design a product to prevent or reduce the production of acid rain

Calling all Environmental Chemistry Whiz Kids
The Great Bear Electricity Corporation currently burns coal (a fossil fuel) as the
main source of energy to produce electricity. Coal has consistently proven to
provide energy in a cost effective manner. However, lately the company has been
receiving large fines from the EPA for producing sulfur dioxide
(a chemical compound) which has led to the development of
acid rain in the area. The company’s profit margin is shrinking
due to the large amounts of fines.
Sulfur dioxide is produced when fossil fuels are burned for
electricity and is released into the air through smoke stacks.
Acid rain forms when sulfur dioxide reacts with water in the air. The company has
hired you as a consultant to help them design a way to continue making a large
profit while limiting the amount of acid rain found in the area.
Your task is to design a product/plan to keep this company in business. Your
product/plan must do one of three things:
 design a product to prevent or reduce the production of acid rain forming
pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, from entering the atmosphere
 design a plan that helps them to reduce the amount of fossil fuels they
 design a product that will help to reduce/ reverse the negative effects of
acid precipitation when it falls on buildings, plants and animals.
For example, companies currently use “scrubbers” attached to smoke stacks to
help clean emissions before they enter the atmosphere. Additionally, farmers
living in areas with acid precipitation will place calcium carbonate (a base) on
their fields to “buffer” or neutralize the harmful acids in the precipitation. This
helps to prevent plants from becoming weakened and dying as a result of the
increased acidity of the soil.
Name: __________________________________ Due date: _________________
Your requirements:
You will prepare a presentation to educate the company CEO about acid
precipitation. You must: Explain
o what acid precipitation is and how it forms.
o how acid precipitation is harmful (to humans and the environment).
o current regulations related to acid precipitation.
o what can be done to reduce acid precipitation or its effects.
 You will design a product or plan
o to prevent or reduce the production of acid rain forming pollutants,
such as sulfur dioxide, from entering the atmosphere
o that helps them to reduce the amount of fossil fuels they burn
o that will help to reduce/ reverse the negative effects of acid
precipitation when it falls on buildings, plants and animals.
 Develop a system to monitor/test the environment and prove to the EPA
that your product/plan is working to improve environmental conditions.
 You MUST explain the chemistry of acid precipitation; explain the
chemistry that allows your product/plan to work and behind your
monitoring system. For example, does your product neutralize the acid, if
so how? Perhaps, your product separates the acid from the water; if so, use
your knowledge of chemistry to explain how.
Neatness, spelling, and proper grammar count!
Name: __________________________________________________________ Due Date: _____________________________
Acid Rain Research :
Use my wiki to gather information related to acid precipitation. In the navigator box on
the right side of the page locate the page for Acid Precipitation. Click on this link. On the acid precipitation page you will
find links to assist you in gathering the necessary information to complete this project.
What is acid rain?
(ph scale)
What causes acid rain?
Chemistry behind the
formation of acid precipitation
(states of matter, compounds
and mixtures, acids, Law of
Conservation of matter- Hint:
What happens to the atoms of
the pollution when they enter
the atmosphere?)
Effects of acid precipitation on
the environment. Why is acid
rain harmful?
Chemistry of effects of acid
precipitation on the
(properties of metals and nonmetals, reactivity of elements,
properties of acids, pH scale)
Current regulations related to
acid precipitation. What is
being done about this
What are some simple things
everyday citizens can do to
reduce acid precipitation or its
effects on the environment?
Chemistry behind how or why
these regulations and
activities work?
(elements, compounds, and
mixtures; states of matter,
separation techniques,
properties of acids, etc)
Name: ______________________________________ Due date: ___________
Use this area to develop your presentation to the CEO.
You must: Explain
o what acid precipitation is and how it forms.
o how acid precipitation is harmful (to humans and the environment).
o current regulations related to acid precipitation.
o what can be done to reduce acid precipitation or its effects.
Product Design
In the space below, diagram your product or plan. Be sure to include labels and
explain the parts of your product/plan.
Explain the chemistry involved in the function of your product. (Use additional
paper if necessary!)
Explain the system to monitor/test the environment and prove to the EPA that
your product/plan is working to improve environmental conditions. Explain the
chemistry involved with your system. (Use additional paper if necessary!)