Teacher Notes CHNOPs Protein Synthesis

Teacher Notes: CHNOPS Lab
Before doing this assignment the student should be able to:
- define gene
- state where in the cell transcription and translation take place
- describe the structure and function of DNA and RNA in inheritance
After doing this assignment the student should be able to:
- distinguish between transcription and translation
- describe the role of mRNA and tRNA in gene expression
- model gene expression from transcription to the level of phenotype (trait)
- relate genes and alleles to genotypes and phenotypes
In this investigation, students will simulate the mechanism of protein synthesis and thereby determine the
traits inherited by fictitious organisms called CHNOPs (represents carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen,
and phosphorous. These organisms contain only one chromosome and are members of the Kingdom
Animalia. A CHNOPS’ chromosome is made up of six genes (A, B, C, D, E, and F), each of which is
responsible for a certain trait. Students will need to have colored pencils (blue and orange) and drawing
paper provided. The finished drawings can be placed at the front of the room to compare traits.
Pre - Lab Discussion: Why are the organisms referred to as CHNOPs? What do those letter represent?
The student worksheets provided vary in all traits but two - hairy and long nose. Are those traits more
important to survival of the species? Is the variation important? If mating continues, will the traits stay the
same or will they change? What might cause some traits to become more prevalent?