NAME: Nick Nykaza LESSON PLAN #1 DATE 3/21/12 SUBJECT: Physical Education TOPIC: Basketball GRADE: 10th TIME/PERIOD: 4th OBJECTIVES: Learn how to dribble a basketball in game situations SWBAT Dribble a basketball with proper form. SWBAT Be aware of teammates and view opponents as obstacles SWBAT Use proper basketball terms when referring to a specific action STATE STANDARDS (COMMON CORE STANDARDS) PEHS.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PEHS.2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. ELL STANDARDS ILELL#4 Uses academic vocabulary in a variety of contexts and situations TIME TEACHER ACTIVITY 8 Anticipatory set-the hook Min At the beginning of class I will have a YouTube trailer of the movie “Hoosier” playing. The point of showing the clip is to get the students engaged and motivated for today’s lesson plan STUDENT ACTIVITY As students walk into class they will be instructed to get in their attendance lines. When the period begins they will watch a short clip from the movie Hoosier. 5 Min Objectives I will go over our list of objectives for today’s class. Teach students to Dribble a basketball with proper form. Teach students how to be aware of teammates and view opponents as obstacles. Have them learn proper basketball terms when referring to a specific action. Students will listen as I go over the class objectives. They should be informed of what we will be learning in class each day. 5 Min Instruction I will go over proper technique of how to dribble a basketball: Don’t look at the ball, eyes up, control, strong hand, fingertip control, ball placement, and no palming. All terms above will be explained through demonstration. After, I will have them dribble and I will critique them on their form. Students will each grab ONE basketball and line up on the baseline holding the balls in their hands. They will all face me and listen attentively as I go over the technique. After I am done instructing them they will have time to practice. MATERIALS Projector Screen Internet Web Adress: Basketballs 20 Min Practice After they are done practicing I will have my students get back into their lines as I go over “Dribble Mania” Guided: I will then set up a game called “Dribble Mania”. Dribble Mania is a free-for-all game where each person has his own basketball and attempts to knock his opponent’s basketball out of his control. I will section off the half court line to the baseline as the allotted area the game will be played in. We will play two full games of Dribble Mania. Students will play Dribble Mania. They will enjoy putting their skills to the test and compete against fellow classmates. After that the students will have some time to work on their dribbling skills individually. Basketballs Cones Students will be assigned reading from the textbook. They will have to take notes because they are going to have to take a quiz at the beginning of next class. The point of this is for the students to become more engaged with basketball. Textbook Handouts Independent: Give them time to work on dribbling by themselves. They will dribble the basketball around the gym as I go around and critique them. 2.5 Min Assessment Formative: I will assign my students reading in our basketball text book that have been provided for them and have them read the chapter about dribbling in game situations to prepare them for next class. They will receive a handout of guided notes from me. Tomorrow they will have a quiz on terms and game situations at the start of class. Summative: Have each attendance line give me one tip that they have learned on how to dribble a basketball. Each attendance line will give me a tip before we start Dribble Mania and at the end of class. Each tip they give me is worth 2 points. 5 Min Closure: Go over key pointers on how to dribble properly and give them a handout with instructions on how to do so. Remind them of their homework and encourage them to practice dribbling in their free time. Handouts Rationale for this lesson: Teach my students one of the basic fundamentals of the game of basketball. This lesson will be a review for some and new for others. The purpose of this lesson is to be a stepping stone for our next class which will be more game situations and combining all of the skills they have learned thus far.