Additional References

Chapter 8: Self-Assessments
Additional References
S. Rollnick, W. R. Miller, and C.C. Butler, Motivational Interviewing in Healthcare: Helping
Patients Change Behavior (New York, NY: Guilford Press, 2008).
Potter, P., and Frisch, N. C, (2009). The nursing process. In Dossey, B. M. & Keegan, L. Holistic
nursing: A handbook for practice (5th ed) (141-156). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
J. Prochaska, J. C. Norcross, and C.C. DiClemente, Changing for Good. A
Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life
Positively Forward. New York: Harper Collins, 1995).
M. Moore and B. Tschannen-Moran, Coaching Psychology Manual (Philadelphia:
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2010).
M. A. Dart, Motivational Interviewing in Nursing Practice. (Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett
Publishers, 2011).
S. Roberts. Communication for Health Promotion: Motivating Change, 3rd ed.
(Oakland, CA: Permanente Medical Group, 2005).
T. Stoltzfus. Coaching Questions: A Coach’s Guide to Powerful Asking Skills.
(Virginia Beach, VA: Coach 22, 2008).
J. Whitmore J. Coaching for Performance: GROWing Human Potential and
Purpose: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership, 4th ed.
(London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2009).