Attenuation of haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation in adult patients with a single intravenous bolus dose of 3μg/kg clonidine: A prospective, randomized, double blind study ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation is often associated with hypertension and tachycardia because of sympatho-adrenal stimulation which is usually transient and lasts for up to 5-10 minutes. Many methods have been tried to blunt this haemodynamic response. Clonidine a centrally acting α – 2 agonist which has antihypertensive, sedative, analgesic actions in addition to reducing the anaesthetic drug requirements. Till recently clonidine was available in India as oral preparation only and as such oral preparation was only being used to attenuate the intubation response. Now clonidine has been introduced in parenteral form and can be used through intravenous route for attenuation of sympathetic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. AIMS: The present study was undertaken to study the efficacy of 3µg/kg clonidine IV, given 15 minutes before laryngoscopy and intubation in obtunding the haemodynamic response compared to the control. In addition, to evaluate the effect of clonidine on the dose requirement of thiopentone sodium, vecuronium and also to study the sedation and side effects. METHODS AND MATERIAL: STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING. One hundred normotensive patients aged between 18 to 60 years, scheduled for various elective surgical procedures belonging to ASA class I and II were assigned randomly into two groups. Group I (n=50) - received 10 ml of normal saline over 120seconds, Group II (n=50) - received injection Clonidine 3µg/kg diluted to 10 ml normal saline over 120seconds, both given15 minutes prior to laryngoscopy and intubation. Haemodynamic changes associated with intubation were noted in both the groups at different time points. RESULTS: The reduction in the heart rate and blood pressure by clonidine in the post-intubation period was statistically 1 highly significant (p<0.001). In addition Clonidine reduced the requirement of thiopentone and vecuronium and produced arousable sedation after extubation without any side effects like bradycardia and hypotension. CONCLUSION: Clonidine in the dose of 3µg /kg body weight given 15 minutes before laryngoscopy and intubation was seen to effectively attenuate the haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation without any side effects. KEY WORDS: Clonidine, Laryngoscopy, Tracheal intubation, Haemodynamic response, INTRODUCTION: Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation are commonly accompanied by 1 increases in arterial blood pressure and heart rate . The principle mechanism in hypertension and tachycardia is the sympathetic response 2, 3 which may be the result of increase in catecholamine activity 4. Transitory hypertension and tachycardia are probably of no consequence in healthy individuals. But either or both may be hazardous to those with hypertension, myocardial 4 insufficiency or cerebrovascular diseases . This laryngoscopic reaction in such individuals may predispose to development of pulmonary edema, dysrrythmias, myocardial insufficiency and cerebrovascular accident 5, 6. Pressor response is exaggerated in hypertensive patients even though rendered normotensive pre-operatively by antihypertensive medication7. Intravenous anaesthetic induction agents do not adequately or predictably suppress the circulatory responses evolved by endotracheal intubation8. So prior to initiating laryngoscopy, additional pharmacological measures like use of volatile anaesthetics9, topical and intravenous lidocaine10, 11, 12, opioids 13, 14, 15, vasodilators – SNP 16, NTG 17, Calcium channel blockers 18 ,19 , 20 and β-blockers 21, 22, 23, have been tried by various authors. Besides minimizing the cardiovascular response, anaesthesia induction for patients at risk must also satisfy the following requirements: it must be applicable regardless of patient group, 2 prevent impairment of cerebral blood flow and avoid awareness of the patient; it should neither be time consuming nor affect the duration or modality of the ensuing anaesthesia and also should not have any effect on the recovery characteristics. Among the recommended procedures, 24 intravenous clonidine appears to fulfill the criteria . Intravenous Clonidine, a central α–2 agonist has become a popular agent for obtunding haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation. Further clonidine has sedative, analgesic, antihypertensive actions in addition to reducing the anesthetic drugs requirement 24. Not many studies have been done in India using clonidine in the parenteral form for suppression of intubation response. Hence, we studied the effects of intravenous clonidine for attenuation of haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation. OBJECTIVE: Primary objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of intravenous clonidine in the dose of 3µg/kg body weight in attenuating the haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. Secondary objective was to study the effect of clonidine on the dose requirement of thiopentone for induction of anaesthesia and vecuronium for muscle relaxation and to study any adverse effects associated with clonidine administration such as increased sedation, prolonged recovery, hypotension and bradycardia. METHODOLOGY: Study population: One hundred patients, scheduled for various elective surgical procedures. Inclusion criteria: Patients belonging to ASA class I and II were included in the study after obtaining ethical committee clearance as well as informed consent from all patients. The patients were normotensive with age varying from 18 to 60 years. Exclusion criteria: Patients with hypertension, with heart rate less than 60bpm, systolic blood pressure less 3 than 100mm of Hg, presence of 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree heart block, patients with difficult airway (Mallampatti class 3 or 4; thyromental distance < 6cm) and hyperthyroid patients. Data collection: Patients were randomized into two groups. Group I - Control group (n=50) - received 10 ml of normal saline intravenously over 120 seconds and Group II - Clonidine group (n=50) received injection Clonidine 3µg/kg, diluted to 10 ml normal saline intravenously over 120 seconds both given 15 minutes prior to laryngoscopy and intubation. The allocation sequence was generated by random number tables. On arrival of the patient in the operating room, an 18gauge intravenous cannula was inserted under local anaesthetic infiltration and an infusion of normal saline was started. The patients were connected to multichannel monitor which records Heart rate (HR), non-invasive measurements of systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure( SBP, DBP, MAP), EtCO2 and continuous ECG monitoring and oxygen saturation. The baseline SBP, DBP, MAP and HR were recorded. After recording the baseline reading, study drugs was given, both given 15min before intubation. The study drug was prepared by the senior anaesthesiologist who was not involved with the study and observer as well as patient were blinded for the study. All the patients were premedicated with inj.glycopyrrolate 0.2mg, inj.midazolam 1mg and inj.pentazocine 15mg IV before preoxygenation. After preoxygenation for 3 minutes anaesthesia was induced with inj.thiopentone as a 2.5% solution till loss of eye lash reflex occurred and dose of thiopentone required for loss of eye lash reflex recorded. This is followed by inj.lidocaine 1.5mg/kg. Endotracheal intubation was facilitated with 0.1mg/kg vecuronium three minute prior to laryngoscopy and intubation. 15 minutes after giving study drug, gentle laryngoscopy and intubation was performed using Macintosh no.3 blade, trachea intubated. After confirmation of bilateral equal air entry, the endotracheal tube was fixed. 4 The heart rate, arterial blood pressure (systolic, diastolic and mean), SPO2 were recorded at eight specified intervals, namely, Basal - before giving study drug, Pre induction - before giving premedication, At Induction, At Intubation, One, three, five and ten minutes after intubation. EtC02 was maintained within 35±5 mmHg to avoid effects of hypercarbia or hyperventilation on the haemodynamic variables. The ECG was monitored continuously for arrhythmias and ischemia. No other medications were administered or procedures performed during the 10-min data collection period after tracheal intubation. Anaesthesia was maintained using 66% nitrous oxide and 33% of oxygen with 1% isoflurane. Neuromuscular blockade was maintained with vecuronium 0.05 mg/kg and the total dose of vecuronium required for the surgery was recorded. Incidence of side effects like hypotension, bradycardia, dysrrhythmia, delayed recovery were recorded in both the groups. Sedation scoring as per Ramsay scale Score Response 1 Anxious or restless or both 2 Cooperative, orientated and tranquil 3 Responding to commands 4 Brisk response to stimulus 5 Sluggish response to stimulus 6 No response to stimulus 5 Statistical methods employed - Descriptive statistics ( to measure mean, standard deviation) - Independent sample ‘t’ test ( to measure difference between two groups i.e. intergroup comparison) - Paired sample ‘t’ test ( to measure difference within the group i.e. intragroup comparison) - Contingency table analysis (for association between the rows and columns) p < 0.05 was considered as significant and p < 0.001 was considered as highly significant. RESULTS: The demographic data (age, sex, weight and surgical procedures and duration of surgical procedures) were similar in both the groups (p>0.05). Table 1: Changes in mean heart rate at various time intervals Group I Group II p value Basal 84.48 9.86 86.10 13.44 0.494 Pre-Induction 89.10 10.56 85.74 12.93 0.158 Induction 93.16 12.09 84.68 12.21 0.102 Intubation* 119.20 11.16 90.60 11.86 <0.001 1 min* 125.08 9.31 95.56 12.66 <0.001 3 min* 116.14 8.69 90.60 11.06 <0.001 5 min* 109.88 8.97 87.82 10.76 <0.001 10 min* 97.48 9.49 85.96 10.01 <0.001 * p <0.001 6 Figure 1: Graph showing changes in mean Heart rate at various time intervals 130 Group 1 Mean HR 120 Group 2 110 100 90 80 Session Table 2: Changes in mean systolic blood pressure (mmHg) at various time intervals Group I Group II Basal 127.90 5.62 122.74 9.25 0.328 Pre-Induction 130.84 5.86 122.12 7.29 0.188 Induction 127.26 5.72 120.48 7.28 0.128 Intubation* 145.34 4.58 127.30 8.60 < 0.001 1 min* 158.02 4.50 132.46 10.24 <0.001 3 min* 149.16 8.27 126.56 9.06 <0.001 5 min* 139.24 8.02 124.54 8.42 <0.001 10 min 128.58 5.91 122.80 7.94 0.232 * p <0.001 7 p value Figure 2: Graph showing changes in mean systolic blood pressure (mmHg) at various time intervals 160 Group 1 Mean SBP 150 Group 2 140 130 120 110 Session Table 3: Changes in mean diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) at various time intervals Group I * Group II p value Basal 77.00 6.10 77.70 7.58 0.612 Pre-Induction 80.80 6.49 78.68 7.75 0.142 Induction 78.30 6.88 76.22 8.09 0.170 Intubation* 94.04 3.46 82.66 7.81 0.001 1 min* 98.78 3.45 85.20 8.00 0.001 3 min* 92.12 7.24 82.32 6.99 0.001 5 min* 86.10 8.04 80.10 8.29 0.001 10 min 80.00 8.07 79.00 7.77 0.539 p < 0.001 8 Figure 3: Graph showing changes in mean diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) at various time Intervals 100 Group 1 Mean DBP Group 2 90 80 70 Session Table 4: Changes in mean arterial pressure (mmHg) at various time intervals Group I Group II Basal 93.62 5.05 91.84 6.59 0.544 Pre-Induction 97.28 5.33 93.00 6.87 0.652 Induction 93.66 5.35 90.68 6.75 0.133 Intubation* 110.86 2.82 97.58 7.17 0.001 1 min* 118.12 3.32 100.54 7.55 0.001 3 min* 110.28 7.01 96.96 6.97 0.001 5 min* 102.96 7.05 94.60 7.61 0.001 10 min 96.12 6.41 93.42 6.70 0.062 9 p value * p<0.001 Figure 4: Graph showing changes in mean arterial pressure (mmHg) at various intervals 120 Group 1 Group 2 Mean MAP 110 100 90 80 Session Table 5: Changes in rate pressure product at various time intervals Group I * Group II p value Basal 10842.80 1512 10608.00 2083 0.521 Pre-Induction 11679.84 1665 10504.22 1851 0.118 Induction* 11865.48 1713 10220.96 1577 0.001 Intubation* 17342.90 1893 11554.24 1795 0.001 1 min* 19787.86 1818 12678.22 2104 0.001 3 min* 17345.08 1816 11462.88 1724 0.001 5 min* 15318.78 1711 10943.38 1595 0.001 10 min* 12555.84 1567 10556.96 1388 0.001 p<0.001 10 Figure 5: Graph showing changes in Mean Rate Pressure Product(RPP) 21000 Group 1 Mean RPP 19000 Group 2 17000 15000 13000 11000 9000 Session Table 6: Showing (mean±SD) dose of thiopentone sodium, vecuronium bromide and sedation scoring in Group1 and 2 Mean Dose of thiopentone required for induction(mg) Dose of Vecuronium bromide required for muscle relaxation( mg) Group ׀ 284.00 26 8.48 1.91 2.0 0.4 Group I I 242.50 27 5.64 1.52 2.74 0.5 0.011 0.022 p value 0.015 11 Sedation score DISCUSSION Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation are considered as the most critical events during administration of general anaesthesia as they provoke transient but marked sympathoadrenal response manifesting as hypertension and tachycardia5. Many methods have been tried by various authors for blunting haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation. But all such maneuvers had their own limitations. For example, with opioids respiratory depression and chest wall rigidity were potential problems, use of halothane was associated with dysrhythmias, calcium channel blockers produced reflex tachycardia, direct acting vasodilators needed invasive haemodynamic monitoring and lidocaine did not give consistent results. Beta blockers blunt the heart rate response better than blood pressure response 21, 22.Clonidine, an α – 2 agonist, can blunt both the heart rate and blood pressure response to laryngoscopy and intubation, without having any adverse effects like respiratory depression and post operative nausea and vomiting. Clonidine was used in the dose of 0.625, 1.25, 3 and 6 µg/kg to attenuate the intubation response. Clonidine at 0.625 and 1.25 µg/kg was not or partially effective for blunting the haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation25,26. Doses greater than 3 µg/kg caused an increase in blood pressure and peripheral vascular resistance with reduction in cardiac output because of clonidine action on peripheral α 2- receptors 27 . Hence we used 3 µg /kg of body weight as the dose to obtund the haemodynamic response28,29,30,31. In the present study clonidine was diluted in 10 ml of normal saline and given intravenously over 120 seconds 29,32. From the pharmacokinetic profile, it is seen that the distribution half life of intravenous clonidine is approximately 11 minutes 24, 33. It has also been found that the maximum effect of 12 intravenous clonidine occurs approximately 15 minutes after its administration 25,26,28,29,31,32,34,35. In view of this clonidine was given 15 minutes before laryngoscopy and intubation. The patients in all the groups did not show any statistically significant differences in their age or sex distributions. We selected the optimal age range of 18 to 60 years. All the groups were similarly premedicated regarding anxiolysis. The preinduction values of HR, SBP, DBP and MAP did not show any statistically significant difference in both the groups. At 1 minute i.e., immediately after the laryngoscopy and intubation, the rise in the heart rate was maximum in both the groups. The mean heart rate rise was 40.6 bpm from the basal heart rate in the control compared to of 9.46 bpm in clonidine group (p<0.001). Zalunardo MP. et al 28 noted that the plasma catecholamine concentration increased to the maximum at 1 minute after the laryngoscopy. The decrease in the pulse rate after the clonidine administration was due to the reduction of the sympathetic outflow, the simultaneous increase of the parasympathetic tone of central origin and the influence of clonidine on the neurons which receive the baroreceptor afferents36. At 5 minutes, there was still a rise from the preinduction values of the heart rate in all the groups. But the values showed a decline from those at 1 minutes, the decline being more rapid in the clonidine group. At 10 minutes, the haemodynamic response declined in all the groups. In the control group, the systolic blood pressure increased maximally after 1 minute (mean rise of 30.12mmHg) and it gradually decreased over 10 minutes to basal value. With the administration of clonidine, the maximum increase as compared to the preinduction value was rise of 9.72 mmHg, with the blood pressure response being attenuated more effectively by 13 clonidine (P<.001). Michael Muzi et al. suggest that this may be due to an active baroreflex response to the change in the pressures37. The maximum increase in the diastolic blood pressure was 21.78 mmHg as compared to the preinduction value in the control group. It was 7.50 mmHg in the clonidine group (P<.001). Similarly, the mean arterial pressure increased by 24.50 mmHg from the preinduction value in the control group at 1 minute and it gradually decreased over 10 minutes. Clonidine limited it to only 8.70 mmHg (P<.001). Sung et al., (2000) have also shown that a premedication with clonidine helped in providing a perioperative haemodynamic stability38. Moreover, Yokota et al., (1998) concluded that the clonidine premedication might contribute to a haemodynamic stability during a sedated fiberoptic nasal intubation39. Similar results were obtained in other studies (Costello and Cormack)40. Nand Kishore Kalra, in 2011 12, concluded that intravenous clonidine showed the best control of the systolic BP and no significant episodes of hypotension. Overall, the clonidine premedicated patients showed a lower magnitude of the rise in the heart rate and the blood pressure. Both the blood pressure response and the heart rate were attenuated more effectively in the clonidine group as compared to control group. This finding was in accordance with the data which was available from other studies. We studied the total dose of thiopentone required for induction in each group. In control group dose of thiopentone required for induction was 284mg (5.06mg/kg) and in clonidine group dose required was 242.50mg (4.37mg/kg) showing reduction of 13.63%. This is statistically and clinically significant (p<0.05). Marinangeli F. et al. 29, Leslie K. et al. 32, also studied the dose sparing effect of clonidine. The anaesthetic sparing effect of clonidine is due to decrease in 14 central noradrenergic transmission and also α-2 receptor itself may mediate an anaesthetic response 32. We also studied the total dose of vecuronium required in each group. We found in control group dose of vecuronium bromide required for muscle relaxation was 8.48mg(duration of surgery:99 minutes) and in clonidine group dose required was 5.64mg(duration of surgery:100.5 minutes min).There is a significant reduction in the dose of vecuronium required in the clonidine group (p<0.05) compared to the control group. Since duration of action of vecuronium depends on the dose given, we can expect a prolongation of action of vecuronium by clonidine if similar doses were used in both the groups. Nakahara T et al 41, who studied the effect of clonidine on the duration of vecuronium induced neuromuscular blockade keeping the total dose of vecuronium constant in clonidine and control group found a significant prolongation of the action of vecuronium by clonidine. In control group mean sedation score immediately after extubation was 2.0 0.4 and in group II mean sedation score was 2.74 0.5. Statistical evaluation between the groups showed that the patients in clonidine group are more sedated than the patients in control group which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Clonidine is known to produce arousable sedation by its action on locus coeruleus nucleus without producing any respiratory depression 42. No patient in our study in the clonidine group had any post operative respiratory depression as there was no change in the SPO2 breathing room air. The results of the present study should encourage the routine use of clonidine as a premedication for the patients who undergo laryngoscopy and intubation. By providing improved 15 haemodynamics, clonidine proved to be beneficial as compared to other drugs in any clinical setup. CONCLUSION From the present study it can be concluded that In control group patients significant rise in the mean heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and rate pressure product (RPP) occurred one minute following laryngoscopy and intubation. This cardiovascular response persisted upto 10 minutes after which they returned towards baseline values. In clonidine group patients, clonidine in the dose of 3µg /kg IV, given 15 minutes before intubation, effectively attenuated the heart rate response and also arterial pressure response to laryngoscopy and intubation. 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