Ethnic Studies/Multicultural Perspectives Course Syllabus and Outline Room 265 Mr. Garza Course Description and Goals This course is a survey of the different ethnic/cultural groups that previously and currently reside within the United States of America. You will learn an historical chronology of the different ethnic/cultural groups of the United States of America, with an emphasis on the cultural characteristics, brief history, contributions, and conflicts of those groups and apply them to current ethnic/cultural issues. You will learn basic concepts relating to ethnic/cultural relations while at the same time have the opportunity to evaluate your personal cultural awareness. The majority of class time will be spent in discussion, which is driven through evaluating current and past ethnic/cultural issues. Text/Readings There will be no formal text for this class, but you will be responsible for reading excerpts from the following texts, this list is no particular order: a. Ed. Fixico, Donald Rethinking American Indian History. b. Feagin, Joe and Hernan Vera White Racism: The Basics. c. Doob, Christopher Racism: An American Cauldron. d. Zinn, Howard A People’s History of the United States 1492 – Present. e. L. Lowther Black History Since 1865. f. Weatherford, Jack Indian Givers: How the Indians of the Americas Transformed the World. g. Takaki, Ronald A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. You will also be responsible for reading a variety of articles Attendance Attendance is very important, and is necessary in receiving a passing grade for this class. It is important that you come to class everyday prepared to learn and participate. Attendance makes up an essential part this class because most of the readings you will be responsible for will be given out during class and these will be part of the assessments. All of the note taking will be done during class time, and the majority of your assessments will be based on the notes and discussions from class. ● Refer to your student hand book regarding the credit denial policy for more specifics on how your attendance can affect your final credit earned for the semester. GRADING SCALE: All Grading will be done on a 4 point scale To be considered “At Standard” you must get a 3 on any given assignment or assessment. A AB+ B BC+ C CF NHI 4 Exceeds Standards 3.7 3.3 3.0 Meets Standards 2.7 2.3 2.0 Partially Met Standard 1.7 0 Did Not Meet Standard NOT HANDED IN (indicates that a student has not handed in an assignment) The contributing material that goes into making up the points for the student grade: 1. All summative assessments (90%): Quizzes, Tests, and Finals; Student essays: DBQ’s and CBA’s 2. Class work (10%): but to be able to take assessments you must complete the class work. Homework/Class Work Homework/Class work assignments are practice for upcoming assessments and will directly impact your assessment scores. Failure to complete and turn in homework assignments will result in after school detention. Also, in order to qualify for a retake on an assessment, you must complete all homework assignments for that unit assessment. ASSESSMENTS (TESTS/QUIZZES): Assessments count as 90% of your overall grade and after each section and unite there will be an assessment. Assessments will consist of the following: short answer, document analysis questions and essay questions and also may contain multiple choice questions, matching/identification questions, The question will be based on homework/classwork, notes and all other work done in and out of class time. RETAKES: The student will have one (1) opportunity to retake the TEST, which needs to occur within 5 school days from when the class received their TESTS back. Failure to do so results in forfeit of the retake. In order to retake a TEST you will need to have completed the following: ● all homework/classwork and have no missing work prior to that assessment. ● corrected all errors on your first assessment ● completed any review and reteach materials THERE WILL BE NO RETAKES OF QUIZZES, IF YOU WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR QUIZ SCORE YOU NEED TO PERFORM AT A HIGHER LEVEL ON YOUR TEST, EXAMPLE; IF YOU RECEIVE A 1 ON YOUR QUIZ, BUT TAKE THE TEST AND RECEIVE A 3 THEN THAT QUIZ SCORE WILL BE CHANGED TO MATCH YOUR TEST SCORE, IN THIS CASE THAT MEANS A 3. THIS WILL EVEN APPLY TO RETAKES, SO IF YOU DECIDE TO RETAKE THE SAME TEST AND IMPROVE YOUR SCORE FROM A 3 TO A 4 THAN YOUR QUIZ SCORE WILL ALSO IMPROVE TO A 4. FINALS: ● Finals will be given to all students at the end of each semester and will count towards their overall final grade; this can either have a positive or negative effect on the overall grade, it just depends on how well you do. ● If you are able to MEET STANDARD (3 or higher) on all assessments through the semester you WILL NOT have to take the final. CLASS MATERIALS (These are to be brought to class daily): ● spiral notebook ● pencil/pen THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND WILL BE USED WITHIN THIS CLASS DAILY, ALL MATERIAL NECESSARY TO BE SUCCESSFUL ON QUIZZES AND TESTS WILL BE KEPT WITHIN THE SPIRAL NOTEBOOK ADDITIONAL CLASS MATERIALS ● ● ● 2 inch 3 ring binder set of dividers paper (for the binder) Sections for the binder: 1. Notes (all must be Dated) and in order by unit/chapter. 2. Essays 3. Assessments: Pre-Assessments, Quizzes, Tests, Review Sheets, Expectations 1. Respect and all that is encompassed with the word; which means watch your language and how you treat each other. 2. Be in the class before the final bell rings to avoid being tardy. 3. Bring all the necessary materials to class and be prepared to learn. 4. Do all your work to the best of your ability and turned in on time. 5. To be open minded to other opinions and willing to share thoughts. 6. To follow all school rules, refer to student handbook regarding anything else not covered 7. NO PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING; If you are caught plagiarizing or cheating you will receive a zero (0) for that assignment and I will contact your parents to inform them of the infraction that you have committed and why grade was effected. 8. If any of these expectations are broken then the proper steps will be taken to remedy the situation such as removal from class, parent contact, referral, etc… Tardy Rules ● ● ● ● ● After the final bell has rung the door will be shut and locked The tardy student will have to wait quietly in the hall by the door for the sweep team to pick them up The Sweep Team will return the student to the classroom Upon reentering the room the tardy student needs to enter quietly and go straight to the desk, and join the class in today’s activities This also applies to any student not in compliance with any other school rules, such as: dress code, I.D. badges, attitude, etc…. GENERAL RULES ● ● You will have 8 hall passes for the year No more than one student at a time. Exceptions might include students using the library; students sent to the counselor, office, another classroom, etc. Overuse or abuse of any exception will result in loss of privileges. ● In any student initiated situation, the student must ask his/her teacher appropriately – and be granted permission by that teacher – to leave the classroom. ● Nothing in these rules is beyond common sense and generally accepted educational procedures. Students must show up for class on time and stay in the classroom. ● Students found in the halls without an appropriate hall pass, loitering, visiting in a place other than their allowed destination, or being loud or unruly will be returned promptly to their classroom and/or the office notified of the students’ violations so that appropriate disciplinary action can be taken. 1. If you caught not using the pass for what you said you were going to use it for, such as wandering around or disrupting other classes; or if I get a phone call from the office or another teacher informing me that you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing then you have just forfeited the remainder of your hall passes for the year and may not use another persons. Which means that you may no longer leave the room. BATHROOM USE ● No more than one student out of the classroom at any time for this reason. Consideration will be given to students with a medical condition and a doctor’s note on file in the office. Refer to student handbook for level of offenses and level of consequences, which will all be in effect PRIVILEGES (These can be taken away at any time): ● I am allowed to have food and beverage (as long as it does not become a mess). ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILTY: ● Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on the basic concepts of honesty and integrity and included in classroom rules and school rules. (In other words, do your own work and don’t cheat, and be responsible for your own actions.) Course Outline (Subject to be amended, depending on how the year progresses) Self cultural analysis Break down of terminology What is the significance of the words we use? What’s in a name? Why study different cultural groups? Overview of racism in America Overview of different cultural groups and their similar experiences. How is Racism Structured? Theories and Basic Concepts\ Historical Construction of Race The origin of the “Race” concept The Myth of Race The Historical Experience of Racially Oppressed Groups in US Native Americans African Americans End of 1st Semester The Historical Experience of Racially Oppressed Groups in US Latin@ American Asian Americans European Immigrants Irish Italian White Supremacist Organizations Contributions of cultural groups in forming the identity of the United States. Different cultural groups experience in Contemporary US Institutions- Panel Presentations The Economy and The Workplace Housing The Law and Criminal Justice System Education Politics Media and Cultural Representations Fighting Racism Civil Rights Movement Contemporary Strategies Parent/Guardian Signature I acknowledge that I have read and understand the syllabus for the Ethnic Studies class. If I have any questions or concerns about the material in this syllabus I will contact Mr. Benjamin-Jose Garza (509) 854-1115 ext. 3265 Parent/Guardian__________________________________________Date___________ Student ________________________________________________Date___________ Please return this syllabus as soon as possible Mr. Garza Ethnic Studies Teacher Parent/Guardian Signature I acknowledge that I have read and understand the syllabus for the Ethnic Studies class. If I have any questions or concerns about the material in this syllabus I will contact Mr. Benjamin-Jose Garza (509) 854-1115 ext. 3265 Parent/Guardian__________________________________________Date___________ Student ________________________________________________Date___________ Please return this syllabus as soon as possible Mr. Garza Ethnic Studies Teacher