Working with the Media - Expanded Programme on Immunization

Research shows:
Unvaccinated children tend to have uneducated mothers –
suggests special focus on health education to mothers
2/3 of mothers (rural/urban) confirmed LHWs have talked
about vaccination and encouraged them to take children to
health facility
Parents of unvaccinated children have less exposure to
Interpersonal Communication
 Labor intensive, but often most effective method of
encouraging participation
 Planning meetings with community groups and leaders
 Health workers/field staff/LHWs tell parents about
campaign at clinic or in visits to homes prior to campaign
 Staff need ability to provide accurate information,
overcome rumors, and motivate and encourage parents to
vaccinate their children
Good communication skills
 Using Verbal and non verbal communication
 Effective, "active" listening in which the health worker
demonstrates to the parent/caregiver that they are heard
and understood;
re-phrasing what the child caregiver has said to make sure
it is correctly understood;
asking open-ended questions. The questions require more
than one word answers;
making eye contact; Looking at the person when talking
to you and showing you interested and showing concern
providing complete attention;
Basic Interpersonal Communication skills
Using simple clear language or local language
Using non-technical words when giving information
conveying correct information
Greeting people and being courteous
Dressing appropriately and respecting the local culture
not being rude or showing a bad attitude toward the
child caregiver
Smiling and being cheerful and ready to help at all times
Basic Interpersonal Communication skills
Summarizing to show you have understood
Making people comfortable while recording or giving
Answering those questions you know the answer to
truthfully; referring to others those questions which you
do not know
Use of IEC Material
The IPC Do’s
heath care providers / Vaccination team members
 DO treat parents with respect
 DO remain patient with parents, and not get into
 DO listen to reluctant parents’ concerns or questions
 DO answer any questions and address concerns with reason
 DO promise to bring to the attention of higher authorities
any non-immunization health issues that they are
concerned about
The IPC Don’ts
Vaccination team members should never…..
 NEVER force parents into accepting any form of
 NEVER be rude to parents because they are not informed or
have misconceptions about immunization
 NEVER Attack a parent’s values
 NEVER Immunize without consent
 NEVER Joke that vaccine will make children sick or sterile
Vaccinators & Mobilizers are health educators
Must be equipped to answer the tough questions parents
may have ( Approach and Manner)
Must be able to provide accurate information
Health Care providers interact with the community …..
 Static EPI / fixed sites
 Out Reach services
 public places and Health ceners
Barriers to immunization
Two Types of Barriers
Non behavioral
Behavioral barriers
Lack of understanding of importance of immunization.
Mothers don’t know about immunization schedule.
Do not know about subsequent doses.
Fears of side effects..
Husband doesn’t want mother to take child for
Mother’s perception of unpleasant treatment at facility
Refusal to have child immunized for religious beliefs.
Do Not follow immunization schedule properly –
Non-behavioral barriers
• Families have limited access to immunization
Health facilities are far away
Long waits at health facilities
Staff absent
Lack of vaccine/D. Syringes
Inappropriate vaccination timings
Individual Exercise
What are some common questions that parents ask
about OPV, the polio programme, or routine and other
health services? Share your questions and write down
the best answers for them.
Possible Questions
 Does OPV cause children to become sterile?
 Is the vaccine given only to Muslims or certain groups?
 Is an infant less than two months old too young to get
the vaccine?
 Is it safe for a sick child to get the vaccine?
 Why do vaccinators come to deliver OPV when other
health concerns are much greater?
 Why do vaccinators come so often, isn’t so much
medicine harmful for the child?
 Apply good communication skills
 Parent questions the harmful side effects of the
vaccine and is concerned that the child might die if
they take the vaccine. / Religious concerns
 What information shall be given to the mother when
she comes to vaccinate her child
 Effective Interpersonal Communication is key to
address concerns in the community.
 If interpersonal skills are weak, community concerns
cannot be overcome and resistance is likely to increase.
 In those communities where there is little resistance to
immunization, strong interpersonal skills can focus on
creating enhanced awareness and demand creation.