COURSE SYLLABUS MAN 3022 U01 Fall, 2014 (Aug 25 – Dec 6

MAN 3022 U01 Fall, 2014 (Aug 25 – Dec 6)
Th 11:00 am - 1:45 pm
Instructor: Dr. Clifford R. Perry
Office: CBC (Maidique Campus)
Office Hours:
Tu 11:00 am to 4:00 pm;
Wed By Appointment;
Th 8:30am to 10:30 am; 2:00pm - 4:00 pm
Phone: (305) 348-3274
Fax: (305) 348-6146
Email: Please use Blackboard course
It is my pleasure to be your instructor for this exciting course. I would like to tell you a little about myself before we
begin exploring the course material.
After completing my PhD from Purdue University, I taught for a few years at the University of Minnesota. I then briefly
worked at General Motors Corporation before moving to Eastman Kodak Company where I worked for more than 30
I joined Kodak in the Manufacturing Division, and subsequently held many supervisor, managerial and executive
positions in other divisions including Information Systems and Technology, Market Research, International Finance,
Research and Development, International Strategic Planning, Operations Management, Public Relations
Communications, Organizational Effectiveness, and Human Resource Management for the Company's Latin American
Region. This diverse background in business and management prompted me to want to share my experiences with
students within a business school after I left Kodak.
So, I then joined the College of Business Administration as a faculty member, and then also accepted a position as
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Academic Affairs.
I look forward to knowing you a little better when you submit your Student Homepage.
I am eager to guide you through this important business course successfully. In return, I expect dedication, commitment,
and quality work from each of you. Welcome to the class and I wish everyone all the best!
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This is an introductory course designed to help you better understand the essentials of management and organizations.
By exploring the four pillars of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) we will discover how
organizations leverage their scarce resources to achieve their goals.
The course presents an overview of the field of management, including the concept of organizational structure. You will
be introduced to the process of management in terms of both theory and practice. We will use case incidents,
interactive exercises, current thinking, and relevant examinations. The course is highly interactive and promotes the
effective use of electronic communication skills.
This course requires approximately nine hours per week of study time for optimal learning. Your focus, dedication and
commitment are required to maximize the benefits of our 15 week journey covering management topics that form the
cornerstone of your business education.
At the end of the course you should know the basic principles and practices of management. While working through this
course you will see that when most businesses fail it is because of bad management. Strive to have fun and learn as
much as possible; having a good understanding of the principles of management is vital in today’s marketplace!
This course provides an analysis of organizations and the management processes of planning, organizing,
directing, controlling, and decision making. Individual, group, intergroup, and organizational responses to
various environments and technologies are studied, as are contemporary techniques of management.
Specific course objectives include:
1. Define the important concepts and practices of modern management.
2. Identify the principle challenges managers face in achieving competitive advantage.
3. Distinguish among the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and
4. Describe managing in the global environment, and the implications of culture, diversity, and managerial ethics.
All course objectives are within the context of the following MANAGEMENT
Demonstrate understanding of how to carry out the planning function of management including:
Describe methods of strategic business analysis considering political, cultural, legal, market and
socio-economic forces;
Identify ways to create competitive advantage;
Explain how international business and global economic issues are considered in strategic
Describe how to establish corporate goals;
Identify methods of planning for efficiency and effectiveness objectives;
Explain considerations for exploring outsourcing options;
Describe how to conduct analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Demonstrate understanding of how to carry out the organizing function of management including:
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Formulate ways to carry out the controlling function in organizations, including:
Discuss ways of monitoring organization systems;
Describe methods for evaluating performance and implementing feedback mechanisms;
Explain how to maintain human resources and human capital through selection, evaluation,
compensation, skill training and career development processes;
Describe effective use of technology in managing systems;
Inventory various methods of compliance with legal regulations in the workplace.
Identify ways to fulfill the leadership function of management, including:
Describe various types of teams and group processes;
Explain how to conduct job design and scheduling of work;
Identify methods for creating effective communication networks;
Explain advantages and disadvantages of different types of organizational structures;
Describe important aspects of human perception, expectations and behavior in organizations;
Examine the impact of individual differences, culture, diversity, power and politics in
Describe the antecedents of job satisfaction and specify methods to foster it.
Explain how to foster commitment and motivation;
Explain considerations necessary for timely and effective decision making;
Contrast different leadership styles;
Prescribe actions for providing direction, support, participation, and maintaining standards of
Explain the importance of leader vision;
Identify methods and important factors in managing crises;
Identify the situational components necessary for change, adaptation and innovation;
Describe methods of implementation and follow-through.
Explain how linking the organizational social practices to the community is ultimately advantageous in
regard to:
Maintaining ethical standards;
Developing sustainable influence on the business environment;
Establishing a strong reputation through community engagement.
In addition to the above MAN 3022 course learning objectives, this course will also target three of the College of
Business Curriculum Learning Objectives, including:
Communications ability
Use of Information Technology
Critical thinking
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This course will consist of several teaching methods to facilitate student learning, including: lecture and textbook
discussion, Blackboard resources for eLearning, and self-directed initiatives using a variety of information resources.
Computer literacy and familiarity with information technology will facilitate the learning process. In addition,
Blackboard videos, quizzes for learning feedback, discussion forum questions, and chat room discussions will
supplement our use of the course textbook.
Learning will be participative, interactive and self-directed. Evaluation of student learning will be based on the
quantity and quality of student (self-directed) study reflected in collaborative and participation learning, written
assignments, and individual assurance of learning procedures.
Throughout the course, we will be referencing current business articles and other important learning material (that
will be posted on the Blackboard course contents page) such as:
The Wall Street Journal
New York Times
The College of Business cares about the quality of your education. For more information please visit the Assurance of
Learning site to learn more on the College's commitment to this initiative.
Once you have access to the course, please send me all personal correspondence through the Course Mail tool. Only
e-mails sent through the course mail tool will be answered.
Course Mail: E-mails will usually be answered during the evenings, three (3) times a week. Often e-mails will
be answered even sooner.
Blackboard Discussion Forum: Please post messages to the main discussion forum if they are relevant to the
entire class. In particular, all administrative questions should first be posted to the discussion board before
eMailing them to the instructor. Make sure you do not send me any personal correspondence using the
Discussion Forum.
Communicate with me frequently using email, or call me @ (305) 348-3274.
Read the syllabus carefully and mark your calendar for important dates (quiz deadlines, assignment due date,
etc.) Post your questions for the class in the Discussion Forum in order to stimulate student interaction.
Keep up with the reading assignments; don't wait till the last minute to take your quizzes or assignments!
It is EXTREMELY important that you get familiar with Blackboard (where you will be submitting assignments,
taking quizzes, etc.)
Additional information of becoming a successful student can be found at:
In order to help you reflect on your disposition relative to online learning, you can visit:
For some more Tips for Success go to:
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FIU's policies are important to the quality of your education. Click here for details on our On-campus Orientation/Online
Tutorial, Server Maintenance Requirements, FIU Library support, and FIU Policies.
Students in this class are encouraged to complete a feedback-based self-assessment tutorial developed by Colby, Bates
and Bowdoin Colleges to better understand plagiarism, and to use this understanding to avoid plagiarism. The tutorial
can be accessed at the Plagiarism Resource Site and the
feedback quiz is located at . There is another useful site on plagiarism at:
One of the greatest barriers to taking an online course is a lack of basic computer literacy. By computer literacy we mean
being able to manage and organize computer files efficiently, and learning to use your computer's operating system and
software quickly and easily. Keep in mind that this is not a computer literacy course; but students enrolled in online
courses are expected to have moderate proficiency using a computer. Please go to the "What's Required" webpage to
find out more information on this subject.
This course utilizes the following tools:
1. Discussion Board
2. Assessments
3. Assignments
Please visit our Technical Requirements webpage for additional information.
There are no pre-requisites for this course.
For information about prerequisites, click here.
Essentials of Contemporary Management
Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George
McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition
ISBN 978-0-07-802934-9
Click here to buy your textbook online at the FIU Bookstore.
This course is supplemented by Blackboard-based online assignments (essays) and assessments (quizzes and exams).
This means that student assurance of learning procedures will be explained online, and most student assurance of
learning requirements will be administered and submitted online. No weekly assessment (quiz or exam) or assignment
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(essay) will be accepted after the due date stated in the syllabus. Any appeal for exception must be accompanied by
documented health, death-in-family, or military obligation.
You will be expected to interact online with the professor for your assignments, and to meet deadlines. Students are
responsible for understanding the information contained in the online videos, which will be included in the quiz and
exam assessments. All quizzes and exams are taken individually, but online. Strict University policies for plagiarism or
student collaboration on exams or quizzes will be enforced.
Tips for Success in your online course, click here.
Online Etiquette, click here.
There may be a discussion question posted periodically by the instructor on the course Discussion Forum. Participation
in the discussions is strongly encouraged and may be factored into your final score.
Every student is required to create his/her own student homepage using the course's Discussion Forum, which can be
found on course's left navigation menu.
For help on how to use the HTML Creator to develop a Student Homepage, click here.
In order to mitigate any issues with your computer and online assessments, it is very important that you take
the "Practice Quiz" from each computer you will be using to take your graded quizzes and exams. It is your
responsibility to make sure your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements.
Weekly Essay Assignments:
In order to ensure that you are truly grasping the assigned readings, each week students are required to use the
Modules > Chapter > Assignments tool within Blackboard and submit (approximately) a 150 word essay on each of two
chapter Case in the News Essay questions. In addition, students are required to submit a 150 word essay on each of two
Chapter Review Essay questions. These assignments can be accessed thru the Weekly Chapter Assignments tab.
Additional information, including the critical thinking rubric and the writing rubric, is also located in the weekly chapter
assignments tab.
Each weekly written assignment is “open” for the duration of the related Exam coverage period. The written assignment
can be submitted ANY TIME during this related Exam period. Therefore, assignment feedback and scores will ONLY be
recorded three times (for all assignments within an Exam period) during the semester. Also, all (written) assignments
must be submitted using the weekly chapter assignments tab, and will NOT be accepted if submitted as an attachment
to an eMail to the instructor.
The explanation of the student homepage assignment, the weekly quizzes, and other course assignments appear in the
weekly chapter assignment or assessment tab.
Expected Quality of Responses:
Since this is an introductory course in business & management, I do not expect students to submit elaborate essay
responses. However, I do expect you to follow the (critical thinking and writing rubric) guidelines provided and to make
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an honest attempt at responding to a question to the best of your ability. In general, responses are expected to be
(approximately) 10 to 12 sentences in length. Please plan your time and do not merely throw a poorly crafted essay
together at the last minute.
If you have any questions after reading these instructions, please contact me ASAP because these assignments are a
substantial part of your grade.
Course Requirements
Exam I
Exam II
Exam III
14 Weekly Online Quizzes
10 Onsite Quizzes
14 Case Study Essays (see assignments section)
14 Review Essays (see assignments section)
Feedback for Instructor and Pledge
Course Evaluation
Syllabus Quiz
Student Homepage
Final Grades will be assigned on the basis of total points earned.
Letter Grade
95 - 100
Letter Grade
The following is repeated for emphasis: You should submit (online) essay assignments each week, and you must submit
completed (online) chapter quizzes each week. While you can submit (online) essay assignments anytime during the
given availability period as indicated in the Due Date tab, you are strongly encouraged to submit the chapter essay
assignments each week.
There will be ten weekly quizzes that will be administered closed book and graded in class during the semester.
If you attended class and ONLY if you completed the onsite (IN CLASS) chapter quiz, you must check the onsite quiz
PLEDGE box by the Sunday after the class session.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you follow the syllabus and complete all assignments on time. As stated, late
assignments will not be accepted and quizzes will not be re-scheduled. Any appeal for exception, which must be
requested in person and cannot be submitted by eMail, must be accompanied by documented health, death-in-family,
or military obligation.
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Please note that all learning evaluation assessments (exams and quizzes) will be administered without displaying the
correct answers following the assessment consistent with traditional onsite Scranton assessments in order to preserve
the integrity of the Publisher’s testbank. Students can make a synchronous virtual or in person appointment during my
office hours to review the correct answers to those questions they answered incorrectly.
Professional quality in the organization, completeness, neatness, and timeliness of any written material submitted will
be expected. As professional adults you are expected to manage your time and schedule accordingly. If this course
seems overwhelming for you, please contact me immediately to address your concerns.
PLEASE NOTE: All assignments must be completed by the date specified within the syllabus.
Assigned Readings
Module 1 – Management and The Environment of Managers
Week 1
Chapter 1 - The Management Process
Ch1 – 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Student Homepage Due
and Syllabus Quiz Due
Ch1 Quiz
(Aug 28)
Week 2
Chapter 2 – Values, Attitudes,
Emotions, and Culture: The Manager
as a Person
Ch2 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Chapter 3 – Managing Ethics and
Ch3 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Chapter 4 – Managing in the Global
Ch4 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Ch2 Quiz
(Sept 4)
Week 3
(Sept 11)
Week 4
(Sept 18)
Feedback for Instructor
Survey & Pledge/Credit
Exam 1 (Ch 1 – 4) Sept 19
8:00am – Sept 21 8:00pm
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Ch3 Quiz
Ch4 Quiz
Module 2 – Planning and Decision Making
Week 5
Chapter 5 – Decision Making,
Learning, Creativity, and
Ch5 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Chapter 6 – Planning, Strategy, and
Competitive Advantage
Ch6 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Ch5 Quiz
(Sept 25)
Week 6
(Oct 2)
Ch6 Quiz
Module 3 – Organizing and Change
Week 7
Chapter 7 – Designing Organizational
(Oct 9)
Week 8
Chapter 8 – Control, Change, and
(Oct 16)
Ch7 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Ch8 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Ch7 Quiz
Exam 2 (Ch 5 - 8): Oct 17
8:00am – Oct 19 8:00pm
Module 4 – Leading and Controlling
Week 9
Chapter 9 – Motivation
Ch9 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
(Oct 23)
Week 10
(Oct 30)
Chapter 10 – Leaders and Leadership
Ch10 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
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Ch 10
Week 11
Chapter 11 – Effective Team
Ch11 - 2 Case Study and
2 Review Essay Questions
Chapter 12 – Building and Managing
Human Resources
Ch12 – 2 Case Study and 2
Review Essay Questions
Chapter 13 – Communication and
Information Technology Management
Ch13 - 2 Case Study and 2
Review Essay Questions
(Nov 6)
Week 12
(Nov 13)
Week 13
(Nov 20)
Week 14
(Nov 27)
Chapter 14 – Operations Management:
Managing Vital Operations and
Ch14 - 2 Case Study and 2
Review Essay Questions
Course Survey
& Pledge/Credit
Review Chapters 9 – 14
Week 15
(Dec 4)
Preparation for Exam III
Read Appendix B: Career
Exam 3 (Ch 9 - 14): Tuesday Dec 2nd
8:00am – Thursday Dec 4th 8:00pm
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