Visit to Fossil Collection

Yorkshire Philosophical Society
Behind the Scenes at the Museum
A Visit to the Fossil Collection in the Yorkshire Museum
Thursday 9th October 2014 - 2 pm & 3pm
Thursday 23rd October 2014 - 3 pm
(These visits are timed to coincide with and supplement the lecture on Palaeontology on
Tuesday 2nd September.)
Behind the scenes in the Yorkshire Museum is a very extensive and extremely
fine collection of fossils, many of them from Yorkshire and including the
collection of specimens from Kirkdale Cave. Housing these was one of the
reasons the YPS opened the Yorkshire Museum in 1830.
Small groups of ten members at a time will have an opportunity to see and
handle specimens from the collections under the guidance of a curator. The visit
will last approximately an hour and there will be three groups, two on October
9th and one on October 23rd.
Cost: £5.00 per person to cover administrative costs and a donation to York
Museums Trust.
Early application is advised – and in any case by September 26th.
The Yorkshire Philosophical Society accepts no responsibility for any loss or injury suffered while taking part
in one of its visits. Participants are recommended to take out appropriate insurance cover
--------------------------------------------------Please return with your fee and a stamped addressed envelope to:
Graham Williamson, YPS, The Lodge, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7DR
Visit to the Yorkshire Museum Fossil Collection
I/We would like ........ place(s) at £5.00 each, and enclose a cheque for £.........
(payable to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society).
Name(s) ..............................................................................................................
Address ...............................................................................................................
..................................................................... Tel. .............................................
Preferred date of visit: .......................................................................................
NB These visits may be popular and we apologize if we cannot always manage the preferred date.