1920s Speakeasy Your task is to create investigative stations for the class to learn about the 1920s. Small groups (4-5 students) will be responsible for one of the following topics: Technology and Economy Art and Entertainment Race and Ethnicity Prohibition Canadian Independence Gender As groups you will: 1) Create an informative station to teach the class about your topic (see choice board) 2) Assume a role (costume) or bring in visual aids in order to help the class understand your chosen topic 3) Optionally: bring in a food or drink (preferably from the time period) to contribute to the class atmosphere of the speakeasy 4) Submit to the teacher (electronically) the five key points you want the class to know about your topic Individually you will: 1) Contribute equally to your group’s station 2) Hand in rough notes and bibliography 3) Complete a one page, structured paragraph responding to the critical thinking question: Did the 1920’s roar? a) The paragraph should have a clear topic sentence b) It should be written formally c) It should follow point, proof, analysis and have a clear concluding sentence Presentation day: 1) 2) 3) 4) There will be two presentation days with three groups presenting on each one The groups will set up their stations around the room The rest of the class will circulate learning about each topic You will have to present your information three times during the period Choice Board Gender Tech/ Economy Suffrage Convention Advertisement Court case (eg. Person’s case) Sales pitch Rant Biography/ Snapshot of women’s lives Teacher approved choice Technology Convention Canadian Indep. Race/ Ethnicity Arts/ Entertainment Prohibition House of Commons discussion of issues Human Rights Convention Advertisement Advertisement and reaction News report Court case Sport highlight reel and art report House of Commons debate on policy Biography/ Snapshot of key individual’s lives Minispeakeasy Biography/ Snapshot of key individual’s lives Art analysis Debate between prohibitionists and bootleggers Teacher approved choice Teacher approved choice Teacher approved choice ????? Rant News report on new tech and the state of the economy Document analysis Teacher approved choice Teacher approved choice Rubric Levels Knowledge/ Understanding - paragraph effectively addresses the CT question - paragraph uses evidence to support ideas Communication - paragraph follows appropriate structure - paragraph is well edited Thinking - takes a clear role from the 1920s - significance of the topic is addressed Application - effective presentation skills - creative presentation that uses props or visual aids Below Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Does not meet expectations Limited Some Considerable High Degree Does not meet expectations Limited Some Considerable High Degree Does not meet expectations Limited Some Considerable High Degree Does not meet expectations Limited Some Considerable High Degree