HOMEWORK TERM TWO DEPARTMENT: History Department KS3 Year 8 WEEK 1 3 DEADLINE LEVEL GOLD BAND: A Why did Henry Close the Monasteries give reason to support your answer? BAND: B/C Evaluate the reasons for Henry closing the Monasteries. Band: D/E Analyse the benefits and consequences of Henry closing the Monasteries. SILVER What benefits and consequences were there for Henry in closing the monasteries? Explain the causes and consequences of Henry closing the Monasteries. Evaluate the reasons why Henry wanted to close the monasteries. BRONZE How did Henry close the monasteries? Identify reasons for Henry closing the Monasteries Identify and explain the reasons that Henry wanted to close the Monasteries. GOLD What do these sources tell you about life during “Bloody Mary’s Reign” Describe the opinion of “Bloody Mary” that is shown in these sources Explain how reliable this source is to historians studying “Bloody Mary’s” Reign? Explain why the author of these sources has depicted “Bloody Mary” in this way? Analyse how the authors opinion affects the source and explain why SILVER Analyse the similarities and differences of sources on “Bloody Mary” 5 BRONZE Identify the similarities and differences in this source GOLD Illustrate a timeline with key events, dates and ideas related to Guy Fawkes and the role of parliament SILVER Illustrate a timeline with key events, dates and ideas related to Guy Fawkes Illustrate a timeline with the key events and dates related to Guy Fawkes BRONZE 7 GOLD Explain the influence Cromwell had on the people of Britain SILVER Make a table of all the positive and negatives Cromwell had on society BRONZE Identify a key change that Cromwell implemented in Britain. Explain if this makes him a good or bad person What do these sources tell you about life during “Bloody Mary’s Reign” Create a pamphlet for a museum that will discuss the overall impact of Guy Fawkes actions on parliament Create a pamphlet for a museum that will discuss and explain the importance of Guy Fawkes Create and Illustrate two timelines that highlight the key events and dates about Guy Fawkes and parliament Evaluate the impact and significance of changes and continuity within the time period of Cromwell’s Reign within depth Explain examples of changes and continuity within the time period of Cromwell’s Reign and discuss the impact of these on England Explain how reliable this source is to historians studying “Bloody Mary’s” Reign? Create an illustrated biography on the importance and impact of Guy Fawkes and the role of parliament Describe examples of changes and or continuity within the time period of Cromwell’s Reign Evaluate the impact and significance of changes and continuity within the time period of Cromwell’s Reign within depth Create an illustrated biography on the importance and impact of Guy Fawkes Create an illustrated biography on Guy Fawkes Analyse the effects of Cromwell’s actions on English Society and justify your response Analyse the effects of Cromwell’s actions on English Society