Friends of the Finland Community Gathering, January 9, 2015 World Café Round 1: What is working well? What do residents like about living there? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Vibrant community Warm & friendly people Finland Co-op Fierce individualism and creativity Appreciate clean air and water Community engagement CSA and local food Intergenerational activities throughout broader community Clair Nelson Youth Program Help from neighbors Preserve our history Volunteer fire and rescue Safe and trusting environment Tuesday Talent Craft Group Post Office Diversity of ideas and thoughts North Shore Area Partners' Senior Lunch Wolf Ridge St. Urho's Day celebration Unique industries and cottage industries OCA Cell towers and service Social and organization structures Local business support community activities and provide employment Trails Schools = Wm Kelley Community potluck Natural beauty Outdoor recreation Progressive town board Community theater Local talent and skills World Café Round 2: What could we do more of? If money were no object what would you do? (Arranged MOST DOABLE to OUTLANDISH) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. More community inclusion in land use issues (i.e. air base tower) More small business incubation Hockey rink Ability to take a leak in your own yard w/o getting arrested More open spiritual discussions Instead of helping, who would be willing to contribute funds? Clean up path/road from snowmobile parking to the bridge. Year round community compost for 2/1 organic matter Finland cross country ski trail (BJ Kohlstedt 353-7745) Directory of barter services More artist involvement, teaching and showing work Elderly housing and services, to keep elderly in their homes More healthy options on the menu in local restaurants $---Get fiber optic done Build and new Co-op store (expand?) Wind generator for power Do something with the old Finland school Community garden: plots, classes, kids project, medicinal herb garden Community garden (lead- Meghela ??; Fuzzy) Youth café (Joyce Y- lead, Nancy, Kenny Albrecht) Farmers’ Market Career/ educational resources to help young people find employment and stay in the area Mural on Clair Nelson, by community, for community (Joyce Y- lead, Nancy, Kenny Albrecht) Utilitarian bicycle trails or paths Band shell and more music Directory of skills, service exchange, free trade…could be barter, online ( Sue Harrington, Terry Miller) Apprentice opportunities: maple syruping, trades Wild rice processing Non-motorized community bike trails Community gardening and greenhouse I would build a wild rice processing plant. We are losing places to take wild rice for processing. (Fuzzy) Volunteers for driving and chores Laundry, showers (3X) Trail services (showers and laundry), also useful for locals who have ‘rustic’ housing Community youth hostel with showers and laundry Community sauna (2X) Community radio station Community newspaper Library $$--‘Green’ funerals $$-- Manufacture something uniquely “Finland”. Signature industry. Cross country ski trails at Community Center and community land along Baptism River 43. Campground at Community center 44. Campground & gathering spot at Community Center with: concession (burgers, beer, etc), shower building, trail maps on the outside of the building (Sue Sonerud) 45. Revisit, revitalize original sale/use agreement for the old Finland school building 46. More things for kids to do 47. More agricultural production 48. Outdoor skating rink 49. Teen room/center with pool table, foosball, snacks and beverages 50. More support for artists (i.e. “Art Colony”), community art workshop (Kenny Albrecht, Joyce Yamamoto) 51. $$$- more scholarships to send local students to college 52. An inter-community economy with new small businesses, jobs, and not tourism-dependent 53. Create independent community, i.e. food, energy, products, etc. 54. $$$- swimming pool 55. $$$- Endowment fund for Clair nelson Center and/or the community as a whole. (2X) 56. Septic plan for ‘downtown’ Finland 57. Homeowners insurance 58. $$$- affordable housing: build it, fund it, promote it, and make sure all who want it have a place (2X) 59. Dairy co-op/cheese. 6 cows on a farm 60. 3rd permit state (Marijane) 61. Rehab airbase and claim for community service 62. $$$- public transportation 63. Coffee shop w Internet access 64. Jobs with living wages 65. Walking trails 66. Community energy 67. Get fiber optic service done 68. Better roads 69. Band shell (Carol Youngberg) 70. Community service 71. Welcome committee Post Meeting Ideas 1. Motorcycle camping 2. Horse trails/revamp old horse corral out behind the ball field 3. Small community bus or van could be very useful. Could be shared with North Shore Area Partners or other local organizations 4. Coin operated shower or laundry facilities 5. Community printing business 6. More business support 7. A forum ( could be physical or internet based) for employees/employers to find each other 8. Classes on simple business skills like Quickbooks 9. Affordable and more childcare options in the area BROAD CATEGORIES HOUSING Elderly housing and services, to keep elderly in their homes $$$- affordable housing: build it, fund it, promote it, and make sure all who want it have a place (2X) CAMPGROUND Campground at Community center Campground & gathering spot at Community Center with: concession (burgers, beer, etc), shower building, trail maps on the outside of the building (Sue Sonerud) Motorcycle camping COMMUNITY/PUBLIC SERVICES Community garden: plots, classes, kids project, medicinal herb garden Community garden (lead- Meghela ??; Fuzzy) Laundry, showers (4X) Community sauna (2X) Community radio station Community newspaper Library Band shell and more music; Band shell (Carol Youngberg) Community gardening and greenhouse $$$- swimming pool Small community bus or van could be very useful. Could be shared with North Shore Area Partners or other local organizations Affordable and more childcare options in the area Year round community compost for 2/1 organic matter JOBS/BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT/ECONOMY More small business incubation Build and new Co-op store (expand?) Do something with the old Finland school Farmers’ Market Apprentice opportunities: maple syruping, trades Wild rice processing Build a wild rice processing plant. We are losing places to take wild rice for processing. (Fuzzy) $$--‘Green’ funerals $$-- Manufacture something uniquely “Finland”. Signature industry. Revisit, revitalize original sale/use agreement for the old Finland school building More agricultural production Rehab airbase and claim for community service Coffee shop w Internet access Jobs with living wages Dairy co-op/cheese. 6 cows on a farm More artist involvement, teaching and showing work More support for artists (i.e. “Art Colony”), community art workshop (Kenny Albrecht, Joyce Yamamoto) Community printing business More business support A forum ( could be physical or internet based) for employees/employers to find each other Classes on simple business skills like Quickbooks TRAILS Finland cross country ski trail (BJ Kohlstedt 353-7745) Clean up path/road from snowmobile parking to the bridge. Trail services (showers and laundry), also useful for locals who have ‘rustic’ housing Utilitarian bicycle trails or paths Cross country ski trails at Community Center and community land along Baptism River Non-motorized community bike trails Walking trails Horse trails/revamp old horse corral out behind the ball field SUSTAINABILITY Instead of helping, who would be willing to contribute funds? $$$- Endowment fund for Clair nelson Center and/or the community as a whole. (2X) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT More community inclusion in land use issues (i.e. air base tower) More open spiritual discussions Directory of barter services More healthy options on the menu in local restaurants Mural on Clair Nelson, by community, for community (Joyce Y- lead, Nancy, Kenny Albrecht) Directory of skills, service exchange, free trade…could be barter, online ( Sue Harrington, Terry Miller) Volunteers for driving and chores An inter-community economy with new small businesses, jobs, and not tourism-dependent Create independent community, i.e. food, energy, products, etc. Community service Welcome committee INFRASTRUCTURE $---Get fiber optic done (2X) Wind generator for power $$$- public transportation Outdoor skating, hockey rink Septic plan for ‘downtown’ Finland Community energy YOUTH Youth café (Joyce Y- lead, Nancy, Kenny Albrecht) Career/ educational resources to help young people find employment and stay in the area Community youth hostel with showers and laundry More things for kids to do Teen room/center with pool table, foosball, snacks and beverages $$$- more scholarships to send local students to college OTHER Ability to take a leak in your own yard w/o getting arrested Homeowners insurance 3rd permit state (Marijane) Better roads