School Improvement Plan - Fairfax County Public Schools

Fairfax County Public Schools
School Improvement Plan At-a-Glance
Robert E. Lee High School
Region 3
Deirdre M. Lavery, Principal
End of Year SMARTR Outcome
Decrease the English SOL Reading and Writing failure rates by 10% from 9% to 8% (Reading) and
11% to 10% (Writing). Increase the English SOL Reading and Writing pass advanced rates by 10%
from 7% to 8% (Reading) and from 23% to 25% (Writing)
Strategy 1 - Communicator- applies effective reading skills to acquire knowledge and broaden perspectives.
1. Literacy school wide plan- main idea lesson plan (Tier 1)
2. Remediation- during Lancer Time (Tier 2) and in whole class settings (Tier 1)
3. Teach test-taking strategies and test vocabulary (Tier 1)
4. Specialized English courses: English 10/11/12 with ESOL focus, English 11/12 credit recovery, Literacies classes
5. Reading Coach available for teacher support and professional development (Tier 1 and 2)
6. Reading Support Courses –Literacies (Tier 3)
Strategy 2- Communicator- incorporates effective writing skills for various purposes and audiences to convey
understanding and concepts
1. Literacy school wide plan- APEC paragraph structure (Tier 1)
2. Remediation- during Lancer Time and whole class settings (Tier 1 and 2)
3. Teach test-taking strategies and test vocabulary (Tier 1)
4. Create a writing center to support student writing (Tier 2 and 3)
5. Specialized English courses: English 10/11/12 with ESOL focus, English 11/12 credit recovery, Literacies classes (Tier 3)
End of Year SMARTR Outcome
Decrease the English SOL Reading and Writing failure rates by 10% from 9% to 8% (Reading) and
11% to 10% (Writing). Increase the English SOL Reading and Writing pass advanced rates by 10%
from 7% to 8% (Reading) and from 23% to 25% (Writing)
Strategy 1
1. English 9 teachers will support reading proficiency development with targeted instruction on critical reading strategies,
academic vocabulary to improve comprehension.
2. In English Language Development, students will engage in guided reading groups and literacy work stations that target
their reading level and specific language skills in need of development.
3. Each student will meet with the teacher for guided reading instruction 2 - 3 times per week. 12
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
For additional information regarding this School Improvement Plan, please contact the school principal.
Fairfax County Public Schools
School Improvement Plan At-a-Glance
End of Year SMARTR Outcome
Our ELP 3 students will demonstrate improvement in their writing ability by one proficiency level (from
3-4) and meet their WIDA goal by tier (A, B, or C).
Strategy 1
(Direct input) Students will be taught how to generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing (SOL 9.6)
1. Students will learn and incorporate effective writing skills for different purposes (communicator)
2. Students will participate in small group writing projects in order to incorporate divergent thoughts in their writing.
3. Students will carry out projects and write research-based reports (creative and critical thinker)
Strategy 2(Direct input) Teach students how to use transitions and use technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish
their writing. (SOL 9.6)
1. Give regular and actionable feedback as an integral part of classroom assessment
2. Conference regularly with individual students about their writing
3. Teach students how to access and organize information from the internet into their own writing.
End of Year SMARTR Outcome
The failure rate on the Algebra I SOL for the subgroup LEP students will be reduced by 10% by June
2016. The pass rate for Algebra I students completing the Regional Quarterly assessments will be at least
70% on each of the cumulative quarterly assessments.
Strategy 1
Academic Support
1. Form and provide professional development for school-based student support teams to monitor and provide interventions
for students with identified learning needs
2. Provide different course options and pathways to meet diverse student needs
3. Provide the neediest students with the most effective teachers and administrators.
Strategy 2
1. Provide teachers with strategies for developing effective student-teacher relationships and a supportive classroom culture.
Algebra I teachers will build trusting relationships within their classrooms, making it a safe place to take risks.
End of Year SMARTR Outcome
The failure rate on the Geometry SOL for the subgroup LEP students will be reduced by 10% by June
2016. The pass rate for Geometry students completing the Regional Quarterly assessments will be at least
70% on each of the cumulative quarterly assessments.
Strategy 1
Form and provide professional development for school-based student support teams to monitor and provide
interventions for students with identified learning needs
Provide different course options and pathways to meet diverse student needs
Provide the neediest students with the most effective teachers and administrators
For additional information regarding this School Improvement Plan, please contact the school principal.
Fairfax County Public Schools
School Improvement Plan At-a-Glance
Strategy 2
Provide teachers with strategies for developing effective student-teacher relationships and a supportive classroom culture.
Geometry teachers will build trusting relationships within their classrooms, making it a safe place to take risks.
End of Year SMARTR Outcome
The failure rate on the Algebra 2 SOL for the subgroup LEP students will be reduced by 10% by June
2016. The pass rate for Algebra 2 students completing the Regional Quarterly assessments will be at least
70% on each of the cumulative quarterly assessments.
Strategy 1
Form and provide professional development for school-based student support teams to monitor and provide interventions
for students with identified learning needs
Provide different course options and pathways to meet diverse student needs. Provide the neediest students with the most
effective teachers and administrators
Strategy 2
Provide teachers with strategies for developing effective student-teacher relationships and a supportive classroom culture.
Algebra 2 teachers will build trusting relationships within their classrooms, making it a safe place to take risks.
For additional information regarding this School Improvement Plan, please contact the school principal.