SOUTHWESTERN OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY RURAL HEALTH NETWORK IMMUNIZATIONS REFRESHER INFORMATION THESE LINKS DO NOT CERTIFY YOU FOR IMMUNIZATION IN OKLAHOMA; In order for our rural pharmacies to stay competitive and to be profitable with tightening dispensing reimbursements, these pharmacies must expand on the levels of services they provide. Some rural pharmacies have not taken advantage of immunization practices which is more profitable than some dispensing. For example, the acquisition cost of a single dose of flu vaccine costs an average of $12.00. The pharmacy can be reimbursed by a 3rd party from $24.00 to $27.00. That’s not bad for 5 minutes of work. A pharmacy can make a $30.00 profit on Zostavax. I’d like to see all of our rural pharmacists as immunizers because of the opportunity for you to capitalize and position yourself as pharmacists into that revenue stream. This can open the gateway for more services to be offered in the future. I believe this can be one more step toward helping raise the rural community health level by immunizing and raise patient awareness, that we are there to serve them. You being a Rural Health Specialist in your community, I believe immunizations can help make you the rural center for health care. A couple of suggestions: I would consider pre-booking flu vaccines with schools/ banks/ large companies in your area (some companies will pay for the employees vaccine) ( I have seen this work very well and profitable) I would consider looking at the children’s vaccination schedule and possibly setting up a routine plan for children in your community. Records for each child and seeing that they stay on schedule. (It would get them back into the pharmacy and keep them consistent). GETTING STARTED You must participate in a certified program Have a current CPR certification SBOP application o o mplate.pdf Protocol Standing orders o Checklist for safe vaccine handling & storage o Other Task o Obtain support and cooperation from clinic staff o Seek out community needs ( who needs immunizations) o Plan workflow and workspace o Purchase vaccine storage equipment o Purchase vaccine administration supplies o Purchase emergency response supplies o Arrange for staff training o Organize other vaccination paperwork and o reference materials o Create standing orders documents o Order vaccines — yes, do this last! Documenting and related task o o Record federally required information about your patient’s vaccinations in a permanent record or log - Follow CDC guidelines for giving current VISs Billing o It's federal law! You must give your patients current VISs Everything you need to know about VISs [#P2027] Medical management of vaccine reactions in adult patients Table describes procedures to follow if various reactions occur in adult patients, includes supply list [#P3082] Medical management of vaccine reactions in children and teens Table describes procedures to follow if various reactions occur in children and teens, includes supply list [#P3082A] Skills checklist for immunization The skills checklist is a self-assessment tool for health care staff [#P7010] Suggestions to improve your immunization services For use in both pediatric and adult health settings [#P2045] NOTE: THESE LINKS DO NOT CERTIFY YOU FOR IMMUNIZATION IN OKLAHOMA; they are for REFRESHER PURPOSES ONLY. These are from the CDC Centers for Disease Control: It is a very good resource for staying current and refresher. The second link takes you directly the immunization refresher training. FACTS SHEETS: (pdf.) DOSE/ ROUTE / SITE / NEEDLE SIZE SCREENING QUESTIONAIRES: HANDOUTS: Description: This web-based course is an interactive, self-study program consisting of a series of modules covering all aspects of immunization. The modules provide basic vaccine content, links to resource materials, a comprehensive glossary, and selftests to assess learning. Audience: Practicing nurses and nursing students, medical assistants, pharmacists, and other health professionals who provide immunizations. The course is designed for immunization providers who are new to immunization or for those who need a refresher. ADMINSTRATION TECHNIQUES: (video) CONTRAINDICATIONS: ADVERSE REACTIONS: (HOW TO HANDLE) RECOMMENDATIONS & GUIDELINES: STORAGE & HANDLING: