Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) What is it? Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) is a genetic fingerprinting technique used to separate multiple DNA sequences according to their mobility in increasingly denaturing conditions. How does it work? Firstly, DNA is extracted from a sample. The bacterial DNA is then amplified using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). PCR products of the same size but differing nucleotide sequence composition can then be separated using DGGE. Each PCR product is added to a lane of a polyacrylamide gel containing a linear gradient of DNA denaturants (urea and formamide). Double-stranded DNA is partially denatured as it migrates through the gel. Separation of differing nucleotide sequences within a sample occurs due to the decreased mobility of partially melted double-stranded DNA molecules when migrating through a solution/gel under the influence of an applied electric field. DNA partially denatures in discrete regions called melting domains. Melting domains are stretches of base-pairs with an identical melting temperature. The melting temperature of each domain is sequence specific i.e. each unique nucleotide sequence melts differently. Once a domain reaches its melting temperature, the migration of that domain halts. This allows domains with different nucleotide sequences to stop migrating at different positions in the gel. Separated is therefore based on the difference in melting behaviour of individual melting domains as the DNA denatures. A GC-rich sequence known as the GC clamp is attached to one side of a DNA fragment during the PCR. The GC clamp prevents two DNA strands from completely disassociating and therefore results in nearly 100% detection of nucleotide sequence variation. DNA bands on a DGGE gel can be visualised using staining dyes such as ethidium bromide or SYBR Gold. Why is it used? DNA extraction PCR DGGE Flow diagram showing an example of the different steps in analysis of microbial community structure using DGGE. DNA is extracted from an environmental sample and the 16S rRNA encoding genes of the bacterial DNA amplified via PCR. Different bacterial DNA sequences are then separated using DGGE. The DGGE bands can then be excised to determine phylogenetic affiliations. DGGE is a rapid, reliable, reproducible and inexpensive technique. One of the strongest aspects of DGGE is its ability to allow simultaneous analysis of multiple samples taken from communities at different time points. Community composition, and diversity can be monitored as well as seasonal and environmental changes or fluctuations over time. 1 An additional feature of DGGE is the possibility to identify community members by sequencing excised bands. Since each new DNA band in a profile is likely to be derived from one (or very few) phylogenetically distinct populations, an estimate of species number and abundance based on the number and intensity of amplified fragments in a profile can also be obtained. Does it have any limitations? DGGE suffers from some general potential biases. These are linked to sample type, handling and storage as well as biases in the PCR technique and inefficiencies in DNA extraction methods. DGGE also has specific limitations. These include: limited sensitivity of detection for some rare community members (only predominant species in a community are displayed) and the co-migration of DNA fragments with different sequences. There can also be problems separating relatively small DNA fragments, and the production of molecules produced by different rRNA operons of the same organism. Heteroduplex molecules can also form when strands of DNA from two different PCR products re-anneal. However, some of these limitations can be improved or overcome. For example, limited sensitivity issues can be improved using hybridisation analysis and the formation of heteroduplex molecules can be reduced by optimising PCR conditions. Despite the rapid development of high-throughput sequence analyses techniques, DGGE remains the optimal method to provide an accurate and rapid overview of community composition from which more detailed sequence analyses can be completed. Further reading Gerard, M. (1999). DGGE/TGGE a method for identifying genes from natural ecosystems. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2, 317-322. Muyzer, G. and Schäfer, H. (2001). Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis in Marine Microbial Ecology. Methods in Micro 30, 425-468. Muyzer, G. and Smalla, K. (1998). Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) in microbial ecology. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 73, 127-141. Øvreås, L., Forney, L., Daae, F.L. and Torsvik, V. (1997). Distribution of bacterioplankton in meromictic Lake Saelenvannet, as determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified gene fragments coding for 16S rRNA. App and Env Mic 63, 3367-3373. 2 3