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Examples of Grounds for Submission (feel free to copy and paste, or use your own words)
We would encourage you to include all matters that you feel are specifically relevant to show your support of
the transfer of the vacant land by the Borough to our Club.
Here are some ideas that you might like to include in your letter. You can pick some to focus your support
upon or state your own ideas, as each submission will be considered on its merits.
Continuance of Established Land Use
The Club already owns the land at 54 Ocean Road adjacent to the vacant land and has enjoyed
continued and uninterrupted use of this vacant land since the establishment of the clubhouse facility
in 1964. The Borough formalised a 25-year lease of the vacant land in 2000 with the Club, in order to
preserve this well-established use.
The Borough’s vacant land should continue to be used by the Club as a community facility.
Lack of viable alternative space in the immediate vicinity of the patrolled back beach rescue base.
I believe the vacant land is suitable and consistent with the operations of a SLSC.
The Club requires sufficient space to actively operate as a viable Surf Life Saving Club facility.
The members require a clubhouse in the immediate vicinity of the rescue back beach base for
operational purposes.
Replacement of Existing Facilities
The current clubhouse is very old and does not meet the basic requirements of a modern and active
Surf Life Saving Club.
The current clubhouse has a number of serious deficiencies and is a dangerous health and safety
The Club needs the additional land in order to replace the existing clubhouse, which can no longer
support the community needs.
The proposed new clubhouse will be compatible and sensitive to the local built environment and
coastal fabric.
Community Involvement
Since 1947 the Club has been an integral and vital contributor to the Borough of Queenscliffe’s
coastal and community fabric.
The PLSLSC is one of the oldest Life Saving Clubs in Victoria and one of the first to be established
outside the metropolitan area.
With a member base of 1,214 volunteers, the Club harnesses the support of the entire local and
summer community using a network of educational, mentoring and patrol services to ensure the
safety of all beach goers in the Borough. The Club is the largest volunteer member group in the
The Club offers a high degree of public safety to the community through the patrolling of both the
back beach and Queenscliff Santa Casa beach. As well as roving patrols on the front beach, and
providing a 24 hour Emergency Response Team to ensure the safety of all coastline users.
The Club provides a community organisation in the Borough that actively engages young to old
supporter, providing a centralised facility for community involvement and well being.
The generosity, patience, commitment and hard work of our local Club volunteers is very much
appreciated by the community and Borough and forms part of the incredible spirit of this small local
but extremely viable community. The Club wants to be able to grow with the Borough, and continue
this important union.
Support and Development for Youth, Women and Seniors
The Club has important and successful activities of benefit to the wider Borough community, which run in
parallel to the core business of lifesaving operations including:
Training and Assessment (Training of new and existing Lifesavers);
Junior Life Saving Education (Nippers);
Aquatic Sports (Lifesaving Competition); and
Social and community activities.
The Club actively promotes the development of leadership strength within its members to support
the local community and local business environment. This is initiated by fostering the professional
behaviours, leadership, mentoring in particular, female leadership and development. The Borough
has acknowledged key individuals within our Club for its Australia Day ‘Citizen of the Year Awards’;
being Huw Joyce, Alan Joyce, Wayne Pecar, Blake Pilgrim, Peter Maishman and David Hume.
The Club is proud of its large and active Youth Involvement Program (14 -18 years), which is aimed at
the development and engagement of young community members, though the Nipper Instructor and
Leadership Program and Bronze Medallion, and Cadet Camps.
The Club runs a Junior Development Program (7 – 13 years) with a membership of 370 Nippers,
making this one of the largest in Victoria. This Nippers program encourages young active lifestyles,
health and wellbeing. The Nippers program also enhances beach safety through the education of
beach activities such as swimming, board paddling and the development of life saving skills.
The Club supports a senior and junior competition program actively encouraging members to keep fit
and healthy by participation in outdoor sporting activities.