsoft Office 1 Microsoft Office 3 Grade Based on Certifications: 2 Certifications: Word Core & PowerPoint = Grade Based on Certifications: 2 Certifications: Word Expert & Excel Expert = A 1 Certification: Word Core OR PowerPoint = 1 Certification: Word Expert OR Excel Expert = B Grade Based on Non-passing exam results: Grade Based on Non-passing exam results: 699 – 539 = 538 – 511 = 510 – 490 = 489 – 420 = ≤ 419 = C+ C CD E Microsoft Office 2 C+ C CD E Microsoft Office 4 Grade Based on Certifications: 2 Certifications: Excel Core & “choice” = (+ skill- sheets checked off +passing of finals) Grade Based on Certifications: 2 Certifications: Expert & “choice” = (+ skill- sheets checked off +passing of finalsA ) A Grade Based on Non-passing exam results: 699- 539 = 538 – 511 = 510 – 490 = 489 – 420 = ≤ 419 = B (+ skill- sheets checked off +passing of finals) (+ skill- sheets checked off +passing of finals) 699 – 539 = 538 – 511 = 510 – 490 = 489 – 420 = ≤ 419 = A (+ skill- sheets checked off +passing of finals) (+ skill- sheets checked off +passing of finals) Grade Based on Non-passing exam results: 699 – 539 = 538 – 511 = 510 – 490 = 489 – 420 = ≤ 419 = C+ C CD E C+ C CD E Students are able to take any non-passing exam multiple times to acquire certification. Student online grades will reflect either the passing or non-passing grade after each exam. 2 VII. Skills Check off List I. Powerpoint a. Inserting Images on Slides b. Demonstrate use of Smart Art c. Demonstrate use of three different Chart Types d. Demonstrate knowledge of Custom Timings II. Word a. Demonstrate proper formatting for a business letter b. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate resumes/cover letters c. Demonstrate knowledge of formatting a three column newsletter d. Demonstrate knowledge of formatting a college unbound report III. Excel a. Demonstrate basic knowledge of spreadsheets b. Demonstrate knowledge of functions/formulas c. Demonstrate knowledge of document protections/ and checking for issues located in the “backstage” or Word. CLASSROOM WORK, ASSIGNMENTS, AND ATTENDANCE: The attendance policy at Stadium High School will be enforced strictly and consistently. All students are expected to be in class each day, on time, and with the necessary materials. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to contact me the day you return to school. You cannot return to class after an absence without a re-entry from the office. If the absence is extended (4 days or more), the parent/guardian is expected to contact the teacher so action can be taken. Stadium high school limits vacation days to 4 excused absences. VIII. BEHAVORIAL EXPECTATIONS When students enter through my door, they have entered the “World of Business”. I will teach and reinforce the behaviors and expectations that employers are demanding. Therefore, students will 1. Attend my class a minimum of 78 days to earn your pay (credit and a grade). Students may stay after school after the 12th absence to work “overtime” to buy back any absence over the twelfth. 2. Students will be on time. If you need to be tardy, be sure you get a pass from the adult who detained you. I will pardon the first tardy, however, on the second tardy a detention will be issued. On the third or subsequent tardies, I will issue an office referral. Overall grades may be dropped one percent per additional tardy after the second tardy. 3. Students are expected to work diligently and quietly. Students will speak to each other utilizing businesslike tone, volume, and verbiage. Name calling, put downs, racial slurs, insulting remarks, profanity and “bar talk” will not be tolerated. 4. Students will behave in a business-like manner. Students will stay at his/her work station working quietly as to not disturb others. In this class, team work is encouraged, so working together is a good thing. 5. Students will take appropriate care of the equipment and materials used at their work station. 6. Students will submit only work that he/she has produced. Cheating will not be tolerated. Do not log on to another student’s file. No exceptions! Pleases familiarize yourself with Stadiums High School Business Department’s policy on cheating. 7. Students will keep cell phones, walkmans, or CD players off and out of sight. The school policy requires that I confiscate it if I see it--please leave them at home! 3 8. Students will be respectful of others at all times. When the teacher or another member of the class is speaking, students will be quiet and listen attentively. 9. Students will not bring food or drink into the classroom. Water is the exception. 10. Students will use class time wisely—no internet access without teacher permission. 11. Students will follow district policy and not send/read email, visit chat rooms, bulletin boards, post/publish web pages, shop, or send personal information through the computer. The Internet at school is for educational purposes only! 12. Students will ask me before inserting any disks or CDs into any drives so a virus check can be done. Remember--four other students use your computer every day! 13. Students will save all data only to their own directory on the H drive. 14. Students will come to class (work) having taken care of all personal business before arriving. Permission to leave will be given only on an emergency basis. When you are employed, you are entitled to a break after two hours of work if you will be working more than three hours. Since class is under an hour long, there should be no reason to need to leave. BE PREPARED! 15. Students will notify Mrs. Muenz immediately if you notice something missing, broken, or marked on. This includes items such as the computer, mouse, desk, chair, bookstand, keyboard, and earpiece. Remember, you are here to learn and perform your best work. We will have lots to do! 4