SCHEDULE OF TUITION FEES 2015-16 University Steering Group has approved the following tuition fees for the 2015-16 academic year. Contents Section A Undergraduate Fees Section B Postgraduate Taught Course Fees Section C Postgraduate Research Degree Fees Section D Modular Study Section E Postgraduate Visiting Research Students Section F Preparatory English and Pre-Sessional English Courses Section G Incoming Study Abroad APPENDIX 1 Fees for Modular Postgraduate Studies SECTION A: UNDERGRADUATE FEES Course Type Full-time degrees Home and EU Overseas New Entrants Continuing Students (maximum permissible fee set by UK government) £9,000 (CRT:U) Students admitted in Oct 2011 £3,465; Students admitted in 2012 onwards £9,000 ELQ Students: Classroom-based: £8,290 Performance-based: £9,840 Laboratory-based: £12,410 Courses in Biological Sciences and Psychology £14,500 (CRT:P) Foundation Degree in Oral Health Science (which includes placement fees)1 £28,403 (CRT:XX) All other courses: £12,500(CRT:U) Year zero of International Academy 4 year degrees £9,000 (selected courses only) £9,000 (repeat year students only) £9,750 (CRT:UI) International Diploma in Business n/a n/a £12,500 (CRT:U) International Foundation Programme £9,000 (CRT:UI n/a £9750 (CRT:UI) 1 Composed of the current fee band for UG lab- based degrees and the current NHS placement education fee. 1 Placement or year abroad within four year degree 2 Zero fee Students admitted in Oct 2011 £1,725; Students admitted in 2012 onwards zero fee Students admitted in Oct 2011 50% of standard fee; Students admitted in 2012 onwards zero fee Island fees (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) £9,000 Students admitted in Oct 2012 £9,000; Students admitted in 2011: Lab-based: £10,920; Performance-based: £8,598; Classroombased: £6,856 n/a Undergraduate part-time fees In 2015-16 no part-time undergraduate student undertaking a fee regulated HE course should incur an annual fee of more than £4,500. SECTION B: POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT COURSE FEES (a) HEU Masters Fee Bands HEU fees for Masters Courses are on a series of incremental bands. A B C D E F MBA £5,665 £6,695 £7,725 £8,755 £9,785 £10,815 £16,950 (b) Overseas Masters Fee Bands Overseas fees for Masters Courses are on a series of incremental bands. Mathematics and Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CRT:A) History, Language and Linguistics, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, Health and Human Sciences, Law, International Academy, Literature, Film and Theatre Studies, School of Philosophy and Art History (CRT:B) Biological Sciences, Essex Business School, Economics, Government, Sociology, Psychology (CRT:C) MBA (CRT:M) £13,950 £14,350 £14,950 £16,950 (c) All Masters Fees by Subject (see para. (d) for East 15 Acting School) Masters courses in any given subject discipline or sub-discipline are allocated to a specific HEU and OS fee band as set out below for full-time study. Part-time students returning for the second year of the course pay 50% of the fee specified. 2 Year abroad as part of a three year degree, £1,350; only in exceptional cases, must be approved by the Pro-ViceChancellor (Education). 2 Department/Centre Discipline HEU Fee Overseas Fee Art History & Theory All Masters Band A £14,350 £5,665 Biological Sciences MSc Environmental Resource Management, MSc Environmental Governance: Natural World, and MSc Natural Environment and Society Band A All other Masters Band A £14,950 £ 5,665 £14,950 £5,665 Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Band F Computational Finance, Financial Software Engineering, High Frequency Finance & Trade £10,815 All other Masters Band A £13,950 £13,950 £5,665 Economics All Masters Band E £14,950 £9,785 Essex Business School MBA Band MBA £16,950 £16,950 All other Masters Band E £14,950 £9,785 Government All Masters Band C £14,950 £7,725 Health & Human Sciences Pre-registration Masters in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing Fees set and awarded by NHS Health Research Band A Occ. Therapy: 3£14,950 (CRT:XX) Speech & Lang Therapy £14,950 (CRT:XX) £14,350 £5,665 Health & Organisational Research Band B £14,350 £6,695 Clinical Research £6,500 n/a Periodontology £11,500 n/a Advanced Periodontal Practice £10,500 n/a All other Masters Fees set and awarded by NHS N/A 3 History All Masters Band A £14,350 £5,665 Human Rights All Masters Band B £14,350 £6,695 Languages & Linguistics MA TESOL Band B £14,350 £6,695 All other Masters Band A £14,350 £5,665 Law International Human Rights Law, International Human Rights & Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law: Economic Relations, LLM in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Band D All other Masters Band B £14,350 £8,755 £14,350 £6,695 Literature, Film, & Theatre Studies All Masters Band A Mathematics Mathematics & Finance, Financial Decision Making with Apps Band C All other Masters Band A £14,350 £5,665 £13,950 £7,725 £13,950 £5,665 Philosophy All Masters Band A £14,350 £5,665 Professional Development Professional Practice Psychoanalytic Studies MA Refugee Care Band A £14,350 £5,665 Band C £14,350 £7,725 All other Masters Band B £14,350 £6,695 Psychology All Masters Band A £14,950 £5,665 Sociology MA Longitudinal Social Research, Band C £14,950 £7,725 Advertising, Marketing, Media (with EBS) Band B All other Masters Band A £6,695 £5,665 4 £14,950 £14,950 (d) Fees for East 15 Acting School (CRT:X) Course HEU Fee Overseas Fee MA Acting £12,500 £13,750 MFA Acting £12,500 £13,750 MA Theatre Directing £11,500 £12,500 MFA Theatre Directing £11,500 £12,500 MA Acting (International) £12,500 £13,750 MFA Acting (International) £12,500 £13,750 Year 1 and 2 (e) Diplomas and Certificates Fees for Postgraduate Diplomas and Certificates are linked to the HEU or Overseas fee for the Masters course in the same subject discipline and charged at 80% and 40% of the relevant Masters fee (the “baseline fee”) respectively. HEU Fees for Graduate Diplomas and Certificates, which are postgraduate in time but not in level, i.e. they are taken after a first degree but are final year honours in level, are charged at 80% and 40% of the Band A or (exceptionally) the B Masters fee. Overseas fees for these courses are charged as set out below. Fees for diplomas and certificates are therefore within a range as follows: HEU A £5,665 HEU B £6,695 HEU C £7,725 HEU D £8,755 HEU E £9,785 HEU F £10,815 OS £13,950 OS £14,350 OS £14,950 PG Diploma (DIP) £4,532 £5,356 £6,180 £7,004 £7,828 £8,652 £11,160 £11,480 £11,960 CRT:AD CRT:BD CRT:CD CRT:DD CRT:ED CRT:FD CRT:AD CRT:BD CRT:CD PG Cert. (CER) £2,266 £2,678 £3,090 £3,502 £3,914 £4,326 £5,580 £5,740 £5,980 CRT:AC CRT:BC CRT:CC CRT:DC CRT:EC CRT:FC CRT:AC CRT:BC CRT:CC Graduate Diploma £4,532 £5,3562 £9,500 CRT:AE CRT:BE CRT:AE Baseline Fee (DIPL) Graduate Cert. £2,266 £4,750 CRT:AB CRT:AB (CERL) 2 The Graduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Approaches is priced at 80% of the Band B Masters fee for HEU students to reflect the additional costs of this course. SECTION C: POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH DEGREE FEES (a) Home and EU students The Research Councils indicative fee for 2015-16 (CRT:R) is £4,052 which we have rounded down to £4,050. This has been adopted as the approved fee level for: i. All Home/EU research students (PhD, MPhil, MA/MSc by dissertation, MD at University of Essex departments/centres) full and part-time where part-time is at half the standard fee; 5 With the exception of: Year 1 (full time) or years 1 and 2 (part-time) of the for the doctoral programme in Refugee Care which includes a taught first year which is charged at the Masters rate unless student is in receipt of a Research Council award. Professional Doctorates in School of Health & Human Sciences, fees for which are determined by the NHS as follows: Professional Doctorates - Health and Human Sciences Home/EU Subject fee Year 1 and 2 Clinical psychology Counselling psychology Nursing Occupational therapy Physiotherapy Public health (health visiting) Social care practice management Health care education Social care education Health services management Social services management ii. £3,100 (NHS funded) Home/EU fee Year 3+ Half the standard PhD fee (CRT:R) Professional Doctorates in the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies (part-time) which are charged at postgraduate taught Band B, pro-rated for part-time study. Home/EU students on a taught postgraduate course in receipt of an ESRC or AHRC award, where the standard RC Masters fee is payable. (b) Overseas students PhD, MPhil, MA/MSc by dissertation, MD in Biological Sciences and Psychology £14,500 (CRT:S) PhD, MPhil, MA/MSc by dissertation in all other subjects (Art History & Theory, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Economics, Essex Business School, Government, Health & Human Sciences, History, Institute for Social and Economic Research, Languages & Linguistics, Law, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies; Mathematics, Philosophy, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sociology £12,500 (CRT:R) Professional Doctorates in Health & Human Sciences (part-time) Pro rata to CRT:S £7,250 Professional Doctorates in Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies (part-time) Pro rata to CRT:R £6,250 Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych) (full time) £25,000 (includes £5,000 bench fees) (c) Completion and extension fees Completion and extension fees for Research Degree students in any subject area, for all fee status categories are as follows: Completion (up to three terms ) £250 per term Further Completion for students first registered prior to 2008-09 (up to three terms) £500 per term Exceptional extension to maximum period, following Completion period, for students first registered from 2008-09 £500 per term Extension fee for Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Part-time fees per term 6 SECTION D: MODULAR STUDY a) Undergraduate Fees for modules taken on an individual basis by students registered part-time in order to complete modules for reassessment, will be charged by credit value pro rata to the relevant full-time fee, e.g. a 30 credit module will cost ¼ of the relevant full-time fee. Fees for modules taken on an individual basis by students concurrently studying for a degree are determined on an individual basis, but are normally charged by credit value pro rata to the relevant full-time fee that the particular student is paying for their year of entry. b) Essex Modern Language Certificates Fees for 2015-16 are: Members of the public: £890 per 30 credit module (costs of the study abroad element of intensive language courses would be charged as an extra) Members of the University (i.e. registered students/members of staff): £556 per 30 credit module c) Languages for All Programme All students wishing to learn a language in addition to their main course of study can do so at no additional cost through Languages for All. Students who wish to undertake a second language course can do so for a fee. For 201516 the fee for both Express and Portfolio additional modules has been set at £250. d) Postgraduate Taught Please see Appendix 1 for details of Postgraduate Modular Study Fees. i. Home/EU Modular study students declaring at the outset that they will not undertake assessments are entitled to 10% fee reduction, rounded to the nearest £5. There are no refunds for intended assessments which are not completed. ii. Overseas Overseas students would normally be unable to study part-time because of their immigration status. SECTION E: POSTGRADUATE VISITING RESEARCH STUDENTS The University has a tariff for visiting students seeking research attachments to departments and/or individual members of academic staff. This is intended to reflect the cost of providing a research attachment for an occasional student. These fees are calculated as a proportion of the standard PhD fees. The monthly rate is calculated as a quarter of a “four month" term. HEU Fee Overseas Fee All Classroom Lab Full year £2,025 £6,250 £7,250 2 terms* £1,350 £4,170 £4,835 1 term* £675 £2,085 £2,420 £170 £520 Monthly (3 months max.) £605 * includes vacation subsequent to final term, eg 1 term would be c.1 October to c.15 January. 7 The fee will include contact time with academic staff which would not exceed that delivered to a registered research degree student and occasional lecture attendance. Full module attendance would still require separate registration and payment in order to be registered for classes, examinations and to receive credit at the conclusion of the module. SECTION F: PREPARATORY ENGLISH AND PRE-SESSIONAL ENGLISH COURSES The International Academy fees for students on Preparatory English and Pre-Sessional English courses are not set in tandem with academic courses for the same academic year owing to the nature of the market. The following fees apply to courses in the academic years 2014-15 and 2015-16. Course 2014-15 weekly fee 2015-16 weekly fee Date of introduction of 2015-16 fee Essex English Language Programme (EELP) £255 £295 July 2015 (note, will revert to October introduction for 2016-17) Pre-Sessional English Programme (IA) PALSS £265 £300 March 2015 Pre-Sessional English Programme (IA) PEL and subject specific £295 £325 April 2015 English Language and £225 Study Skills Enhancement (ELSSE) TBC TBC (note, EASP may make it redundant) EASP £550 total fee Sept 2015 n/a SECTION G: INCOMING STUDY ABROAD Full Year Spring/Summer Term Autumn Term EU Students £9,000 £5,100 £3,900 Overseas Students £11,250 £6,500 £4,750 FEES FOR INFORMATION ONLY Fees for postgraduate research degrees at Writtle College are published by the College at Katherine Free Secretary to Fees Group June 2014 8 APPENDIX 1 Fees for Postgraduate Modular Study Dissertn. Credits HEU Fee Band Oseas Fee 20% Home/EU Dissertatio n Fee (£) 20% Oseas Dissertation Fee (£) Home per credit Art History 80 Band A £5,665 £14,350 £1,130 £2,870 Biological Sciences 60 Band A £5,665 £14,950 £1,130 Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CF) 60 Band F £10,815 £13,950 Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) 60 Band A £5,665 £13,950 Dept/Centre East 15 Home/EU 10cr (MBA) Home/EU 15 cr Home/EU 20 cr Home/EU 30 cr Home/EU 40 cr Oseas per credit £45 £675 £900 £1,350 £1,800 £2,990 £38 £570 £760 £1,140 £2,160 £2,790 £72 £1,080 £1,440 £1,130 £2,790 £38 £570 Oseas 10cr (MBA) Oseas 15 cr Oseas 20 cr Oseas 30 cr Oseas 40 cr £115 £1,725 £2,300 £3,450 £4,600 £1,520 £100 £1,500 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000 £2,160 £2,880 £93 £1,395 £1,860 £2,790 £3,720 £760 £1,140 £1,520 £93 £1,395 £1,860 £2,790 £3,720 MA & MFA Theatre Directing module fees published separately Economics 40 Band E £9,785 £14,950 £1,960 £2,990 £56 £840 £1,120 £1,680 £2,240 £85 £1,275 £1,700 £2,550 £3,400 Essex Business School 60 Band E £9,785 £14,950 £1,960 £2,990 £65 £975 £1,300 £1,950 £2,600 £100 £1,500 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000 MBA 40 Band MBA £16,950 £16,950 £3,390 £3,390 £97 Government 60 Band C £7,725 £14,950 £1,545 £2,990 £52 £780 £1,040 £1,560 £2,080 £100 £1,500 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000 Health & Human Sciences 60 NHS funded History 80 Band A £5,665 £14,350 £1,130 £2,870 £45 £675 £900 £1,350 £1,800 £115 £1,725 £2,300 £3,450 £4,600 Human Rights Centre 60 Band B £6,695 £14,350 £1,340 £2,870 £45 £675 £900 £1,350 £1,800 £96 £1,440 £1,920 £2,880 £3,840 £970 £97 9 £970 International Academy 60 Band B £6,695 Language & Linguistics 60 Band A £5,665 £14,350 £1,130 Law 60 Band B £6,695 £14,350 Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies 80 Band A £5,665 Mathematical Sciences 60 Philosophy £1,340 £45 £675 £900 £1,350 £1,800 £2,870 £38 £570 £760 £1,140 £1,520 £96 £1,440 £1,920 £2,880 £3,840 £1,340 £2,870 £45 £675 £900 £1,350 £1,800 £96 £1,440 £1,920 £2,880 £3,840 £14,350 £1,130 £2,870 £45 £675 £900 £1,350 £1,800 £115 £1,725 £2,300 £3,450 £4,600 Band A £5,665 £13,950 £1,130 £2,790 £38 £570 £760 £1,140 £1,520 £93 £1,395 £1,860 £2,790 £3,720 90 Band A £5,665 £14,350 £1,130 £2,870 £50 £750 £1,000 £1,500 £2,000 £128 £1,920 £2,560 £3,840 £5,120 Psychoanalytic Studies 60 Band B £6,695 £14,350 £1,340 £2,870 £45 £675 £900 £1,350 £1,800 £96 £1,440 £1,920 £2,880 £3,840 Psychology 60 Band A £5,665 £14,950 £1,130 £2,990 £38 £570 £760 £1,140 £1,520 £100 £1,500 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000 Sociology 60 Band A £5,665 £14,950 £1,130 £2,990 £38 £570 £760 £1,140 £1,520 £100 £1,500 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000 10 General Notes: 1. The amounts set out in this document for academic tuition are composite fees which include admission, registration, examination and graduation fees as well as an obligatory contribution towards the cost of student societies, sports activities and other amenities. The fees identified in this document do not include accommodation, or the cost of meals, or special or re-examination fees. 2. Late payment penalties are charged if tuition fee payments are late. Home and EU undergraduates are charged £25 per term – all other students are charged interest at 12.5% pa. 3. Once registered at the University, all students, regardless of funding source and fee status, are liable for their fees for the relevant degree course or research degree. If for any reason a student withdraws from their course, information on tuition fee payment and liability can be found on our website at: 4. Liability for payment of overseas fees is determined by reference to the Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations. The Admissions Officer is responsible for determining the fee status of applicants to the University; following admission, an appeal by a student against an overseas classification is considered by Student Support. In the event of a disagreement between the Admissions Officer and Student Support, the matter will be referred to the Academic Registrar. 5. Other Fees and Charges: Higher Doctorate Re-examination or re-submission of coursework Masters dissertation re-submission PhD re-examination or re-submission Partial Registration (during a period of intermission of studies) Continuation Fee (Mastership students) Late Registration Fee Fee for late change to exam entry details Fee for late change to exam entry details – on second notification Duplicate Degree Certificate Replacement Student Registration Card Confirmation of Conferment of Degree Transcript 11 £1000 £40 per module £120 £145 No Fee £100 per term £75 £25 £35 £40 £10 £5 per copy £5 per copy