5 Paragraph Paper

5 Paragraph Paper – Comparing 1920s to Today
You will follow the outline provided to write a 5 paragraph paper comparing the trends from 1920s that we learned
about to today’s society.
Answer the questions provided in each section/paragraph to write your paper of how certain factors of the 1920s
were similar and/or different to today.
Use your notes that we filled in during class for information
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
– (What you know)
Answers showed limited
understanding of facts,
terms and concepts
Answers showed some
understanding of facts,
terms and concepts
Thinking and Inquiry –
(How you know it)
Problem-solving skills
were applied with limited
Solving skills were applied
with limited effectiveness
Answers showed
understanding of facts
terms and concepts
Problem-solving skills
were applied with
Answers showed
thorough understanding
of facts terms and
Problem solving skills
were applied with high
degree of effectiveness
Communication – (How you
express what you know)
Information has been
communicated with
limited effectiveness
Information has been
communicated with some
Application – (How you use
what you know)
Ability to make
conclusions, predictions
and connections was
limited in effectiveness
Ability to make conclusions,
predictions and
connections was
moderately effective
Information has been
communicated with
Ability to make
conclusions, predictions
and connections was
Information has been
communicated with a
great degree of
Insightful conclusions,
predictions, and/or
connections were made
Paragraph 1 - Introduction:
 What is the topic of your paper? – (Example: comparing similarities/differences from the 1920s to today)
 What categories are you going to write about? You need to pick 3 (Examples: technology, culture, slang,
women…) and explain whether you think they are similar or different.
Paragraph 2 – Body Paragraph:
 What is the first topic you are writing about?
 Explain how and why this topic is similar/different from the 1920s to today. Give at least 2 reasons to support
your answer.
Paragraph 3 – Body Paragraph:
 What is the second topic you are writing about?
 Explain how and why this topic is similar/different from the 1920s to today. Give at least 2 reasons to support
your answer.
Paragraph 4 – Body Paragraph:
 What is the third topic you are writing about in this paragraph?
 Explain how and why this topic is similar/different from the 1920s to today. Give at least 2 reasons to support
your answer.
Paragraph 5 – Conclusion
 List the 3 topics you wrote about.
 Explain whether you would rather live in the 1920s or today and why.