Evolutionary/Geological Timeline Events Time (mya) Event 4600 Formation of the Earth 4300 Ozone layer 4300 First minerals crystallize 3800 Earth’s crust solidifies (oldest rocks formed) 3800 Condensation of atmospheric water into oceans 3500-2800 Beginning of photosynthesis by blue-green algae releases oxygen into atmosphere 1500 Eukaryotic cell organisms develop 1000 Rise of multicellular organisms 650 Soft-bodied animals 550 Formation of Gondwana 545 Explosion of hard-bodied organisms 530 Rise of the fish-first vertebrates 435 Free oxygen at present levels 430 Waxy coated algae begin to live on land – first land plants 420 Millipedes have evolved-first land animals 375 Appalachian mountains form (N. America, Africa and Europe collide) 375 Appearance of primitive sharks 350-300 Rise of the amphibians 350 Primitive insects evolve 350 Primitive ferns evolve (first plants with roots) 350 Extensive coal deposits 300-200 Rise of the reptiles 300 Winged insects evolve 290 Pangaea forms 280 Beetles evolve 235 Dinosaurs exist 230 Roaches and termites evolve 225 Bees evolve 200 Pangaea starts to break apart 200 Crocodiles evolve 200 Appearance of mammals 145 Archaeopteryx walks the Earth 136 Kangaroos evolve 135 Flowering plants evolve 100 Primitive cranes (birds) evolve 90 Modern sharks evolve 70 Formation of the Rocky Mountains 65 Extinction of dinosaurs 60 Rats, mice and squirrels evolve 60 Herons and storks evolve 55 Formation of the Himalayan Mountains 55 Rabbits evolve 50 Primitive monkeys evolve 28 Koalas evolve 20 Parrots and pigeons evolve 20-12 Chimpanzee and hominid lines evolve 4 Hominid bipedalism develops 3.5 Lucy (A. afarensis) walks the Earth 2 Widespread use of tools 2 Most recent ice age begins 1.6 Homo erectus exist 1 Homo erectus tames fire 200,000 ya Homo sapiens neanderthalensis exist 50,000 ya Homo sapien sapiens exist 12,000 ya Humans domesticate the dog 10,000 ya First permanent H. sapien settlements 10,000 ya H. sapiens learn to use fire to make tools 6,000 ya Writing is developed 4,600 ya Oldest know Bristlecone Pine tree starts to grow Evolutionary/Geological Timeline Events Time (mya) Event 4600 Formation of the Earth 4300 Ozone layer 4300 First minerals crystallize 3800 Earth’s crust solidifies (oldest rocks formed) 3800 Condensation of atmospheric water into oceans 3500-2800 Beginning of photosynthesis by blue-green algae releases oxygen into atmosphere 1500 Eukaryotic cell organisms develop 1000 Rise of multicellular organisms 650 Soft-bodied animals 550 Formation of Gondwana 545 Explosion of hard-bodied organisms 530 Rise of the fish-first vertebrates 435 Free oxygen at present levels 430 Waxy coated algae begin to live on land – first land plants 420 Millipedes have evolved-first land animals 375 Appalachian mountains form (N. America, Africa and Europe collide) 375 Appearance of primitive sharks 350-300 Rise of the amphibians 350 Primitive insects evolve 350 Primitive ferns evolve (first plants with roots) 350 Extensive coal deposits 300-200 Rise of the reptiles 300 Winged insects evolve 290 Pangaea forms 280 Beetles evolve 235 Dinosaurs exist 230 Roaches and termites evolve 225 Bees evolve 200 Pangaea starts to break apart 200 Crocodiles evolve 200 Appearance of mammals 145 Archaeopteryx walks the Earth 136 Kangaroos evolve 135 Flowering plants evolve 100 Primitive cranes (birds) evolve 90 Modern sharks evolve 70 Formation of the Rocky Mountains 65 Extinction of dinosaurs 60 Rats, mice and squirrels evolve 60 Herons and storks evolve 55 Formation of the Himalayan Mountains 55 Rabbits evolve 50 Primitive monkeys evolve 28 Koalas evolve 20 Parrots and pigeons evolve 20-12 Chimpanzee and hominid lines evolve 4 Hominid bipedalism develops 3.5 Lucy (A. afarensis) walks the Earth 2 Widespread use of tools 2 Most recent ice age begins 1.6 Homo erectus exist 1 Homo erectus tames fire 200,000 ya Homo sapiens neanderthalensis exist 50,000 ya Homo sapien sapiens exist 12,000 ya Humans domesticate the dog 10,000 ya First permanent H. sapien settlements 10,000 ya H. sapiens learn to use fire to make tools 6,000 ya Writing is developed 4,600 ya Oldest know Bristlecone Pine tree starts to grow