Team Plan SUMMARY OF ACTION POINTS 2013/14 Team Draft 1 3/10/13 CHURCH Leadership Clergy Leadership LMDG Goal Actions Staff to build sense of team and ensure regular times away together for prayer, reflection and planning. Develop programme of days away. Book venues. Allocate leading of worship/sessions. Review. Jan 2014 Team Jan 2014 Feb 2014 SC Team Aug 2014 Team Staff to attend relevant training courses. Feedback. Agree training needs. Book courses Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Team individual Ensure clergy take holiday allowance and days off. Plan holidays, retreats, etc Monitor. Nov 2013 Team monthly Team Meet regularly to worship, build relationships and capacity, identify roles and discuss detailed tasks/events and issues. Develop and agree programme of meetings and away days. Book venues Agree training programme for LMDG and individuals incl LMDG/CMD modules/courses. Feedback to Group. Review. Sept 2013 Group Oct 2013 Oct 2013 ? Group June 2014 Group Finalise Team Plan and Action Points. Begin to match action points to people. Oct 2013 Ensure a manageable annual plan and strategy for BTM Timing Resources needed Oct 2013Jan 2014 1 Who How measured Review date Notes Every member ministry (also known as collaborative ministry) Worship To ensure that every member of a BTM church is fulfilling their calling. Facilitate existing congregations in worshipping God in traditional and more modern styles. Enable those outside the church to worship God. Allocate time lines. Implement. Review. LMDG does Enabling Others module. Review. Develop preaching/teaching programme re gifts/ministry. Explore ownership of responsibilities (eg LMDG “Shared and delegated ministries”). Facilitate “testimonies” by those in role - in services, LMDG, Cross+Link etc. Develop programme of identifying gifts in congregations (eg “Enabling Others”). Provide opportunities for mentoring, accompaniment, training, etc. Review. Jan 2014 Jan-July 14 July 2014 12/10/13 7/11/13 Feb-Mar 2014 Feb-Mar 2014 Feb-Mar 2014 Feb-Mar 2014 Apr-Dec 2014 Feb 2015 Develop existing services to involve congregations as much as possible and provide them with a variety of worship styles. Research and develop worship “events” which are accessible to different age groups outside the existing church. Visit other Fresh Expressions. Develop forum across the BTM to share good practice. Review team services. 2 Encourage choirs. Teach/learn more modern worship songs. Develop annual programme of rural/outdoor services. Prayer Encourage and facilitate a life of prayer - formal and informal, corporate and individual – amongst all those we care for. Preaching/teaching on prayer. Disseminate info on prayer widely and through all media. Encourage buddies, prayer partners/triplets. Promote prayer with individuals during 10.30am at St Mary’s and consider for other churches. Develop prayer boards/boxes at all churches. Lead by example eg extemporare prayer in meetings, homes, etc. Advertise Morning Prayer. Pewsheet. Healing Ministry To ensure that all those we encounter who are sick are given the opportunity to be prayed with. Develop and resource healing ministry team at St Mary’s. Expand ministry into other churches. Develop healing service. Discipleship Ensure that we all are grounded in the foundations of Christian faith and grow in faith Preaching/teaching. Introduce and develop Pilgrim across the Team, including confirmation classes and small groups (see proposed Pilgrim 3 programme.) Develop a culture of small groups. Encourage small group leadership. Lent course – What? How? Promote baptism of children and adult believers. Encourage confirmation. Organise one team away day per year. Organise one away weekend every two years and investigate possibility of sharing with another deanery benefice. Occasional Offices To ensure that those who come to us for baptisms, weddings and funerals are cared for and given the best possible attention. Continue to tighten up on admin (ie forms, lists, arrangements, communication). Baptisms Review baptism policy. Off dates agreed. Max no. per Sunday. Recruit and train visitors. Baptism Prep? Clergy/baptism visitor visit family at least 2 weeks before. Follow up families. Invite families to relevant services/events. Weddings Introduce new form. Admin to check arrangements 6, 3 and 1 month before wedding. Clergy to meet couple at 4 least 3 months before wedding. All couples invited to Marriage Prep. Invite couples to relevant services/events. Annual marriage celebration service. Funerals/bereavement BSG follow up families. Recruit new BSG members. BSG meet at least 4 times p.a. Occasional BSG training. Biannual Commemoration services. Memorial book at St Mary’s. Welcome To ensure that all those we encounter feel loved and welcome Response cards in every church. Follow up within 2 weeks. Develop Welcome Pack. Continue to develop a culture of welcome. Preaching/teaching. Training of welcomers. Pastoral care To ensure that those in need of care receive it Residential homes Visiting, HC and services. Home visiting Develop teams. Hospital Visiting and weekly HC. Prayer Improve communication of needs. Training provided as needed. 5 Stewardship All church members using the gifts God has given them for the good of all Preaching /teaching – at least one sermon series p.a. Identification of congregational gifts and encouragement to use them (various tools available). Training and accompaniment provided where needed. Financial needs regularly communicated. Encourage gift aided donations. Every church supporting financially at least one charitable cause. Children and Young People To ensure that children and young people are welcome, cared for and taught the Christian faith Admission of children to HC to be encouraged. Confirmation each year, prep classes, follow up. Make best use of Youth and Schools Project – training, resourcing, invite to services/events, camps, etc. Research parents and toddlers. Parenting courses? Mothers Union. Develop appropriate worship events. Teaching. Social To build relationships within and across the churches outside of weekly services Friends. Quizzes, etc Suppers. Trips. 6 Communication To ensure effective communication of all relevant info to congregations Pewsheet Cross+Link Website Weekly notices Publicity – flyers, posters Facebook Email Team Calendar – major events to be published in annual flyer Notice boards Lectionaries, rotas, etc COMMUNITY Foodbank To ensure full involvement in and support of Bridgnorth Foodbank Continue to encourage resourcing of Foodbank with volunteers, produce and funds. Schools To ensure that every primary school child in the benefice hears the message of the gospel and is given the opportunity to respond Christian ethos in CE schools (x2). Open the Book (4 schools). Assemblies (3 schools). Special services (CE schools). Develop school eucharists (CE schools) Church visits. RE. Prayer groups in CE schools. Governorship. Volunteering. Secondary schools – support of Y and S work. 7 Opportunities capitalised on, eg services, etc DBS checks kept up to date. List of those working with vulnerable adults and children kept up to date. New volunteers to have DBS checks. Diocesan training. Annual communication to congregations of main principles. Effective reporting system of incidents. Safeguarding Young Families To ensure that young families in the benefice are catered for and cared for Youth Club Christian ethos. Build relationships with children and parents. Develop opportunities for conversations which engage with children’s lives. Parent and toddler? School parents. The Elderly Residential homes (see above). Friends. Fellowship lunches. Communication To ensure effective communication of all info relevant the Public Website Facebook Media Cross+Link Other churches 8 Public buildings Publicity - posters, flyers Civic responsibility To support town and village leadership and events for the good of the whole population Mayoral chaplaincy Hospital chaplaincy Civic services Councillors Bridgnorth Carnival Music Festival Children’s Festival Haydn Festival Advocacy Ecumenical To ensure open and productive relationships and collaboration with other churches in the benefice Minister’s Group Steering Group? United services. Study groups. Publicise each other’s events. Links to each others’ websites. Youth and Schools Project. Foodbank CAP debt counselling Praise and Prayer Houses of Prayer Shops To encourage church members to live out their Christian faith in the community. Sharing our stories with one another. Teaching and preaching. Study courses. Testimonies. Training. Developing our buildings as tools of mission. MISSION AND OUTREACH Community To build the capacity of church members to share their faith in 9 appropriate and relevant ways Encourage all forms of involvement in the community incl tentmaking. To facilitate Team churches in their Mission Action Planning (MAPping) LMDG members to attend relevant PCC meetings to explain the process and help kick- start the process. Follow-up annually World Mission Support international organisations in mission, development etc Select an organisation each year to be supported by the team and one each at least per church. Communicate via website, Cross+Link and pewsheet. The Environment Ensure that all we do seeks to protect the environment here and elsewhere ANNUAL REVIEW To ensure we review, monitor and develop our plans annually Teaching and preaching. Take steps to reduce carbon footprint of buildings and our own homes. Wildflower areas in church yards? Support Christian environmental organisations – Operation Noah? Etc New collective name? Strengthen links with Sustainable Bridgnorth. Annual review Celebrate!!! The Five Marks of Mission: 1. Proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom (Tell) 2. Teaching, baptizing and nurturing new believers (Teach) 3. Responding to human need by loving service (Tend) 4. Seeking to be transformed and to transform unjust structures in society (Transform) 5. Striving to safeguard the integrity of creation, to sustain and renew the life of the earth (Treasure) 10 11