Enc 1 GLOUCESTERSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST MINUTES OF THE SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE HELD IN THE BOARDROOM, 1 COLLEGE LAWN, CHELTENHAM ON 24 JUNE 2013 THESE MINUTES MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AND PERSONS OUTSIDE OF THE TRUST AS PART OF THE TRUST’S COMPLIANCE WITH THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 PRESENT Maria Bond Sally Pearson Mike Seeley Catherine Boyce Georgina Smith MB SP MS CB GS Gill Bliss Val Dyer Tracy Pickett Kate Jeal Jen Goode GB VD TP KJ JG Non Executive Director - Chair Director of Clinical Strategy Associate Director of Human Resources Clinical Strategy Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Manager – Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust Staff Side Representative GHNHSFT PPI Forum Member Business Support Manager Communications Sustainability & Compliance Manager APOLOGIES Ian Tait Rob Neale Andy Heaysman Nigel Smart Jenny Hincks Caroline Darvill Sandra Attwood IT RN AH NS JH CD SA Director of Estates and Facilities Assistant Director of Finance Estates Officer Procurement Lead Public Governor Purchasing Manager BSG Lead Nurse/Modern Matron IN ATTENDANCE Zack Pandor Naomi Collyer Amy Alsop Elaine Davies ZP NC AA ED Director Countywide IT Service Work experience placement, GCS Foundation Yr 1 Sustainability Fellow Secretary EFD ITEM ACTION DETAILS 035/13 There were no Declarations of Interest. 036/13 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 22 APRIL 2013 These were not AGREED as a correct record. MB to provide revision to minutes and MB/ED agree at October meeting. 037/13 MATTERS ARISING (see action plan 041/13) ZP 038/13 PRESENTATION “IT & SUSTAINABILITY – AN UPDATE” ZP went through a short presentation which focussed on what’s been done in IT in the last 12 months since he attended Sustainability Committee. He was pleased to announce that following recent equipment failures, IT have invested in replacement server and infrastructure providing 80TB new storage, 50% more power efficiency, and being 50% smaller in size, saving approximately £7000 per annum in energy terms. Uninterruptable Power Supplies have also been replaced with new units which are 98% efficient, with cost saving of £32000 per annum. Sustainability Committee 24 June 2013 Page 1 of 4 ZP informed the meeting that the IM&T team are investigating the possibility of bringing in more technology to support meetings, also encouraging more use of teleconferencing and videoconferencing (these are already available to Trust staff but awareness needs to be raised). There is also “productive meeting training” which is recommended for all staff. 039/13 CARBON & ENERGY FUND (CARBON REDUCTION PROJECT) NHS Trusts have been given mandatory carbon reduction targets of 10% by 2015, 34% by 2020, 80% by 2050. The Trust formally signed up as full members of the Carbon & Energy Fund on 10 June 2013. An open day was attended by 7 out of the 10 National Framework organisations. Tenderers will provide a list of technologies, investment or upgrade works and activities which they believe will reduce the carbon footprint of the Trust. Preferred bidder selection in September. JG Risk item : The Trust is reviewing its contractural position with Dalkia (the incumbent energy provider) with a view to understanding the Trust position should the existing contract require termination. SP requested exact figures on risk item for GRH and for CGH which should have been in paper which went to Board. New DoF must have copy. ACTION IT/JG IT/JG Department of Health Energy Efficiency Fund bid The CEF project links in the the DoH Energy Efficiency Fund bid for a combined heat & power unit at CGH. The Trust has bid for £960,000 and is at Stage II of the process. Funding awarded in July – if Trust is successful then CHP project must be complete on site by end March 2014. If funding bid unsuccessful then installation of a CHP at CGH will be a key project within the CEF submissions. MB pointed out that even if successful this bid won’t have any “in year” effect for 2013/14. 040/13 MONITORING REPORTS Carbon Emissions Reduction target Carbon emissions target of 0% was challenged by SP and MB. Last year’s figure was unrealistic and was not achieved. Committee cannot agree to unrealistic numbers this year. An achievable figure must be agreed. The impact of additional equipment and demolitions is not costed accurately. We need to calculate how much equipment costs to run and anticipated costs in carbon tax each time a new purchase is made. Business case ? Purpose of performance management is to highlight to Board any issues. If figures are going up then Board need to be informed and aware of impact. Review in October. Board needs to understand what contributes to raised figures for emissions and why they are up so considerably? If weather conditions then evidence needed. ACTION A costed (energy consumption, cost, carbon) assessment to be made of projects and equipment for 13/14 which can be used to enable more accurate carbon reduction figures to be set at October meeting, and a report to be compiled to try to explain why the carbon target for 12/13 was not achieved Energy consumption Comments were made about gas usage being fairly consistent, but electric usage being erratic. TP suggested that high electric figures could be explained by staff bringing in electric heaters in winter, and electric fan use in summer. Staff need to recognise cost implications. It was suggested that metering reports could be used to identify seasonal variations, and could be used for staff awareness. Trials could be undertaken in problem areas to try to reduce consumption – e.g. by removing or banning electric heaters. Sustainability Committee – 24 June 2013 Page 2 of 4 MB/SP /IT Energy metering TP presented a paper on the implementation of meter installation (physical upgrade of systems to provide real time and accurate energy consumptions to enable energy conservation and efficiency savings to be quantified). The object of the project is to a) identify high energy users and then audit areas and b) assist in the preparation for Divisional Service Line Management. Awareness of energy usage and better housekeeping results in lower consumptions and carbon. Increase in fuel escalators (‘inflation’) charges and Climate levies will be minimised. Whilst the paper outlined the background and business case for the meter installation, the Committee said that it required more detailed information about metering – i.e. what criteria has been used for prioritising where meters are being installed, plans showing where meters are going, what is covered by metering, and clear objectives. 041/13 Waste & Recycling report Annual report shows steady income with seasonal variations. The recycling bins in wards have made a difference, encouraging patients and visitors to recycle. Clinical waste has decreased noticeably and some of this is due to improved waste segregation within theatres. SP asked for the domestic waste figures to be produced for the October meeting. ACTION JG 042/13 ACTION PLAN (RED & AMBER ACTIONS) See separate document. JG JG NEAT Evaluation reportsNEAT The Women’s Services new build was completed and handed over to the Hospitals Trust in October 2010. A NHS Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT) assessment was undertaken by the Design team during the design stage of the project, this project falls into the ‘excellent’ rating. The St Lukes Phase 2 development (SL2) new build was completed and handed over to the Hospitals Trust in March 2009. NEAT assessment was carried out and this project falls into the ‘excellent’ rating. MB felt it would be useful to be able to compare what we expected with what we achieved. SP felt it should pick up if we are using the building as it should be used. It is good discipline to check – we can then demonstrate the use is greater than it should be and identify where problems lie. Travel plan action plan GB expressed disappointment that staff side was not consulted during the production of the travel plan. There are a number of points which will be raised at the next JSSC meeting. It was agreed that there should be BSG, HR & Comms input,and that TP should attend the next JSSC. ACTION TP TP 043/13 HR ISSUES Business/travel MS suggested that an incentive scheme to encourage use of lower carbon emission cars could be implemented, with staff paying a lower contribution for lower emission vehicles. Procurement are trying to establish whether lease vehicle suppliers will be more competitive for supply of low carbon emission cars. E travel claims will all be electronic from August 2013. Sustainability Impact Assessment for Policies All trust policies require completed SIA which should be sent to JG. JG will report on exceptions. A draft poster for “Waste Not” campaign was presented to the Committee with a view to Sustainability Committee – 24 June 2013 Page 3 of 4 making the message clearer. The general opinion was that it was not obvious enough, and it was agreed that Comms would look at redesigning. ACTION KJ 044/13 Presentation by Amy Alsop Foundation year 1 Sustainability Fellow Amy explained her role of raising awareness of sustainability on the clinical side. Sustainability Fellow is a new role for 2012. The Severn Deanery is keen to promote sustainable working practices to avoid waste and impact on the environment. Clinicians need to be involved with this process as they are often key in the decision making; regarding patient pathways, what equipment is used and as role models. The trainee will receive support from the GP Sustainability Fellow in addition to support from the Foundation School. AA talked about her project to reduce drug waste on 7b over a three week period, the feasibility of recycling drug waste from the hospital pharmacy and the effectiveness of a pharmacy system called ‘one-stop’ which aims to reduce waste of patients own medications. Findings included confirmation that 7B does conform to hospital policy for disposal of medication, £100.80 worth of medication is disposed of over a three week period, (majority of the medication was in open packets and blister packs) and over a year the cost of the disposed of medication would have been £15,600 for 7B and roughly £280,000 for the hospital. The medication disposed of was mostly generic and therefore low in cost AA was confident that the Sustainability Fellow role can make a difference. 045/13 UPDATES Monitor report – final version of the sustainability section noted. There was no representative from Procurement at the meeting and no update had been received. Minutes of Health & Wellbeing Group noted. 046/13 SHARING GOOD PRACTICE AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Science Festival CB reported very successful two day event in SEC. “Extraordinary Everyday” was a celebration and showcase of the work of expert staff in our hospitals in collaboration with Cheltenham Science Festival and was very well received. These events are an example of our wider corporate social responsibility encouraging interest - over 200 staff attended and over 1000 public. 047/13 ANY OTHER BUSINESS No other business. 048/13 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Monday 7 October 10.15 a.m. Board Room, Trust HQ, Cheltenham Chair Sustainability Committee – 24 June 2013 Page 4 of 4 KJ