ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules January 4, 2014 This document contains input validation rules and output error messages generated in response to ACE Cargo Release / (SE) transaction processing. Description A transaction is submitted with a missing Action Code A transaction is submitted with an invalid Action Code A transaction is submitted with a missing Filer Code A transaction is submitted with a Filer Code that is not on file. A transaction is submitted with a missing Entry Number A transaction is submitted with an invalid Entry Number An Add transaction is submitted with an Entry Number that is already on file A Replace / Delete transaction is submitted with an Entry Number that is not on file A transaction is submitted with a missing Entry Type A transaction is submitted with an invalid Entry Type A transaction is submitted with a missing Importer of Record Type A transaction is submitted with an invalid Importer of Record Type A transaction is submitted with a missing Importer of Record A transaction is submitted with an Importer of Record that is not on file. A transaction is submitted with a missing Mode of Transportation code. A transaction is submitted with an invalid Mode of Transportation code. A transaction is submitted with a missing Bond Holder identifier A transaction is submitted with a continuous bond type and a Bond Holder identifier for whom there is no active, continuous importer bond on file. Error Code 001 Error Severity Rejection Error Message MISSING ACTION CODE 002 Rejection INVALID ACTION CODE 003 Rejection MISSING FILER CODE 004 Rejection FILER CODE NOT ON FILE 005 Rejection MISSING ENTRY NUMBER 006 Rejection INVALID ENTRY NUMBER 007 Rejection ENTRY NUMBER ALREADY ON FILE 008 Rejection ENTRY NUMBER NOT ON FILE 009 Rejection MISSING ENTRY TYPE 010 Rejection INVALID ENTRY TYPE 011 Rejection MISSING IMPORTER OF RECORD TYPE 012 Rejection INVALID IMPORTER OF RECORD TYPE 013 Rejection MISSING IMPORTER OF RECORD 014 Rejection IMPORTER OF RECORD NOT ON FILE 015 Rejection MISSING MODE OF TRANSPORTATION 016 Rejection INVALID MODE OF TRANSPORTATION 017 Rejection MISSING BOND HOLDER 018 Rejection CONTINUOUS BOND NOT ON FILE A transaction is submitted with a continuous bond type and a Bond Holder identifier for whom there is an active, continuous importer bond on file, but that is insufficient. 019 Rejection CONTINUOUS BOND IS INSUFFICIENT January 4, 2014 ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 1 ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules Description A transaction is submitted with a missing bond type code. A transaction is submitted with an invalid bond type code. A transaction is submitted with an estimated entry value that is not a valid number. A transaction is submitted with an invalid port of entry code. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has a missing bill type indicator. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has an invalid bill type indicator. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has a missing bill issuer code. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has an invalid bill issuer code. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has a missing bill of lading number. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has an invalid bill of lading number. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has an invalid bill quantity. A transaction is submitted with a bill record that has an invalid bill quantity unit of measure code. A transaction is submitted with a reference record that has a missing reference identifier qualifier. A transaction is submitted with a reference record that has an invalid reference identifier qualifier. A transaction is submitted with a reference record that has a missing reference identifier. A transaction is submitted without a Buyer name / address or identifier A transaction is submitted without a Consignee identifier A transaction is submitted without a Seller name / address or identifier A transaction is submitted without a Manufacturer name and address January 4, 2014 January 4, 2014 Error Code 020 Error Severity Rejection Error Message MISSING BOND TYPE 021 Rejection INVALID BOND TYPE 022 Rejection INVALID SHIPMENT VALUE 023 Rejection INVALID PORT OF ENTRY CODE 024 Rejection MISSING BILL TYPE INDICATOR 025 Rejection INVALID BILL TYPE INDICATOR 026 Rejection MISSING BILL ISSUER CODE 027 Rejection INVALID BILL ISSUER CODE 028 Rejection MISSING BILL NUMBER 029 Rejection INVALID BILL NUMBER FORMAT 030 Rejection INVALID BILL QUANTITY 031 Rejection INVALID BILL QUANTITY UOM 032 Rejection MISSING REFERENCE QUALIFIER 033 Rejection INVALID REFERENCE QUALIFIER 034 Rejection MISSING REFERENCE IDENTIFIER 035 Rejection MISSING BUYER 036 Rejection MISSING CONSIGNEE 037 Rejection MISSING SELLER 038 Rejection MISSING MANUFACTURER ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 2 ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules Description A transaction is submitted with an entity record that is missing a name and identifier A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has a missing entity code. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an invalid entity code. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an invalid entity identifier qualifier. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an invalid entity identifier qualifier for a buyer. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an invalid entity identifier qualifier for a consignee. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an invalid entity identifier qualifier for a seller. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an invalid entity identifier qualifier for a ship to party. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an entity identifier qualifier for CBP assigned number but the corresponding entity identifier is not a valid CBP assigned number format. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an entity identifier qualifier for IRS number but the corresponding entity identifier is not a valid IRS number format. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an entity identifier qualifier for Social Security number but the corresponding entity identifier is not a valid Social Security number format. A transaction is submitted with an entity record that has an entity identifier that is not on file. A transaction is submitted with an entity address record that has an invalid address component qualifier. A transaction is submitted with an entity address record that has an address component without an address component qualifier. January 4, 2014 January 4, 2014 Error Code 039 Error Severity Rejection Error Message MISSING ENTITY NAME AND IDENTIFIER 040 Rejection MISSING ENTITY CODE 041 Rejection INVALID ENTITY CODE 042 Rejection INVALID ENTITY IDENTIFIER QUALIFIER 043 Rejection INVALID BUYER IDENTIFIER QUALIFIER 044 Rejection INVALID CONSIGNEE IDENTIFIER QUALIFIER 045 Rejection INVALID SELLER IDENTIFIER QUALIFIER 046 Rejection INVALID SHIP TO IDENTIFIER QUALIFIER 047 Rejection INVALID ASSIGNED NUMBER FORMAT 048 Rejection INVALID IRS NUMBER FORMAT 050 Rejection INVALID SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER FORMAT 052 Rejection ENTITY IDENTIFIER NOT ON FILE 053 Rejection INVALID ADDRESS COMPONENT QUALIFIER 054 Rejection MISSING ADDRESS COMPONENT QUALIFIER ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 3 ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules January 4, 2014 Description A transaction is submitted with an address that has a missing city name. A transaction is submitted with an address that has a missing country code. A transaction is submitted with an address that has an invalid country code. A transaction is submitted with a line item that has a missing country of origin code. A transaction is submitted with a line item that has an invalid country of origin code. A transaction is submitted with a line item that has a missing tariff number. Error Code 057 Error Severity Rejection Error Message MISSING CITY NAME 058 Rejection MISSING ADDRESS COUNTRY CODE 059 Rejection INVALID ADDRESS COUNTRY CODE 060 Rejection MISSING COUNTRY OF ORIGIN CODE 061 Rejection INVALID COUNTRY OF ORIGIN CODE 063 Rejection MISSING TARIFF NUMBER A transaction is submitted with a line item that has an invalid 10 digit tariff number format. A transaction is submitted with a line item that has a tariff number that is not on file. A transaction is submitted with a line item that has a non-numeric line item value. A transaction is submitted without any Bill of Lading Numbers. A transaction is submitted without any line items. A transaction is submitted without any tariff numbers. A Delete transaction is submitted after one of the Bill of Lading Numbers has matched or an ACE Entry Summary is on file. A Replace transaction is submitted after the entry has arrived. An Add/Replace transaction is submitted with a line item that has a tariff number that requires PGA data An Add transaction is submitted with an Entry Number that is already on file in ACS An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a bill of lading number that has already been reported on an SE filing. An Update transaction is submitted more than 15 days after the earlier of entry arrival date or release date. 064 Rejection INVALID TARIFF NUMBER FORMAT 065 Rejection TARIFF NUMBER NOT ON FILE 066 Rejection INVALID LINE ITEM VALUE FORMAT 067 Rejection MISSING BILL INFO 068 Rejection MISSING LINE INFO 069 Rejection MISSING HTS INFO 070 Rejection DELETE ACTION NOT ALLOWED 071 Rejection REPLACE NOT ALLOWED 072 Rejection PGA DATA REQUIRED 073 Rejection ENTRY NUMBER ALREADY FILED IN ACS 074 Rejection DUPLICATE BILL NUMBER 075 Rejection UPDATE NOT ALLOWED January 4, 2014 ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 4 ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules Description A Replace / Update transaction is submitted to remove a Bill that has been placed on hold. An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with Air mode of transportation and a value for the bill issuer code. An Update transaction is submitted with an entity record. An Update transaction is submitted with a line item record. An Add/Replace transaction is submitted with an Entry Number filed with an ACE Entry Summary that was not certified for release but has a different port of entry. A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '03' and the reported entry number is not on file. A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '02' and the reported in-bond number is not on file. A Delete transaction is submitted after one of the Bill of Lading Numbers has matched (currently or previously) and a reason code, name and phone number are provided A Replace transaction is submitted after the entry has ((arrived and not released) or (if the entry is on intensive/doc)), and a name and phone number are provided A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '03' and the reported entry number is the same as the entry number to be deleted. A Delete transaction is submitted after one of the Bill of Lading Numbers has matched (currently or previously), and name and phone number are not provided A Replace / Update / Delete transaction is submitted for a simplified entry that has a pending action. A Replace transaction is submitted after the entry has ((arrived and not released) or (if the entry is on intensive/doc)), and name and phone number are not provided January 4, 2014 January 4, 2014 Error Code 076 Error Severity Rejection Error Message BILL CAN NOT BE REMOVED 077 Rejection BILL ISSUER CODE NOT ALLOWED 078 Rejection ENTITY INFO NOT ALLOWED 079 Rejection LINE INFO NOT ALLOWED 080 Rejection ENTRY SUMMARY FILED WITH DIFFERENT POE 081 Rejection REPLACEMENT ENTRY NOT ON FILE 082 Rejection REPLACEMENT IN-BOND NUMBER NOT ON FILE 083 Pending DELETE ACTION PENDING 084 Pending REPLACE ACTION PENDING 085 Rejection REPLACEMENT ENTRY MUST BE DIFFERENT 086 Rejection MISSING CONTACT INFO FOR DELETE ACTION 087 Rejection ACTION NOT ALLOWED FOR ENTRY IN REVIEW 088 Rejection MISSING CONTACT INFO FOR REPLACE ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 5 ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules January 4, 2014 Description A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '03' and the reported entry number is in cancelled status. Error Code 089 Error Severity Rejection Error Message REPLACEMENT ENTRY IN CANCELLED STATUS A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '02' and the reported in-bond number is in deleted status. A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '04' and the reported FTZ Admission is not on file. A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '04' and the reported FTZ Admission is deleted. A Replace transaction is submitted after the entry has arrived and released. A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '02' and the reported in-bond number and the original entry do not contain identical bill number. An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with an In-bond type record that does not have a corresponding Master bill or Simple bill record. An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with an In-bond number and the In-bond number is not file. An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with an in-bond number that is not on file with the reported bill number. An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with an in-bond number is in deleted or closed status. A transaction is submitted with a port of entry code that does not match with the destination port of the reported inbond number(s). A transaction is submitted with in-bond without a port of entry. An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a bill record that has a bill quantity that is more than the manifested quantity. A transaction is submitted with an invalid split shipment release code. A transaction is submitted with a port of entry code where the filer does not have appropriate authorization to submit ACE Cargo Release 090 Rejection REPLACEMENT IN-BOND IN DELETED STATUS 091 Rejection REPLACEMENT FTZ ADMISSION NOT ON FILE 092 Rejection REPLACEMENT FTZ ADMISSION DELETED 093 Rejection NO CORRECTION AFTER ARRIVAL AND RELEASE 094 Rejection SAME BILL NOT USED IN PROVIDED IN-BOND 095 Rejection MISSING BILL DATA FOR IN-BOND 096 Rejection IN-BOND NUMBER NOT ON FILE 097 Rejection IN-BOND NOT ON FILE WITH PROVIDED BILL 098 Rejection IN-BOND IS NOT IN OPEN STATUS 099 Rejection ENTRY PORT NOT SAME AS IN-BOND DEST PORT 100 Rejection 101 Rejection PORT OF ENTRY REQD WHEN IN-BOND REPORTED QTY IS MORE THAN MANIFESTED BILL QTY 102 Rejection INVALID SPLIT SHIPMENT RELEASE CODE 103 Rejection ENTRY NOT PERMITTED AT REPORTED PORT January 4, 2014 ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 6 ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules January 4, 2014 Description A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '03' with no reference record with "EN" qualifier Error Code 104 Error Severity Rejection Error Message REPLACEMENT ENTRY IS MISSING A Delete transaction is submitted with a reason code of '02' with no reference record with "IB" qualifier 105 Rejection REPLACEMENT INBOND NUMBER MISSING An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a bill record that has a bill quantity and a conveyance record. 106 Rejection QTY NOT ALLOWED IF SE16 IS REPORTED An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with quantity for a master bill record 107 Rejection QTY NOT ALLOWED FOR MASTER BILL An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with quantity for a tracking number. 108 Rejection QTY NOT ALLOWED FOR TRACKING NUMBER An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record with a bill record for a transaction bill. 109 Rejection SE16 NOT ALLOWED FOR TRACKING NUMBER An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and the quantity is not reported. 110 Rejection MISSING BILL QUANTITY FOR SE16 An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record that has an invalid or zero quantity. 111 Rejection INVALID BILL QUANTITY ON SE16 An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record that has a bill quantity that is more than the boarded quantity for a split bill. 112 Rejection QTY IS MORE THAN BOARDED BILL QTY An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with the same conveyance record more than once for a given bill. 113 Rejection DUPLICATE CONVEYANCE INFORMATION An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and a carrier code is not reported. 114 Rejection MISSING CARRIER CODE January 4, 2014 ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 7 ACE Cargo Release /SE Input Validation Rules January 4, 2014 Description An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and the air carrier code is more than two characters. Error Code 115 Error Severity Rejection Error Message AIR CARRIER CODE MUST BE TWO CHARS An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and the voyage/flight/trip is not reported. 116 Rejection MISSING VOYAGE/FLIGHT/TRIP NUMBER An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and the date of arrival is not reported. 117 Rejection MISSING DATE OF ARRIVAL A transaction is submitted with a missing estimated shipment value. 118 Rejection MISSING SHIPMENT VALUE A transaction is submitted with an estimated shipment value that is less than the aggregate value of all the lines. 119 Rejection VALUE LESS THAN ALL LINE ITEM VALUES An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and the air carrier code is not alpha numeric. 120 Rejection INVALID AIR CARRIER CODE An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and the carrier code is not on file. 121 Rejection CARRIER CODE IS NOT ON FILE An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record and the date of arrival is invalid. 124 Rejection INVALID DATE OF ARRIVAL An Add/Replace/Update transaction is submitted with a conveyance record with carrier, voyage, arrival date that is not associated with the bill. 125 Rejection NO BILL FOR REPORTED FLIGHT-VOYAGE-TRIP January 4, 2014 ACE Cargo Release / SE Input Validation Rules 8