SIT Minutes February 25, 2015 3:36 p.m. Members Present: Greg Hatch, Richard Estrada, Judy Armendariz, John Kaudaissy, Eva Benavidez, Darlene Chavez, Angelica Soto, Maryanne Vasquez, Iris Parra, Sylvia Ramirez, Sandra Moreno, Sarah McClure, George Moran, Ashlee Candelaria, Blanca Topete (Burger King) Reading of Minutes from January SIT Meeting EPAC Minutes- Ms. Soto distributed a copy of EPAC Meeting Minutes held on January 15, 2015 o Discussion about which feeder pattern Purple Heart would belong to New Business o Benchmarks- Preliminary Results 3rd grade had growth- 10% passed Math last Benchmark, 41% recent Benchmark, 30% passed Reading last Benchmark, 68% recent Benchmark 4th grade Math 17% to 40%, Reading at District average, Writing above District average 5th- Reading 4 points below District average, Science 1 point above District average 3rd grade had a question on a rounding problem on Benchmark, Mrs. Armendariz asked and the question will not be considered for scores, that will raise both campus and district scores Set high goals as a campus and need to be above district Set goals high, Mrs. McClure has “100%” posted all over classroom STARR Predictions- due next week, easy template provided, students enrolled after November 1 st will not reflect on scores Lunch and Recess article- Article to be read by SIT committee and asked to share with grade level, vote will be taken during next SIT meeting to make decision for next year. Proposed that students will go to recess first and then eat lunch. Read article and discuss benefits with grade levels. Mr. Hatch mentioned some benefits found in the article that there is a greater consumption of fluids and food (veggies). SIT committee will come up with rituals and procedures to make it an effective program. o Mr. Estrada expressed concern that the program might not work if teachers do not pick up their students on time, Mrs. Armendariz commented that a standard will have to be set up by administration so that teachers do pick up their students on time. Mr. Hatch said that he will address this with individual teachers, not grade levels, who frequently pick up students late o Mrs. Ramirez asked if that would require changes to teacher’s lunch, only change will be student pick up area will change to cafeteria tables Tutoring, Interventions and Saturday School o Budget- Tutoring budget now needs to be used only for 3 rd-5th afterschool, intercession and summer school tutoring for STAAR prep, lower grades could still tutor on a volunteer basis if they wish o TIA’s- There are 6 students per TIA, there are 5 TIA’s plus Coach Carrasco and Mr. Valenzuela assisting with PE pull out, Mrs. Armendariz is providing materials for Reading and Enrichment, TEKS Daily Review Book is being used for Math, TIA’s have seen and reviewed data and keep communication with teachers o Lesson Plans: Lesson plans need to be turned in to Mrs. Armendariz for intercession tutoring Staffing: Possibility of losing two teachers, another section might be added to second grade next year since first grade this year has high numbers, might hold a quick faculty meeting soon to inform faculty of possible changes and to ask if any teachers are thinking of leaving campus or district, if a teacher is thinking of leaving please speak to administration, will not have Pre-K, losing Pre-K sections not Pre-K teachers, Mrs. Winger and Mrs. Soto will be staying at our campus Leslie: Leslie is receiving too many requests that keep her from her assigned duties(example: large number of copies with ASAP notes attached), she is not to leave the front desk area for campus safety reasons, if a teacher has an emergency and needs something printed or copied it could be sent via e-mail to administration, discussed that it is understood that there are some cases and emergencies when a teacher needs a copy but large number of copies need to be planned in advance by the teacher, Ms. Candelaria suggested that if pre-planned, volunteers could have copies ready for teachers, students cannot be sent to her during lunch or PE because parents have requested for their child not to go outside Upcoming Events o STAAR Testing (4 Write March 30, 31 and 5 Read March 31) Tentative STAAR Test Training Tuesday, March 24, all teachers will be trained, lower grade teachers might have to be pulled to help 5th grade has a large group of small group students Sit down breakfast will be served to testing students in cafeteria on both days, healthy breakfast (eggs, sausage, pancakes), Bilingual and small group testing students will eat first to accommodate more time to test, breakfast will be followed by a quick Ra,Ra, Pow Wow!! Mr. Estrada will complete bubbling for first round of tests during first week of intercession, next testing teachers will bubble their home room students tests during PLC Dyslexia does not receive two day testing but extended time o TELPAS Window (March 16-April 8)- Start collecting writing samples, Wednesday, March 4th, Mr. Estrada, Mrs. Armendariz and Mrs. Ruedas will be verifying writing samples during PLCs then teachers can rate afterwards, teachers will then turn in rated writing samples and rosters, Mr. Estrada needs certificates by Friday, March 6, Mr. Estrada and Mrs. Armendariz will administer TELPAS computer test after Spring Break for second grade and up o 5th Grade Basketball Playoffs- Benito made it to playoffs o Dance (March 4) Attendance Dance, clean calendar students get in free, 3 rd-5th grade could choose to skip PE for extra instructional time, Blanca Topete will provide burgers for Blackshirt students o Lock In (March 6) Last Lock in was cancelled due to lack of effort from students, Mr.Kaudaissy is in charge of Lock In, volunteers are needed, parents with cleared background check could volunteer their 3 hours during this time o Literacy Night (March 3) Ms. Tellez asking for volunteers to read but Mrs. Armendariz reminded all how it had been agreed on that teachers who did not volunteer time for Math/Science night would be volunteering for Literacy Night o Father/Daughter and Mother/Son o STAAR Bazaar (April 18th) American Ninja Warrior Theme, shirts are on sale for $10, all faculty, staff and students can purchase, speaker is still needed, possible guest speakers are Sean Jordan (UFC Fighter, Riverside grad) or Adam Morales (Championship Martial Arts), please ask grade levels for suggestions or if they know someone Coach Moran and Mr. Hatch will be setting up and building for the course beforehand, asking for volunteers to help Every student who runs the course will get a medal o Commended Field Trip to Carlsbad Caverns (May 28) Teachers, please remind students of this trip and encourage them to get commended to be able to attend, posters will be made Committees o Safety- Shelter in Place drill will be next o Olweus-4th grade reported bullying, will be discussed more during OLWEUS meeting Mrs. Ramirez said that some parents do not seem to really understand what bullying is and use the term loosely, Ms. Chavez has information that will be sent home to inform parents o Attendance- Ms. Heras will be pulling up reports to see which students need to make up time during intercession or prior attended Saturday school instead of making up time during summer (18 absences or more, excused and unexcused), Kinder, SPED and special circumstances are exempt Activities/Fundraising – 18 boxes of chocolate left, please make contact with parents to ask if any will volunteer to sell another box (will not apply to contest), Eva is working on list of students who have yet to turn in money, raised $11,000 but need to pay back $6,000 Reporting out by grade levels (needs/concerns) o PreK o Kinder o 1st- *Student’s desk get very sticky and dirty because they eat every morning at their desks, discussed that custodians do not have adequate time to clean every student desk on a daily basis, teachers could ask parents to donate Clorox free wipes to classroom so that students clean their own desks * Upper grade students do not wait for teachers to pick them up and they stampede into the building and block entrance in the morning, Mr.Hatch said he is there to open door for students because teachers wait for students in classroom but lets them in to walk to class on their own o 2ndo 3rd- Asking for STAAR Testing snacks for students such as mini granola bars,1 st grade backs up vehicle traffic during dismissal, Mr. Hatch said for 3 rd grade to line up against building alongside Kinder windows o 4th- Requesting other supplies instead of paper, Mr. Hatch said to provide list of supplies needed, During STAAR Testing could monitors be closer to the classrooms to better monitor students in hallways? o 5tho SPEDo PE- Coach Moran is asking that teachers not send “sick” students per parent requests to Leslie, he will sit them out during PE, suggested that teachers address this in newsletters, Mr. Estrada suggested to also include in newsletter that students cannot stay in with teacher during PE because they are “sick” (unless teacher volunteers) because that is a teacher’s duty free time, Ms. Candelaria will also add this in her newsletter Reporting out by stakeholder participants o Parents- Reminded teachers of “Patriot Parent Volunteer Schedule” where parents are needed, times and notes to guide parents of duties, please add that parent’s must have a cleared background check in field trip permission slips/information letters Noticed that flyers that are asked to be sent home are not being sent home or some flyers are still in classroom when event has passed, teachers please send out flyers, Mr. Hatch suggested that a box could be put outside of teacher’s door so that they have time to get information to send home instead of being placed in teacher’s lounge boxes and without having to interrupt teacher instruction time to give the teacher’s flyers Teachers, feel free to include her e-mail address in newsletters She will be handing out background check packets to parents during Pre-K and Kinder registration o Business OTHER o Mrs. Armendariz would appreciate if teachers could check their e-mail at the start and at the end of the day, she had sent an e-mail to inform teachers that some TIA’s were out and to not send students, students were still sent o Field trips- Mr. Estrada asked if chaperones had been chosen for field trips, if a teacher has an insistent parent, administration will speak to them, we cannot stop the parent from going to a public place but need to tell them that they cannot be with the other students and they cannot take their child at the end of the trip Closing: Meeting Adjourned at 5:08