Algebra 1 Syllabus –Fall Semester - Deer Park Independent School

Deer Park High School North Campus
Algebra 1 Syllabus –Fall Semester
August 27, 2012– January 18, 2013
Conf Period:
Cynthia Garza
Room: 239
Monday thru Friday – 6th Period (1-1:45)
832 – 668 – 7300 ext. 73239
“Holt Algebra I” – cost  $62.00
Course Description
Algebra 1 is an introduction to Algebra. The student will begin by
reviewing some basic math skills such as integer operations and
working with real and rational numbers. The student will learn
the concept of a variable and how to solve equations using a
variable. This course also stresses such concepts as working
with functions and graphing equations. Each lesson will cover
objectives given to us by the state to prepare the student for the
TAKS test. Each lesson will also cover the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) each student must know to
successfully pass the course.
Course Objectives
TEKS Objectives
The student understands that a function represents a
dependence of one quantity or another and can be described in
a variety of ways. The student uses the properties and attributes
of functions. The student understands how algebra can be used
to express generalizations and recognizes and uses the power
of symbols to represent situations. The student understands the
importance of the skills required to manipulate symbols in order
to solve problems and uses the necessary algebraic skills
required to simplify algebraic expressions and solve equations
and inequalities in problem situations. The student understands
that linear functions can be represented in different ways and
translates among their various representations. The student
understands the meaning of the slope and intercepts of linear
functions and interprets and describes the effects of changes in
parameters of linear functions in real-world and mathematical
situations. The student formulates equations and inequalities
based on linear functions, use a variety of methods to solve
them, and analyze the solution in terms of the situation. The
student formulates and writes equations of lines and graphs the
line using the slope intercept form, table format and graphing
calculator. The student will solve percent’s both using equations
and proportions. Students will use scatter plots to find trend
lines. The student will find the slopes of parallel and
perpendicular lines and transform linear equations.
1)3 subject- spiral notebook
2) Pencils and Erase
3) Scotch Tape
4) 4 “AAA” Batteries – REQUIRED BY 09/04/12!
You are expected to bring all supplies with you every day.
Spirals may be checked at any time during the six weeks.
Spiral checks may or may not be announced. Your spiral
should always be organized and in order:
It is extremely important for you to bring pencils to every
class. You will be expected to do your daily work, quizzes,
and tests in pencil unless I specify otherwise. Pens are for
grading only. Any work done in PEN will result in a ZERO.
Graphing Calculators and Textbooks
We will be using a TI-84 Plus graphing calculator in this
class. Graphing calculators can be
checked out from the library. If you plan
to purchase one for home use, the TI- 84
Plus would be a great choice. (Please
leave them at home.) I will continue to
provide graphing calculators and
textbooks during class as long as calculators and textbooks
are returned at the end of each period and are not
Each student will be assigned a calculator and textbook for
use while in class. During your class period it
is your responsibility to use only the number
assigned to you!
Keep in your Algebra Binder at all times!
You must be completely in the room and ready to work
when the bell rings in order to be considered on time.
When you are tardy you must go to the appropriate tardy
station. You will not be allowed in my room without a tardy
Late Work
Late work is not accepted per department policy. Please
make sure all work is turned in on time.
Six Week Grade:
Homework is an essential part to learning. Students should
complete Algebra I homework on a daily basis to give them
an opportunity to ask questions on the
current material before moving on to new
material. Assignments are due when
called for. At the beginning of the period,
students will put their homework
assignment on their desk. Homework
assignments are graded on the following: directions
followed, problem copied completely, all work shown, and
percent completed. Neatness is expected. Answers are to
be circled. Homework with answers only will receive a “0”.
Occasionally I will take up homework to be graded for
School-Related Absences
The student must get assignment and classwork,
scheduled the day of the absence, before leaving. These
assignments must be turned in on time with the rest of the
class. All makeup work not made up accordingly will be
entered as a zero in the grade book
To get the most from your homework, make sure you
understand it well enough to explain it to someone else.
Working with a study partner or group is highly
recommended. Copying work to exercise penmanship
really puts you at a disadvantage when taking tests and is
considered cheating. Homework is designed to help you
prepare for graded activities and tests. It lets you know
what you need to work on and gives you the independent
practice you need to get the most from this course.
Makeup Work
You are responsible for finding out what you missed when
you are absent. You should always check in the “Absent
File” for any materials that may have been returned or
passed out the day(s) you were absent.
Once you enter the room, get started on your warm-up.
They will be on the board daily and they will be taken as a
cumulative weekly grade.
Policy on Cheating
A zero will be recorded for any student involved in
cheating. No make-up or retesting will be allowed. Please
be aware of the consequences of your actions.
Grades will be based on daily class work,
quizzes, and tests. Daily work consists of
class work, homework, and quick starts. Each
student’s grade will be weighted as follows.
30% Minor Grades
70% Major Grades
Minor Grades: homework, daily work, quizzes, etc.
Major Grades: tests, projects, group activities etc.
If you miss a test or quiz, you must arrange a time with
me before school and make it up within 5 school days
of the absence.
If you return the day of a test or quiz and we did NOT cover
any new material, you will TAKE the test or quiz on the
scheduled day. All major tests are announced ahead of
time and should be recorded into your planner, as are most
quizzes. However, some quizzes may be unannounced.
You are welcome in tutorials anytime. I
would like to encourage you to come in
for help any time you have a problem
with the assignment or are confused
about any of the material we discuss in
class. Sometime just a few minutes of individual attention
can work wonders!
Scheduled tutorials are Monday thru Thursday
mornings from 8:05 to 8:35. If needed, you can also
schedule other times to meet with me
You will need to copy any notes missed during an absence
from a classmate or off my website.
Keep in your Algebra Binder at all times!
Re-Testing Policy
There are three conditions for retesting:
Test grade less than 70.
No cheating occurred on the original test.
Successful completion of a remediation
• 1st Offense: WARNING and Documentation
• 2nd Offense: 30 minute detention and Parental
• 3rd Offense: Disciplinary Referral
• Severe Offenses result in an Office Referral
Most major tests per six weeks can be retested.
The CBA tests will not be retested.
The retest date will be determined by the teacher.
The maximum retest grade is a 70.
The retest exam may be different than the original one.
The semester exams will not be retested.
There is no retest on a MAKE-UP test.
Teacher Detentions
All teacher detentions are done before school during
tutorial times.
If a student does not successfully complete the remediation
assignment, he/she forfeits his/her opportunity to retest.
ISS assignments are due the day the student returns to
class. This is not considered an absence.
• You are expected to follow the rules in the student
• You are expected to follow all classroom
• You will be expected to treat everyone with respect
and kindness.
• Be in your assigned seat and working before the
bell rings.
• Be respectful to everyone, everything, and every
• Bring all required materials to class every day.
• Bring a positive attitude.
Hall Passes
You will have 3 hall passes per 6-week period. Do not ask
permission to use them. If no other student is out simply:
Fill out completely in INK.
Bring to the teacher to sign.
Hall passes are VOID when substitutes are in the room.
If you LOSE them, you will NOT be able to LEAVE for ANY
Extra Credit
Extra credit information may be listed on my white board in
the back of the room. All due dates and options are listed.
For more information on extra credit please see me.
Extra Credit Materials
Students may bring the following items for extra credit
on their first test. Each item is worth 2 pts. , students may
receive up to 10 extra credit pts. Students may choose a
combination of any items below:
 Scotch tape
 Colored Markers
 10 Pencils
 Kleenex
 Colored Pencils
 Germex
“Never underestimate the power of your brain.”
Keep in your Algebra Binder at all times!
I care about my students and want them to do well. I am looking forward to a great year for all of us! I will
work hard to prepare you for your next mathematics course and to make this an enjoyable class. If you do
your part, we will have a successful year.
Mrs. Garza
Keep in your Algebra Binder at all times!
HOMEWORK: Return by September 5th and receive a 100.
I, ________________________________, have read Mrs. Garza’s PAP Geometry syllabus and understand the
rules and procedures listed.
Student Signature ______________________________ Period _____
Parent Signature _________________
Parent Signature _________________
Email _______________@________
Email _______________@________
Phone (____) ______-___________
Phone (____) ______-___________
Checkout Policies for Calculators
Students may check out a TI-83 calculator from the North Campus Library.
Calculators are checked out for 2 weeks (just like books) and must be renewed to avoid a fine (10 cents per
school day). They may be renewed as many times as needed during the year.
If a calculator is lost or damaged the charge is $100.
I have read the above policy.
__________ My student DOES have permission to check out a calculator.
__________ My student DOES NOT have permission to check out a calculator.
Parent Signature _________________________________________________
Keep in your Algebra Binder at all times!