PMSS Hockey Academy Information and Registration Form

Pitt Meadows Secondary/School District 42 Hockey Academy – Year 10
New Applicants Bantam & Midget
“The pursuit of academics & hockey excellence”
Open to male and females students, of every skill level, in grades 8 through 12, of every skill level, who are registered at Pitt
Meadows Secondary as of the 2013/14 school year. School District 42 Open Boundary Policy – Students can attend the Secondary
School of their choice and participate in the Hockey Academy.
Students receive academic credit (PE) for their participation in this Hockey Academy regardless the high school they attend.
Additional credits can also be obtained through work experience, upon successful completion of the program.
The total cost is $2,240.00 per year or 10 payments of $224.00. The program runs September to June (no additional costs).
The program includes 2 or 3 on ice sessions per week, off ice conditioning, classroom theory sessions, tactical, special events and
work experience, all within the normal school timetable.
There are two professional on ice hockey instructors, one goaltending instructor, as well as a trained academic teacher from Pitt
Meadows Secondary on the ice at all times. * Goaltending instruction provided if there is the demand. (4 goaltenders per group).
Certified off ice instructor and teacher instruct and attend all off ice and events.
Academy operates -Mondays, Wednesdays and scheduled Fridays 11:45-12:45 or 1:45-2:45pm. The Hockey Academy does not
interfere with Minor Hockey (students participate in their respective minor hockey associations) or school sports.
Interested new academy parents and students are strongly encouraged to attend our Open House/Info Session
Parent Information Night
February 6th
Parents and Students grades 8-12.
We will begin accepting new applicants/completed registration forms and payment at 8:30am on Thursday, February 7th at the
Pitt Meadows Secondary office or online at Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served
basis, and will be date and time-stamped, registrations will not be accepted before this time.
Your registration does not guarantee a spot in the Academy. Successful candidates will be based on the following criteria:
*Student is registered to attend Pitt Meadows Secondary or a School District 42 Secondary School in September 2013
*Student has demonstrated a respectful and responsible approach to being a student and hockey player
*Date and time of registration
* Pitt Meadows Secondary Administration will approve all successful candidates.
For more information:
Pitt Meadows Secondary
Pitt Meadows Secondary
Pacific Rim Hockey Academy
Teacher in charge
Steve Kater
Val Gilbert
Craig Millin
Building great the classroom, on and off the ice and in their community!
19438 – 116B Ave, Pitt Meadows B.C. Canada. V3Y 1G1
School 604-465-7141 Fax: 604-465-6274 email:
Fax 604-477-7277
Registration Inquiries:
Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______________________________ Parent E-Mail: _______________________________
Student’s Name: _________________________________ Student’s Date of Birth: M___/D____/Y___
Address: _____________________________________________Postal Code: ________________Home Phone #: _______________________
Current School: _________________Enrolling in Grade: ___ at ❐Pitt Meadows Secondary /at (school name) ❐____________________
Please note the school administration may request a copy of your student’s latest report card prior to the decision making process
# of years playing: ___ I play at what level? _______ Position: _______________ Minor Hockey Association: ________________________
Please note that the above information will be verified by officials in your minor hockey association as part of the application.
What are your academic goals? ____________________________________________________________________________________.
What are your athletic goals? __________________________________________________________________________________________.
Why would you be a good candidate for this academy? _____________________________________________________________________.
Payment for the academy can be made in total $2240 or by deposit of $224 and 9 monthly payments of $224 (September to May)
Cheque/credit card (see payment schedule below) I will pay for this academy by: ❐Cheque ❐Visa ❐Master Card ❐American Express
Card Number _________/__________/__________/____________/ Exp _________/__________
Method of payment:
Cheque/Credit Card payment in full - $2240.00
Cheque/I have included a deposit $ 224.00 along with 9-$224.00 postdated checks (September to May)
Credit Card /please process $224.00 (deposit) along with 9-$224.00 (monthly payments September to May)
Cheques made payable to PRHA or Pacific Rim Hockey Academy. *Please include Students 1st and Last Name on all Cheques
NSF cheques are subject to a $25 Administrative Fee.
Payments, Academics & Behavior not in good standing, could result in restricted participation.
Academy Payment Schedule:
Payment 1
Deposit at time of Registration
(withdraw before June 30th – Deposit refund)
Payment 2
September 1
(withdraw after June 30 but before September 1 – lose your deposit)
September 15 Withdrawing - you must contact our office and the school (lose your Deposit, September payment & Academy clothing)
Payment 3-10
October 1-May 1
Registrations received after Sept 10 – are not guaranteed Academy clothing
Administration is provided by the Pacific Rim Hockey Academy. Should your student withdraw from the academy for any reason you must
email Pacific Rim Hockey Academy at or
Parent/Guardian’s Name _____________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature ____________________________
Please note your completed application and payment does not guarantee your child’s acceptance to the Hockey Academy. Administration
reserves the right to place students. All decisions are final and not open to appeal.
Section E (Completed by Administration)
Accepted ❐
Not Approved ❐
Wait List ❐
Comments ____________________________________________________ Date and Time Received: _________________